Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 846 Exploration

In the central region between the north and the south, in front of a certain mountain range where star beasts haunt.

A door of space opened, and three figures walked out of it.

All three are wearing similar black robe uniforms, but the patterns on them are the three holy beasts of Suzaku, Xuanwu and Qilin respectively.

These three people are naturally Su Yuan, Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu who came from Dayan.

Su Yuan took out the black sky survey card and checked the map: "Both of you, we've arrived at Gora Mountain."

Tian Hui and Gongsun Wuju looked up at the densely vegetated mountains ahead.

In the central region, the star power is not too low, but volcanoes, inland seas, ice fields... various landforms that are not friendly to ordinary people separate the vast central region, and it is difficult to form any large-scale forces.

Most of the forces here are small countries, or forces directly based in the city.

The south side of Gela Mountain is close to Yunxi Region, Fire Luo Kingdom, and Youman Forest.

And in the surrounding area, there are two small king-level countries, as well as several cities established by star card masters.

People in these small countries and cities mainly rely on the Gora Mountains as their main source of resources.

So when Su Yuan and the others came over, they also met two or three groups of Star Card Masters living nearby.

Tian Hui sighed: "Su Sanxi's space gate is too convenient, he deserves to be a space system star card master!"

Although others can also inlay the door of space, but without the bonus of space talent, the gap becomes more obvious as you go to the back.

Tian Hui took out a bronze compass with many inscriptions engraved on it, a pointer and a lot of data presented on it. This is the bronze ground guide used to detect changes in the earth's atmosphere and star veins.

Seeing this, Su Yuan said, "You two, let's investigate separately. Be careful not to separate too far. If there is any news, send a message immediately."


"no problem."

The two had no objection and agreed immediately.

Needless to say, Gongsun Wu was defeated by Su Yuan not long ago.

And Tian Hui knew that when the gray world was investigating, Su Yuan killed several scorching suns and defeated three sect masters in a row.

Along the way, the three of them were faintly headed by Su Yuan.

The three of them communicated for a while, and then shot out into the Gora Mountains.

The bronze ground guide plate is also the most sensitive when it is close to the ground.

Su Yuan fell back to the ground and moved forward quickly, checking the changes of the bronze guide plate every once in a while.

However, it is not so easy to detect changes in the earth's atmosphere.

Although the company deduces that the atmosphere here may change, it is difficult to predict whether it is right or wrong, and whether the timing is right or not.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

The sword energy passed by, and a camouflaged gecko that came unexpectedly and unexpectedly was cut in half by Su Yuan on the spot while it was still in mid-air.

The pretend gecko struggled and was about to cut off its tail and be reborn again, but in the blink of an eye, two sword qi flew towards it and completely tore it apart.

Ruanrou bounced back to pick up the star core and put it away for Su Yuan first.

And Su Yuan took out the bronze guide plate again and checked it out.

"The earth's atmosphere is indeed growing slowly, and the concentration of star power is also quite obvious.

However, it may be just a change in the general situation, or it may be the star veins of the three levels of tiger, wolf, and dog, but this alone is not enough..."

Su Yuan was thinking about it, but he suddenly noticed something. He opened his eyes and looked forward, but it was a middle-aged man who fled in panic from the front.

And behind him, a group of Fengxiang leopards with wind wings are following, four of them are even Huiyue class!

That middle-aged man himself is only at the crescent moon level, how can he stop the pursuit of so many Fengxiang leopards.

"Is this stabbing Fengxiang Leopard's nest?" Su Yuan withdrew his gaze.

Not long after, a middle-aged man appeared in Su Yuan's field of vision.

The middle-aged man also saw Su Yuan standing in front, and immediately shouted: "Friend, run!"

Su Yuan's expression was as usual, so he naturally had no reason to make way for a group of Bright Moon Star Beasts.

In the blink of an eye, the middle-aged man had already darted close to Su Yuan, seeing that Su Yuan was still not moving, he hurriedly said: "Go! There is a group of Fengxiang leopards behind!"

As he said that, the middle-aged man wanted to stretch out his hand to drag Su Yuan away, but strangely, he couldn't touch Su Yuan at all.

The middle-aged man was startled.

But at this moment, a strong wind was blowing in the distance, the giant tree bent down, and several Fengxiang leopards of the Huiyue level had already flown over first.

"not good!"

The middle-aged man was startled, and he didn't care about Su Yuan anymore, and fled away by himself after saying a word.

"He's still a sincere person."

Su Yuan laughed lightly, raised his hand to look at Fengxiang Leopard, and the immortal fire was beating at his fingertips.

"Cangyan·Evil Fire."

The black flame shot out like lightning, after hitting the first Huiyue Fengxiang Leopard, it folded several times in a row, piercing through several Huiyue Fengxiang Leopards in an instant.

The middle-aged man just now hadn't flown far away. He wanted to turn his head to see if Su Yuan had escaped, but he saw that all the Fengxiang leopards had been killed with a snap of his fingers!

The middle-aged man's eyes widened, and he immediately realized that Su Yuan was a master.

But at this moment, the middle-aged man froze in front of him, only to see Su Yuan approaching him suddenly.


The middle-aged man was startled and took a few steps back.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Don't be nervous."

The middle-aged man stabilized his figure and asked, "I wonder if your Excellency is...?"

"My surname is Su, and I come from Dayan." Su Yuan said.

It turned out to be a master of Dayan!

The middle-aged man looked at Su Yuan's clothes, it really looked like Dayan's style.

Although I haven't left the Rock Lizard Country very often, there are still a lot of people in China who go to Fire Luo Country and Dayan.

"Master Su, my name is Mu Mo, and I'm from the Rock Lizard Kingdom!" the middle-aged man clasped his fists and said respectfully.

Su Yuan nodded, looked at Mu Mo's clothes stained with star beast blood, and asked, "Have you been in the Gora Mountain recently?"

Mu Mo nodded and said: "That's right, people from the Rock Lizard Kingdom often come here to hunt. We have been hunting in the Gola Mountains for more than forty days this time."

"By the way..." Mu Mo gritted his teeth and took out two star cores, "Thank you for your help, these two star cores are all thanks to you!"

Su Yuan secretly laughed, this person is a rare honesty, it is not easy to obtain two star cores with his strength.

In this kind of place, you can meet such a simple and honest person.

Su Yuan said: "There is no need for the star core, I just ask some questions. When you said 'you' just now, did you mean more than you?"

Speaking of this, Mu Mo also thought of something and couldn't help sighing.

"My lord, there were originally three of us, and one of the Yuanyue class.

But for some reason these days, the star beasts in the Gola Mountains seem to be much more active than before.

I encountered a large group of strange birds on dry land before, which washed us away.

Now the distribution of star beasts in the entire Gola mountain range is chaotic, completely different from before.

I just wanted to find them, so I encountered this group of Fengxiang leopards! "

A bit of worry appeared on Mu Mo's face, and he didn't know what was going on with his companion.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately asked, "Can you take me to the place you mentioned earlier?"

Mu Mo thought for a while, the Gora Mountains are so dangerous now, in fact, Mu Mo has already planned to withdraw first.

Presumably those two companions should be the same, and they should be safer when they are together.

But Su Yuan is not weak, and he just helped himself...

"No problem, Lord Su, I'll take you there!" Mu Mo agreed after a little thought.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Okay."

Mu Mo led Su Yuan forward cautiously.

Su Yuan looked at his cautious look, and said with a smile: "Just lead the way boldly, and I will deal with any star beasts on the way."

Although the aura was not obvious, Mu Mo also saw that Su Yuan seemed to be a super expert.

Hearing what Su Yuan said, Mu Mo immediately let go of his movements and ran at full speed, while Su Yuan followed closely...


Just after walking for a while, a full-moon-level Yanyang lion rushed out from the forest in front, and opened its mouth to spray a pillar of red flames ten feet wide.

Mu Mo was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Su Yuan.

And the pillar of fire just landed in front of Su Yuan, and could no longer cross the thunder pool half a step.

Su Yuan raised his hand, and a little black spark lit up: "Burn it up."

Sparks flew out and landed on the pillar of fire, and the raging black flame instantly ate away the red flame and burned away along the pillar of fire. In two breaths, it rushed to the Yanyang lion and burned it to pieces under its terrified gaze. Fly ash, extremely domineering!

"It's so strong, it's definitely the scorching sun!"

Mu Mo's heart was shocked. This Yanyang lion is a full-moon-level epic star beast. Maybe he and his two companions can take it down!

Although it has long been guessed that Su Yuan should be a super master, now it seems that he is probably at the Burning Sun level.

"Go on." Su Yuan looked at Mu Mo.


Knowing that Su Yuan is a scorching sun master, Mu Mo has nothing to worry about.

Mu Mo is very familiar with the Gola Mountains. At least in this area, there are basically no Scorching Sun Star Beasts.

Two days later, Su Yuan and Mu Mo came to a hill in front of a basin.

"It's just ahead!"

Mu Mo immediately flew forward and led Su Yuan to cross the mountain.

But the next moment, when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, Mu Mo's expression froze.

However, in a large woodland below, the bodies of star beasts can be seen everywhere!

Seeing this, Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he immediately expanded his omniscient vision and looked further away.

As far as the eye can see, there are corpses of star beasts of various ethnic groups along the way. At first glance, there are hundreds of them, as if they have experienced massacres.

With a flash of silver light on Su Yuan's body, he teleported forward and landed on the ground in front of the corpse of a strange bird on dry land.

"The injury was caused by the wind energy arrow. The wound is not deep. The strength of the person who caused the injury should be around Huiyue."

Su Yuan looked up, and the injuries caused by these strange dry land birds were all different. There were injuries caused by wind arrows, sword injuries, knife injuries, and fire elemental injuries... It seemed that they were done by a group of people.

"Organized massacres, and all of them are masters of the third level. Could it be that the army of some country is stationed here?"

Su Yuan's eyes revealed his thoughts, and the essence-like brilliance in his eyes lit up, and he unfolded his mind cleanly, taking all the traces in the four directions into his thoughts, and began to copy.

Wounds, gaps in trees, traces on the ground... A lot of information is constantly being processed in my mind.

After a while, Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he raised his head to look deeper.

"There are nearly a hundred people, and they killed them all the way..."

At this time, Mu Mo also rushed to Su Yuan's side, staring at the star beast corpse of the strange dry land bird on the ground in shock.

"It's these strange dry land birds that attacked us earlier. Now they're all dead? What's going on!"

Su Yuan said: "It seems that there should be many star card masters organized."

Flipping his hand, he took out the bronze ground guide plate, and Su Yuan leaned close to the ground to examine it carefully.

But at this time, the originally stable data on the quotation board suddenly changed quite violently.

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