Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 869 magic weapon, supernatural power

The "resurrected" red-browed Taoist, together with Li Qiao and Taoist Fuchen, killed everyone in Motian Temple.

In the other two battle circles, Nie Wu shattered the sun and moon glow, and Hao Lingyun slashed through the bloody river.

In the case of being able to be resurrected, the eight top masters of Taishangmen only attack but not defend, killing the three major demon sects in an instant and chaos!

And in this case, Sanzong still has to try to break open the golden gate and find the formation gate...

It's okay that there are Hong Zhong, Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian in Motian Temple and Promise Demon Sect respectively.

On the Blood Evil Sect side, although Hou Hai was superior in strength, he could not withstand top swordsmen like Hao Lingyun who slaughtered them regardless of damage, and Zhuge Xin, who was good at magic, was there to support them.

I saw bloody water shooting out and broken limbs flying across the sky. Hao Lingyun unfolded the Shangqing Sword Technique, and the four swords struck back and forth outside of him. Every time the sword light passed by, dozens of Blood Evil Sect disciples died unexpectedly, and even Zhuoyang killed two people. People!

"Blood Sky Curtain!"

Hou Hai yelled violently, and the sea of ​​blood fell down like a sky and completely drowned Hao Lingyun!

However, after a moment, the light above the Golden Gate in the distance shone brightly, and Hao Lingyun came to life again.

Hou Hai's expression darkened: "Isn't it possible to completely melt it away with the blood melting technique?"

"How can evil heretics understand the secrets of Brother Zhuge's mysterious formation!" Hao Lingyun sneered, and with four swords flying around him, he struck out with his sword again.

When Zhuge Xin heard this, he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride and joy in his heart. He stroked his black beard and chuckled, then unfolded Juxiazhuang to restrain many Blood Evil Sect disciples for Hao Lingyun.

Hou Hai shouted: "Everyone under the scorching sun will disperse. Above the scorching sun, I will entangle them. Don't exchange injuries for injuries!"

As soon as Hou Hai sealed the seal, the sea of ​​​​blood suddenly turned into a large blood mist and dispersed, and he and several Zhuoyang around him used spells to entangle Hao Lingyun and Zhuge Xin.

Even so, it is already quite reluctant, and it is even more difficult to free up your hands again.

But at this moment, the dazzling light of the sun and moon high in the distance suddenly lit up.

I saw the sun ring and moon pendant in the hands of the two sisters named Zuo flying out together, turning into two bright streams of gold and silver and flying out. In an instant, they passed by the burly and naked monk at the Supreme Gate.

The burly monk originally wanted to resist, but the stream of gold and silver was extremely fast and passed over his body in the blink of an eye!

The burly monk's pupils shrank and he looked at his waist in astonishment, only to see a circle of gold and silver glow crisscrossing around his waist, easily cutting his golden body into two halves!


The burly monk's pupils trembled sharply, and then his soul was separated and flew back into the formation through the traction of the dragon-tiger golden lock.

After severing the burly monk's body, two streams of light, one gold and one silver, shot towards the black-haired young man holding a spear next to him.

This black-haired young man was the last Sanyang guarding the Eight Gates. When he saw the stream of gold and silver flying towards him, his expression suddenly changed, and the strong wind roared outside him and he immediately retreated!

But the golden and silver streamer glowed brightly, and the speed was faster. It only took two breaths to catch up with the black-haired young man.

The black-haired young man gritted his teeth and immediately turned around and shot forward.

However, the next moment, gold and silver streams of light passed by each other, cutting the silver-haired young man into two pieces together with the spear in his hand, and beheaded him on the spot!

"What kind of treasure is this!" Everyone in Qixia Mountain was horrified.

If this treasure passes by, even the master of the Three Yangs of Taishangmen will be cut off with one cut. It is really terrifying to kill gods and Buddhas if they stand in the way of humans. It is extremely terrifying!

And soon, several people from the Demon Sect recognized this treasure: "It is the yin and yang flowing light scissors of the sun and moon twins!"

"Yin Liu" and "Yang Liu" are made from the refined yin and yang of heaven and earth. They are both pseudo-sacred instruments of ultimate yin and yang.

The extremely opposing powers can combine these two pseudo-sacred weapons into one, which is even more powerful. In the hands of the two sisters surnamed Zuo, they can cut almost anything below the king level!

Nie Wu, who was the last remaining person in the field, saw the power of this treasure and was shocked to quickly unfold the Vigilajara Protective Shield.

However, Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian did not pay attention to him anymore. The two of them made a seal together, and the yin and yang light cut with great brilliance and headed towards the Baizhang Golden Gate guarded by Nie Wu!


Nie Wu was shocked. Could it be that this treasure could not only cut people, but also cut through the huge golden gate of the eight-door golden lock formation?

Gold and silver auras intertwined and cut on the golden gate. Suddenly, the runes on the golden gate flashed, and the sharp and harsh metal cutting sound sounded violently.

In just a few breaths, the yin-yang streamer scissors completely cut off the golden gate!

The fourth door is broken.

Everyone inside and outside Qixia Mountain took a breath of cold air when they looked at the pair of yin and yang lights.

So far, this can be said to be the fastest time to break through the Golden Gate. It is simply terrifying!

However, when the door was cut open, the brilliance of the yin and yang streamer was dimmed a bit, but nothing happened.

"Wrong again?"

The two sisters of the Zuo family made a secret seal again, and the yin and yang flow cut with brilliance, and then it continued to cut towards the golden gate guarded by the black-haired young man in the southeast.


Nie Wu also realized that even if he was cut off, Jinmen could not be easily defeated like this. He immediately pushed with both hands and pushed out the newly condensed Vajra Protective Shield!

The burly monk who had just been resurrected also shouted loudly: "Armor-clad Mountain Dragon Turtle!"

A layer of thick yellow brilliance lit up outside his body, and the burly monk's entire body seemed to be covered with a thick layer of tortoise shell, followed by the Vajra Shield to face the yin and yang streamers.

Zuo Xiaodan sneered: "Even magical powers can't resist our treasure scissors, let alone you waiting!"

Zuo Xiaoqian said coldly: "I'm just looking for death."

While the two were talking, the yin and yang streamers cut across each other. Whether it was the diamond magic shield or the burly monk who deployed the mountain dragon tortoise shell for defense, they were all cut off like brittle paper!

Seeing the burly monk being cut in half again, Nie Wu was horrified: "How could it be!"

And the power of Yin Yang Liuguang Shear continued unabated until it reached the southeastern Golden Gate.

At this time, the black-haired young man who had resurrected from the Golden Gate had just appeared, but when he saw the streamer approaching, his pupils suddenly trembled.

There was no time to react. The next moment, I felt cold and was cut in half again!

The sound of "clang" kept coming, and after a few breaths, the southeastern Golden Gate had also been cut off!

But soon, the golden gate to the east and the golden gate to the southeast condensed again one after another.

Zuo Xiaodan curled his lips: "It's not this one, this is the fifth one!"

"Sister, don't worry." Zuo Xiaoqian looked at the remaining golden doors and said coldly, "Just cut off all the remaining doors!"

Zuo Xiaodan nodded: "But this Golden Gate is indeed extraordinary. The yin and yang scissors consume a lot of energy, so we have to wait a little longer~"

Although the power of the Yin Yang Streamer Shear is unparalleled, its consumption is also staggering.

As soon as the two sisters raised their hands, the yin and yang streamers, which had dimmed a little, flew back immediately, scattered into two streams of light and wrapped around their wrists again, turning into a sun ring and a moon pendant, absorbing the power of the sun and the moon from the two of them. force……

Not only this side, Hong Zhong, Liu Heng and many other masters rushed up from the direction of Motian Temple, and they also smashed a golden gate.

There are two left.


Although there were still two unbroken golden gates, Hong Zhong vaguely realized that something was wrong.

I and others really can't be so unlucky, you can't find a match until the last golden gate, right?

It's fine if you can find it, but the most fearful thing is... breaking through the last golden door still can't break through the formation!

"Old Ghost!" Hong Zhong said in a deep voice.

However, Gui Laoshou's brows were frowned, and he tried his best to move the black wooden stick in front of him.

Hong Zhong was about to say something more, but at this moment, the golden light reappeared on the golden gate ahead,

But the three of Li Qiao were resurrected again, and once again flew together to face the enemy side by side.

"Hmph!" Hong Zhong snorted coldly and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Okay, if once or twice is not enough, then three or four times. I want to see if you can really resurrect infinitely...the magic power of the devil!"

The magic cloud rolled, and Hong Zhong's whole body became blurred, and he couldn't see his figure clearly at all.

Hong Zhong's pair of magic pupils looked forward at Taoist Red Eyebrow, Li Qiao, and Taoist Fuchen who were fighting side by side, raised his right hand, and then turned it over suddenly.


All of a sudden, Taoist Chimei, Li Qiao and Taoist Fuchen felt a powerful and inexplicable fluctuation enveloped themselves and the others.

"Not good!" Li Qiao exclaimed.

Before the three of them could make more moves, the world suddenly turned upside down, and the ground fell from the top of their heads like a canopy falling!

But in the field of vision of everyone outside, it was Li Qiao and the three of them who turned upside down and fell straight down with their faces facing the ground.


They just fell from mid-air to the ground, but Li Qiao and the others seemed to have endured unimaginable force. Their bodies made of pure gold fell into tens of thousands of golden slag like porcelain figures!

"What an amazing magical power!"

Not to mention the others, even Su Yuan and Jiang Lan's expressions froze.

People like Li Qiao and Red Eyebrow Taoist almost have the strength of the previous three or even second seats in the Sky Survey Division.

But under Hong Zhong's move, he was killed on the spot without even the slightest resistance!

"Defeat Kinmen quickly!"

Hong Zhong immediately flew down and once again bombarded the seventh golden gate with Liu Heng and others.

Not long after, the three red-browed Taoists appeared again.

"Sure enough, it's a little slower..."

Hong Zhong looked at the frightened Li Qiao and others, with a smile on his lips.

Every time the three of them were resurrected from the Golden Gate, they were slower than before.

Actually, it is.

Although the exploration was blocked by the golden light mist, at this moment, in the Eight-Gate Golden Lock Formation, behind the three golden gates in the due north, northwest, and northeast.

Many of Hui Yue and Yao Xing's disciples were all pale, and some had even fainted due to mental exhaustion.

Although the dragon veins are on the side and the formation star power is infinite, the source of spiritual power that supports the separated souls of Li Qiao, Chi Meizi and others is limited.

Even if it can still support the resurrection of the soul-divided incarnation, as more and more Supreme disciples cannot support it, the speed of resurrection will become slower and slower...

With a "bang" sound, the seventh golden door exploded under the bombardment of everyone in the Demonic Temple!

However... it still has no effect!

Hong Zhong's eyes froze, and he felt a little bad in his heart.

"Could it be that... you are so unlucky that it is the last golden gate to the southwest of the Blood Evil Sect?"

Just at this moment, seven consecutive blasts of "papapapa..." suddenly came from the black wooden stick in front of the ghost old man.

The seven black sticks inside exploded and turned into plumes of black smoke.

And in the black smoke, the last remaining black sign rose up - with the word "东" written on it.


Gui Lao held the black sign and shouted loudly, and his dry voice suddenly resounded throughout the audience!


Hong Zhong's face was slightly condensed, and he raised his head and looked to the east.

Wasn't that golden door on the east side broken open by the Yin and Yang scissors?

Could it be that……

Hong Zhong narrowed his eyes and understood immediately.

Zhuge Xin's complexion changed, and Ye Shuying's eyes turned cold.

"Everyone, protect the east gate!"

Ye Shuying's sound transmission instantly fell into the ears of Taoist Red Eyebrow, Nie Wu and the Eight Kings.

In order to avoid revealing the flaws, only Zhuge Xin, who set up the formation, and Ye Shuying, who is currently in charge of the formation, know about the changes in the formation gate.

And at this moment, the change of the array gate is exactly in the east direction!

The red-browed Taoist and the others immediately understood that they had been seen through the gate of the formation, and they all looked solemnly towards Zhengdong.

The person guarding the Golden Gate in the east...is surprisingly Nie Wu!

The eyes of the Sun and Moon twins lit up, and Hong Zhong also showed a serious smile on his face.

"Now... let's see how you keep guarding!"

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