Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 860 Return to the Southern Continent

The demon capital, Ming Palace.

Kong is sitting at the top, while Bai Ze, Bi Fang and Qiong Qi are standing at the bottom.

Kong Zheng threw down a golden feather, and Bai Ze immediately caught it respectfully.

"Bai Ze, take the golden feather and go to Nanlu now, the two of you will move with each other."

Both Bai Ze and Bi Fang responded: "Yes, King Ming!"

On the side, Qiongqi took a look at Bi Fang, and then asked in a deep voice: "Master Ming, let me go."

Before Kong Zheng could speak, Bi Bianyi raised his eyebrows first: "Go instead, your temper, I'm afraid you will cause a lot of trouble in Nanlu!"

"Causing trouble?" Qiongqi snorted, "If you don't cause trouble, can you avoid others this time?

Anyway, there will be a fight sooner or later, Bi Fang, your small body may not be able to withstand it. "

Bi Fang Yingwu's face suddenly sank a little, his fists were clenched and cracked: "Poor... Strange!"

Qiongqi crossed his arms and met Bi Fang's gaze without hesitation.

Looking at this scene, Bai Ze could only smile and shook his head.

These two people have been arguing for so many years.

However, in fact, both of them knew that this trip was extremely dangerous, and they wanted each other to stay, so they competed to go.


Kong, who was seated above, was speaking, when Bi Fang and Qiongqi stopped and looked up respectfully.

Kong Zheng stroked the five-color brilliance fan, and said slowly:

"The recovery of the Great Demon of the Southern Continent is now at a sensitive time, so avoid everything if you can.

Qiongqi, you have a lot of things to do, stay in Donglu, and you have other important things to do. "

Qiongqi could only respond: "Yes, Lord Ming."

Now that Kong Zheng had made his decision, he naturally did not allow others to have any objections.

Kong Zheng looked at Bai Ze, and said slowly: "I'm going to Nanlu now, I hope that when I come back, you can already be with me."

Bai Ze's expression froze, and he immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "At any time, Bai Ze swears his allegiance to Lord Ming King!"

Bi Fang and Qiongqi also knelt down and said, "We'll wait and pledge our allegiance to King Ming to the death!"

"Get up."

Kong Zhengbao tapped the palm of his left hand lightly with the fan, looked at Bai Ze and the others who were slowly getting up, and said:

"This trip, even with previous preparations, the probability of success is less than half."

Bai Ze said: "If there is a 20% to 30% chance, the subordinates are already very content."

Kong Zheng heard the words, but his extremely beautiful face was slightly solemn:

"Bai Ze, you are just too easy-going.

No matter what, since you want to do it, you must do your best to ensure that it will be successful.

Everything can only be achieved or not achieved. If it succeeds, let it go, if it fails, it will be a waste of effort!

Remember, kill when you have to, Wang Lu was killed, let alone in other lands?

If you have become a king, then the people of Nanlu can't do anything to you! "

Bai Ze's heart trembled, he pondered for a while and then said in a concentrated voice: "What Lord Ming said is true, and my subordinates will keep it in mind."

Kong Zheng nodded slightly, then waved his hand and said, "Then, you guys go."


Bai Ze and Bi Fang responded, and then turned into two colors of water and fire, soaring into the sky, and went straight to the horizon.

Dayan Xuntian Division, Suzaku Hall.

Su Yuan stepped into the hall, looked at Fang Qingxiao who was seated above, stepped forward and bowed, "The imperial seat."

"Su Yuan, sit down." Fang Qingxiao nodded slightly, signaling Su Yuan to sit down.

Su Yuan responded and sat down on the left side.

Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan and said with a smile: "On this trip, you not only found a dragon vein, but also killed the priestess and chariot of the Secret Society of Truth, not bad."

Su Yuan said: "The chariot was killed together with Tian Hui and Gongsun Wu."

"Hahaha, you are young, but you are not greedy for merit." Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan and smiled with increasing satisfaction.

Su Yuan cupped his hands slightly.

The members of the Secret Society of Truth will be beheaded sooner or later, not bad, and the credit of others must be clearly stated.

Su Yuan asked: "Is it related to the trip to the southern land that the throne called me?"

Fang Qingxiao nodded and said slowly:

"This time, the Southern Continent's dragon veins have been formed one after another, and I have summoned you and others to the Southern Continent.

First, it is to find out the birth of the dragon vein.

In the Southern Continent, apart from the revival of the old veins, no new dragon veins have formed since modern times.

Now there are only records in ancient books, you can observe and record the formation of dragon veins when you go to the Southern Continent.

Secondly, it is also a detailed investigation of the situation in the southern continent.

Now in the southern continent, the ancient great monsters have recovered one after another, and the situation has also changed.

Amidst the chaos, a large number of evil cultivators emerged, and the lives of the people were overwhelmed. As for the righteous way, Tianzong of Yushou is also involved with the revived great monster.

In addition, the Bodhi Gate of the Western Continent is about to move, and in the name of saving all living beings and saving the world, it has also extended its hand to the Southern Continent..."

Su Yuan nodded secretly, the higher-ups really had a good understanding of the situation in other continents.

And from this point of view, the current situation of the Southern Continent is not much better than that of the Eastern Continent.

Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan, and continued: "Three times, this is also an opportunity for you..."

"Huh?" Su Yuan was quite surprised, "Please give advice from the throne."

Fang Qingxiao said: "Now, you are extremely powerful, but you will suffer a lot if you want to compete with Nangong and other four true monarchs, and even the Taoists and saint sons of various factions in the Southern Continent."

Of course Su Yuan understood what Fang Qingxiao was talking about, nodded and said: "Yes, the subordinate realm is only Chongyang, and the foundation is still shallow."

That's right, the liberation of the true form is second, and my biggest shortcoming is the realm.

This is also the place where I suffer the most in the confrontation with top experts!

Fang Qingxiao said: "I see that your cultivation base has entered the realm quite quickly, and it seems that you have taken a lot of pills.

But according to this speed, it still takes at least five or ten years, and at most twenty or thirty years to enter Sanyang. "

Su Yuan nodded secretly, not to mention that the accumulated star power required to break through the Three Suns Realm was several times higher than before.

Moreover, the more Ri Ling Pills are taken, the more unstable the foundation becomes, and the time required for precipitation becomes longer and longer...

For ordinary people, it only takes five or ten years to be promoted to Sanyang?

How can there be such a good thing!

But for Su Yuan and the current situation, five or ten years is too long!

Disasters and calamities will not wait for anyone.

Only by hurrying forward, can we save one or two points of life in the midst of catastrophe.

Now, since Fang Yuzuo said so, there must be a solution to this problem.

Su Yuan said: "Please give advice from the throne."

"One person attains the Tao, and chickens and dogs rise to heaven. Eating meat and drinking soup, if someone ascends to the king level above the dragon veins, then the remaining energy essence...that is, this soup can also benefit others a lot."

Su Yuan's expression moved slightly: "Throne, what do you mean..."

Fang Qingxiao said: "Although these remaining energy essences are not enough for another Sanyang to break through to the king level.

However, it is not difficult to increase the cultivation base of the Scorching Sun level and save decades of accumulation and hard work. "

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he already understood what Fang Qingxiao meant.

If people from the Eastern Continent want to grab the dragon veins of the Southern Continent, it will definitely intensify the conflict between the two continents.

For Dayan, at this time of internal and external troubles and instability, it is natural to avoid further incidents.

And the Southern Continent is also in the midst of a catastrophe, and even thinking about it, they don't want such a thing to happen.

However, instead of eating meat to compete for the throne, drinking soup is still no problem.

The question is, how can I have a sip of soup...

Seeing that Su Yuan was thinking, Fang Qingxiao said: "This is a way, whether it can be transformed into an opportunity for you, and how to do it is up to you.

But there is one thing you don't have to worry about. Just like us, in the Southern Continent, the battle for dragon veins usually won't end directly at the king level. "

Su Yuan nodded, also understood the truth.

The battle of dragon veins was originally for the various forces to add more king ranks.

If the king level himself fights for the dragon veins, and is seriously injured or even falls, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the Eastern Continent or the Southern Continent, in terms of the dispute over the dragon veins alone, the king-level or even the emperor-level will not take action at will.

It's like replacing the battlefield with a chess game, reducing the level and loss of war.

Although the super sects such as Taishangmen and Motiandian, the king rank in the sect must be stronger.

But at the same time, sects such as Taishangmen also have considerable confidence in the elders and disciples of their own sect.

When Su Yuan heard the words, he immediately responded, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your suggestion!"

Fang Qingxiao nodded, gave some more instructions, and then said: "Others have already acted one after another, you should go to the teleportation square as soon as possible."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly when he thought of the list of people who went on this trip.

Although not many people went there, all the elites went this trip... including Wen Renfeng, who was killed and wounded by the Knight of Truth not long ago!

"Yes." Su Yuan replied, and then retreated.

In the depths of Yanting, the teleportation array heading to the southern continent.

Seeing Su Yuan approaching, a male envoy immediately said respectfully: "Su Sanxi!"

Su Yuan looked at the other party, and said: "Speaking of the envoy, I have to work."

This envoy was the Xuanwu Yu envoy, Yan Xing, who was responsible for teleportation when Su Yuan was Xingjun for the first time when he went to the Southern Continent a few years ago.

"I didn't expect the envoy to remember me!" Yan Xing was flattered, and his eyes were quite excited.

Nearly ten years later, I am still practicing at the Crescent Moon level.

But the other party has been promoted from Xingjun to Chongyang, ranking third, defeating Yinzong, and just beheaded two knights from the Secret Society of Truth. He is already a top master with a reputation in the north and south!

Su Yuan nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Then send it."

"Oh good!"

Yan Xing quickly operated the teleportation array, but saw a large piece of silver brilliance rise up, and after a while, Su Yuan disappeared into the field...

After an unknown amount of time, when Su Yuan opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in a dense forest full of swamps.

"The Southern Continent..."

Su Yuan raised his eyes and saw that the mountains and trees soared to the sky, and if nothing else happened, he had already arrived at the Southern Continent.

"I don't know how the Zongmen's teleportation array was left behind. It's really not easy..."

When I came to the Southern Continent last time, I was still in a shallow state, and I didn't think so much.

But now, to teleport directly from the Eastern Continent to the Southern Continent, this formation must be above level seven!

Su Yuan unfolded his omniscient vision and looked around. After observing the movement of the mountains, he quickly found the direction to go out of the mountains, and immediately flew to the outside...

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