A burst of astonishment appeared on the face of the priestess, and soon, the light in her eyes dimmed.

"Bang bang bang..."

A large number of illusory arms around them turned into aura and exploded one after another, but after a while, the aura on the priestess also dissipated.

Su Yuan looked at the priestess who was slowly falling down. Although the battle was not long, it was quite dangerous.

As a member of the Secret Society of Truth, the ability of this priestess is really weird.

Even a legendary star beast of the Three Suns Realm like the Ice Sky Elf Envoy, once entangled by its spell power, will lose its combat power in a blink of an eye.

The good thing is to kill the other party before it is really liberated, otherwise I don't know how troublesome it will be...

However, looking at the corpse of the priestess, Su Yuan still felt somewhat discordant.

In the blink of an eye just now, I couldn't think too much.

But now that I think about it, I have some doubts.

Ever since he mastered Boundless Moments, anyone who has been hit by Boundless Moments can almost only rely on passive defense.

And this priestess, after being hit by the trick and approaching with a sword, the many phantom arms moved again on their own.

It's like inviting you into the urn and wanting to take the opportunity to kill yourself.

It seems that Boundless Momentary has limited effect on it, or...she didn't get hit at all!

Su Yuan's eyes froze, he suddenly thought of something, and turned his head to look at the Ice Sky Elf Envoy in the distance.

Even at this moment, the black, red, and green curse marks on the Ice Sky Elf's body are still there, and the strong spell power is circulating, making it impossible for the Ice Sky Elf to get up!

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately shook his sleeves, the undead evil fire roared out and covered the priestess' body.

Although Su Yuan didn't have much contact with such things as spells, he knew that this thing was a combination of spiritual power and star power.

Different from ordinary star power spells, spells are more illusory, and usually require the caster to continuously cast spells.

Therefore, after killing the caster, without the caster's spiritual support, most of the spells will quickly weaken or even dissipate directly, unless it is a special spell such as "sacrifice".

But at this moment, the Ice Sky Elf Envoy was still lying on the ground and couldn't stand up...

That can only show that the enemy is not dead yet!

Under the burning of the undead evil fire, even if the body of the priestess was abnormally hard, it was still visibly chapped and scorched and turned into fly ash.

Suddenly, there was a slight broken sound coming from the body of the priestess.


Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he noticed it immediately.

I saw the strong and evil evil spell roaring away, and a ball of black light rose from the priestess' body, transforming into a haggard old woman in her sixties or seventies.

The curse power outside the old woman's body was like ink, extremely viscous, a pair of eyes were bright but slightly mean, she was clearly a body of energy.

Su Yuan looked at the old woman in the immortal fire, and said slowly:

"No wonder, no wonder there was always a feeling of disharmony before, not only the voice, but also the demeanor and movements... So, is this your true face?"

The old woman smiled bitterly: "That's right, the previous body was a zombie meat puppet specially made by a female leader of a rebel organization I selected from the Inquisition~"

Su Yuan nodded secretly. If the old woman with the energy body of the mantra is the priestess herself, then all the incongruities before are completely reasonable.

The shape of the priestess at this moment matches her voice very well.

Previously, she was indeed not hit by Infinite Moments, but the "beautiful woman" who was made into a zombie meat puppet was hit by Infinite Moments, so the priestess residing in her body can still use the ability of the phantom arm to defend.

And as a warlock, his body is so hard that even a demon knife of the false saint level can hardly cut through it, which is also the reason for this zombie puppet.

This specially made meat puppet has almost no problems with its appearance except for its voice.

Su Yuan said: "Not only manipulating living people, but also 'parasitic' on others, it's really a good method."

The priestess snorted with a sneer: "Unfortunately, I have only used 'her' for a short time, and you just cut it in half and burned it to ashes."

As she said that, the priestess looked at the meat puppet that was completely turned into ashes under the fire of immortality, but her eyes were full of perverted joy.

Su Yuan looked at the priestess, smiled lightly and said, "I don't think you have too many regrets, on the contrary, you look a little happy.

Could it be that she was someone you knew in the first place, and... are you still jealous of her youthful beauty? "

Upon hearing what Su Yuan said, the priestess' expression suddenly became gloomy, and a pair of eyes covered with curse patterns looked at Su Yuan coldly.

At this time, the blazing immortal evil fire, relying on the powerful pollution ability obtained from the scarlet evil fire, was about to break through the spell power outside the priestess' body and burn it on her body.

Even if it is an energy body, it can't ignore the burning of the divine fire, let alone the undead evil fire with a corrupting effect.

The priestess suddenly grinned coldly: "Boy, since I destroyed my meat puppet, you can replace it!"

The priestess raised her left hand, and the mark of the cross in her palm lit up and placed on her chest, with a strong look of viciousness and madness in her eyes.

"Follow my evil thoughts, go to die, die, die! Evil thoughts heavenly puppet!"

A strong gloomy brilliance burst out, and in the gloomy light, the figure of the priestess could be vaguely seen elongating rapidly.

After the aura dissipated, the image of the priestess had changed drastically.

She has a black and gray body several stories high, and her face is like a banshee, but her features are delicate, and she is much better-looking than her own sixty or seventy-year-old woman.

Four huge arms of different colors—black, red, green, and yellow—grew from under his ribs, his legs disappeared, and only the hem of his skirt floated in the air.

At first glance, it is a huge combination of evil thoughts!

"Go to hell!"

As soon as the true liberation was launched, the priestess immediately screamed at Su Yuan!

The terrifying spell power exploded, forming a spherical field that filled the range of several kilometers in an instant.

"The True Form Liberation of the Knight of Truth..."

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the Undead Evil Flame circled around his body, blocking all the scattered mantra power from these areas.

Then Su Yuan held the demon knife, the sword intent surged, and after a little momentum, Tai Xu's sword energy shot across half of the sky and violently slashed out.

A sneering smile curled up on the corner of the priestess' mouth, and she swung one of her green arms to grab the Taixu sword energy that had accumulated momentum, and then crushed it!

The sword energy exploded, and Su Yuan's eyes froze slightly.

"This materialized arm after real liberation is much stronger than the previous phantom arm."

At this moment, although there are only four arms of the priestess, compared with the countless illusory arms just now, both strength and defense have been surprisingly enhanced.

In the Sanyang Realm, it can also be called the top!

But at this moment, Su Yuan was keenly aware of something, but saw a green curse pattern suddenly emerge from the demon knife strangely and rushed to his arm!

"Huh? Casting a spell in the air!" Su Yuan's pupils shrank slightly.

Most spells require a medium to cast.

Just now, the priestess had to touch the Ice Sky Elf Envoy through her phantom arm to cast the spell.

But at this moment, just grabbing the Taixu sword energy that he cut out, and using the Taixu sword energy as a medium to cast a spell on himself out of thin air?

"As expected of the liberation of the true form, such an ability is really unreasonable!" Su Yuan looked solemn.

Compared with the Ice Angel, Su Yuan's perception is undoubtedly much sharper.

With the experience of the ice and sky elves, green represents dullness, and Su Yuan realized that his perception had become dull in an instant!

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that my evil curse could hit you like this!"

The priestess let out a sharp laugh, and immediately flew close, and waved her four arms to catch it together!

Su Yuan is very clear that he has been tricked, and the information he "sees" has slowed down.

Facing this kind of "stacking debuff" opponent, if you fall into a disadvantage, it will be more and more difficult to come back as if you are stuck in a quagmire.


A layer of spiritual gangsters lit up on the surface of the body, and Su Yuan unfolded the "God descends to earth" without hesitation!

The divine light was all over the body, the green curse pattern on the arm was suddenly washed away, and all negative states and restrictive effects were suppressed in an instant!

Su Yuan returned to normal, and with a flash in front of his eyes, four arms of different colors rushed forward and grabbed him head-on!

Now that the gods descended to earth, Su Yuan immediately swung the demon sword and slashed at it!


Although the four arms of the priestess are powerful and extremely stiff, Su Yuan has the starry sky body and the blessing of the gods descending to earth, so he is not afraid.

And the magic power on it, every time it wants to rush to Su Yuan's body through the demon knife, it will be shaken away by the gods descending to earth!

Immune to most negative states and restrictive effects, killing evil and not invading, is to descend to the earth for the gods.

However, the opponent's spell power was extremely terrifying, and Su Yuan didn't dare to let these four evil hands fall directly on him.

If it hits directly to form a curse seal, even the gods descending to earth may not be able to stop it!


After a fierce fight, a silver light flashed, and Su Yuan instantly walked behind the priestess.

"Damn, so flexible!"

The priestess roared, and the nearest red arm immediately grabbed Su Yuan.

Su Yuan waved the demon sword to send it flying, and the other three arms followed closely to attack Su Yuan.

And Su Yuan has already launched the ultimate acceleration, the wind and fire surged in the palm, and the god forbidden formed a palm and slapped the priestess.

The god-forbidden shackles of the power of wind and fire shot out in all directions, and quickly crawled towards the priestess.

But under the influence of the powerful spell power of the priestess, even the spread of the divine prohibition has been hindered a lot!

"What kind of sealing technique is this!"

The priestess was shocked, and while suppressing with her spell power, she slapped Su Yuan forcefully with her big hand while controlling her evil thoughts.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, immeasurable power stretched out to temporarily block the three big hands of evil thoughts, and taking advantage of this time, the shackles of God's Forbidden Speed ​​rushed towards the four hands of evil thoughts.

But half way through the four arms, Su Yuan felt a feeling that it was difficult to move forward.

"As expected of the liberation of the true form... or my own realm is shallow."

Su Yuan understood that his Chongyang realm had lowered the upper limit of the power of the gods, so that he could not completely seal the four evil hands of the opponent after his true form was liberated.

Seeing that several big hands with evil thoughts were about to break through the boundless barrier together, Su Yuan decided to concentrate the power of God's Forbidden on the big red and yellow hands in a flash of thought.

The big red hand will make the body weak and weak, and even the Ice Sky Elf can't bear it, which is a huge hidden danger.

As for the big yellow hand, I don't know what its function is at this moment. Facing the unknown, it is natural to clear it directly.

The energy of the seal was concentrated, and the shackles of the forbidden gods quickly spread upwards. The big red hands and big yellow hands that originally emitted a strange light quickly dimmed under the power of the forbidden gods.

At the same time, the powerful hands of evil thoughts had already broken through their boundless power, and they were grabbing towards Su Yuan together!

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