Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 859: Southern Land Goes First

Cheng Pu said: "Major General Li, Major General Gao, you all lead the team out to investigate together!"


The siren sounded throughout the base, all formations were at 100% power, and everyone took action at their respective positions.

Only Wen Renfeng was here, and there was silence.

After a while, amidst the surprised expressions of Cheng Pu and several officers, He Hua stood up again with a pale complexion.

Except for the missing right arm, nothing is in danger.

He Hua looked at the empty right arm, and then said: "Thank you... Wenren Yushi."

Wen Renfeng nodded slightly, and went to the side to wash his hands first.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu and others hurriedly followed, and asked, "Wenren Yushi, I don't know what happened, and there seems to be no trace of the enemy outside. Who is the dead enemy?"

After Wen Renfeng washed his hands, he turned around and said, "Qiguang, the Secret Society of Truth, the hermit."

"Secret Society of Truth, Hermit?!"

When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed.

Now, with the various actions of the Secret Society of Truth, people in the Southern Army have truly felt its terror.

Just like an abyss, staring at the south, strange and powerful.

And the hermit is even more of a haze that hangs over Cheng Pu and other generals of the Northeast military region.

Come and go without a trace, kill invisible.

The number of generals who died in his hands was as many as two hands, and no matter how strict the defense was, it seemed that they couldn't stop him!

But at this moment, everyone looked at the pool of blood on the ground that didn't even have much meat left.

That ghostly and notorious hermit was killed by Wen Ren's envoy just like that? !

Wen Renfeng continued: "The person outside should be another member of the Secret Society of Truth, but she is far away and should have been injured and left. As for Lieutenant General Zhao..."

Hearing Wen Renfeng mention Lieutenant General Zhao, Cheng Pu, He Hua and many officers looked over nervously.

Wen Renfeng paused, and said: "He has been killed by the hermit, and he was the one who became Lieutenant General Zhao who was injured before."

The faces of Cheng Pu and the others turned ugly.

However, seeing the situation just now, everyone has already expected this in their hearts.

Wen Renfeng didn't say anything more, the threat had receded, so he went straight past Cheng Pu and the others to his room.

"The Secret Society of Truth..."

Wen Renfeng walked slowly step by step, raised his right hand, and a trace of pale golden force of karma flowed out, entwining around his fingertips.

With a thought in Wen Renfeng's mind, the force of cause and effect pointed somewhere far away.

"Since you are involved in karma, then you don't want to escape."

There was a cold light in Wen Renfeng's eyes, and he waved his hand to put away the power of cause and effect...

Central part of the continent, near the inland sea.

It has been nearly a month since the chariot and the priestess were encountered in the Gora Mountains.

Su Yuan, Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu have already gone to two areas to investigate.

But these two times, no signs of dragon veins were detected. Fortunately, no troublesome things were encountered.

On a certain mountain top, Su Yuan and the others flew down.

Tian Hui looked into the distance: "Further to the east, there is the Inner Sea."

Su Yuan took out the bronze guide plate, inspected it briefly, and said, "There are other envoys exploring the Inner Sea, so let's go back first."

Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu nodded.

Su Yuan raised his hand to open the door of space, and stepped in with Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu.

A few days later, Su Yuan took Tian Hui and the two back to the nearest A-17 base established in the north of Yunxiyu.

In the base, Su Yuan asked a Suzaku imperial envoy who had been reinforced here.

"Lin Yushi, is there any news from the department recently?"

Lin Yushi immediately nodded and said: "Yes! Lin Hao, Bai Huyu's second seat, is dead!"

"Huh?!" Su Yuan and the others all froze when they heard this.

Although the three of them are not members of Baihuyu, the second seat of Yiyu is already the strongest under the real king, and can even be regarded as the real king's successor and temporary spokesperson.

Died so quietly?

Tian Hui immediately asked in a concentrated voice: "What's going on?"

Lin Yushi said: "It is said that he died in the hands of the 'Death God' of the Secret Society of Truth while searching for the image of the dragon's veins."

"grim Reaper……"

The eyes of Su Yuan and the others froze. He and others have already seen how strong the members of the Secret Society of Truth are.

Since it can be called "Reaper", even if its strength is not extreme, it is definitely a very dangerous person.

Su Yuan asked: "Who is with Lin Hao in the second seat...?"

Yushi Lin sighed, shook his head and said, "Senior Lin acted alone."

"Is that so..."

Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu sighed slightly when they heard the words.

According to the company's current regulations, to avoid meeting the Knights of Truth who form a team, it is best to go together if you are not a real king.

Su Yuan thought for a while and asked, "Is there any trace of the second person at the scene?"

Lin Yushi shook his head: "Later, Zhenjun Fang Yuan personally rushed to the scene to investigate, and only found a few traces of 'Reaper'."

Su Yuan said: "In this way, no matter what, the only person who made the move is probably the 'Reaper'."

Yushi Lin nodded: "That's right!"

Just one person killed Bai Huyu's second seat!

When Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu heard the words, their expressions became more dignified.

When Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu heard the words, their expressions became more dignified.

Yushi Lin said again: "However, there is another piece of good news. Just two days ago, the Secret Society of Truth had been active in the northeast to assassinate the 'hermit' of senior generals, and was killed!"

Tian Hui's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Who killed him?"

"Qilin Yu, Wen Renfeng's second seat!"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately remembered the quiet Wen Renfeng when Yinzong first arrived.

Of the four hermit sects, Momei Valley has the least number of people.

Even in today's Qilin Yuzhong, there are only three people in Momei Valley.

"You actually killed the hermit? It's amazing..."

But Lin Yushi was quite excited and said: "It's not just the hermit! It is said that one is against two, not only killing the hermit, but also severely injuring another one! Myself... is almost uninjured!"

"So powerful!" Tian Hui couldn't help exclaiming.

In the past, it was so difficult for me and Gongsun Wu to fight against chariots, but now Wen Renfeng kills one and severely injures one by himself?

Still unharmed?

This level of strength is comparable to that of a real monarch!

Surprise also appeared in Su Yuan's eyes, this record is really astonishing.

Gongsun Wu sighed and said: "As expected of Senior Brother Wenren, my Senior Brother Yang Ming from Zichen Mountain also said before that he can fight even Senior Brother Ruan.

But only when he was facing Senior Brother Wenren, he was the least willing to face him, because there was almost no chance of winning! "

Tian Hui smacked her lips: "It's really a very high evaluation..."

Gongsun Wu nodded, and said seriously: "When the Qilin Yuzhenjun was selected, the support of the four sects for senior brother Wenren and senior brother Ruan was also 2:2.

Only Senior Brother Wenren took the initiative to give in, and the Four Sects handed over the position of True Monarch to Senior Brother Ruan. "

Su Yuan thought about it and nodded: "It turns out that it is like this, it is worthy of being the second place on the Burning Sun List..."

After a few people communicated, Su Yuan asked: "Lin Yushi, is there any new order from above?"

Yushi Lin shook his head and said, "Not yet, and the investigation of Earth Qi is coming to an end soon, and there may be new actions at that time."

Su Yuan nodded: "Then let's wait here for the time being."

"Yes." Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu also nodded.

As an A-level base here, for Su Yuan and others, the basic training is still enough.

Three days later, early in the morning.

Su Yuan had already taken a Double Ninth Sun Elixir, and took the time to practice in the room.

Time is squeezed out, the approach of the dragon's veins, and the appearance of the secret society of the true spirit make Su Yuan feel a sense of urgency.

Although he has never seen the real monarch make a move with his own eyes, Su Yuan is very clear that there is a huge gap between the Three Suns Realm and the Three Suns Realm.

It's even possible that it's even bigger than the gap from Chuyang to Sanyang!

Like chariots, if you come to seven or eight ordinary three yangs, if there is no way to target them, you may only be killed one by one.

"Fortunately, the cultivation progress of the demon soul seems to be going smoothly these days..." Su Yuan's eyes showed some thought.

In the past month, although I have traveled all over the place, my cultivation has continued to increase at a rather unexpected speed, which is precisely from Yaopo.

Considering that Yaopo is helping the Qinglong clan with everyone in Qingming Palace, it is likely that he got some kind of opportunity and benefit from Dragon Palace.

"I don't know, how is the situation in Dragon Palace and Xihai now..."

Su Yuan pondered for a while, then bent his knees and closed his eyes to start practicing.

But after a while, Su Yuan suddenly opened his eyes again.

As if aware of something, the silver light between Su Yuan's eyes flowed, and in an instant, he was completely innocent.

In just a moment, Su Yuan noticed that the star power in the surrounding air was fluctuating violently!

You must know that this A-17 base was also established by the tiger's veins that Dayan won a few years ago during the Earth Tribulation.

The base is right above the tiger's veins, and it's also the tiger's veins born in response to the catastrophe...

Whether it is the flow of earth's air during the disaster or the change of star power, they are more sensitive.

Su Yuan immediately took out the earth guide plate and checked it, and found that the earth energy of the tiger veins here had a change that had never occurred before.

Although the fluctuation is small, the degree of change is extremely astonishing, Su Yuan has never seen it before.

"This is……?!"

Su Yuan's pupils narrowed slightly, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he flew up directly to the high altitude of the base, looking towards the southwest.

The source of this fluctuation actually came from the southwest direction.

And soon, Tian Hui, Gongsun Wu and others also flew up immediately.

"It seems to be a change in the earth's energy, and it's very strong!" Gongsun Wu said in a deep voice.

"It's the dragon's veins!" Tian Hui's eyes froze, "But...not in our mainland!"

According to the changes in the atmosphere of the Yinpan of Bronze Land, although it is impossible to deduce the specific location for a while, it is not difficult to see that this distance has greatly exceeded the southwest corner of the Eastern Continent - the Western Desert.

Su Yuan nodded: "If it's not on the sea, then... it can only be on the southern continent!"

It stands to reason that even if the dragon vein is present, it will not make other continents feel it.

However, perhaps it is because this is the first and first wave of dragon veins born by Lan Haixing in response to the catastrophe, so there is such a movement!

It didn't take long for Su Yuan and others to receive news from Dayan via the five domains.

After reading the news, Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu couldn't help but look at Su Yuan.

"Southern Continent...Su Sanxi, your trip is far enough..."

The content of the news is that several imperial envoys will be dispatched to the southern continent.

And among them was Su Yuan!

"It's okay, I've been there once before." Su Yuan put away the black card, turned to look at Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu, "I'll leave immediately after the order is issued."

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Before everyone in the Xuntian Division had fully explored the phenomenon of dragon veins, they didn't expect that dragon veins were born in the Southern Continent first.

Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu both bowed their hands and said, "Su Sanxi, be more careful."

"You two are also careful."

Su Yuan returned a salute, and then headed south...

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