Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 851: Mana Power

"You're right!" The priestess raised her lips, "Then let's fight each other!"

The priestess made a handprint suddenly, and the black curse marks on the chests of the remaining two scorching sun zombies suddenly brightened.

"Are you going to blow yourself up?"

Su Yuan had seen this move with Lin Na before, and immediately spread out his immeasurable power and passed on Tianqing to refine his shape to stay away from the two scorching sun zombies.

And the next moment, the originally dim curse marks on the surrounding zombies who had died just now also lighted up together!

"Huh?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The seven zombies exploded together, and suddenly the aura roared, and flesh and blood flew around!

Although Su Yuan was keenly aware of it and blocked it with boundless strength, the surrounding Frost Giants, Melches and even the Ice Angels had more or less been splashed with flesh and blood with strong spell power!

Because of their large size, the Frost Giants splashed the most minced meat.

A large piece of black magic power attached to the body through the medium of flesh and blood, constantly eroding the body, and immediately made the Frost Giant howl in pain.

As for Melche, who was only in the Double Sun Realm, under the erosion of the mantra, a large cyan pattern appeared all over his body in a short while, and he was about to turn into a zombie.

Only the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, with the frosty frost armor around her body, barely resisted the attack of the spell power outside her body.

Su Yuan's expression was slightly condensed: "I thought it was only able to explode zombies, but in the end, can even dead zombie corpses be exploded? And the spell power on this flesh and blood is much stronger than that of Lin Na before."

The priestess in the distance smiled and said: "Of course, as long as the curse seal has not completely dissipated, the detonation technique can also be performed.

And the stronger the carrier zombie, the stronger the spell attached to it... Then, kill him for me! "

As soon as the priestess finished speaking, Melche, who had turned into a zombie, had already bent his bow and drawn the string, and the golden arrow was pointing directly at Su Yuan!

Su Yuan looked sideways at her slightly: "Stop."

The movement of Melche's hands froze for a moment, and then his whole body twitched violently.

The power of the azure form in the eyes collided wildly with the power of the zombie curse mark on the chest, vying for control of the body, and Melche's face became more and more distorted.


In just two or three breaths, Melche's head burst open like a rotten watermelon, and the headless body fell to the ground with a "plop".

At this time, the frost giant beside him was about to be corroded by the magic power and turned into a zombie.

Su Yuan tapped the glazed sky with his left hand, looked at the Frost Giant: "Fall down."

The glazed sky lightened slightly, and the Frost Giant suddenly let out a howl, and a large piece of blue light was pulled out of his body, and turned into a corpse again in a blink of an eye, and collapsed powerlessly.

Having lost its vitality, Tianqing Lianxing is nothing more than a dead body that cannot move.

From the previous situation, the priestess' "Zombie Seal" cannot control dead bodies.

After dealing with the Frost Giant, Su Yuan stepped forward in two steps, pulled out Liuli Tianqing's sword and thrust it into the chest of the Ice Sky Elf.

The rich vitality turned into a bright cyan streamer and rushed out, and within a few breaths, all the spell of death on the Ice Sky Elf's body was dispelled.

Compared to the other two shape refiners, the Ice Sky Elf Envoy is worth saving by himself, and he can use it again later.

The priestess' eyes fell on the glazed azure in Su Yuan's hands, and a burst of greed appeared in her eyes.

"Such a rich vitality is really a powerful star tool..."

Su Yuan put away Liuli Tianqing, and told the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, "Go."

The already quite angry Ice Sky Elf shouted loudly, and immediately swung the ice crystal sword to kill the priestess.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he cast a concerned gaze.

On the surface, the priestess is more like a person who uses weird spells.

And so far, she has only shown the ability to use the curse of death to turn living people into zombies.

Then, how would she deal with the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, who was both A in defense and extremely strong in melee combat?

Seeing the ice-sky elf rushing towards the priestess, the priestess gently opened her hands, and a layer of dim light swung out of herself in an instant, and a large number of illusory and abstract arms stretched out from the dim light to grab the ice-sky elf.

These arms are extremely fast and extremely flexible.

Although the Ice Sky Elves avoided a little, they were still caught by some illusory hands.

Afterwards, more and more phantom arms grabbed the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, intending to drown it.


The cold air soared into the sky, and the Ice Sky Elf exploded with star power, and four huge icy cross stars cut out at the same time, cutting off many illusory hands around him.

And the next moment, more illusory big hands flew and grabbed from the dim light again.

The Ice Sky Spirit Envoy immediately pulled back and flew back, then raised the great ice sword, and a burst of terrifying ice star force burst out.

All of a sudden, the Ice Sky Elf let the frost around him growl and entangle himself in vain, and the countless ice stars on the long sword condensed into a magnificent ice god giant sword, which descended from the sky and slashed at the priestess on the ground!

The priestess's expression froze slightly, and she formed a seal again, the dim light outside her body flourished, and all the big illusory hands rapidly expanded and enlarged, and they all grabbed the big sword.

However, the Ice Sky Elf named this sword "The Wrath of the Ice and Snow Goddess", which was his second legendary skill, a simple direct attack, but it was unparalleled in power, cutting through many strengthened illusory hands along the way!

Although the illusory big hand continued to shatter under the extremely powerful sword of the ice elf, the priestess has also taken this opportunity to distance herself and get rid of the lock of the ice god's giant sword.

Seeing this, the Ice Sky Spirit Envoy took advantage of the vacancy in which Unreal's big hand was chopped off and flew forward again. With six wings fluttering, he quickly approached and killed the priestess with his sword.

But this time, the priestess looked at the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, instead of dodging, she took out a bright silver dagger and walked towards the Ice Sky Elf Envoy in mid-air.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Could it be that she is still good at melee combat?"

Seeing that the Ice Sky Elf Envoy was about to rush to the priestess, the priestess twitched her lips slightly and swayed slightly.

And the ice elf envoy seemed to be drunk, but actually passed by the priestess directly, and hit the ground with a "bang"!

Afterwards, the priestess threw out the bright silver dagger with one flip of her hand, and nailed it precisely on the neck of the Ice Sky Elf Envoy.

With the powerful defense of the Ice Angel, this dagger naturally cannot break through its defense.

However, the purple mantra rushed to the neck of the ice elf envoy with the dagger, and quickly formed a strange purple mantra.

Until then, the Ice Sky Elf Envoy showed a bit of astonishment in his eyes, and slowly made some movements, trying to stand up.

However, the purple curse seal on his neck lighted up slightly, and the whole person fell to the ground powerlessly.

The Ice Sky Elf Envoy's eyes widened, and he didn't even realize how he lost.

In Su Yuan's eyes, the Ice Sky Spirit Envoy already had big dark green curse patterns emerging all over his body.

"Delay, or... is it slow perception?"

Su Yuan looked at the Ice Sky Elf Envoy who fell to the ground, and he understood.

These green curse patterns are exactly what the illusory arms left on the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, even I and the Ice Sky Elf Envoy didn't notice it just now.

After being hit by these curse patterns, the ice elf envoy once again killed the priestess who was facing the ground with his sword.

The priestess had already taken a few steps forward, but the "perception" of the ice elf envoy hadn't reacted yet, and she was still rushing to where the priestess was originally.

And because of the delay in perception, drunk driving generally hits the ground directly.

Therefore, the priestess could easily use the bright silver dagger to hit the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, making it difficult for him to get up.

"Death, dullness, weakness..."

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. Sure enough, the method of manipulating "zombies" is only one of the many abilities that the priestess has mastered!

How can the members of the Secret Society of Truth only summon some zombies who have no sense of fighting at all?

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he appeared behind the priestess.

The Ice Sky Elf Envoy was restricted, but Su Yuan was not.

I have collected some information by using the Ice and Sky Elf Envoy, so it's time to do it myself.

It seemed that she had known that Su Yuan would make a move, and the priestess did not forcefully turn around. There was a faint light floating around her, and many illusory hands stretched out from both sides and quickly grabbed Su Yuan who was behind her.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, immeasurable power lingered outside, directly stretched the big hand of Unreal, and then slashed at the priestess with a sword.

However, the corner of the priestess grinned, and in the next moment, several imaginary hands suddenly came out from the priestess' back and grabbed her head-on!

Su Yuan's perception was sensitive, and he flashed back and left directly under the flash of his thoughts.

In such a situation where the enemy's ability is unknown, Su Yuan certainly would not rashly exchange one with the other.

"Heh, the reaction is so fast~"

Forced to retreat Su Yuan, the corner of the priestess' mouth curled up, and with a low shout, countless illusory hands grabbed Su Yuan directly.

And at this moment, Su Yuan's eyes lit up intensely for a while.

"Infinite Moments!"

"not good!"

The priestess immediately realized what was going on, and immediately tried to retract the defenses of many illusory big hands.

But just a little bit closer, he was already stagnant, caught in the endless flow of information brought by the boundless space, and the divine light in his eyes was slackened.

Momentarily hit, Su Yuan leaped forward with a long sword in his hand, and stabbed at the priestess with his sword.

But suddenly, the many big hands that had been stagnant outside the priestess twisted and moved again.

One part wrapped the priestess layer upon layer, and the other part came towards Su Yuan in a turbulent siege!

Su Yuan had seen the power of this illusory big hand before, so naturally he would not be careless.

"The black lotus blooms!"

Sword energy and black lotus blossomed in all directions, crazily cutting through the imaginary hand.

Although these illusory hands were cut into pieces, more illusory hands rushed out from the dim light outside the priestess's body to resist the sword energy, seemingly endless!

There were even many illusory big hands patting the body of the priestess, trying to wake her up with external force.

Su Yuan held Liuli Tianqing with his left hand, and the divine wind was flowing around him, and the golden light was shining. He decisively unfolded the limit acceleration and swung his two swords to cut through many illusory hands and kept approaching the priestess.

As if feeling that the crisis was approaching, the priestess kept trembling all over, and with the help of Unreal's big hand, she was already showing some signs of waking up.

But...it's too late!


Su Yuan swung the demon sword and slashed at the priestess' shoulder with a "dang" sound, as if he was slashing on gold and iron, and was greatly hindered.


Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, it seemed that this priestess was really not a pure sorcerer, her physical body was so tyrannical.

Still, it wasn't enough to stop myself!

"God breaks!"

The soaring Taixu sword intent on the sword is almost as real as it is!

Su Yuan exerted his strength again, and a black light flashed, directly cutting off the priestess from her right shoulder to her waist.

In an instant, a large amount of blood gushed out, and the two halves of the priestess's shoulders were cut off, only a little flesh of the waist and hips was still connected together!

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