Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 872 Fierce battle between good and evil (Part 2)

Thousands of miles away from the battlefield, somewhere on a plain.

On the originally empty ground, large mysterious star runes suddenly flashed.

After a while, the spiritual light flourished, and a large number of Taishangmen disciples appeared here.


Many of the Taishang disciples who came out of the battlefield through the Star Shifting Formation secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so dangerous. If it's a little later, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out..."

"I don't know how Uncle Ye and Elder Nie are doing."

"Don't worry, Uncle Master and the others are powerful and have been using the eight-door formation for so long. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with those people from the Demon Sect!"


Many disciples of the Taishangmen were talking about it and were quite worried in their hearts.

Among the people, the person responsible for taking care of them was a gray-haired old man in the Three Yang Realm.

The gray-haired old man took out the talisman he had prepared in advance and used the sun and moon array at his feet to explore the surrounding situation.

"Fortunately, there seems to be nothing unusual in the middle."

The gray-haired old man nodded slightly and turned to look at the many disciples.

"Then, let's go..."


Suddenly, the ground beneath everyone's formation suddenly cracked and sank, and a huge bloody mouth rushed out from the ground and bit it!

Before everyone could recover, in the blink of an eye, they swallowed up more than thirty disciples who were standing densely on the ground.

There was a "buzz" in everyone's mind, and when they looked around, they saw that it was a ferocious monster with a pig-like shape, green face and red eyes!

The gray-haired old man's pupils suddenly shrank, and he immediately woke up and shouted loudly: "Get out of here!!"


"It's evil!!"

All the disciples of the Taishangmen were horrified and fled in all directions!

But this pig demon has a fat body and extremely flexible movements. With a kick of his feet, he opened his big mouth and ran rampant among many disciples!

"Bang bang bang...!"

The blood mist exploded, and the remaining limbs flew everywhere!

A large number of Taishou disciples are constantly being knocked to pieces, kicked to pieces, and eaten!

"help me!!"

"The sword technique can't break its skin no matter what...ah!"

"Junior sister...no!"

Screams came one after another, and the pig-shaped monsters slaughtered the Taishou disciples like tigers entering a flock of sheep.

But everyone's counterattacks had no big effect at all!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people died!

"Bastard! Stop it!!"

The gray-haired old man's eyes were about to split, so he quickly took out his three-foot sword and used the human sword to merge into a fierce sword light and slashed through it.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The sword flashed continuously, slicing around the pig demon.

The pig demon has rough skin and thick flesh, but under such sword light, scars were cut out on its body, and it let out a low howl.

"Uncle Li blocked that vicious beast!"

"Let's go! Let's go quickly!"

"Uncle Li...huh?!"

The disciples of the Supreme Sect had just flown a little distance away when they heard the sound of sword light coming to an abrupt end.

Everyone hurriedly looked back and saw that the gray-haired old man who had just cut wounds on the pig demon was now being held by the pig demon like a doll!

The light in the gray-haired old man's eyes disappeared, and he looked at the pig demon's bloody mouth that slowly opened and got closer and closer...



The pig demon took one bite and cut off the upper half of the gray-haired old man's body.

Then he threw it again, and then threw the lower half of the gray-haired old man into his mouth and chewed it together!




Everyone's pupils were shocked, and they quickly woke up and ran away in horror.

But there was a hint of sneer in the pig demon's blood-red eyes.

He raised his right foot high and suddenly stepped on the ground.

Suddenly the ground shook, and rocks and soil thorns with a radius of tens of thousands of meters rose up into the sky like towering trees, trapping everyone in them!

"what happened!"

"Break it quickly!!"


In the entire huge cage woven of rock, soil and thorns, soon there was only one after another of painful and desperate screams!

After a while, the earth cage turned into rock and earth thorns again and spread out.

Only a fat young man with red lips and white teeth and a sinister face was left in the field, and there was still a large amount of flesh and blood residue hanging between his lips and teeth.

As for the ground, it was soaked in red blood and countless mutilated corpses!

The obese young man patted his belly and said to himself excitedly and contentedly: "The person from Taishou has teleported out, so the action over there is about to begin."

Licking off the scraps of meat from the corner of his mouth, the obese young man swayed and rushed towards the distance...

Qixia Mountain.

The battle between good and evil has entered a fierce stage, and a large number of casualties have gradually appeared.

"The body of Tianque?"

Su Yuan looked at Ye Shuying, who was pressing closer and entangled with Hong Zhong, with a bit of wonder and curiosity flashing in his eyes.

Jiang Lan also sighed: "I have only seen this kind of physique in the classics of the department. It is very rare and it is difficult to distinguish between good and bad."

The body that is deficient in nature is deficient in some aspect from birth. But when God closes a door, he will also open a window.

Because there is something missing, the missing body can be compensated in other ways.

Ye Shuying's physical body is simply terrifying. Judging from the current situation, his strength, defense, etc. are probably above the A+ qualification level, and he has amazing resistance to star power!

However, although he is already a top master at the Sanyang level, his own star power is not even as good as the average Chuyang level...

Jiang Lan said: "I estimate that her star power qualification may only be E-level or F-level. It's really amazing..."

Su Yuan also nodded slightly when he heard this and praised: "Well, it is indeed amazing to be able to reach this point."

Although Ye Shuying looked very strong at the moment, she even vaguely suppressed Hong Zhong during the close combat.

But as a Tianque body, the hardships for her to grow to this level step by step are simply unimaginable...

You know, the most important attribute of a star card master is star power!

Without star power qualifications, not only would cultivation be extremely slow, but many practical skills would also be unavailable.

Even from the beginning of his practice, he was very different and incompatible with others.

For a body lacking in the sky, it would be better if it "lacks the physical body to replenish the star power".

This kind of "star-strength-replenishing physical body"... can cultivate to the Three Yang Realm is simply a miracle!


Ye Shuying chased after him and punched out again, causing some blood to splash on Hong Zhong's right arm.

"Damn it!"

Being suppressed like this all the time, even Hong Zhong felt a little more angry.

"True liberation!"

The monstrous demonic cloud surged away, and Hong Zhong directly launched his true form of liberation, with large purple and gold demonic patterns appearing all over his body.

There are five rings on both of his hands, and behind him is a purple and gold Falun as big as his body!

Just standing there, there is a domineering temperament that no one can ignore!

At this moment, three purple rings on Hong Zhong's right hand lit up, and he punched Ye Shuying, who was flying and entangled again.

"Blow it up for me!"

With this punch, the space outside Ye Shuying suddenly exploded like glass.

Ye Shuying's right arm was chapped and burst into a large amount of blood. His whole body was shocked, and the skin and flesh were torn all over his body!

Three purple rings also lit up on Hong Zhong's left arm. He stepped forward and punched him again. When Ye Shuying was hit for the second time, he immediately turned into a bloody man and hit the ground with a "Bang!" Break a big pit!

"This isn't over yet~"

Hong Zhong grinned and raised his hand to aim at the big pit. The brilliance of the Falun behind him turned purple in an instant, and the purple halo of light on his arm also turned into gold!

A powerful and inexplicable wave of power fell from the sky. Just as Ye Shuying stood up, the ground hundreds of meters outside him suddenly shattered into dregs like tofu out of thin air, and a shocking deep pit appeared!

Ye Shuying spurted out a mouthful of blood and was buried in the pit after being shattered by sand and gravel.

Hong Zhong's ability is very simple and crude - shock!

Everything hit by his hands will experience thousands of invisible vibrations in an instant!

The purple ring attacks directly, and the golden ring hits the cow from across the mountain. It's simple. One punch and one palm are enough to defeat any opponent!

"Senior Sister Ye!"

Seeing Ye Shuying injured, Nie Wu, Hao Lingyun and others were shocked.

Everyone in the Demon Sect's eyes lit up.

Zuo Xiaodan seized the opportunity and formed the sun crown with his hands, which instantly shattered most of the chest of Nie Wufa's huge body.

Zuo Xiaoqian also deployed her Moon Shadow clone, and in an instant, Hao Lingyun's four long swords flew away and she punched him, severely injuring him in an instant!

Many masters such as Gui Lao, Liu Heng, Hou Hai, etc. also stepped up their offensive.


Hong Zhong sneered and raised his hand again to aim at Dongfang Yi in the distant dragon vein.

Taking advantage of getting rid of Ye Shuying's entanglement, Hong Zhong's attack seemed to be directly aimed at Dongfang Yi!

As the golden circle of light on his right arm lit up, extremely strong vibrational energy swayed from Hong Zhong's body.

Until the fourth aperture lighted up, even the surrounding air was crushed inch by inch.


Hong Zhong shouted in a deep voice, the void twisted slightly, and the concussive attack fell on Dongfang Yi in the distance who closed his eyes tightly to absorb the power of the Dragon Vein Star!

Dongfang Yi was shocked, his skin was chapped, and a lot of blood spattered from his body!

Obviously, this blow has an effect, and the effect is not small!

Hong Zhong sneered and raised his hands this time, aiming at Dongfang Yi in the distance.

"That's it, Brother Dongfang!"

At this moment, along with a mysterious fluctuation, a flash of Jinghong sword light suddenly burst out, instantly cutting open the bodies of the two Burning Sun demon cultivators, and struck behind Hong Zhong with the last sword!

It’s Mu Kexian!


Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and when he looked up, Mu Kexian was surrounded by golden sand flying around his body. At this moment, his cultivation level had actually reached the Three Yang Realm!

Jiang Lan's eyes showed surprise: "Is it a time-based pseudo-sacred weapon or a sealed sacred weapon? It can actually directly improve the cultivation level to the Three Yang Realm!"

At this moment, Mu Kexian slashed at the Falun behind Hong Zhong with his god-killing sword.

Although it failed to hurt Hong Zhong, it caused the vibration force flowing through his body to pause and slow down slightly.

"court death!"

Hong Zhong was immediately furious when he was attacked by a sneak attack. He let out a low shout, turned around and aimed his hands at Mu Kexian, and struck out with a terrifying shock force!

Mu Kexian was already prepared. The pure energy surged from his body and he transformed into the three pure beings in one go. Two clones of the three pure states immediately pushed forward.


The terrifying power of shock fell, and the clones of the three clearings exploded together.

After the clear energy exploded, Mu Kexian flew up and slashed through Hong Zhong's body with his sword, and a long bloody mark was immediately cut in front of him!

There was a bit of shock on Hong Zhong's face. He didn't expect that he would be hurt by someone in the Chuyang realm?

A fierce look appeared on his face, and the golden ring behind Hong Zhong turned purple. He immediately caught up and hit Mu Kexian directly!

"Priest sister, be careful!" Nie Wu, who was injured himself, couldn't help but exclaimed.

The fists and swords exchanged, and Mu Kexian was shocked, and his skin and flesh were torn open, and a large amount of blood mist exploded!

Even Ye Shuying couldn't hold it, let alone Mu Kexian who relied on the momentary leakage to improve his cultivation?

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