Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 857: Cause and Effect

Hearing Wen Renfeng's words, Damia's complexion changed and he was about to take action immediately.

And Wen Renfeng had already raised his left hand, and flicked the plum blossom sword with his slender index finger.


In an instant, an irresistible force burst out from the sword!

The dark thorn in Damia's hand exploded instantly, and he was sent flying out on the spot.

"Oh!" A mouthful of blood spewed out, Damia's eyes were shocked, "This guy?!"

Before Damia was startled, the raging plum blossoms surged at an astonishing speed and submerged Damia in it!

"not good!"

Damia quickly exploded with star power to resist Baimei's cutting and strangling.

And Wen Renfeng raised his hand and shook it falsely: "Seven kills of the plum blossom!"

The countless white plums wrapped around Damia suddenly turned into seven long white plum stakes and stuck on Damia's body after a slight surge!

"Chi Chi Chi...!"

In an instant, Damia's body was covered with seven white plum piles!

However, with a sound of "Poof!", Damia turned into a dark element and exploded, appearing not far away with a pale complexion.

"It's a very powerful technique of surrogate death, but this kind of surrogate technique, which is fake and real, often consumes a lot of energy. How many times can you use it?"

Wen Renfeng's expression was normal, and with a wave of his hand, the raging Baimei rushed towards Damia who was dodging by the substitute.

Damia didn't avoid it, but a frenzy gradually rose in his eyes:

"You are indeed strong, stronger than I expected... However, if you kill a master like you, maybe Master Constantine will look at me with admiration!"

Wen Renfeng's eyes moved slightly, and he faintly sensed something: "Is it coming..."

The holy light of the cross in Damia's palm lit up and placed it on his chest, and a powerful breath burst out from himself.

"Silence and silence, Illusory Walker!"

Accompanied by a burst of intense dark light, Damia's appearance did not change much, but her entire body seemed to become erratic and elusive.

And in his right hand, there is also a rather strange saber.

At this time, the raging white plum has already rushed to its approach and instantly submerged it!

Thousands of white plums passed through Damia's body, but they didn't hurt Damia at all as if they were illusory.

And Damia stepped out, and suddenly turned into a dark light, jumped over the surging white plums and slashed at Wen Renfeng!

Wen Renfeng didn't dodge or dodge, and immediately swung his long sword and slashed head-on.

But when he hit Damia's strange saber, the white long sword transformed from plum blossom passed over it as if standing in a void.

Wen Renfeng's eyes moved slightly, and Wen Renfeng didn't dodge, but continued to slash at Damia's body with his sword.

However, at the next moment, a piece of blood splashed from Wen Renfeng's body, and a long wound was cut by the saber!

However, Wen Renfeng's long sword passed directly over Damia's body, without any effect at all.

The corners of Damia's mouth curled up, and he made a great effort with one blow, and with a turn of the saber in his hand, he slashed at Wen Renfeng again.

Wen Renfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the snowflakes rose under his feet, and immediately withdrew and retreated.

"Hahaha, are you finally willing to take a step away!"

Damia looked at Wen Renfeng who was flashing backwards, with a grin on his face.

"Think I will be attacked by you when I attack? My strength is more than that!"

Wen Renfeng looked down at the wound in front of him, and the white plum blossoms flew back to cover the wound.

The blood stopped quickly, and the wound healed visibly.

What looked like a serious wound at first was nothing to Wen Renfeng.

"I have met opponents who use the method of falsehood and reality, but you are the first one who can attack reality with falsehood." Wen Renfeng said slowly.

Wen Renfeng had guessed this possibility a long time ago, one of the reasons for trying the sword with himself was also to confirm the opponent's ability as soon as possible, after all... he was not afraid of getting hurt!

Now it seems that the other party can not only transform into a void, but also use the "self's void" to attack the "others' reality". This kind of ability is indeed extremely difficult for ordinary people.

Damia laughed and said, "Phantom Walker, you don't need to attack from behind the scenes, but from the front, you can make your opponent helpless!"

Wen Renfeng's eyes flickered, and as soon as he raised his hand, the surging white plums turned into several waves again, attacking Wen Renfeng from all directions!

"it's useless!"

The corner of Damia's mouth grinned, and with one step, he passed through thousands of flying white plums, and came to Wen Renfeng in an instant, raised his saber and chopped it off.

"Then, let's cut you in half at once!"


The sound of the sword piercing into the flesh sounded, and blood splashed from between the two of them.

I saw Wen Renfeng standing in place, warm blood dripping from the pure white plum blossom sword.

And Damia clutched his chest, a large amount of blood flowed down from the deep bone wound on his chest, and his pupils trembled violently!

"How can it be?!"

Damia's eyes were astonished, and he never expected that the other party would be able to kill him.

Shocked, Damia's figure flickered completely invisible and escaped into the void.

It's nothing else, it's astonishingly invisible!

The illusory walker liberated from the real form, combined with the invisibility of gods and ghosts, will never be seen through even if he is pure-hearted!

However, facing the invisible Damia, Wen Renfeng didn't hesitate at all. As soon as he raised his hand, all the white plums rushed towards a certain place.

In the blink of an eye, as if he had hit something, some blood was sprinkled in the air again!

And Wen Renfeng flickered, and appeared behind Baimei, raised his hand and slashed towards the void with a sword.


With a loud bang, Damia's figure was instantly thrown out from the invisible state of the gods and ghosts, and a large amount of blood was spilled!


Damia's eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

"Impossible, impossible! I have the blessing of God, but I have an illusory body, how did you hurt me!"

Wen Renfeng heard the words, raised his left hand, and slightly caressed the place where Damia had just cut him.

Although the wound has already healed, but if you look closely, there seems to be strands of mysterious pale golden light flowing on it.

"Since you attack me, there is a cause and effect between you and me."

The plum blossoms with golden lines in Wen Renfeng's eyes fluctuated, walking towards Damia step by step.

"I will kill you for cause and effect, but you can't avoid it."

Damia was shocked, this kind of mysterious ability has completely exceeded Damia's imagination!

Since he has already turned into an illusion, he can completely ignore physical and energy attacks, so why can the person in front of him still hit him!

In the blink of an eye, Wen Renfeng had already walked in front of Damia, held up the long sword, and slashed down with the entangled force of cause and effect.

Although Damia was able to move, he had an extremely strong feeling that no matter where he retreated, the sword would strike him!

"No!" Damia was inexplicably terrified and couldn't help shouting, "Help me!!"

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