Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 849 God's Chariot

Augusto was paralyzed and received Gongsun Wu's tidal wave of attacks with almost no resistance.

While still in the air, there was a loud thunder, and another astonishingly powerful simulated divine thunder crashed down. It hit the Augusto who was sent flying, and directly turned him ninety degrees and hit the ground. , A big hole was blown out!

This is Qingyao Zhenlei Tiangong!

When attacking, the simulated divine thunder can cooperate with the caster and use the paralysis characteristic to launch a flood-like offensive.

When defending, the simulated divine thunder can interfere with the opponent at will.

The opponent has to divert part of his mind to be wary of the thunder that may hit his head at any moment.

Under this continuous attack, Augusto's body was dripping with blood and he looked seriously injured!

And with a flash of green light, Gongsun Wu appeared in the air above Augusto again.

"The Secret Society of Truth, is this all?" Gongsun Wu narrowed his eyes slightly, and green lightning continued to gather outside his body, "Stars and meteors!"

Gongsun Wu shouted loudly and suddenly turned into a ball of blue thunder meteors falling down!


Thunder roared, green light exploded, and in an instant, the entire field turned into a pool of thunder!

But the next moment, there was a muffled sound, a strong wave of energy spread, and Gongsun Wu suddenly flew backwards.

"Woo!" Gongsun Wu spurted out a mouthful of blood and looked down in confusion.

But he saw Augusto rising into the sky, his body covered with a layer of metallic luster, and his eyes were bright.

"what happened!"

Gongsun Wu was shocked. He lowered his head and glanced at his right hand, only to see that his sleeve had burst into pieces and his entire right arm was trembling and numb!

Augusto looked at Gongsun Wu, raised his lips and said:

"I, the Knight of Truth, are of course more than just this. Before, it was just my original ability.

Otherwise... if you just go all out, how can you possibly resist? "

Gongsun Wu's face turned ugly.

Although the other party's tone was quite serious, he really didn't understand how the other party received his meteor strike just now.

It seemed that just as the opponent punched, he was blown away in one fell swoop!

Moreover, the other party received such a series of blows from me, but at this moment he was like a normal person... This defense? !

"You seem surprised?"

Augusto grinned, placed his left hand on his chest, and a cross mark lit up.

"Then, let me show you the gifts we have received from the gods! Crush everything, the chariot of gods!"

A burst of enthusiasm rose in Augusto's eyes, and strong holy light exploded from his body instantly.

Just in the blink of an eye, the new Augusto appeared again.

The originally well-proportioned and upright body suddenly swelled and became bulky, and the whole body was covered with a deep metallic luster, making it look indestructible!

"True Form Liberation!"

Gongsun Wu's heart trembled, and he suddenly felt a strong oppressive force!

As soon as he was in front of him, Augusto, who was both muscular and metal, had already jumped up and rushed straight towards Gongsun Wu.

"Tiangong Shenlei!"

Gongsun Wu shouted loudly, and the simulated Qingyao divine thunder fell again and directly hit Augusto's body.

However, in just a blink of an eye, Augusto burst out of the thunder beam, the metallic light on his body lit up slightly, and he was unscathed!


Gongsun Wu's expression changed. He didn't expect that the other party would be able to withstand the divine thunder after his true form was liberated!

In fact, even the paralysis effect of Qing Yao Zhen Lei Tiangong was ineffective on it!

At this time, Augusto had already flown forward and rushed towards him. Coupled with the metallic luster all over his body, he really looked like an indestructible steel chariot.

Although Gongsun Wu was surprised, he immediately raised his fist and punched it.

However, after the fists were exchanged, there was a "bang", and an unstoppable terrifying shock fell on Gongsun Wu almost instantly.

The "click" sound of broken bones suddenly sounded. Gongsun Wu's right arm exploded with blood mist, and his whole body trembled and he was directly knocked hundreds of meters away!

After just one encounter, Gongsun Wu lost his right arm and was seriously injured!

However, Augusto refused to give in. His body was stooped and his arms were spread out. He turned around like a human chariot and charged forward again!

Gongsun Wu's heart sank. The simulated divine thunder just now could not stop Augusto at all.

The opponent's defense seemed so terrifying that even ordinary legendary skills could hardly damage it.


Gongsun Wu secretly shouted in his heart, and decisively launched the Heavenly God Descends to Earth, and suddenly a layer of Yin Gang lit up on his body.

"Huh?" Augusto's eyes flashed with surprise, and he immediately noticed that Gongsun Wu had become much stronger.

This is the first time Gongsun Wu has used it in a battle since he realized that the gods descended from the Hongmeng Realm.

Greatly increased strength, soaring defense!

Gongsun Wu felt as if he could blow up everything. When he saw Augusto coming again in an instant, he raised his left arm and punched him out!

However, Augusto not only did not avoid it, but a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


The two collided with a loud noise.


Gongsun Wu, who was about to launch his descent from heaven, let out a groan and was knocked out unstoppably again!

"What?!" Gongsun Wu quickly stabilized his figure, but couldn't help but feel horrified, "Can't even the gods descend to earth to stop him!"

Although the gods came down to protect his body, Gongsun Wu still felt that his energy and blood were surging, and his injuries were aggravated.

But that's not the point.

The point is, with your own power, you can use your own power to launch the Shocking Thunder Heavenly Palace, and then use the Heavenly God to descend to the earth, but you still can't resist the opponent's impact? !

Looking at Augusto in front of him turning around and charging again, like an unstoppable humanoid chariot, Gongsun Wu suddenly felt a sense of weakness in his heart.

As a disciple of the sect, he has high qualifications, sufficient resources, and good guidance.

But in terms of experience in life-and-death battles, it is lacking compared to the masters of the Sky Survey Division who have been fighting outside for a long time and responding to various emergencies.

At this moment, facing the terrifying enemy, Gongsun Wu didn't know how to deal with it for a moment, but was stunned in place.


Thunder roared in Tiangong, sensing that Gongsun Wu was in danger, and another simulated divine thunder descended!

However, no miracle happened. Augusto broke through the divine thunder and rushed to Gongsun Wu in one fell swoop, knocking Gongsun Wu into the air again!

"Bang bang bang...!"

The situation is reversed!

It turned out that it was Gongsun Wu who beat Augusto violently with the help of Shenxiao Zhenlei Tiangong.

But at this moment, with the unfolding of the liberation of the true form, Augusto went on a rampage, beating Gongsun Wu who was in a domineering body and had no power to fight back.

If it weren't for relying on the terrifying defense of the domineering body, Gongsun Wu would have already turned into a lump of rotten meat at this moment!

And Gongsun Wu also gradually understood during the beating process that the reason why the opponent was able to keep hitting him was not because he was stronger than himself...

But some kind of rule power!


With a muffled sound, Gongsun Wu shot backwards, spewing out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", and his breath suddenly became weak.

At this moment, Gongsun Wu was covered in blood and flesh, his aura was dim, and even the god of heaven was beaten to the verge of collapse!

Once the gods come down to earth and collapse, with Gongsun Wu's current state, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold it all at once!

Ahead, Augusto turned around, and the violent look in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"I said before, if you use your strength from the beginning, you won't be able to handle it at all... In front of me, even the gods descending from the earth can't protect you!"

After gaining some momentum, Augusto jumped out again. This blow will completely break Gongsun Wu's god descending to earth!

At the very moment, a sonic boom sounded, and a black and yellow rock dragon gun suddenly shot from the side at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, hitting Augusto who was rushing forward, and sent him flying with unparalleled power !


Gongsun Wu turned his head to look, but there was a woman with brown shoulder-length short hair coming from a distance.

"Tian Sanxi!"

Gongsun Wu's eyes were overjoyed, he didn't expect Tian Hui to come at such a critical moment!

"Didn't you go to join Su Sanxi?"

Tian Hui flew over and said quickly: "I noticed that your position suddenly stopped and disappeared quickly, so I knew something was wrong, so I rushed over immediately!"

As he spoke, Tian Hui took out a dragon ball-like water polo while raising his hand, and several streams of water rushed out and wrapped around Gongsun Wu's body, continuously transforming into a large amount of healing power.

Tian Hui turned her head to look into the distance, her expression condensed slightly: "That, is that someone from the Secret Society of Truth?"

Gongsun Wu said in a deep voice: "That's right, the 'chariot' of the Secret Society of Truth is named Augusto!"

At this moment, Gongsun Wu looked at Tian Hui with a complicated heart.

He was thankful that a helping hand came to rescue him at a critical moment, but also worried that the enemy was too powerful, Tian Hui would give away an extra head in vain when he came to save him.

Tian Hui looked at Gongsun Wu's eyes and immediately understood what he was thinking.

"You don't have to think too much, our Sky Surveyor will not abandon our colleagues at will, even if the enemy is strong, we have to knock to know!"

Gongsun Wu took a deep breath and nodded: "Thank you!"

At this time, Augusto had crushed the Xuanhuang Dragon Spear in the distance, and his eyes fell on Tian Hui.

"Xuntiansi, here comes another one!"

Augusto grinned, and then started to sprint and rushed over again!

Tian Hui had been prepared for a long time, and immediately pointed forward with the seal of both hands: "Eight Desolation Xuan Jingping!"

The earth element surged violently, and eight huge black and yellow crystals with different runes unfolded like a fan, quickly forming an extremely thick and large round shield.

Bahuang Xuanjingping, this is a legendary skill obtained from ancient holy beasts, not only has a strong defense, but also can change flexibly.

However, at this moment, there was only a moment's barrier, and with a loud noise, Augusto broke through Xuan Jingping and continued to rush towards the two!


Seeing this scene, Tian Hui's complexion also changed.

"Get out of the way! Nothing can stop him!"

Gongsun Wu yelled violently, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he relied on the gods to go down to earth and pushed up again.


Unsurprisingly, Gongsun Wu was knocked out again.

Tian Hui's pupils shrank, and she took the opportunity to distance herself.

And Augusto's eyes were scorching hot, and he directly locked on Tian Hui, who was in front of him, and charged forward!

"not good!"

Tian Hui's speed was much worse than that of Gongsun Wu. In a blink of an eye, Augusto caught up with him and hit him in the chest!

In an instant, her chest sank, Tian Hui's eyes were about to burst, and her face was full of pain.

A cruel smile curled up on the corner of Augusto's mouth.

But the next moment, Tian Hui's body suddenly turned into a ball of flowing water and exploded.


Before Augusto could react, Tian Hui appeared behind him from the void, holding a rock-breaking long knife and slashing at Augusto's back.

There was a "dang" sound as if it was draped on metal.

Augusto was sent flying directly, crashing into a mountain not far away!

"What an amazing power!"

Gongsun Wu, who stabilized his figure in mid-air, widened his eyes slightly. He didn't expect Tian Hui to have such a terrifying strength...

And more importantly... She actually knocked Augusto away again!

"The previous rock gun was not a coincidence, could it be that..."

Gongsun Wu murmured in his eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he understood something.

And beside the shattered hill, a black shadow flickered, and Augusto flew out again.

But at this moment, it can be seen that there is a scar on Augusto's waist, which is glowing with metallic luster!

Although the scars were not deep, both Gongsun Wu and Tian Hui had already understood.

The calm Gongsun Wu was quite excited at the moment, and said: "It seems right, he is indeed unstoppable, but..."

"However, his butt seems to be a little cold~" Tian Hui accepted the words with a smile.

That's right, what's the scariest thing about an oncoming chariot?

That is of course positive!

In the direction of the chariot, it crushes everything and is unstoppable.

But in contrast, the back of the chariot is the weak point.

Therefore, the direction that Augustus is moving forward is invincible and unstoppable.

Even the "strength" of the 22 members of the Secret Society of Truth cannot compete against Augusto head-on!

But this "front" is indeed a front in the physical sense.

As long as he attacks from the side or even the back, Augusto's ability will be limited or even invalidated!

"As expected of a member of the Sky Survey Division, the reaction is very sharp..."

Augusto narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the two from afar.

"But... so what?" Augusto crawled slightly, his eyes filled with violence, "You guys still have to die!"

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