Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 853 Double Kill

The four big hands of evil thoughts, the big red hand and the big yellow hand lost their magic power under the influence of the gods, and they only had brute force.

Black flames danced in Su Yuan's eyes: "Virtual evil manifests its holiness!"

The pitch-black flames surged up, and the demon god-like illusory evil appeared in the field immediately!

Hong Yueqie and Hei Tianzhao waved and split the two big hands of the priestess!

Along with the two false holy artifacts, the slowing spell power and death spell power are about to erode towards the false and evil manifestations.

And this... is the false evil manifested by the energy of the evil fire!

The black flames rising from the surface of Xuxie's holy body, fiercely resisted the magic power, relying on the power of pollution and corruption and the strong resilience of self-repair, immediately weakened the two kinds of magic power by more than half!

"Such a powerful outsider!"

The priestess looked shocked, she didn't expect Su Yuan to have such tricks!

And Hei Tianzhao and Hongyue cut the two false holy artifacts, which were directly cut on the body of the priestess.

With a "chi" sound, two illusory wounds were cut out, and they collapsed directly.

The black flame burns, rots and erodes, and the characteristics of the two false holy artifacts also begin to take effect immediately!

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, Xu Shenling shook, and immediately controlled Xu Xie Xian Sheng to chase and kill him.

The two sides fought fiercely, the hands of evil thoughts and the red and black double blades were constantly fighting.

"Chi Chi Chi...!"

Unknowingly, Xu Xie Xian Sheng has accumulated a large number of green spell lines all over his body, and his perception has gradually become dull.

But it doesn't matter, as the manipulator, Su Yuan is not restricted at all.

As for the zombie seal of death... Su Yuan pulled out the glass azure, and the powerful vitality rushed to all parts of Xuxie Xiansheng's body like a meridian, easily resisting the erosion of the power of death.

In this way, with the big red hand and the big yellow hand restricted, the false and evil manifestation has quickly suppressed the evil thoughts of the priestess!


Another sword slashed, and the hard-to-dispel evil fire continued to burn the priestess, and the terrifying power of pollution had already corrupted more than half of her body!


The priestess let out a sharp scream, almost unable to withstand the burning and decay of the black and red double blades.

But at this moment, Su Yuan suddenly noticed something in his all-knowing field of vision, and when he turned his head to look, there was a burly middle-aged man rushing straight from the side!

"It's also a knight of truth!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he immediately manipulated Xu Xie Xiansheng to swing Hei Tianzhao and slash towards him.

And the next moment, a powerful and inexplicable force suddenly came, as if being hit by a truck.

The gigantic illusory evil manifesting its holiness was knocked away!

"This power... no, it's the rules!"

Su Yuan's pupils narrowed slightly, and he immediately understood.

With strength alone, how could it be possible to knock such supernatural powers, such as Xuxie and manifesting saints, flying so far!

Su Yuan looked at Augusto, only to find that the other party had many wounds on his body, and the two wounds on the back were even more visible. Obviously, he had just experienced a big battle!

"Gongsun Wu and Tian three seats!"

Su Yuan's heart trembled, and he quickly took out the talisman to check the location of Gongsun Wu.

Tian Hui was coming quickly and was about to arrive here, but Gongsun Wu's location had disappeared.

Su Yuan frowned, maybe something happened.

But at this moment, Augusto looked at the priestess who was completely enveloped by the power of black flame and corruption, and then looked at Su Yuan, and he was also greatly shocked.

However, this is not the time to talk too much.

"Fina, hurry up, release all your zombies!" Augusto shouted in a deep voice!


The priestess was also almost in a desperate situation. When she noticed Augusto approaching, her eyes lit up and she immediately opened her big black hand!

After a burst of black wind transformed by mantra, tens of thousands of "zombies" suddenly appeared densely in the arena!

Su Yuan frowned slightly, not knowing what the other party was going to do.

These zombies are worse than the thousands of people before, and obviously have no effect on themselves.

And the next moment, Augusto's eyes showed excitement, and the metallic luster around him flowed, and he turned into a meat bomb chariot and crashed into the dense crowd.

In an instant, a large number of zombies were knocked into the air, the weak ones exploded on the spot, and the stronger ones were shattered to pieces with blood flying everywhere!

Unlike Su Yuan who annihilated thousands of people with the power of space, the scene where Augusto crushed countless people is the bloodiest one.

You know, these "zombies" are just living people who have been sealed by the death curse of the priestess!

A cold light flickered in Su Yuan's eyes, but he didn't step forward to stop him, but escaped from the emptiness and evil.

Manipulating Xuxie to appear holy, he continued to slash at the priestess who was unable to protect himself, while Su Yuan himself turned his head to look not far away.

I saw a burst of thunder coming, but it was Gongsun Wu who came flying with Tian Hui.

"Su Sanxi!"

Tian Hui's right arm was drooping, as if she was seriously injured.

And Gongsun Wu looked even more embarrassed, his whole body was bloody.

But Su Yuan was relieved when he saw this, as long as he didn't die.

Su Yuan immediately asked: "How is it? What's the situation with that person? If I'm not wrong, it's a chariot from the Secret Society of Truth?"

"That's right!"

Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu also saw the priestess wrapped in black flames in front of them, their expressions froze, and they immediately synchronized the information about the chariot to Su Yuan.

Before, after discovering the weakness of the chariot's ability, the two fought hand in hand, and with Tian Hui's Invisibility, they finally inflicted heavy damage on the chariot.

And after Augusto realized that the situation was not good, he suddenly ran towards Su Yuan, which is why the current situation came about.

Su Yuan looked at Augusto who had killed nearly half of the zombies in a blink of an eye, and said, "It seems that he came here just for these zombies of the priestess?"

When Tian Hui and Gongsun heard the words, they both looked at Augusto who was carrying out the torture.

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he opened his eyes without any dust, and immediately noticed something.

As Augusto killed the zombies, his breath became stronger every minute and every second, and his expression became more crazy!

"Got to stop him!"

Su Yuan's mind was divided into two parts, one was to control the priestess who was attacking the impoverished priestess, and the other was to get behind Augusto and slash out with his sword!

Augusto stopped his momentum in a hurry, turned around and swung his arms to smash.

With a "bang", Augusto and Su Yuan took several steps back at the same time.

After Augusto stabilized his figure, he ignored Su Yuan and rushed towards the remaining zombies again.

Of the tens of thousands of zombies at this moment, most of them have been killed by Augusto.

Just when Su Yuan killed him again, the enthusiasm in Augusto's eyes had reached the extreme.

This is the passive ability of Augusto God's chariot. Whenever the chariot crushes an opponent, it will get an increase of "intent to kill", and when this intention to kill has accumulated to its peak...

"The chariot of the gods, killing wildly!"

Augusto yelled violently, and the turbulent holy light on his body changed again.

A face grew out again on the back of its head, and even hands and feet grew out immediately after.

Now not only the priestess has four arms, but the chariot Augusto also has two more legs.

Augusto's eyes were extremely excited: "This is the power bestowed by God!"

"Move quickly, Augusto...!" The priestess was extremely sluggish, and she was in danger.

When Augusto heard this, Dang even wanted to rush out.

But Su Yuan naturally wouldn't let him do what he wished, he held his left hand empty, and the lurking sky locks rushed out immediately, intersecting into a net to block Augusto's front.


When the two came into contact, the rune on the lock of the sky dodged violently, which actually restrained Augusto a little bit.

But just a few breaths later, with a "click", a crack appeared on the sky lock.

Then the lock of the sky suddenly snapped, and Augusto continued to rush forward.

"The power of such rules...!"

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he walked directly in front of Augusto, star power surged in his body, and he raised his right hand to point at Augusto.


The immeasurable power turned into a chasm in front of him, and Augusto's forward figure suddenly slowed down, and he gradually stopped in front of Su Yuan.

"Su Sanxi blocked him!" Both Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu were greatly surprised.

And Su Yuan's own eyes lit up: "It's effective!"

Before, Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu had figured out this person's ability, and no one could stop him head-on.

However, the infinite barrier that is deployed by itself is not a resistance in the usual sense, but an infinitely stretched distance between square inches, making it difficult for them to advance.

It can be said to be... "like blocking".

Now it seems that it really can restrain Augusto's ability!

But restraint is restraint, and all competitions will ultimately fall on personal strength.

The soul power released by Augusto's true form is already better than Su Yuan, and it will be even stronger after the second transformation of crazy killing!

At this moment, with Augusto's strength, the chariot of gods continued to break through the infinite barrier and approach Su Yuan.

"not good!"

Tian Hui and Tian Hui's expressions were fixed, and they flew out immediately, trying to attack from Augusto's rear to support Su Yuan.

"Constellation · Comet!"

"Mysterious Yellow Earth Dragon Spear!"

The green thunder surged, and the black and yellow converged. The two gathered their offensive in a blink of an eye, and together they attacked the "behind" where Augusto had transformed into a face, hands and feet.

However, the next moment, the rock gun exploded, and the comet reflected back, and the attack of the two seemed to be smashed head-on!

There was a trace of sarcasm on the face behind Augusto: "It's ridiculous, do you two still want to attack me like this!"

After the second stage of transformation, not only the strength and speed have become faster, but the defense has also become stronger.

Moreover, the ability to break through everything by oneself has changed from "the direction of progress" to "a line of progress"!

Therefore, the weakness behind him is no longer a weakness for Augusto!


But before Augusto could be proud, a scream came from a distance.

In just a few breaths, the blazing undead evil fire almost burned the scarlet and rotten priestess to death.

Augusto was startled suddenly, and the aura around him surged, and he was about to break through the boundless barrier in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, an extremely dazzling golden wind suddenly surged in front of him!

"The covenant of returning to the ruins!"

Surrounded by the magical wind of Guixu, Su Yuan's cultivation has reached the Three Suns Realm in one fell swoop!

The power of space in Su Yuan's palm is even stronger: "Boundless!"

The space within a short distance suddenly stretched sharply, and the distance between Su Yuan and Augusto, who were close to each other in a blink of an eye, opened up again!

It stands to reason that even if Su Yuan has been promoted to the Sanyang Realm, in terms of the strength of the soul power alone, he must not be able to compare with Augusto, who is truly liberated.

But one thing drops one thing, this is the restraint between abilities!

The infinitely extended space seems to make it impossible for chariots to pass forever!

"What!" Augusto's complexion changed drastically.


Accompanied by an extremely sharp scream, the red and black swords slashed down, and Ertian Yiliu completely tore open the rotting body of the priestess, directly cutting it into four pieces!

Burned by the flames and corrupted, the vicious priestess died completely!

"Damn it!"

With a roar, Augusto immediately abandoned Su Yuan, who had strange abilities, and ran into Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu who were behind him.

Both Tian Hui and Tian Hui's expressions changed.

Tian Hui is okay, she can escape invisible with the help of gods and ghosts.

And Gongsun Wu was not only seriously injured, but even the god of heaven disappeared, but he really couldn't bear it.

But at this moment, immeasurable power surged in Su Yuan's palm, and with a sudden swipe, Augusto was suddenly surrounded by a solid silver light.

Draw the ground as a prison!

Augusto is rampant, but like a trapped animal in the bullring, no matter how he rushes, he can't escape the silver circle that is the prison!

Augusto's eyes became more and more impetuous and crazy, as if he was going crazy. How can he even see half of his posture as a martial arts master? He is simply a wild beast that has lost his mind!

A golden phantom appeared on Su Yuan's body, and he went back in time, and then the silver light in his eyes quickly gathered.

"Infinite Moments!"

The silver ripples swayed, and in an instant, Augusto, who was walking forward, suddenly stopped in place.

Su Yuan raised his hand and pointed: "Return to the market!"

The golden kamikaze whizzed out and washed over Augusto's body.

Augusto, who had reached the ultimate defense after the second-stage transformation, the metallic luster on his body dimmed visibly with the naked eye.

"The power of time!"

Seeing this scene, both Gongsun Wu and Tian Hui were shocked.

As for Su Yuan himself, he has already started to draw his sword, and the sword's sword is full of sword intent.

"God breaks a flash!"

Accompanied by the horrific sword intent, the black light rushed past and slashed directly at Augusto's body from the side.

The next moment, the front and rear halves of Augusto's body suddenly separated, blood surged, and he turned into two halves of corpses and fell from the sky.

Priest chariot, kill both!

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