Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 871 Fierce battle between good and evil (Part 1)

Behind the eight golden gates, Nie Wu and others, who were sitting cross-legged and closing their eyes to use their souls to control the incarnation of Vajra, all turned pale.


Several people groaned and then opened their eyes, their eyes full of surprise and uncertainty.

That ray of soul was really sucked away by the other party!

This is not a simple matter. The soul will suffer endless consequences, but for now, we can only wait for the dragon vein incident to be over before trying to solve it.

"Puff thump thump thump..."

Behind Nie Wu and others, many disciples of the Supreme Disciple poured a large amount on the spot, and even Mu Kexian and Zhuo Yang looked slightly pale.

The divided souls were sucked away, and the many disciples who provided spiritual support for the eight people also suffered strong backlash.

But that's not important. Nie Wu looked up and his expression changed.

The Golden Gate ahead is shaking violently, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long!

Ye Shuying shouted in a cold voice: "The gate will be broken, and the scorching sun is ready to defend against the enemy, and the disciples below the scorching sun will quickly pass away!"

According to the arrangement in advance, a scorching sun-level master will be in charge, leading all the disciples below scorching sun to rush to the "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi Zhen" in the middle of the formation.

Most of these disciples below Scorching Sun have exhausted their mental strength due to the eight-door Golden Lock Formation, so it is useless to stay here.

The Star Shifting Array was prepared in advance to transfer them thousands of miles away.

In the formation, everyone at Taishangmen acted quickly.

Outside, Ma Liang's eyes were full of joy.

"This time, the harvest is not small..."

Swallowing the souls of the eight Sanyang masters of the Taishang Sect at once, the cultivation level has obviously increased a bit...

What's more...

Ma Liang glanced at his left hand, and a few wisps of extremely fine water from the yellow spring flowed around his fingertips.

If someone who is good at the way of the soul takes a closer look, you can see that the several streams split out from Ma Liang's fingertips are impressively binding several souls...

It was the scorching sun master of the three major demon sects who had been beheaded before!

"What a bumper harvest..."

Ma Liang grinned, silently absorbing these souls little by little.

And in front, within a short while, the golden gate has already reached the point of crumbling!

At this time, all the brilliance above the eight golden gates converged towards the Zhengdong golden gate like flowing water.

Hong Zhong noticed it immediately, and immediately shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Many demon sect masters around also reacted and retreated after all.

In just a few breaths, the brilliance above the golden gate in the east was flourishing, and with a "bang", a surging golden light burst out, and it exploded by itself!

Although the members of the Demon Sect had already retreated fast enough, two nearby Scorching Suns of the Demon Heaven Palace were severely injured by the bursting golden light on the spot.

Hong Zhong raised his eyebrows, but he didn't care that the two immediately looked into the formation.

The golden light mist slowly dissipated, gradually appearing the figures of Nie Wu, Li Qiao and other Taishangmen masters, a total of more than 30 scorching sun masters!

In the middle of the crowd, the cold-faced Emei Ye Shuying walked up step by step.

And farther away, it was Dongfang Yi who lived in the dragon's veins.

At this moment, Dongfang Yi's star power fluctuations are already somewhat mysterious.

"Brother Dongfang, it seems that things are going well..." Hong Zhong's eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that he couldn't wait any longer, "Then, let's do it all!"

Without the barrier of the gate, in an instant, dozens of scorching sun masters from the three major demon sects were all killed!

Ye Shuying looked at the people of the Demon Sect in front, with a cold light in his eyes and didn't say much, only one word——


"Kill!!" Nie Wu, Red Eyebrow Taoist and others shouted loudly, and many masters burst out their star power to kill them head-on.

In the direction of Taishangmen, there is a wonderful sword light and clear air, while on the side of Mozong, there are rolling clouds and seas of blood!

"Follow the sky and the earth, bring down the thunderbolt!"

Nie Wu was hundreds of feet tall, and when he raised his hand, he transformed into a triangular thunderbolt and threw it at the Mozong people.

In an instant, the thunder surged, shattering a large area of ​​light from the sun and the moon, killing a Chongyang master of the Promise Demon Sect on the spot!

"Looking for death!" Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian turned cold, and the sun ring and moon pendant on the left and right hands of the two lit up, turning into yin and yang streamers again and rushing out.

"Elder Nie, be careful!"

Everyone had seen the power of this treasure before, and all of them changed their faces and sounded alarmed reminders.

At the side, Taoist nun Fuchen waved her hand immediately, and thousands of silver threads rushed out to try to stop Yin Yang Liu Guang.

However, as soon as these silver threads approached, they were all chopped into pieces by the streamer at the edge of the Yin-Yang streamer scissors!

Yin Yang Liu Guangjian continued to rush towards Nie Wu, Nie Wu's expression changed, and he was about to swing the thunderbolt to smash it!

At this time, Ye Shuying raised her hand and hit an inconspicuous orange bead.

As soon as the bead hit the Yin-Yang Liuguang Scissors, a large piece of yellow air exploded and enveloped the Yin-Yang Liuguang Scissors at once.

The yin and yang flow of light shimmered in the yellow air, but when the sharp attack landed on the sticky and slippery yellow air, it was difficult to cut through it, and the rampage was unable to break free for a while.

"What's this!"

Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian's expressions changed slightly, they didn't expect Yinyang Liuguangjian to be restrained by Ye Shuying, an inconspicuous bead.

Everyone at the Taishangmen was extremely surprised: "It's the Soul-dispersing Yellow Bead of Qianlong Spirit Master. It turns out that Senior Sister Ye holds this treasure. It will definitely trap this Yin-Yang Shear for a while!"

Ye Shuying looked at Mozong, and snorted coldly: "Yin Yang Liuguang cuts such treasures, do you really think we are completely unprepared!"

With Sanling Huangzhu controlling the yin and yang scissors, Nie Wu was overjoyed, and raised his left hand, and a huge cattail leaf fan fell on his left hand amidst the strong wind.

"Recruit a fan!"

Nie Wu, who was a hundred feet tall, swung out his fan, and a hurricane roared out in an instant. With one blow, the protective spiritual light of many Demon Sect masters was torn apart, and a large amount of blood mist was erupted!

In the past, the split soul controlled the golden body. Although the golden body had strong defense and was not afraid of death, the split soul's control over the golden body was not as flexible as its own body, and the methods it could use were limited.

At this moment, Nie Wu and other talents were able to fully demonstrate their strength!

Hong Zhong's eyes froze, he raised his right hand again, and his eyes fell on Nie Wu.

An inexplicable fluctuation is revealed again, and Hong Zhong is about to unleash his heaven-shaking magical power again.

However, at this time, Ye Shuying had already rushed out and punched Hong Zhong!

Hong Zhong's eyes froze, and he had no choice but to suppress the technique in his hand and wave his left hand to greet him.


The fists met each other, which was different from Hong Zhong's silent punches before.

This time, along with a burst of white air waves visible to the naked eye, the ground beneath the two of them sank and cracked layer by layer as if it had been bombarded by a meteorite!

Hong Zhong flew out, but was punched back by Ye Shuying.

"I have long heard that Fellow Daoist Ye has a body that is lacking in heaven, but he is able to cultivate to this day. It is really amazing." Hong Zhong quickly stabilized his figure, looked at Ye Shuying and praised him.

The void outside Ye Shuying's body shook slightly, blood rushed to his face, and his face was slightly flushed, which seemed to be uncomfortable.

But soon Ye Shuying came to his senses, and after just a pause on the spot, he rushed forward again...

In the distance, Jiang Lan sighed: "For a dragon vein, so many Burning Sun masters are fighting for it..."

Su Yuan's eyes were slightly focused, but his gaze fell on the stunningly beautiful female cultivator of the Chuyang Realm among the Taishangmen. She was none other than Mu Kexian!

Mu Kexian had also helped him when he was plundering the tiger's veins with ancient fragments.

Now Taishangmen is fighting against the three major demon sects, and there are many masters.

What Su Yuan was thinking at this moment was, if something unexpected happened to her, would he need to help?

After thinking for a moment, Su Yuan secretly shook his head.

He had already given priority to saving the other party in the secret realm of Tianshan Mountain. The last time Mu Kexian came to help, the two sides were settled, so there was no need to add more involvement.

After all, the technique of Taishang Forgetting Love sounds a bit evil, and Su Yuan doesn't want to get too entangled with her.

"Su Yuan?" Seeing that Su Yuan seemed to be distracted, Jiang Lan turned around and called again.

"Well..." Su Yuan came back to his senses and looked at the entire battlefield and said, "After all, it is a dragon vein. Once you reach the king level, regardless of your strength, you can live for another two to three thousand years, and you can hopefully explore the imperial realm!"

Jiang Lan nodded slightly, looked at the two sides in the fierce battle, and said: "The three major demon sects have a large number of people, and there are two of the six heroes. Now that there is no formation, Tai Shangmen will eventually be unable to stop them."

Su Yuan thought for a moment and looked at Dongfang Yi deep in the dragon's veins: "There is Dongfang Yi in Taishangmen. How it will happen depends on what kind of actions Dongfang Yi can make."

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