Two days later, Su Yuan flew down and landed in a certain village.

"Finally found a village, there no one there?"

Su Yuan walked in the village step by step, looking left and right with silver lights floating in his eyes.

This village is not big, but there should be one or two thousand people, but at this moment, there is not even a single person.

Su Yuan pushed open several doors one after another, all of them were empty.

Su Yuan frowned, if it was a deserted village, it would be fine.

But judging from the black firewood in the stove, the scattered agricultural tools in the field, and the captive chickens, ducks, pigs and geese that have not all starved to death, it seems that these people suddenly evaporated.

"Is it a vision disaster, or is it the work of evil cultivators?"

Su Yuan thought for a while, and then continued to fly outside.

Since a village is like this, let's look at a few more.

However, two days later, Su Yuan passed through several villages and towns, and it was still like this, as if everyone had evaporated.

On the third day, Su Yuan finally found a city with a large scale.

It seems that there may be a population of one hundred or two hundred thousand.

In the Southern Continent, cities of this size basically have Yao-level monks, and maybe there are Huiyue-level monks.

However, Su Yuan flew over, and the omniscient vision swept across, but it was still empty.

This is quite weird!

The previous village with a population of 2,000 was nothing more than a city with a population of more than 100,000!

Soon, through the information searched in the city, Su Yuan also understood where this place was.

The country where this place is located is called Lie Kingdom, and it is a border city, and there are indeed three Huiyue-level masters in the city.

Su Yuan immediately went to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Traces of battle..." Su Yuan came to the city lord's mansion and looked at the crumbling ground, "The sword marks still have a trace of warmth. They should be disciples of the Zhenyang sect, and their strength is not low."

Su Yuan had dealt with the Zhenyang faction a lot, and he could tell at a glance that the sword mark came from the True Yang method sword of the True Yang faction, and the strength of the sword maker had definitely reached the Huiyue level.

"It's not easy." Su Yuan frowned slightly.

Right now it is obvious that the disciples of the Zhenyang faction came to this city to fight an enemy, but the result was more or less unfortunate.

Although Su Yuan himself didn't deal with the Zhenyang faction much before, putting aside personal grievances, Taishangmen, Zhenyang faction and other major decent factions are still maintaining the stability of the southern continent.

Su Yuan developed a clean heart, gathered a lot of information, and soon discovered something.

"It hasn't been two or three days, and we should be able to catch up."

Su Yuan raised his head to look in a certain direction, and quickly chased after him.

Just half a day later, Su Yuan came to a spiritual mountain hundreds of miles away from the city.

This mountain is called Yinlong Mountain, and it is also a small sect with hundreds of people. The sect master, Li Fanghua, is a master of Yuanyue level.

But at this moment, the entire Yinlong Mountain is shrouded in a cloud.

Although the entrance of the entire mountain gate was still empty, with his powerful perception, Su Yuan could faintly feel that there seemed to be something inside.

Su Yuan entered the mountain gate, and not long after, he heard the faint cry of a baby coming from somewhere in the mountain.

Although the voice was vague and indeterminate, in an instant, a spontaneous mental shock hit Su Yuan's head.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, easily blocked the mental shock, then raised his head to look at the main hall on the top of Yinlong Mountain.

"Is there?"

With a flash of silver light on his body, Su Yuan immediately flew to the top of the mountain.

The main hall was open, and inside it was a beautiful Taoist nun in her thirties who was sitting on the main seat and looking at herself.

However, his expression was terrified, his face was pale, he was motionless, and the aura on his body was exhausted to the extreme.

And in front of her, with his back to Su Yuan, sat a crying baby, who was grabbing something from the body of the beautiful nun and devouring it bit by bit.

It's not eating flesh and blood, it looks like it's sucking souls!

At this moment, the baby swallowed again, the light in the beautiful Taoist nun's eyes completely dimmed, her whole person quickly became illusory, and then slowly disappeared in front of Su Yuan...

"Even the existence of the physical body is erased?"

A cold light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and he immediately understood that all the people in front of him were probably swallowed up by the baby in front of them and disappeared like this.

Moreover, maybe they were induced by their mental power, and they were swallowed up one by one without knowing it.

At this time, the baby turned around, and Su Yuan saw its face clearly.

His complexion was blue, and his eyes were very large, with almost no whites.

And the dark green flames burning in his eyes seemed to be extremely bright because they had just devoured the soul of the beautiful Taoist nun.

"Woo woo woo..."

Obviously there was a weird smile on his face, but he made a sound like a baby crying.

The baby looked at Su Yuan longingly, and then walked faster and faster, rushing towards Su Yuan who was at the door from the hall.

Su Yuan's face remained normal, and he raised his hand and slapped him on the face.

The baby was instantly whipped through the wall next to it and flew out, rolling on the ground for dozens of meters.


The baby's crying became louder, and when it stood up again, there was no grievance on its face, but full of ferocity and anger!

Su Yuan looked at the baby in front of him: "Spiritual attack, devouring the soul, and it seems to be able to erase the body of the person whose soul was devoured, it's really not easy..."

After the baby stood still, he opened his mouth, and the corners of his mouth stretched to the base of his ears, and the dark green fire in his mouth shot towards Su Yuan immediately!

"However, only the Double Sun Realm."

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the immeasurable barrier immediately blocked the dark green flame in front of him.

The baby was stunned for a moment, then became even more angry, and immediately flew up to change positions and spit out dark green flames again.

As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, two figures in black robes appeared beside him.

It was the chariot and the priestess.

"Go, subdue him." Su Yuan ordered.

As soon as the words fell, the chariot stepped out, and it turned into a phantom and punched out.

The baby was hit before he could react, and was sent flying with a "bang" on the spot, breaking through several Taoist temples in a row!


But just for a moment, that rather piercing cry sounded again.

The baby stood up again. Although the skin was broken a little, it didn't suffer too much injury.

"Although it is not a spiritual body, with the blessing of soul energy, it seems to be quite resistant to physical attacks." Su Yuan looked at the baby in midair, thoughtfully.

But the baby's face was ferocious, and as the light flashed on his body, his whole body except his head turned into a big green snake!

Then the baby's mouth opened, and a mouthful of dark green flames spewed out again.

"The flame this time has soul attack attached!" Su Yuan's eyes were filled with silver light, and he immediately noticed the difference, "But..."

I saw the chariot dodging and rushing head-on, bursting into the green flames and rushing to the baby, clasping fists with both hands to cover its head.


The ground exploded layer by layer, directly smashing the baby back to the ground and blasting a big hole!

The chariot was originally an azure body that used vitality to make its corpse stand up again. Controlled by the Liuli azure sword, it had no soul, so how could it be injured by a soul attack.

"Woo woo woo..."

However, after receiving such a heavy blow, the baby stood up again in just a moment, with only a few minor injuries on his body.

Just at this moment, with a flash of silver light, a bright silver dagger with surging magic power was directly nailed to the baby's forehead, but it was the priestess who appeared behind the baby and stabbed it!

The baby wanted to struggle, but the red curse of weakness quickly formed, and it was so weak that it was difficult to stand up.

And the chariot suddenly fell from a high altitude and stepped on his body, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and he could no longer move.

Su Yuan stepped forward and looked at the baby: "It's really a weird monster."


The aura on the baby's body turned back into a human form, and he looked at Su Yuan weeping, with a pitiful expression on his face, not half as ferocious as before.

And at the same time, Su Yuan also felt an imperceptible mental shock coming towards him, as if tempting him to let it go...

Su Yuan sneered, and a ball of black flames emerged in his palm: "If you like to play with fire, then be yourself in the fire."

With a wave of Su Yuan's hand, the undead evil fire burst out and landed on the baby.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" the baby looked at Su Yuan pitifully.

But Su Yuan would not be affected by it.

Soon, as its body was gradually burned under the undead evil fire, the pitiful expression on the baby's face suddenly changed, full of distorted ferocity and fright!

"Human...damn it!" the baby cursed.

Su Yuan said: "So you can talk..."

The baby was furious: "Let go of me! Damn it!"

Although he can speak, he doesn't seem very intelligent.

Su Yuan didn't want to talk nonsense with it, so he withdrew the evil fire with a thought, and then called Ruan Ruan.

"Ruanrou, can you swallow it?"

This star beast looks quite weird, although it has been seriously injured by the evil fire, Su Yuan is not sure if Ruan Ruan can swallow it.

But Ruan Ruan jumped up and became several times bigger, opened his "bloody mouth" and swallowed the baby.

The baby looked at the black light in Ruanrou's mouth, and there was a burst of panic in his eyes: "No... no! I'm going to kill you!"

The next moment, Ruan Ruan swallowed it.

Su Yuan waited on the spot, waiting for Ruan Ruan to devour his memory.

Soon, Ruan Ruan opened his eyes, shrank his body and fell back to Su Yuan's shoulder.

"Master, we have it!"

"Well, tell me, what is his background?"

Ruan Ruan was surprised: "His name is 'Jiu Ying', he seems to have just recovered, and this is only one of his nine avatars."

"Jiuying..." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he thought about it, "Has even this ancient beast revived?"

Jiuying, according to the records, was a legendary monster as famous as Qiongqi in ancient times.

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