Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 868 Change of formation, King Kong

In the distance, Su Yuan watched the three great demon sects Dou Taishang with great interest.

The three major demon sects are numerous and powerful, and Taishangmen is indeed the number one sect in the southern continent. Not only are they all elites, but the intensity of the eight-door golden lock array is even higher than he expected.

Jiang Lan turned around and asked, "Su Yuan, when do you think they can break the formation?"

"It's hard to say, but if they continue like this, I'm afraid they will have to defeat all the Golden Gates first."

"Huh?" Jiang Lan asked in confusion, "Why is this? Is the Demon Sect's luck really that bad?"

Su Yuan smiled and said: "It's not a matter of luck, but because the key 'formation gate' of this formation is constantly changing.

Whenever one of the golden gates is shattered and the golden lock reshapes the golden gate, it can also move the formation gate. "

Jiang Lan glanced at Su Yuan in surprise: "Su Yuan, do you know where the formation gate is now?"

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled: "This formation is a seventh-level formation, and it also has a pseudo-sacred weapon as the formation eye. I can't tell it just by looking at it."

"If even you, a sixth-level formation master, can't see that, wouldn't it be more difficult for people from the Demon Sect in the Southern Continent to break through this formation?"

"That's not necessarily the case..." Su Yuan glanced at the old ghost next to Hong Zhong in the distance, "It seems that there is a master of divination and deduction at the Demon Sect."

Hearing this, Jiang Lan also looked sideways at the rotating lottery tube in front of Gui Lao.

"But..." Su Yuan paused, his eyes fell on the Eight-door Golden Lock Formation again, his expression slightly condensed, "The Supreme Master shouldn't sit still and wait for death, I'm afraid he will have to change his tactics first."

In the Golden Gate, feeling the momentum of the Demon Sect, many of the Supreme Disciples were a little uneasy.

Zhuge Xin turned around, looked at Ye Shuying from a distance and said: "Senior Sister Ye, in this case, it won't take long for them to notice the movement of the formation gate. It's time to activate the next stage of the eight-door golden lock formation. It was obstructed."


Ye Shuying raised her hand to form a seal on the Dragon and Tiger Golden Lock. Suddenly, the golden runes on the golden lock were flowing erratically, and many golden lights appeared on the eight golden doors!

In an instant, a large swath of golden light shone down from the golden gate, and the dense golden mist completely blocked the exploration outside the formation.

"Disciples, listen to the order and form formation seals!"

Ye Shuying spoke coldly, and in an instant, except for the eight masters of the Sanyang Realm such as Nie Wu, Hao Lingyun, Li Qiao, and Zhuge Xin behind Jinmen, the rest of the people closed their eyes and concentrated on the seals with their hands!

"The formation has changed!"

Outside, the golden light mist filled the entire formation, and the three major demon gates that were still attacking immediately noticed the changes in the eight-door golden lock formation.

Everyone was looking intently at the eight hundred-foot golden gates that towered above the sky. They didn't expect that such a tricky formation could actually change.

Just at this moment, I saw a figure coming from the golden mist inside each golden door, and kept slamming into the golden door!

In front of Hong Zhong and other people from the Demonic Heaven Palace, it was Taoist Red Eyebrow who was embedded in the Golden Gate due north.

The red-browed Taoist was seen crashing into the Golden Gate, and in just a few breaths, he flew across the Golden Gate and flew out of the formation.

However, his whole body was as if he had been gilded through a golden gate. His whole body was pure gold, exuding an indestructible metallic luster.

Hong Zhong's eyes moved slightly: "A golden body that is exerted by the power of the formation?"

Not only Taoist Red Eyebrow, Li Qiao in the northwest Kinmen, Fuchen Taoist priest in the northeast Kinmen, and even other directions, all the Kinmen have masters from the Supreme Sect who transform into golden people and step out!

As soon as the red-browed Taoist flew out of the formation, he shouted loudly on the spot: "Have you beaten enough of the demon sect thieves? Next, it will be my turn to come and deal with you!"

Hong Zhong looked at the red-browed Taoist, grinned and said: "If you want to die in a hurry, then I will kill you!"

After giving the order, many disciples of Motian Palace immediately controlled Moyun's big hand to slap Taoist Red Eyebrow.

The red-browed Taoist pulled out the dark red sword from his waist and slashed out with his big hand at the flying demon cloud.

The magma exploded, and the spurting lava fire dyed half of Moyun's big hand red, while the red-browed Taoist priest was shot flying a hundred meters away on the spot!

But soon, the red-browed Taoist stabilized his figure, and the golden light was flowing around his body, but he showed almost no injuries!

Liu Heng frowned and said, "Senior Brother Hong, his golden body is really tough."

Hong Zhong said: "It should be the blessing of Jinmen, which greatly improved the defense."

While the two were talking, the remaining two big hands of Mo Yun had already roared out, and together they grabbed the red-browed Taoist who was shot away.

Just at this moment, thousands of silver threads shot out like a waterfall on the right side, wrapping around a big hand, making it difficult for it to struggle.

On the left side, the dragon-binding fairy rope refined from dragon tendons turned into a yellow dragon and roared out, tying up another Moyun's big hand.

However, Taoist Fu Chen and Li Qiao, who were also transformed into golden people, came to help.

The two big hands of Mo Yun were restrained by the same sect. Taoist Red Eyebrow's eyes lit up, and he once again used his sword to slash at the big hand of Mo Yun in the middle that was lit by the red fire lava.


The red-browed Taoist's sword strike actually triggered the lava fire that had been suppressed before. With a "boom", the superimposed power directly exploded Mo Yun's big hand!

Then, the flame runes on the long sword lit up, and the red-browed Taoist took one step forward and flew towards the sky full of demonic clouds above the heads of everyone in the Demonic Temple.

"I'll stop him!"

Before Hong Zhong could speak, Liu Heng immediately flew out with his sword and turned into a demonic shadow to kill Taoist Red Eyebrow!

"Even if you have a golden body, don't even think about blocking my Demon Sword!"

The two clashed in the blink of an eye, the spiritual light on Liu Heng's sword surged, but the red-browed Taoist just waved his left arm to resist.

Accompanied by the "clang" sound of metal clashing, the magic sword cut into the arm of Taoist Red Eyebrow.

After a brief stalemate, Liu Heng slashed across with his sword, and the red-browed Taoist's entire left arm flew up immediately!

But Liu Heng frowned. First, he was surprised by the strength of the red-browed Taoist's golden body. Second, he didn't expect that the red-browed Taoist really didn't care about his body so much!

Taoist Red Eyebrow sacrificed his left arm and rushed straight into the Demon Cloud Sky Sea!

The flame runes on the sword had reached their limit, and the red-browed Taoist slashed out with his sword.

"The Earth's Core Flame Dragon Breaks!"


Accompanied by a dragon roar that resounded throughout the sky, a lava dragon broke out of the clouds, and terrifying flames swept out, burning all the demonic clouds and sea into a sea of ​​fire in a few breaths!

The Demonic Cloud Sky Sea broke open, and the two Demonic Cloud hands entangled in the silver whisk and the Dragon-binding Immortal Rope also exploded out of thin air after a shock.


After the Devil's Palace, many of the disciples who had connected to the Devil's Sky Sea turned pale, and many of them even vomited blood, their breath was weak, and they suffered a lot of backlash on the spot.

"So strong! One sword burns the demonic cloud, and the lava dragon sword - Red Eyebrow!"

Everyone in Qixia Mountain looked at the spectacular scene in space and were amazed.

However, after this sword broke through the Demon Cloud Tianhai, Taoist Red Eyebrows also turned slightly pale.

Earth Core Flame Dragon Break was a skill he acquired from killing the Earth Core King Dragon in the secret realm of the Dragon Soul Relics in his early years.

Although the explosion is terrifying, the problem is that the load is not small, and it is usually used as a trick to suppress the bottom of the box.

"Red eyebrow, watch your back!"

At this time, Li Qiao's voice suddenly came.

At the same time, Taoist Red Eyebrow also immediately felt a heavy and terrifying aura!

Turning his head to look, Hong Zhong had appeared behind him at some point, raising his fist with a sneer on his face.

"The old strength has just passed away, but the new strength has not yet been born. Red Eyebrow, you are so careless."

As he said that, Hong Zhong punched him down!

The red-browed Taoist's expression changed: "Not good!"

In a hurry, Taoist Red Eyebrow only had time to raise his long sword and block it in front of him.

Fists and swords clashed, and the world fell silent.

The red-browed Taoist suddenly widened his eyes.

There was no earth-shattering noise or strong aura, only the red-browed Taoist's body and the surrounding void shook slightly.

The next moment, the red-browed Taoist's extremely hard golden body, which was blessed by the formation, was like broken gold foil, densely cracked with countless cracks!


The golden body exploded, and Taoist Red Eyebrow exploded on the spot!


Everyone was shocked and looked at Hong Zhong in the sky with horror. They never expected that the red-browed Taoist who had just shown his power would be killed on the spot with a punch from the opponent so lightly!

Is this the strength of the Six Demonic Heroes - Hong Zhong of Demonic Heaven Palace!

However, Hong Zhong looked at the gold dust floating in front of him and vaguely noticed something. He immediately looked up at Taoist Fu Chen and Li Qiao in the distance, and saw that there was not much panic or grief on their faces.

At this moment, a light flashed somewhere within the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation.

But the dragon-tiger golden lock flashed with brilliance and made a "click" sound.

Then, among the golden dust floating in front of Hong Zhong, something invisible seemed to be pulled and flew towards the formation!

Seeing this, Hong Zhong raised his hand and punched him out.

However, with this punch, the air shook slightly, and it had no effect at all except stirring up some gold dust again!

But just a moment later, golden light flashed above the golden gate in the north, and Taoist Red Eyebrow appeared again.

The whole body is full of golden light, intact!

"Split the soul as a guide, and shape the golden gate. Is it the incarnation?"

Hong Zhong narrowed his eyes slightly, and he already understood.

"What's going on? Wasn't Chi Meizi killed? Why did he come back to life again!" Everyone in Qixia Mountain was shocked.

In the distance, Jiang Lan was also very surprised and said: "Su Yuan, is this...?"

Su Yuan looked at the field and said with admiration: "Using the body of the divided soul to control the Vajra, the eight-door Vajra, this is the change of the seven-level eight-door golden lock array!

As long as there is enough mental power and star power in the formation to support it, it can continuously create incarnations like the eight golden gates, and even star weapons can be created. "

Jiang Lan immediately realized something when he heard the words, and his pupils shrank: "If this is the case, in the eight-door golden lock formation at this moment, there are not only the spiritual power of many disciples of the Supreme Sect, but also the star power provided by the new dragon veins, wouldn't it be..."

"That's right, you can basically 'resurrect' the King Kong body continuously..." Su Yuan smiled and nodded.

Jiang Lan's expression condensed. This golden body has extremely strong defense, plus the Taishangmen Three Sun Realm masters who are constantly resurrected...

The eight-door golden lock array created by Taishangmen is too tyrannical!

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