The eight master gatekeepers of Taishangmen all gathered in front of the Zhengdong Gate where Nie Wu was.

The three major demon sects, the Demonic Heaven Palace, the Wuji Demonic Sect, and the Blood Demonic Sect, also moved their attacks towards the east gate.

"Flying Sword Slashing God Technique!"

"Mianyu Needlework!"

"Izumo Concentration Spear!"


The various spells of the Eight Gates of the Supreme Sect were launched, and they were instantly fighting against dozens of Zhuoyang from the three major demon sects.

Taoist Taoist Whisper waved her whisk, and silver threads shot out like a tidal wave.

When Hou Hai saw this, he raised his hand and the river of blood that could melt gold and iron surged up and corroded and melted all the silver threads.

Nie Wu transformed into the King of Laws and Orders, commanding the wind and rain, controlling thunder and lightning, and together with the naked and burly monk who was good at the power of the physical body, he beat Hong Zhong head-on with fists and punches!

Even though he was beaten to the point where the gold fragments all over his body exploded, he was still able to barely contain the opponent.

Hao Lingyun held the four swords in his hand and quickly charged through the scorching sun, but was blocked by Zuo Xiaoqian who waved the moonlight sword solidified by Yin flow.

The red-browed Taoist Lava slashed two blazing suns of the Wuji Demon Sect with one sword, but was severely injured by his old rival Liu Heng's sword!

Sword energy, thunder method, sea of ​​blood, magic cloud...

The good and evil sides were going back and forth, with countless attacks exploding in all directions. Such a scorching sun-level melee was terrifying!

Many masters of casual cultivating outside, including the Five Monsters of Dai Mountain, were now keeping some distance apart, observing the battlefield and preparing to wait for opportunities.

The fighting was extremely fierce, and people were hurt every moment.

However, Taishangmen is supported by the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation. Even if the eight masters die in battle, they can be resurrected and fight out again.

Therefore, the eight people did not have too many scruples, they just wanted to kill more and more people from the Demon Sect faster.

As for the three major demon sects, Zhuoyang was killed one by one, and they were really dead.

In just a few sticks of incense, nine Burning Suns from the three sects had already died one after another!

What Taishangmen paid for was only the spiritual power of the many upper-level and third-level disciples in the formation.

Hou Hai was dealing with Taoist Fuchen, and seeing one of Hao Lingyun's four swords slashing towards a fellow Chongyang Realm who was not far behind him, he quickly spread his blood and swung the long sword away for him. .

"Senior Brother Hou, thank you!"

This Chongyang Realm master was besieging the black-haired young man holding a gun with three other people. He didn't react at all just now, and he was breaking out in a cold sweat at this moment.

It's not that he is too careless, but that the Shangqing Sword Technique is too fast.

This is a melee. There is no fixed opponent. From time to time, you will be killed by inadvertent range skills, quick attacks, and stealth attacks.

It's good for the Taishang Sect's eight-door Vajra to be resurrected, but for the three major demon sects, it's quite tricky.

Hou Hai nodded slightly, but his heart became more solemn, and he shouted: "Brother Hong Dao, we can't drag it on like this any longer!"

Among the Zhuoyang people who died, four people from the Blood Evil Sect alone died.

The eight Taishang Men, Nie Wu, already had a small number of enemies, so of course they were looking for weak persimmons to kill as many as possible!

There is Hong Zhong in the Motian Palace, there are two girls from the Zuo family in the Wuji Demon Sect, and the Blood Evil Sect... there are no people from the Blood Evil Sect among the six outstanding figures of the Demon Evil Sect today!

Hong Zhong also looked slightly condensed. The person who came to the door was indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

However, the formation is about to be broken. At this time, Hou Hai and others must not be shaken.

Hong Zhong said: "If you hold on for a while longer, don't you see that their resurrection is getting slower and slower?"

Hou Hai looked quite ugly, but it was originally a matter for discussion among the three sects. Hong Zhong and others refused to retreat, and he could not lead others to exit first at this time.

Hou Hai raised his head and took a look. The red-browed Taoist who had just been killed was indeed not resurrected yet, and his resurrection time this time was longer than before.

From the looks of it, the opponent's counterattack may not last long.

"Okay!" Hou Hai gritted his teeth and agreed.

Hong Zhong's eyes froze, and he looked at Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian again. Their Yin-Yang flow scissors didn't seem to be healed yet.

Is it possible to directly activate True Form Liberation at this time?

He was forced out of Zhenxing Jiefang without even breaking through the formation gate. I don't know if Taishangmen has any tricks up his sleeve.

"Look over there!"

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked towards the distance, only to see a mighty yellow spring water rushing from the sky, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the mid-air where everyone was fighting.

The water from the underworld gathered into a ball, and a young man with a slightly yellow complexion emerged from it, stepping on the water.

"Don't miss such a lively event~" The yellow-haired young man looked at the battle group and chuckled.

"Ma Liang?"

"It's Ma Liang!"

"He's actually here too!"


Many casual cultivators in Qixia Mountain also changed their expressions when they saw the yellow-faced young man, including the five monsters of Daishan Mountain, and some cultivators who were close to him moved away as if they saw evil stars!

Not to mention these people, even the masters of Taishangmen and the three major demon sects who were fighting together frowned slightly and looked wary.

Su Yuan also looked at the yellow-faced young man who was stepping on the underworld in the distance. He had a calm expression and seemed to have a somewhat perverse look in his eyes.

"Neither the Ten Heroes of the Dao Sect nor the Six Demonic Demons seem to have this person, but judging from the reactions of the masters of each sect, this person seems to be quite famous?"

Along the way, Su Yuan also collected a lot of information.

Su Yuan naturally paid attention to the super masters who appeared during the disaster, such as the Ten Heroes of the Dao Sect and the Six Demonic Demons.

According to Su Yuan's estimation, these people should be among the top ten masters on the Burning Sun Ranking.

The yellow-faced young man in front of him didn't seem to be on the right path, but there didn't seem to be anyone named "Ma Liang" among the Six Demonic Heroes.

Jiang Lan said solemnly: "I have heard of this man a few times along the way. He is not a disciple of the ten major sects, but a master of casual cultivation who rose from the disaster.

This person got the inheritance of the ancient sect "Yellow Spring Demon Sect" from the secret realm. A few years ago, he drowned hundreds of thousands of civilians in order to improve his cultivation level, and he has fallen into evil ways. "

"Hundreds of thousands of people..."

Su Yuan frowned slightly. He was indeed an evil cultivator who killed so many civilians for the sake of cultivation.

Jiang Lan continued: "This person's cultivation base has improved extremely fast. Although he is not as good as Hong Zhong and the other evil six masters, he is still a very dangerous master of the evil way. He has killed countless people and basically has no survivors."

Su Yuan nodded and continued to look.

In the field, although Hong Zhong had never met Ma Liang, he had heard of his reputation.

At this moment, Hong Zhong knocked back Nie Wu with one punch. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Ma Liang, what are you doing here?"

Not only Hong Zhong, but the masters of the three major demon sects also cautiously slowed down their attacks.

After all, there is a difference between Demon Sect disciples and evil cultivators.

Seeing the wary looks of the three demon sects, Ma Liang smiled calmly and said, "Brother Hong Dao, my fellow demon sects don't seem to welcome me..."

Zuo Xiaodan warned coldly: "My Demon Sect has nothing to do with your evil cultivation. You'd better not come over and cause trouble, otherwise we will kill you first!"

Zuo Xiaoqian's eyes also flashed coldly.

Today's Six Heroes of Demon and Evil compare "devil" and "evil" and group them together.

Because after the disaster, many disciples of the Demon Sect fell into evil ways.

It's not that all Taoist disciples have good intentions, but relatively speaking, the Demon Sect has more skills to benefit oneself at the expense of others.

With a sharp weapon in hand, murderous intentions arise.

Although the root cause lies within itself, the inducing factors are also extremely important.

"Why be so out of touch." Faced with the question at this moment, Ma Liang smiled, "I came here because I heard that fellow Taoists of the Demon Sect are in trouble, and I came here to help."

Ma Liang saw a hint of impatience rising on everyone's faces, and there was a faint tendency to take action, so he immediately continued: "I can deal with these formation diamonds."


Hong Zhong, Hou Hai and others all looked slightly moved.

And Ma Liang stopped talking nonsense. With a flick of his sleeve, the underworld surged crazily under his feet and he rushed towards Nie Wu and others!

"The evil ways are here to eat my thunder!"

Nie Wu was not polite, and with thunder surging all over his body, he rushed towards the water of the underworld.

Taoist Red Eyebrow and Hao Lingyun also followed and killed him!

He is not even afraid of the sea of ​​blood from the Blood Fiend Zong Hou Hai, but he is afraid of the water from the underworld!

As soon as the three people stepped forward, they used various methods to splash the water of the underworld, making it impossible to get close.

Zhuge Xin, who was behind him, vaguely noticed something and raised his hands to form seals and began to make wild calculations.

Suddenly, Zhuge Xin's expression changed: "Be careful with the water!"

But at this time, Nie Wu and others in front had already used the golden body formation to kill Hongyan, and they did not react for a moment when they heard the words.

Ma Liang curled his lips, and the underworld water suddenly surged up. Its power surged several times and instantly drowned the lightning, annihilated the sword energy, and washed over the three of them.

An inexplicable wave swayed from the water, and everyone froze, and suddenly stopped motionless, with a look of struggle in their eyes.

The black-haired young man holding the gun was shocked: "Elder Zhuge, what is going on!"

Zhuge Xin looked ugly: "These underworld waters seem to be able to shake out souls. They should be combined with some kind of mysterious water!"

"Draw out the soul?" The black-haired young man's pupils shrank.

The next moment, the souls of Nie Wu and others had swung out of the body of King Kong and were sucked away by the water of the underworld on the spot!

The black-haired young man's pupils shrank: "No! Back away!"

Zhuge Xin and others immediately retreated.

"Want to leave? It's too late!" Ma Liang grinned, his sleeves trembling, "The sky is full of hell!"

Layer after layer of underworld water surged hundreds of feet high, directly rolling towards Zhuge Xin and others behind!

Zhuge Xin and Fu Chen Taoist dodge while trying to use magic to resist Huang Quan's impact.

But the water was vast and infinite, and the Yellow Spring flowed through it. Many spells collapsed one after another, and Zhuge Xin and the other eight Vajras all turned into empty shells and stayed in place!

When Hong Zhong, Hou Hai and others saw this, their eyes lit up.

With everyone's eyesight, they could see that Ma Liang seemed to have directly absorbed the souls of the eight golden bodies, and they were a little more wary of Ma Liang.

Hong Zhong narrowed his eyes and glanced at Ma Liang, then said to everyone: "Let's break the formation first."

Now that all eight Vajras have been destroyed, it is time to break through the Golden Gate!

Hong Zhongfei stepped forward and punched out.

Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian of the Wuji Demon Sect jointly created a large area of ​​​​the sun and moon.

Hou Hai also urged the sea of ​​blood to blast towards the Golden Gate in the east.

The other masters of the three sects also took action, and the spells all over the sky fell on the unobstructed Golden Gate!

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