Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 845: The War Has Started

Dayan, Xun Tiansi.

Because of the addition of Qilin Yu, the outer space has added a lot of new strength and vitality to the Sky Survey Division.

During this period of time, the outside seemed to be quite lively, but after the establishment ceremony of Qilin Yu, Su Yuan had already changed his status to "retreat".

With the ring that Li Su brought over, after some refinement, the number of Chongyang Sun Elixirs in Su Yuan's hands increased to five, which can be used for several months of cultivation!

In addition, the realm has been consolidated since this month, so Su Yuan took another Chongyang Sun Spirit Pill and entered the cultivation state.

If nothing unexpected happened, Su Yuan wanted to refine a Chongyang Sun Elixir first.

But this day, when Su Yuan was practicing, someone came to the door directly.

It was the hidden master Fang Yuzuo sat down, Lin Mo who had mastered two special skills!

"Envoy Lin came to the door, presumably there is something important?" Su Yuan asked.

Lin Mo nodded and said: "Because you were in retreat at the three meetings before, you didn't convey it... the fluctuation of the earth's energy became more intense!"

"Oh?" Su Yuan's expression froze.

Lin Mo took out the black card and projected a map, and said slowly:

"Ten days ago, the department detected the rapid growth of Earth Qi star veins, not only in Dayan territory, but also in the entire Eastern Continent.

According to the current changes in the earth's atmosphere, the company has conducted inferences and roughly calculated that there is a greater probability that dragon veins will be born in these areas on the mainland. "

Su Yuan looked at the projected map, many areas were marked on it, some of them were inside Dayan, and more were outside Dayan.

Lin Mo continued: "Although yin and yang alternate, the earth's atmosphere changes between day and night.

In the end, how many dragon veins were born, and where they were born is hard to say.

But it is still necessary to go as soon as possible to find out where there are signs of dragon veins being born. "

Su Yuan asked: "So, do you need me to wait?"

Lin Mo nodded and said: "Our Dayan, many experts have gone to various parts of the Eastern Continent to investigate.

It's not just our Great Flame. With the changes in the earth's atmosphere, the Huoluo Kingdom, the Heixue Kingdom, and even the Heifeng Longmen and other five-region forces have already made moves.

However, in this process, it is inevitable to encounter experts from the north, such as military powerhouses, mercenary masters, and wanted criminals recruited...

And the trickiest of them... is the Secret Society of Truth! "

"Secret Society of Truth..." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he asked, "How is the strength of the people in the Secret Society of Truth?"

"Very strong." Lin Mo's expression froze slightly.

"It was the army of the Fire Luo Kingdom who encountered the Secret Society of Truth for the first time.

A general, three lieutenant generals, plus more than fifty Huiyues, hundreds of Yaoxing, and many lower-level three... The entire army has been turned into a 'zombie'.

The zombie army backfired into the two cities of Huoluo, causing more than 20,000 deaths and injuries. In the end, it was the king-level powerhouse who arrived overnight to deal with the zombie army! "

"Zombie? More than 20,000 dead and injured, and forced to move the king?" Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he continued to ask, "Do you know who the other party is?"

"According to the survivors, it seems to be the 'chariot' and 'priestess' of the Secret Society of Truth."

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, the chariot and the priestess...

And this is not over yet, Lin Mo continued:

"Dragon Gate and other five-region forces, up to now, several scorching suns have died in the hands of the 'hermits' of the Secret Society of Truth, and even died in full view, and let them escape."

The snow and mist in the north of the black snow is dense, it is said that the "sun" of the Secret Society of Truth made a move, and thousands of beasts evaporated, and the blizzard in the forest stopped for three days..."

Listening to Lin Mo's recent information about the Secret Society of Truth, Su Yuan's expression also became more serious.

Attacking cities, killing masters, creating chaos... People from the Secret Society of Truth have gradually entered the field of vision and are active in the war.

And no matter which record the Secret Society of Truth has achieved, they are all extremely impressive!

And facing such an opponent, not to mention Huiyue and Yaoxing, even Chuyang and Chongyang, unless their combat power is extremely heaven-defying, they will be useless!

Su Yuan said: "Thinking about it, we should have dealt with it, right?"

Lin Mo nodded: "The army has already marched north, and the masters in the department have dispersed to all parts of the mainland.

Part of it is to explore the changes in the earth's gas and star veins, part of it is to join forces with Huo Luo, Hei Xue and the integrated forces of the five regions, and part of it is to deal with the people of the Secret Society of Truth..."

Su Yuan looked solemn, and said: "It seems that the prelude to the war has begun!"

Lin Mo nodded and said, "That's right!"

Su Yuan looked at Lin Mo: "So my arrangement is..."

"There are many enemy masters in the central region. I hope that the three seats will go to the central region to investigate the dragon veins and at the same time support other colleagues and allies at any time."

Su Yuan thought for a moment, nodded and said, "No problem, I can leave immediately."

However, Lin Mo said: "From what we can see so far, the members of the Secret Society of Truth are not only very strong, but they basically act together.

In order to deal with the Secret Society of Truth, the throne ordered that all envoys going to the central war zone, besides the real king, should preferably form a team of two or more people. "

"Then, my teammates here are..."

"The third seat Tian Hui of Xuanwu Yu, and Gongsun Wu of Qilin Yu."

"Oh?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded slightly, "They are all very strong teammates."

Lin Mo said with a smile: "Since coming out of the Hongmeng Realm, Imperial Envoy Gongsun has also realized that the gods have descended to earth, and their strength has greatly improved."

"That's right, the gods descended to earth..."

Su Yuan couldn't help thinking, with Gongsun Wu's tyrannical physical body, and then comprehending that the gods descended to the earth... that is indeed a great improvement in strength.

Lin Mo smiled and said: "But even so, he is still not your opponent. After all, Sanxi, you still have the gift of relief to defeat him."

The gods and ghosts are invisible, the heart is clean, the mana is tidal, the gods descend to the earth, and the gift is free.

The five great stunts are not independent, in fact there is a somewhat restrained relationship between them.

The gods and ghosts are invisible, able to hide their body shape, and to a certain extent, their own influence on the surrounding space, but they do not completely disappear.

With a clean mind, collecting and processing combat information at high speed, it is easier to capture the invisible traces of gods and ghosts.

Therefore, he is pure in heart and has a little restraint on the invisible of gods and ghosts.

Just like how Su Yuan dealt with Ke Chai before, Fang Qingxiao and Nangongli knew that Ke Chai was going to be killed by Su Yuan after seeing Ke Chai's invisible ghost.

As for the mana tide, one force can be reduced by ten times, and the massive star power can be used to suppress the room for exertion of one heart and no dust to the greatest extent.

The gods descend to the earth, the defense is unparalleled and immune to control and various negative states, naturally restraining the tide of mana.

The gift of relief, enhanced burst, is expected to break through the defense of the gods descending to the earth with the ultimate lethality.

But the gods and ghosts are invisible, facing the gift of relief from the sudden increase in attacks, they can cover their bodies and avoid them.

In this way, from small success to perfection, each unique skill restrains the previous one and forms a closed loop.

Of course, it's just a little restraint, and the specific effect depends on the strength and means of the star card masters on both sides.

However, with Su Yuan's strength, if he unfolds the gift of liberation and the divine sword light, even if Gongsun Wu has the overlord body of the gods descending to the mortal world, it will not be difficult to break through!

Su Yuan asked, "When are you leaving?"

Lin Mo said: "Tian Hui's third seat and Gongsun Wu are all ready, if you are ready for the third seat, I can notify them both."

Su Yuan stood up: "It's not too late, then an envoy from Laurin will inform the two of them to set off immediately."

"no problem!"

Lin Mo immediately notified Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu with a black card.

After Su Yuan sent Lin Mo away, he joined Tian Hui and the two, and then headed all the way to the central battlefield!

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