Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 843: The Sun

The situation in other continents, especially the recent Southern Continent, the upper echelons of Dayan must be paying attention.

Since it hasn't been mentioned above yet, there is no need for me and others to worry too much.

Li Su continued: "Although Dragon Palace has emperor-level suppression, the sea area is vast and boundless, and all forces under Dragon Palace have suffered a lot.

Even, between our Qingming Palace and Dragon Palace, there are also sealed sea monsters appearing, which is the sea area that Ao Rong is in charge of.

After learning the identity of Lord Luo, a direct branch of the Azure Dragon Clan that Ao Rong belongs to requested to join us in dealing with the sea monster. "

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, because of the former Sea Emperor's Remains, his impression of Dragon Palace was pretty good.

In addition, Luo Bingtong seems to have half of her blood in Dragon Palace.

And if you let it go, you don't know if the Kraken will rush to the Eastern Continent.

Su Yuan asked: "How is the strength of those revived monsters?"

Li Su's expression was solemn: "The recovered ones are basically Scorching Sun, and many of them are legendary star beasts!"

"Is that so..." Su Yuan Su Yuan pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "It's okay to join forces, but the benefits must also be there."

Cooperation is beneficial to both, not only can it solve the hidden dangers in the sea, but it can also get closer to the Qinglong clan in the Dragon Palace.

Speaking of this, Li Su smacked his lips: "That Ao Rong is indeed very sincere and generous, because we saved him, and even took out the fifth-level materials and the star core of the burning sun!"

Su Yuan's expression moved slightly, and he said with a smile: "As expected of the Dragon Palace, it has dominated the southeast sea area for countless years, and its background is unfathomable.

In this case, then agree to them, and let Ashlia "deliberate" about the cooperation matters and conditions. "

Li Su is an old man, so he naturally understood what Su Yuan meant, and immediately smiled and said, "Yes."

Su Yuan thought for a while, and the red light flashed, and the demon appeared in the field.

"Yaopo, I'll leave the affairs of the palace to you. Protect everyone. In addition, hunt for more high-level star cores."

Yaopo grinned: "It's just right, I haven't been active for a long time, I have long wanted to kill!"

Now, with the advancement of the Yaodao, Su Yuan's comprehension of the heavenly god descending to earth and the gift of liberation, the strength of the Yaopo has increased greatly one after another.

Even without Shenhuo Kamikaze, it can handle most situations!

Moreover, after being upgraded to a living body, today's monsters seem to have gradually begun to develop their own abilities.

The realm of cultivation, the two are in common, but Yaopo has its own core...

Although this core cannot be inlaid with additional skills, it also has a certain kind of power, that is, the power of the soul!

"By the way, Palace Master, Palace Master Luo asked me to give this to you."

Su Yuan took a look, and his eyes lit up.

There are a large number of star cores inside, and there are even three Chongyang star cores.

Li Su said: "Palace Master, there are two Chongyang star cores that Ao Rong took out."

Su Yuan nodded, put away the ring and said to Yao Po and Li Su: "Then, you go."



The two agreed, and then headed all the way to the West Desert...

To the north of the Black Snow Country, the dangerous area between the north and the south is surrounded by dense snow and mist.

Because they are often in the endless snowstorm, the environment is harsh, and there are many high-level star beasts, so those who can enter the snow and fog forest are often high-level star card masters.

And at this moment, two Chongyang lieutenant generals of the ferret guards are besieging a Chongyang-level Snow Hidden Ghost!

Among them, the male is named Shi Han, and he is holding a bright silver snow gun to fight closely with the snow hidden ghost.

The woman's name is Mo Ling, and she has an ice crystal shield around her body. The star power surges between her hands and continuously releases deceleration, control, and attack spells to assist.

The two cooperated properly, even though this snow hidden ghost was flexible and like a fish in water in this ice and snow environment, it was getting more and more disadvantaged under the siege of two masters of the same level!

The ice crystals surged, the sky was full of frost and snow, after a fierce confrontation between Shi Han and Xue Yingui, Mo Ling finally seized the opportunity.

"Glacier Nova!"

The spell in Mo Ling's hand unfolded, and an astonishing layer of cold air suddenly surged with the Snow Hidden Ghost as the center.

The Snow Ghost was about to dodge with startled eyes, but Shi Han was already prepared, and while pulling back, several snow guns shot out from the outside of the Snow Ghost, blocking the way of the Snow Ghost.

The next moment, the glacier nova erupted like a layer of silver ring that annihilated everything, and the terrifying cold air formed an iceberg with a diameter of hundreds of meters, freezing the Snow Hidden Ghost in it!

Shi Han's eyes lit up, he raised his hands, and the infinite snow gathered in front of him, turning into a three-foot-long snow spear like a swimming dragon!

"Sharp shot, Bai Longtu!"

The Ferret Guard shouted violently, and accompanied by a dragon's chant, his spear immediately plunged into the glacier and went straight to the Snow Ghost.

Where the spear passed, the glacier melted into snow by itself, not only did not hinder it at all, but strengthened its power, it hit the Snow Ghost's chest instantly and penetrated it.

Snow Ghost's pupils shrank, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from its mouth. Countless snow runes rushed out from the gun and turned into snow chains, wrapping around Snow Ghost's body to restrict its movements.


Both Shi Han and Mo Ling were overjoyed.

Although this snow hidden ghost is not a legendary star beast, it is extremely rare.

Previously, he was in the north of the Heixue Country, killing many people in the Heixue Country.

This time, the two of them were ordered to chase and kill the Xueyin ghost all the way to the Snowfog Forest.

But at this moment, the locked Xueyin ghost suddenly looked behind Shi Han and his two with excitement in his eyes.

Shi Han suddenly noticed something, turned around to look, but saw another male Snow Hidden Ghost with a bigger body quietly appearing behind Mo Ling...


Shi Han was shocked, there was actually a Snow Hidden Ghost, and it was stronger than the one in front of him!

A cold light shot from the male Xueyin ghost's claws, and he grabbed Mo Ling with one claw.

"Mo Ling be careful!" Shi Han exclaimed.

Mo Ling's heart trembled, but before she could make any movement, she was slapped by the paw of the male Snow Hidden Ghost lurking in the wind and snow.


The ice crystal shield suddenly shattered, Mo Ling was caught by a claw and flew out, a mouthful of blood spurted out and was injured on the spot!

"Damn it!"

Shi Han glared angrily, raised his hands, and suddenly two snow spears condensed and landed in his hands, and threw them together at the male Snow Hidden Ghost who was attacking Mo Ling again.

The male Snow Hidden Ghost didn't dodge or dodge at all, he swung the Snow Ghost Claws and smashed the two snow guns, and rushed to Mo Ling, who was injured and fell to the ground, to kill him by force!

"not good!"

Mo Ling's face turned pale, and she only had time to explode her star power to resist.

At this moment, a blazing light flashed, and suddenly a golden holy sword fell from the sky to the top of the male Snow Hidden Ghost!

With the wind and snow as its sensory tentacles, the male Snow Hidden Ghost reacted very quickly, turning into a cloud of snow-white ghosts and flashing towards the side on the spot!

But immediately after, another flaming holy sword fell from the sky one after another.

The male Snow Hidden Ghost dodged again and again, but suddenly, he felt a terrifying energy fluctuation coming from under him.

Looking down, he saw that the four holy swords on the ground had formed a closed barrier on the snow!

The male Xueyin ghost suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of fright, and he was about to move away with a frightened face.

And the next moment, raging flames surged up from the holy sword barrier, instantly turning into a pillar of fire that soared into the sky and engulfed it.


A scream just came out before it stopped abruptly, and in an instant, there was no movement in the pillar of fire!

"This is?!"

Both Shi Han and Mo Ling were shocked. The Xue Yin Ghost, who they had been wrestling with for a long time, died so tragically in front of their eyes in an instant!

"Who is it!"

The two immediately looked around, but they still couldn't see anyone.

The barrier fire pillar formed by the holy sword gradually dissipated, and a handsome, blond man with bright hair like the sun stepped out of the fire pillar.

The golden-haired male has a golden holy sword hanging from his waist, and is wearing a gorgeous white cloak with 22 strange patterns like cards on the cloak.

The "sun" among the many patterns is more lifelike than other patterns, as if outlined by golden sunlight...

"It's from the north!" Shi Han was shocked.

And the blond man's figure flickered, and he instantly appeared in front of Mo Ling who fell to the ground.

Mo Ling was shocked in her heart, she raised her hand and was about to release a frost shock.

However, the blond man bent down and stretched out his hand:

"Are you OK?"

The words were calm but warm, which stopped the skills in Mo Ling's hands abruptly.

Seeing the sun shining on the blond man in front of her, Mo Ling could only feel a warm and reliable feeling rushing over her face, which made her extremely at ease.

"No...it's nothing." Mo Ling subconsciously said, but suddenly saw something and said in shock, "Be careful behind!"

Shi Han not far away also shouted loudly: "Get out of the way!"

It was the snow hidden ghost that was frozen in the glacier nova earlier, broke free at some point, turned into a snow shadow with hatred and madness, and killed behind the blond man!

Seeing the expressionless face of the blond man, it seemed that there was no time to react, Mo Ling was about to shoot the extreme cold shock in her hand at the Snow Hidden Ghost.

But in an instant, the blond man in front of him suddenly lit up with a scorching light that was as dazzling as the sun!

Both Mo Ling and Shi Han couldn't help closing their eyes in daze.

And the next moment, the two forcefully opened their eyes to look.

But all I saw was the snow ghost who had come in a surprise attack, and it had turned into a speck of black ash and disappeared behind the blond man...

Two seconds later, the sunlight on the blond man suddenly dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

If it wasn't for the few flakes of fly ash that were still mixed in the flying snow, one would even wonder if that Snow Hidden Ghost just now had really come over?

"This this?!"

Shi Han looked at the blond man in horror.

And Mo Ling's pupils trembled even more, and she was already in a state of trance.

Seeing that Mo Ling didn't respond, the blond man stretched out his hand and pulled her up.

At this time, Shi Han flew over, slapped the blond man's hand away, and pulled Mo Ling back hundreds of meters!

"Who are you!" Shi Han asked as if facing an enemy.

The blond man was not angry either, he just smiled lightly and answered truthfully:

"I am a knight of light."

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