Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 862 Meeting True Yang Again

Ruan Ruan said: "Master, this 'Nine Infants' seems to be very powerful, one clone is Chongyang.

If the nine are combined, I am afraid that in all the three sun realms, they are very, very powerful!

Now that I have swallowed one of its parts, will he come to the door..."

"If he dares to come, then he will swallow all his remaining eight clones." Su Yuan pinched his soft face and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Master... Pu Chi Pu Chi!"

Ruan Ruan jumped up, moved and chirped non-stop on Su Yuan's face.

Su Yuan laughed and teased it for a while, but found that Ruan Ruan seemed to have some signs of a breakthrough.

Ruan Ruan had devoured a large number of Star Cores of the Early Sun Realm before, and his own cultivation had already greatly improved.

Now that Jiuying had devoured a clone of Chongyang Realm, his strength had increased again, and he was really only one step away from Chongyang Realm.

In this case, if he could kill a few Scorching Sun Star Beasts, he might be able to break through smoothly.

"As expected of the Law of Devouring, it's really simple and rude..."

Su Yuan secretly sighed, and then looked at the silent Taoist temple in front again.

The feuding legendary beast is a hidden danger after all, and it is also good at the ability of the soul, Su Yuan naturally will not be careless.

However, Su Yuan himself doesn't have many means of tracking, so he can only be on guard at all times.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring Ashlia, otherwise, I would have been able to find her directly..."

With Ashlia around, even if it is impossible to predict where the other party is, it can still serve as an early warning.

However, at the Qingming Palace, the cooperation with the direct lineage of the Dragon Palace had to be coordinated by Ashlia, so Su Yuan didn't call her for this trip to the Southern Continent.

Su Yuan shook his head and looked away.

Next, we need to find out about the current situation in the Southern Continent from the local monks, including the location of the dragon veins.

The Lie Kingdom is originally an extremely remote country under the jurisdiction of the Zhenyang Sect, and this city is even a border city, with remote mountains and remote areas.

However, Yan Ting's teleportation array was originally intended to teleport to low-concentration areas, and Su Yuan had already expected this.

No matter what, teleporting here is still much easier than coming to the Southern Continent from the Eastern Continent.

Su Yuan was thinking about it, but he suddenly noticed something, and looked up with his eyes fixed.

I saw four flames of light darting from a distance, circling for a while on the Yinlong Mountain, and then suddenly fell in front of Su Yuan, turning into several monks wearing the Sun Crown True Sun Robe.

The leader is a sharp-edged long-haired man with a strong aura. It is estimated that he must have the cultivation base of the Three Suns Realm, while the remaining three are also Scorching Sun cultivators.

"Qiu Yeqing from the True Yang sect, I have met a fellow Taoist."

Seeing this, Su Yuan said, "It turns out that they are fellow Taoist Qiu from the Zhenyang sect. I don't know what you can do with them?"

Although Su Yuan didn't know Qiu Yeqing, he must be a well-known master in the True Yang Sect if he was able to cultivate to the Sanyang Realm.

Seeing that Su Yuan did not declare his name, Qiu Yeqing frowned slightly.

However, the aura on the other party's body was so unpredictable that it made him feel somewhat unpredictable.

Qiu Yeqing looked around and asked: "This fellow Taoist, I am ordered by my master to come and kill the vicious monsters.

Now all the people from Yinlong Mountain have disappeared, and there seems to be traces of the battle in the field. I don't know if fellow Taoists have seen anything? "

"It was already like this when I arrived." Su Yuan's expression remained the same, and he slightly bowed his hands to them, "I have something important to do, so I'll leave first, everyone, please do your own thing."

With that said, Su Yuan was about to fly away.

Qiu Yeqing winked at a long-browed middle-aged man in the Chongyang Realm next to him.

The middle-aged man with long eyebrows immediately understood, grasped the hilt of the sword and shouted in a low voice: "Foul, don't even think about escaping my eyes!"

Red flames rose from the sword, and the middle-aged man with long eyebrows turned into a flame dragon and rushed towards Su Yuan!

In the blink of an eye, when the middle-aged man with long eyebrows rushed to Su Yuan, he suddenly found it difficult to advance.


The middle-aged man with long eyebrows showed shock, and then his eyes froze, and he pinched the sword formula with his left hand, and the flames on the sword suddenly swelled and added a few more points of power.

However, it is still difficult to kill Su Yuan who is close at hand.

"How come?" The middle-aged man with long eyebrows was shocked.

Qiu Yeqing and the others beside him were also secretly startled, staring closely at the space between the two, they could vaguely detect a force of space.

And Su Yuan raised his hand, and casually punched the sword of the middle-aged man with long eyebrows.


The flames exploded, and the middle-aged man with long eyebrows was thrown tens of meters away on the spot, and blood surged in his chest.

A female cultivator hurried forward to support him: "Brother, are you okay!"

"No... nothing."

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth of the middle-aged man with long eyebrows, and he looked at Su Yuan in surprise.

As for the rest of the people, they all drew out their True Yang Law swords and showed vigilance in their eyes.

Su Yuan looked at Qiu Yeqing, and said calmly: "Friend Qiu, the disciples of your sect are really impulsive."

Qiu Yeqing's eyes froze slightly, and he raised his hand to signal everyone to put away their weapons.

"It was my junior brother who was impulsive, but he was also worried that he would miss the evil of the past, so please don't be offended, fellow daoist, and I will apologize to fellow daoist for him."

Saying that, Qiu Yeqing cupped his hands towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan looked indifferent, noncommittal.

Perhaps the original intention of the Zhenyang faction is true, but the Zhenyang faction is as domineering as ever~

That is to say, if it were someone else with weaker strength, they might really beat him up first.

But now that he is new here, and the other party is also here to hunt down Jiuying, Su Yuan didn't cause any more trouble after a little thought.

"Forget it, if you have nothing else to do, I will go first."

Qiu Yeqing said: "Fellow Daoist, please do your own thing, I will also investigate the evil, and there will be a period later."

Su Yuan nodded, then flew past the crowd and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Looking at Su Yuan's disappearing figure, Qiu Yeqing frowned slightly.

"This person is really arrogant!" The last young man in the Early Sun Realm was rather annoyed, and said to Qiu Yeqing, "Senior Brother Qiu, it seems that the battle here has not been over for long, so he must know something!"

Qiu Yeqing said calmly: "Even if he really knows something, we can't help it.

The aura he had when he shot just now was very different from the cold aura that enveloped the mountain, so it should have nothing to do with that evil.

According to the latest information from the door, that evil should be an ancient monster recovered from the seal.

In addition, there has been no news from Nephew Yang, who came to eliminate the demon before, and it is probably a sign of bad luck. Brothers and sisters, everyone be careful. "

Everyone nodded.

Qiu Yeqing rubbed his chin, his eyes revealed thinking: "However, I never expected that there would be such a master on the border of the Lie Kingdom..."

The female cultivator just now asked: "Brother Qiu, is he very strong?"

Qiu Yeqing pondered for a while, and said: "Although the fight just now was too short, I didn't see his level.

But the moment he made the move, I actually felt a little bit shocked when I faced Senior Brother Hua..."

Everyone was shocked: "What, can he compare with Brother Hua?"

Hua Tiandu, the strongest of the True Yang faction, Scorching Sun, is a super master who combines Jianyang and Qiyang.

Since the rise of Beast Tribulation, he has killed the revived monster with no less than two hands, and he is also one of the "ten heroes of Taoism" in the Southern Continent today!

"It's just a feeling, and it's hard to say." Qiu Yeqing waved his hand, and said to the others, "There's no need to discuss this matter again, let's go, and hunt down that ancient villain first!"

"Yes, brother!"


In the southern continent, somewhere in the mountains.

A tall and thin man and a six or seven-year-old child were traveling at high speed through a dense forest full of poisonous miasma and swamps.

But suddenly, the child's figure stopped, and after a muffled groan, his face suddenly turned pale!


The child covered his chest, his eyes widened and he gasped for several breaths.

The tall and thin man next to him immediately asked, "What's the matter, Jiuying?"

"Damn it!" The child's face was gloomy, and the cold green flames in his eyes were burning. "A clone I placed in the small human country in the north has been destroyed!"

"Oh? Is that..." The tall and thin man's eyes froze slightly.

Even if it's just a clone of Jiuying, it lacks spiritual intelligence and only has the cultivation base of Chongyang Realm.

But the physical resistance is extremely high, and he is also good at soul attacks, even if he encounters the Sanyang state, he is not afraid!

To be killed in that remote place?

The tall and thin man frowned, losing a doppelgänger would also affect Jiuying's strength.

What's more, at this time, the guy the two of us are going to deal with is not easy...

"It's really... looking for death!"

Jiuying looked gloomy, frowning as if thinking about something.

And the expert male just understood what he was thinking when he was vengeful.

The tall and thin man said: "It's almost time to make a detour to Jinzhong Valley. It's not too late to kill the target person first, and then kill him."

When Jiuying heard the words, the dark light in his eyes danced, and after thinking for a while, he replied in a deep voice: "Okay, let's go!"

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