Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 848 Chariot and Priest

Before Lin Na's sudden death, Mu Mo and Aaron were still in shock and grief.

However, Su Yuan didn't bother to take care of the emotions of the two of them anymore, so he turned to look at Aaron.

"Tell me, what happened to you?"

Aaron looked at Su Yuan in a daze, then took a deep breath, and said slowly in a deep voice:

"We were attacked by a herd of beasts earlier, and we were separated from Lao Mo in the chaos.

Lin Na and I fled all the way, and we met a group of humans not long after we escaped.

The situation was critical and chaotic, so we immediately asked these people for help.

They soon began to attack the beast horde, we were overjoyed, thinking that we would meet someone who was doing something righteous, and quickly approached them.

But when we got closer, we realized that their expressions were a bit wrong..."

Su Yuan said: "Are these people who have been 'cursed'?"

"That's right!" Aaron continued with a serious expression, "By the time they realized something was wrong, they had already attacked us.

Lin Na and I fought hard and tried to escape, but they were too numerous to escape.

Later, Lin Na and I were injured one after another, and along with the injuries, it seemed that an evil energy invaded our bodies.

But it was under siege at that time, and there was no time to take a closer look.

And not long after, we lost consciousness and fell into the state just now..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "You mean, you didn't even see the Lord, but you fell into this state just because you were attacked by someone with the 'curse mark'?"

Aaron nodded and said, "That's right!"

Seeing Aaron's confirmation, Su Yuan immediately thought about it.

"Under control, but also contagious? Could it be that..."

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and already had an idea.

"Dead people cannot be resurrected, so you should leave as soon as possible." Su Yuan pondered for a while, and said to Mu Mo and the others.

Mu Mo also reacted, restrained his grief and asked Su Yuan, "How about you, Mr. Su?"

"Didn't he ask me to look for him?" Su Yuan sneered, and looked sideways into the depths of the dense forest, "Then, I naturally have to meet him for a while."

When Mu Mo and Aaron heard the words, they both bowed and saluted: "Thank you for saving my life, my lord...you must be careful!"


Su Yuan nodded, and then walked towards the inside in a flash.

"I wonder if Master Su can kill the culprit and avenge Lin Na!" Aaron's face darkened.

Mu Mo said: "Revenge is the best, but that invisible enemy is powerful, I hope Mr. Su will not have any accidents."

Aaron sighed when he heard the words, and then looked at Lin Na's "body" on the ground.

The two tidied up together, then quickly retreated...

Somewhere in the Gora Mountains.

Qingdian entangled and neighed, and a shadow of thunder shot out.

But seeing the flesh and blood burst, most of the chest cavity of the moving mountain lion camel several stories high was smashed by the blue thunder shadow!


With a loud noise, the mountain lion camel slowly fell to the ground.

In mid-air, the cloud of blue thunder subsided, and Gongsun Wu's figure reappeared.

Gongsun Wu turned around, turned his head to look, and there were hundreds of corpses of various animals all over the ground.

Obviously, this is also an ethnic group headed by moving mountain lion camels.

"Although I'm pretty deep, but I didn't expect to meet a scorching sun-level star beast so soon..."

Gongsun Wu pondered for a while, then flew down to take out the star cores of the mountain lion camel and other star beasts, and then took out the bronze ground guide plate to check.

"The change in the bronze ground guide plate seems to be a little stronger."

Gongsun Wu nodded secretly, and was about to put away Qinglong's lead plate, but the talisman on his body moved.

"News about Su Sanxi?"

Gongsun Wu checked it, and it was the news that Su Yuan had just sent.

After reading it, Gongsun Wu's eyes lit up.

"Sure enough, there may be signs of dragon veins here!"

Su Yuan informed Gongsun Wu and Tian Hui of the changes in his bronze ground guide plate, which indicated that the earth atmosphere here has changed quite drastically, and there may be signs of dragon veins.

But immediately after, looking behind, Gongsun Wu's expression suddenly became serious again.

"Zombies, the Secret Society of Truth, priestesses?"

Combined with the information already obtained, according to Su Yuan's speculation, Aaron, Lin Na and others are likely to be "zombies" controlled by the priestess of the Secret Society of Truth.

That is to say, in this Gola mountain range, it is very likely to meet people from the Secret Society of Truth!

The things that the Secret Society of Truth did before are all shocking, and of course Gongsun Wu will not be careless.

"Then follow Su Sanxi's instructions and go to meet up as soon as possible!"

Gongsun Wu glanced again, Tian Hui and the three seats were not too far away from him, and they could meet up halfway.

There was nothing to hesitate, the blue electricity rising from Gongsun Wu's body immediately turned into a thunderbolt and galloped towards Su Yuan.

The three of them kept the distance at a relatively safe level. According to Gongsun Wu's speed, it only takes a few hours to reach Su Yuan's location.

Green lightning flashed continuously, and Gongsun Wu hurried on his way with all his strength, alarming many star beasts in the dense forest of Daling.

And after sensing its powerful aura and astonishing speed, these star beasts did not dare to launch an attack and ran far away.

However, the Sanyang Realm is the top powerhouse under the King in the entire continent, let alone Gongsun Wu, a master on the top 100 list?

Gongsun Wu traveled unimpeded all the way, but he was thinking about the matter in Su Yuan's communication in his heart.

But before he could move forward for a moment, suddenly, a black shadow shot up from somewhere in the forest and hit him directly!


There was a muffled sound and a wave of air exploded.

As the green lightning trembled, Gongsun Wu suddenly flew hundreds of meters backwards into the sky!

Gongsun Wu stepped on the void and quickly stabilized his figure, and quickly raised his head and looked forward.

But I saw a well-proportioned middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties or fifties standing where he was just now!

This middle-aged man has a tough face and stands upright. He is wearing a black fighting uniform and a white cape.

Gongsun Wu looked at the other party's white cloak and his pupils shrank suddenly: "Secret Society of Truth, Chariot!"

Gongsun Wu remembered that the Secret Society of Truth mostly operated in pairs, so he naturally knew that he had met another person.

And according to the intelligence from a week ago, what was acting together with the priestess... was the chariot!

"Unexpectedly, you actually know me..." The middle-aged man introduced himself with a slight smile on his face, "I am the Secret Society of Truth, Chariot Augusto."

Gongsun Wu looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. Although he was not very tall, his muscles were strong and powerful, and his aura was deep, concise and vaguely violent.

Just looking at the other party like this, Gongsun Wu suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, as if he was facing a monster!

Secretly taking out the talisman seal, Gongsun Wu was about to summon Su Yuan and Tian Hui.

But his eyes flashed. Augusto, who was far away just now, suddenly appeared in front of him!

"So fast?!"

Gongsun Wu's pupils shrank.

And Augusto had already thrown a positive punch, which landed on Gongsun Wu's chest.

Gongsun Wu was thrown away again, crashing into the distant mountain peak with a bang, shattering large pieces of rocks.

Augusto caught the talisman that Gongsun Wu had dropped, glanced at it, and crushed it with a twist of his fingertips.

Looking up at the distant mountain, Augusto smiled cruelly, and then rushed out again as a phantom that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

And at this moment, many fissures entangled with green electricity suddenly seeped from the inside out on the mountain peak.

Augusto's eyes moved slightly, and the next moment the mountain burst directly, and a group of roaring shadows of blue thunder rushed towards him.

"Something capable!"

Augusto's eyes lit up, and he punched Gongsun Wu directly.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Green thunder roared, and the two sides collided.

"Xingxiang Jiujiu!"

The lightning surged on Gongsun Wuquan, and he punched ninety-nine and eighty-one punches in an instant!

Eighty-one regiments of Lei Guang Quan burst out like stars in an instant with brilliant aura.

And Augusto didn't dodge or dodge, he swung his fists with discipline and skill like a god, and he blocked all eighty-one punches with only his hands!

For a moment, the spiritual light disappeared, but Augusto was not hurt at all!

"What a strong martial arts skill!" Gongsun Wu was startled.

Just now I had faintly noticed it, now it seems that the martial arts attainments of the person in front of me has really reached the level of a master!

Although martial arts skills are of limited use to star card masters with extraordinary abilities, they are not useless.

Gongsun Wu was born in a sect, so his own martial arts are not bad, but compared with the person in front of him, it is obviously worse.

"Also, the flow of my star power seems to be restricted?!"

As the battle continued, Gongsun Wu felt that the flow of his star power seemed to be increasingly restricted.

After a brief investigation, he discovered that where the opponent hit him, some energy seeped into his body, blocking the flow of star power.

Terrifying strength and speed, astonishing martial arts, and this method.

If you continue to spend such a long time with the other party, you may gradually fall into defeat.

Seeing Augusto punch him again, Gongsun Wu's eyes widened, and with a "Zila" sound, a large amount of cyan electricity suddenly rose up under his feet.

Augusto noticed it immediately, his expression became slightly condensed, and he immediately stepped back.

The next moment, thunder from the clear sky crashed down on Gongsun Wu. It was Qing Yao's thunder-shaking heavenly palace magical power!

Thunder roars and green lightning dances wildly!

Gongsun Wu's body was covered with cyan thunder patterns, and he shot out with thunder and lightning. In a blink of an eye, he rushed to Augusto and punched him out.

Augusto immediately crossed his arms in front of him.

The next moment, the green thunder exploded, and a powerful force and numbness hit the body at the same time.


Augusto's expression changed slightly, and he was immediately knocked out.

"What a powerful paralysis effect!"

Green lightning wrapped around his body, and Augusto felt a strong sense of paralysis coming over him, making it difficult to move.

The star power explodes immediately, and one must rely on the star power and strong physique to quickly get rid of this feeling of paralysis.

But at this moment, there was thunder in the sky, and in the Celestial Palace, a water-tank-thick simulated Qingyao divine thunder crashed down, instantly hitting Augusto, who had not yet gotten rid of his paralysis!


The sound of thunder almost makes people deaf, and all they can see is the ground shattering in the blue lightning, and the rocks are annihilated!

In an instant, the lightning dissipated, and Augusto stood in the pit, with a large number of wounds on his body opening, and he fell into a new state of paralysis again.

The thunder shadow flashed past, and Gongsun Wu's figure flashed forward again.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Countless punches fell in a few breaths, the thunder continued, and sheets of cyan electricity continued to explode on Augusto's body.


Green lightning surged from Gongsun Wu's fist, and he was ready to strike Augusto.

The blue lightning flashed, and Augusto was suddenly overwhelmed by the thunder and flew out. He was really like a blue comet!

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