Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 858: Defeating the Enemy

Thousands of miles away, under the stars.

Stella's eyes shone with brilliance like starlight, looking into the distance.

And in his hands, he held a crystal long spear studded with cross stars, which was much larger than his body.

The seemingly petite body, holding the crystal spear, is as stable as a rock without shaking at all.

And its blue eyes, as bright as stars, stared motionlessly into the distance through the spear, without blinking an eyelid.

At this moment, Stella's pupils lit up suddenly, and the starlight on the gun gathered on the muzzle of the gun.

"Break him down, star!"

In an instant, the starlight was like a stream, and a starlight that was as fast as an aurora shot out and went straight to the distance!

outside room.

In the darkness of night, there are soldiers on duty all over the A-12 base.

At this time, a sentry somewhere on the wall of the fortress.

"Captain, look, is that a meteor!" One of the young team members on duty suddenly saw something and pointed to the distance.

The middle-aged captain next to him looked up, and there seemed to be a rather bright blue star point flying from the distant sky.

"Well, it's pretty..." The middle-aged captain nodded.

The other team members couldn't help being attracted too.

"It's so beautiful..."

"I make a wish that I can go home and see my wife next month."

"I hope that too many people will not die in the disaster, regardless of the north and the south..."


Many people looked at the trailing meteor ahead and made a wish.

But soon, the captain seemed to notice something, and frowned and looked intently.

However, he saw that the meteor coming from the distant sky was not about to pass over the heads of himself and others, but... came straight to him and others!

The captain's pupils trembled suddenly, and he shouted violently: "Get out of the way, alert! Alert!!"

The rest of the people were still a little unresponsive, the captain exclaimed and was about to take out the talisman to activate the alarm.

But at the next moment, the stars are shining, the meteor that was still in the sky just now, has rushed to the front in the blink of an eye, and hit the city wall of the fortress...


Outside the treatment room, General Cheng Pu, Lieutenant General He Hua, and some other officers were still waiting outside.

Cheng Pu looked at He Hua who kept walking back and forth in the yard with his hands behind his back, and said helplessly, "Old He, stop dangling around, it makes me flustered!"

Lieutenant General He Hua heard the words, but he said anxiously: "Wenren Yushi used to be cured in at most ten minutes, but now it has been more than half an hour!"

Cheng Pu said: "Severe injuries of the Burning Sun class are of course not so easy to treat. I heard that the imperial envoy's healing skills are extremely superb, so don't worry!"

He Hua sighed, but also stopped: "Okay, then..."


Suddenly, like a blue star stream coming, a dazzling blue starlight pierced everything and shot from everyone's eyes!

In an instant, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and they looked at He Hua in a daze.

However, He Hua, including his right arm, his entire shoulder and even part of his chest were blown away in an instant!

Everyone looked up, but they saw that where the blue starlight came from, the city wall, formation, barracks... everything in a straight line had been pierced!

The next moment, a strong siren sounded.

He Hua's face was pale, and he was about to fall forward immediately.

"Old He?!"

Cheng Pu's heart trembled, and he quickly stepped forward to support him.

"General He!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Quick, find a therapist!"


Everyone also reacted quickly.

Under the shocking injury, He Hua's aura was extremely sluggish in an instant.

Cheng Pu exclaimed in shock, "Old He, how are you doing!"

However, He Hua's eyes widened, and he raised his left finger with difficulty to point to the back of the crowd.

Cheng Pu immediately realized what he meant, and immediately turned to look towards the treatment room.

But at this sight, Cheng Pu's pupils shrank.

But he saw that the treatment room behind him was also pierced by that blue light.

However, the treatment room was not destroyed. On the contrary, it seemed that a corner of a certain space was broken, and the void where the entire treatment room was located was somewhat discordant.

"There is a situation!"

When Cheng Pu raised his hand, a large hand with psychic power that covered the sky and the sun condensed in the air, and it crashed down towards the treatment room.

But before reaching the treatment room, it seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier.

Cheng Pu immediately realized that something was covering the treatment room, and he snorted coldly, and the brilliance on his palm began to exert force again.

The sound of "Kaka" sounded, and the next moment, the invisible space was broken like glass, completely revealing the scene in the scene.

"Wear the envoy?!"

When everyone saw the situation in the field clearly, their pupils trembled suddenly.

In the arena, a huge blood hole appeared in Wen Renfeng's chest, which was caused by the starlight!

Because the starlight was too far away and too fast, even Yixin Wuchen couldn't detect it in time.

Although Wen Renfeng was not killed in one fell swoop, Wen Renfeng's injuries at this moment are even more shocking than He Hua's!

"Good job, Stella!"

"Good job, Stella!"

Damia looked at Wen Renfeng who was pierced in front of him, and the fear in his eyes suddenly turned into madness, resentment and embarrassment!

"Give me death!"

Damia let out a grin, and swung his saber to slash at Wen Renfeng.

Cheng Pu yelled, "Help!"

Burst Thunder, Sea God's Halberd, Psychic Hand...

In a hurry, Cheng Pu and the other two generals attacked Damia one after another!

However, the Sea God's halberd flew past, the thunder blasted into the air, and the psychic giant hand fell on Damia's body, smashing the ground but not hurting Damia at all.

"What's going on?!" Cheng Pu and others were shocked.

And Damia smirked, and flew to Wen Renfeng and slashed at him.

But at this time, Wen Renfeng raised his head, but the calm look made Damia's heart tremble for no reason.

The next moment, accompanied by a shocking wave of energy, a black and white gossip picture suddenly lit up outside Wen Renfeng's body, and directly swung Damia back out again!

"Yin and Yang turn around!"

Wen Renfeng spoke in a cold voice, and the gossip chart runes flashed and turned quickly.

Black and white disappear, life and death are reversed, the huge blood hole in Wen Renfeng's chest was filled back in the blink of an eye, leaving only shallow marks.

At the same time, the long sword of plum blossoms held by Wen Renfeng, and the roaring white plum blossoms outside her body, also turned into a frightening pitch black color like dyeing!


Damia, who was blown away by the gossip map, looked at Wen Renfeng in horror. He didn't expect that the other party had recovered from his serious injury in a blink of an eye.

Moreover, Damia could really feel that there was an extremely dangerous aura emanating from Wen Renfeng at this moment!

But at this time, the gossip map dissipated, and Wen Renfeng looked up.


Damia only felt his scalp tingling for a while, and without hesitation, he urged the phantom body and the gods and ghosts to hide their bodies and run away invisibly.

But Wen Renfeng just stood there, raised the black plum long sword and cut it down suddenly!


With a scream, Damia, who was fleeing in front of him, burst into blood on his back, and was directly chopped down to the ground by a sword!

Damia was startled and was about to stand up again.

And Wen Renfeng raised his left hand, and the black plum blossoms in the sky were already falling from the top of his head like a black tide.

Damia's eyes were tearing apart: "No...!"


The screams stopped abruptly, countless blood spurted out, and the tide of black plums twisted Damia into countless pieces in an instant!


It's just a way to save people.

What is really used to kill is the black plum whose strength, speed, and hardness are several times stronger!

With a thought in Wen Renfeng's mind, many black plums outside her body flew back together.

In an instant, all the plum blossoms formed a dark gossip centered on themselves.

Wen Renfeng made a seal with his hands, and the golden lines in his eyes flowed. Suddenly, several strands of golden force of karma flew out from the chest that had just been pierced, and landed on the huge gossip diagram formed by the gathering of black plums outside his body.

In an instant, like dry wood and raging fire, the black gossip suddenly ignited a golden flame, and a mysterious and extraordinary fluctuation suddenly swept towards a certain place in the void.

a long distance away.

After Stella shot, she was checking the situation in the distance.

At this moment, Stella saw that Wen Renfeng not only did not die, but killed Damia backhandedly.


Stella's small face was slightly stagnant, and she couldn't help opening her eyes slightly, the starry eyes were still a bit stunned.

And at this moment, Stella suddenly felt a sense of trepidation in her heart, and a black gossip burning with golden flames suddenly appeared outside her body!


Stella's pupils shrank.

The next moment, as the gossip turned, Stella's body suddenly burst with blood splendor!

After a while, the gossip dissipated.

But Stella's originally petite and delicate body was torn apart with a large number of scars and blood holes like a rag doll.

His whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and a large amount of blood flowed down, which was already a severe injury on the spot!

Stella's pupils trembled, and without hesitation, the holy light of the cross in her palm lit up on her chest.

In an instant, the stars in the sky exploded, and an extremely bright cross holy light erupted from Stella's body!

In the blink of an eye, behind Stella, there were four bright cross stars.

"Qilin Yu... the second seat."

Stella dragged her seriously injured body, and then glanced into the distance.

Then the four cross stars behind him lit up, and suddenly turned into a meteor and shot towards the north...

At the base, Wen Renfeng looked into the distance, and quickly looked away.

With a thought, the pitch black color on his body quickly turned back to white, and the terrifying aura quickly dissipated and returned to normal.

Wen Renfeng looked at He Hua, who was seriously injured, and appeared in front of him in a flash, and white plums roared as he raised his hand.

"Wenren Yushi, what's going on..." a major general next to him asked.

Many officers in the field were anxious and confused, not knowing what was going on.

Who was the assassin who was killed just now;

What is that meteor-like attack;

And... what about Lieutenant General Zhao?

Many people were at a loss, and the only one who knew the situation now seemed to be Wen Renfeng.

But Cheng Pu said: "Don't ask, just get out of the way first!"

Cheng Pu knew that Wen Renfeng was going to treat He Hua.

And it is not difficult to see that Wen Renfeng solved an assassin, and there seemed to be another assassin outside.

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