Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 847 Enemies

Su Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw the movement of the bronze lead plate.

"It seems that there may be a play in this direction."

Taking out the talisman with his hands, Su Yuan confirmed the positions of Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu, and then synchronized his own discoveries.

In the Gola Mountains, there may indeed be something to be gained, and the general direction is correct.

"Then I'll take a look first...huh?"

Suddenly, there was a violent sound of piercing through the air, and an incomparably swift arrow of wind shot towards Su Yuan's face!

Su Yuan raised his head, looked at the Arrow of Wind, which was blocked by an infinite barrier, and moved his eyes back to look further ahead.

But at the end of the far field of vision, there is a burly man holding a longbow, and this arrow of wind is shot by him.

Beside him, there was a woman with fiery red hair and a sexy figure, and soon, more than ten or twenty people appeared from all over the front.

"Aaron, Lin Na!"

Looking at the burly man and the red-haired woman in front of him, Mu Mo suddenly exclaimed, with a bit of joy on his face.

Hearing this, Su Yuan looked at the two of them, but his eyes moved slightly.

But at this time, the burly man bent his bow and drew the string, another wind arrow flew towards him amidst the howling wind, but it was still blocked by the infinite barrier.

Mu Mo shouted: "Aaron, it's me, stop!"

"Their state is not right." Su Yuan reminded in a low voice with a silver light floating in his eyes.


Mu Mo settled down to look carefully, and soon saw that both Aaron and Lin Na had some untreated injuries.

What's more, there are some dark blue lines on the bare skin of the two of them, and their eyes are full of numbness and tyranny.

Not just the two of them, but everyone else!

"This...Master Su, what's going on, what's wrong with Aaron and the others!"

Su Yuan said: "It looks like it has been hit by some kind of spell and controlled by someone."

"How could it be!" Mu Mo was shocked.

Before Mu Mo could be surprised, lightning, wind blade, pyro-explosion... all kinds of skills had already been thrown out from the hands of everyone in front of him.

Not only that, many of them flew down towards Su Yuan and killed them.

Su Yuan looked as usual, when these people rushed to the front, the undead evil fire swayed in front of him, and burned the magic attack and everyone into ashes.

The undead evil fire continued to roar towards the front, and the people behind were still releasing spells recklessly, and were burned to ashes by the evil fire without any resistance.

"Master Su!" Mu Mo exclaimed quickly, "Please let Aaron and Lin Na go!"

Su Yuan originally planned to leave one or two people to check the situation, but with a thought, he burned everyone except Aaron and Lin Na to ashes.

Although Su Yuan stopped, Aaron and Lin Na took out their melee weapons and deployed their skills to kill them together.

"Aaron, Lin Na, stop!" Mu Mo also tried to wake them up.

But of course this is of no use.

As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, the sky lock flew out and immediately entangled both of them.


Once trapped, the two immediately struggled fiercely with grim expressions.

But with only two bright moons, how can they break free from the lock of the sky? Can't even move at all!

While Mu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Aaron and Lin Na look like this, he was even more worried.

Su Yuanfei stepped forward, walked up to Aaron and checked.

There are dark blue lines under the skin all over the body, including on the face.

And there is an evil black curse mark on the chest, exuding an uncomfortable death aura.

"Sure enough, it's controlled. It seems to be some kind of spell?" Su Yuan's eyes showed some thought.

Mu Mo turned to look at Su Yuan, and begged on one knee, "Master Su! You are so powerful, can you save them?"

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, this kind of spell seems to be a spell combined with powerful dead energy.

Although Su Yuan didn't have the ability to disperse and purify, but as long as he broke through the dead energy that was the source of the power of the curse seal, he might be able to break the curse seal.

And to deal with the curse seal that contains death energy... then it only needs to have the vitality that conflicts with it!

Raising his hand, he pulled out the colored glass azure from his waist, which was like a work of art, and Su Yuan slashed down at Aaron in front of him!

"My lord?!" Mu Mo was shocked.

And the next moment, the cyan long sword slashed at Aaron's body, not only did it not cut him in half.

On the contrary, the blue light was dense, and an amazing vitality burst out, permeating and spreading towards Aaron's whole body!


The dark blue lines all over Aaron's body were suddenly hit, and he roared and struggled more and more frantically.

Just when Mu Mo was nervous, the dark blue lines on Aaron's body dissipated as quickly as the first snow melted, and the curse seal on his chest disintegrated, turning into a little black smoke rising from his body.

Not only that, even a huge wound on his abdomen quickly healed and grew new flesh under Liuli Tianqing's infinite vitality!

"You...you are?" Aaron regained consciousness and saw Su Yuan in front of him.

Mu Mo said in surprise: "Aaron!"

Aaron immediately noticed Mu Mo: "Old Mo!"

"Aaron, it's great that you're fine!" Mu Mo looked at Aaron who had fully recovered, and quickly introduced to Aaron, "This is Mr. Su, the scorching sun master I met on the road, and he rescued you !"

"Thank you Master Su for saving your life!" Aaron sensed the state of his body and had already reacted, "I implore you to save Lin Na again!"

Su Yuan nodded, and didn't mind saving one more person, so he raised his hand and stabbed Lin Na's chest with a sword.

The blue light bloomed, and endless vitality rushed to Lin Na's body.

Under the impact of the power of death and life, Lin Na suddenly struggled frantically, seeing Aaron who had just recovered beside him, couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

But suddenly, Lin Na's violently struggling body came to a stop, and her eyelids drooped and closed.

But when Lin Na opened her eyes again, there was no irritability at all, only a strange calm.

"Lin Na!"

Seeing that Lin Na seemed to be awake, Aaron and Mu Mo immediately called out in surprise.

But Su Yuan's eyes were slightly condensed, in fact, Liuli Tianqing's expulsion of death energy is not over yet, even the curse seal is not scattered!

Lin Na glanced over the three of them and landed on Su Yuan.


Su Yuan looked at him calmly: "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Lin Na raised the corners of her lips, "I'm right here, if you have the skills, you'll know when you come to meet me..."

Before the words fell, the curse seal on Lin Na's body was filled with black light, and the dark blue lines that were fading under the vitality twisted violently.

The next moment, Lin Na's sexy body quickly rotted and twisted, and exploded in front of the three of them with a "bang"!

The aura roared, and the powerful energy of the explosion and the scattered flesh and blood were blocked by the immeasurable force in front of Su Yuan.

"Lin Na?!"

Mu Mo and Along Ju's pupils trembled, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

Su Yuan glanced at the splashed flesh and blood on the ground, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

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