Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 844: The Dragon Vein Is Coming

"Sure enough, it's Qiguang's man!" Shi Han's expression sank, he clenched his spear and pointed at the blond man, "What do you want?"

The blond man said: "Don't be so nervous, I was just passing by, and I shot when I saw you being attacked..."

"Passing by, by the way?"

Shi Han snorted secretly, but he didn't quite believe it in his eyes.

You must know that although due to the emergence of the gray world and the gradual calm of the Earth Tribulation, the situation between the north and the south is not as intense as before.

However, there are undercurrents surging between the north and the south, and the two sides are not in harmony.

Everyone knows that this is the calm before the storm, and after the dragon veins appear, there will be bloody storms.

Although the blond man in front of him rescued Mo Ling and killed two Xueyin ghosts, he was Qiguang's man after all.

The opponent seems to be extremely powerful, no matter what, it is better to retreat as soon as possible!

Shi Han stared at the blond young man closely, and led Mo Ling back step by step.


The blond young man who was standing there suddenly spoke, Shi Han's heart tightened, and he quickly clenched his snow spear.

But the blond young man raised his head and looked into the depths of the snowy mist.

"Since someone is injured, you'd better retreat as soon as possible, the beast horde is coming soon."

"Beast tide?"

Shi Han frowned.

Not to mention that the probability of a beast swarm happening is very small, and in a dangerous area like the Snow Fog Forest, most of the beast swarms are at the level of the shining stars and the bright moon, and occasionally two or three scorching sun star beasts will rush out.

For scorching sun like me and Mo Ling, even if they can't handle it, it's not difficult to get out.

However, Shi Han didn't say much, the two of them were about to leave after completing the task.

After carefully opening a little distance again, Shi Han found that the opponent really didn't seem to plan to make another move, so he immediately used the snow escape technique to wrap Mo Ling and flee outside at high speed!

The blond-haired young man watched Shi Han and the two disappear from sight, and then looked away.

After a while, another person came out from behind.

"Phoenix, did you just let them go?"

This is a tall, beautiful woman with long sky-blue hair, and she is also wearing the same white cape as the blond man.

It's just that, unlike the blond man, among the brightest patterns on the back of her cloak, the brightest one is an angel holding a Holy Grail.

This woman is named Wendy, and she is the "temperance" of one of the 22 truth knights of the Enlightenment Secret Society of Truth.

And the Phoenix in his mouth, that is, the blond male, is the sun, one of the 22 members of the Secret Society of Truth!

Phoenix put his left hand on the hilt of the golden holy sword at his waist, and shook his head slightly:

"My sword only cuts enemies and aliens, and at this moment, they are not enemies."

Wendy glanced at Phoenix, pondered for a while, and said, "Next time, I will kill these irrelevant people."

Phoenix shook his head and smiled, and didn't say any more about the matter, but instead asked, "How's the situation inside?"

Wendy said: "The star beasts in the depths of the snow and mist are already quite restless, and they should be indirectly affected by the changes in the earth's atmosphere.

According to what was said before, if there is also a beast tide happening here, then there is likely to be a dragon vein in this area. "

Phoenix nodded, and was about to say something when he suddenly lowered his head to look at the slightly shaking white snow on the ground.


In just a few seconds, this kind of vibration has reached the level comparable to a high-level earthquake!

Accompanied by the strange cry of the snow demon and the roar of tigers and dragons, in the snow and mist, countless star beasts could only be faintly seen flying into the sky.

And several of the auras have already reached the scorching sun level!

"Wendy, step back." Phoenix turned around and looked in the direction of the star beast surge, "It's best to back out ten kilometers away."


Wendy raised her hand to make a mudra, leaving a static phantom on the spot, and then the spiritual light flashed on her body and disappeared on the spot.

And Phoenix looked at the herd of beasts rushing forward, and slowly pulled out the holy sword around his waist...

Outside, Mo Ling and Shi Han were still evacuating at high speed.

But at this time, Mo Ling suddenly noticed something, turned her head to look, and her expression froze.

"Shi Han, there is really a wave of beasts!"

Shi Han has also reacted, turned his head to look, but saw the depths of the snow fog forest where the snow was flying heavily, and now the ice and snow roared like a blizzard, which was extremely alarming.

And in it, there are several terrifying auras, even stronger than the two of them!

Shi Han's eyes showed surprise: "There are so many scorching sun star beasts, and there are probably three suns. Could it be that all the high-level star beasts in the entire snow fog forest have come out!"

I didn't expect that there really was a beast swarm, and it was such a terrifying beast swarm, even the two of us couldn't stop it!

Shi Han immediately called out a large piece of flying snow to wrap the two of them: "Go!"

"Shi Han, look!" Mo Ling suddenly stopped him, pointing to the distance.

In the middle of the sky where the blizzard was located, before the surge of thousands of ice and snow star beasts, a little golden light suddenly lit up.

"Could it be him!" Shi Han suddenly remembered the blond man from before.

But in the eyes of Mo Ling and the others, that golden light was overwhelmed by the scorching sun beast horde headed by Bing Chi in a blink of an eye.

"Not good!" A bit of worry appeared in Mo Ling's eyes.

Although the factions were hostile, the opponent did indeed save the two of them.

The blizzard washed over, and even the light could not be seen.

The two of them didn't care too much, and they were about to start the snow escape technique and continue to distance themselves.

But at this moment, an incomparably bright light suddenly lit up in the beast tide!

Immediately, the sky and the earth turned white, like another sun bursting from the ground, bursting out with infinite light and heat in an instant!

Even though they were separated by such a distance, Mo Ling and Shi Han's field of vision was completely pale and it was difficult to see anything.

I could only vaguely see the melting of the flying snow, and thousands of ice and snow star beasts turned into flying ash almost in no particular order, no matter how strong or weak!

After a while, the light and heat gradually dissipated.

Shi Han and Mo Ling stared blankly at the scene ahead, their pupils vibrating violently.

The wind and snow stopped suddenly, the tide of beasts evaporated, the sun broke through the clouds, and the snow was dry... In the midair, there was only that small group of bright golden flames left!

"This...is this...?!"

Shi Han looked at the figure in mid-air and felt his scalp go numb for a while!

Remembering that he was still armed with a gun before, even though he was still in the cold snow and mist, Shi Han's face was dripping with sweat.

And Mo Ling's pupils trembled sharply, and she watched this scene with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

Could it be... that person just now was a king?

No... Judging from the aura, it is indeed not at the level of Marshal Fire Eagle Guard.

But such a blow, is it really possible for the scorching sun to make it! It's unimaginable!


Phoenix put away the holy sword and fell from mid-air, the fluctuation of star power on his body was faintly weaker than before.

Using such a huge power and a huge range of moves, the consumption is naturally not small, and the same is true for Phoenix.

"The field is cleared."

Phoenix looked at the phantom left by Wendy in front of him, and spoke in a low voice.

The runes flickered on the illusion, and soon, the aura flowed, and Wendy herself had replaced it and appeared in front of Phoenix again.

Looking up at the hordes of beasts that burned all around, Wendy couldn't help but freeze in the depths of her eyes.

There are 22 people in the Secret Society of Truth, including the nobles, the military, the church... people from various places.

But there were only two of them who gave up their status as knights of the sun and accepted the holy blessing to join the Secret Society of Truth after they had already been liberated...

One of them is Phoenix in front of him!

He is extremely powerful, and he abides by his own way of chivalry. He is known as the knight of knights.

After joining the Secret Society of Truth, he also got the Holy Sword Nahil, one of the four sealed holy artifacts given to the Secret Society!

Wendy raised her head and looked at Phoenix.

"are you OK?"

"It's just a little too much consumption." Phoenix shook his head slightly, and then said, "Check it out, Wendy."

Wendy nodded, and immediately started the spell to check the condition of the earth's qi.

Soon, Wendy's eyes flickered: "The earth's energy is flowing violently. Sure enough, this area is where the dragon's veins may be born!"

Phoenix nodded: "Okay, then get ready."

Wendy nodded slightly, immediately formed a seal with her hands, and started the arrangement...

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