Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 873 Demonic Movement

At this moment, the moment leak on Mu Kexian's left hand once again flowed out a large piece of golden quicksand, which flickered into Mu Kexian's body.

As the golden sand submerged, Mu Kexian's injuries miraculously recovered in the blink of an eye!


Hong Zhong raised his eyebrows, but he didn't want to get too entangled with Mu Kexian, so he flew forward again to kill Mu Kexian who was in the way!

At this moment, a terrifying aura burst out from the ground, and a silver light shot up into the sky and hit Hong Zhong. It was Ye Shuying.

With a "bang", Hong Zhong flew out upside down, and his left chest was dented a bit!

Hong Zhong quickly stabilized his body and looked down, only to see that Ye Shuying was covered in silver, with almost no fluctuations in star power.

But it's hard to imagine what kind of terrifying power there is in that thin and muscular body!

The same is true liberation!

The golden circles on Hong Zhong's hands lit up, and he turned his hands and punched them down several times.

But Ye Shuying didn't dodge, and when he raised his hand, a golden long stick fell into his hand. He hit the void several times in a row, which actually dispersed most of the vibration force, and then he flew out!

Hong Zhong frowned, he really didn't expect Ye Shuying to be so difficult to deal with!

Although the Ten Heroes and Six Heroes were famous, they didn't have many fights with each other before the rise of Dragon Vein.

If there were to be frequent battles, there might not be sixteen of the Ten Heroes or Six Heroes anymore.

"Friend Zuo, stop delaying!" Hong Zhong shouted loudly.

Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian swept across the audience, then looked at each other and nodded slightly.

One person pinched the sun seal, and the other pinched the moon seal. Suddenly, golden sunlight and silver moonlight rose from the two sisters.

"The sun and the moon shine together!"

The two sisters suddenly turned into gold and silver and collided with each other.

In an instant, the sun and moon shone brightly, and the two of them merged into one body. The sun and moonlight flowed outside their bodies, and their aura surged!

Although the Zuo sisters are not truly liberated, with this fusion and the power of the Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissors, they are not afraid of any of the other Six Heroes!


The Zuo sisters raised their hands and made a move. Under the amplification of the powerful power of the sun and the moon, the Yin Yang Shear trapped in the scattered spirit yellow beads in the distance once again burst out with even stronger power.

Ye Shuying's eyes froze when she saw this, and she was about to abandon Hong Zhong and fly out.

But Hong Zhong would not do as she wished. He grinned, raised his left hand and said, "Touch the ground!"

Ye Shuying had only taken a few steps when she felt her eyes blur. In her field of vision, the ground beneath her body was rising directly, pushing herself up to the infinite sky. It was difficult to break through for a while!

Hong Zhong used the ground-covering technique to stop Ye Shuying, while in the yellow air in the distance, the sun and moon streamers flashed violently.

Under the combined control of the Zuo sisters, in just a few moments, the Yin-Yang Streaming Scissors broke through the sticky yellow energy of the Sanling Yellow Bead and flew back to the Zuo sisters' hands!

The Zuo sisters raised their lips, held the Yin-Yang streamer scissors, and looked up at the many masters of the Taishangmen.


Suddenly, the expressions of everyone at Taishangmen changed drastically. They were all frightened and even took a few steps back. No one wanted to be targeted!


The Zuo sisters did not hesitate and threw the yin-yang streamer directly at the nearest black-haired young man.

"don't want!"

The black-haired young man had been killed many times by the streamer. He was so horrified at this moment that he retreated hastily while waving his spear with all his strength and unleashing his magical power——

"Thousands of Spears Coiling Dragon!!"

As soon as the sky dimmed, thousands of rays of light-like shadows of destructive spears lit up with the black-haired young man as the center, surging towards the flying Yin-Yang streamers like a tide!

The stream of yin and yang light suddenly cut off all the gun shadows and passed over the black-haired young man, then turned his head and shot directly at Taoist Whisker behind him.

Taoist Taoist Whisper was so frightened that she threw the top epic whisk star weapon in her hand. It exploded into countless silver threads but still could not stop the yin and yang streamers. Even the whisks and the others were cut off on the spot!

With just a few breaths, Yin Yang Liuguang Shears easily strangled the two masters of Taishangmen!

The Zuo sisters sneered, and their eyes fell on Nie Wu who was unfolding the law of heaven and earth. With a cold look in his eyes, he immediately activated the yin and yang streamer scissors to kill.

"Damn it!"

Nie Wu only felt that his scalp was numb. He raised his hand and threw the lightning pestle in his right hand towards the Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissors. At the same time, he raised his hand and formed a series of seals to form a three-layered Vajra Shield around his body!

The Yin and Yang scissors and the Thunder Falling Pestle collided in an instant. After a brief stalemate, the extremely hard Thunder Falling Pestle was cut off by the Yin and Yang Scissors.

And the three-layered Vajra formation is even more papery, layered one after another, but it can be broken through in just two breaths!

Nie Wu's eyes were horrified, and he could only raise his left hand to grab the Yin Yang Liuguang Scissors.

"Tsk!" With a sound, Nie Wu's left hand was removed on the spot!

The power of the Sun Moon Streaming Light Scissors did not diminish and continued to swoop towards his head.

Seeing that Nie Wu was about to be hanged by the Yin Yang Shear, with a flash of silver light, Ye Shuying broke through the restraints on the ground and suddenly came to kill him, waving a golden stick to block the Yin Yang Liu Guang Shen.


A deepening crack suddenly appeared on the golden stick visible to the naked eye!

"Senior Sister Ye!"

Nie Wu exclaimed, and at this moment, he suddenly felt a powerful wave of star power coming from behind.

Nie Wu turned around and saw four golden halos lighting up on Hong Zhong's arms!

After Hong Zhong finished accumulating his strength, he raised his hands and pointed them at Ye Shuying, and a terrifying shock wave was about to erupt!

"Not good!" Nie Wu's pupils shrank.

Ye Shuying also noticed something was wrong. Danfeng's eyes widened, and the star power on his body suddenly disappeared completely, and Tianque's body was fully deployed!

The next moment, the force of shock suddenly hit his back!

When the golden stick was broken, the yin and yang streamer scissors also cut off the golden stick and landed on Ye Shuying!

Ye Shuying was shocked and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Senior Sister Ye?!" Everyone was shocked.


A layer of intense silver light swayed from Ye Shuying's body, temporarily breaking away from the Yin and Yang streamers.

However, Ye Shuying's body was covered in blood and flesh, and the waist and abdomen in front of her were cut in half by Yin and Yang. Large amounts of blood flowed out, and she was seriously injured!

"This body is really amazing!"

The Zuo sisters raised their eyebrows. This was the first time they encountered someone who couldn't be cut off by the Yin Yang streamer scissors, not to mention Hong Zhong's true form liberation attack!

"It's indeed amazing!" Hong Zhong also exclaimed in admiration, and then he clenched his fists with both hands, and four purple rings lit up on his arms, "But Fellow Daoist Ye, that's it for now!"

Hong Zhong grinned, took one step and shot towards the seriously injured Ye Shuying!

The sister surnamed Zuo also raised her hand and pointed, controlling the yin and yang streamer scissors to shoot out again!

"Invoke the fan, wind and lightning strike!"

"The Earth's Core Flame Dragon Breaks!"

"Change the world with one breath!"


Nie Wu, Taoist Red Eyebrow, Zhuge Xin and others looked ugly and used star weapons, sword energy, and magic to try to stop the Yin Yang Liuguang Shear, but it had no effect.

In fact, everyone knows that this can't be stopped, but no one really dares to block the yin and yang streamer like Ye Shuying herself!

Ye Shuying launched his true form of liberation, and he still had the body of Tianque. His body was incomparable and he could still take one or two hits. How could the others do it?

Seeing that Hong Zhong's fist and the Yin Yang Streamer were about to land on Ye Shuying, at the critical moment, a burst of extremely powerful star power fluctuations suddenly came from the distance.

The next moment, purple energy came from the east.

A ball of purple energy suddenly shot from a distance in front of Ye Shuying, knocking back Hong Zhong's fist and the flying yin and yang scissors, and then turned into a human figure.

"Dongfang Yi?!" The expressions of Hong Zhong and the Zuo sisters both changed.

The visitor is none other than Dongfang Yi.

And at this moment, Dongfang Yi's star power fluctuations have greatly exceeded the limit of the Three Yang Realm!

Nie Wu, Zhuge Xin and many other masters from Taishangmen looked at Dongfang Yi Ze at this moment and were extremely surprised: "Senior Brother Dongfang!"

Ye Shuying's eyes also lit up, she covered the gap in her abdomen that was cut by yin and yang and whispered: "Senior brother."

Dongfang Yi glanced at her wound and nodded slightly, then turned to look at Hong Zhong and the fused Zuo sisters, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Hong Zhong, Sun and Moon Twins, since you want to destroy me and become king, then you all should stay here today!"

Hong Zhong looked extremely ugly: "Dongfang Yi, you have reached the 'Three Yang Pole' so quickly!"

Not just Hong Zhong, everyone knew that Dongfang Yi had already passed the initial and most vulnerable stage of breaking through to the king level.

At this moment, the three yangs in Dongfang Yi's body broke through the shackles with the help of dragon veins and once again grew to the limit, reaching the "three yang pole"!

As long as this step is completed, the star power will far exceed the ordinary three-yang level and reach a stable balance!

As long as you don't stray too far from the dragon's veins, you can free your hands to deal with the enemy before continuing to break through.

This... is also the goal that Ye Shuying and others are trying to achieve by stalling for time!

It can be said that at this point, Hong Zhong and others have almost failed.

But the two of them did not retreat directly. Even if they could not force Dongfang Yi to retreat, they would still take the opportunity to get rid of Ye Shuying!

In this way, Dongfang Yichengwang and Ye Shuying died, and the two super masters of Taishangmen all withdrew from the next dragon vein competition!

Hong Zhong made a fist with his right hand, and the purple light circle on it quickly lit up, three times, four times... five times!

The increased power in each circle is not a simple linear enhancement, but an exponential increase in magnitude!

The fifth gear was turned on, and the void around Hong Zhong was crushed layer by layer. The muscles of the entire right arm were unable to withstand such force, and there were constant bloody wounds.

Hong Zhong's own arms can't bear the punch of this fifth gear, so he can't use it lightly!

But now, I have to use it!


Hong Zhong punched Dongfang Yi and the two of them!

The Zuo sisters also used their full strength to activate the yin and yang streamer scissors and cut off again!

Dongfang Yi's expression remained as usual, with golden light flowing all over his body as he unfolded the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, and first punched Hong Zhong.


Dongfang Yi was shaken, groaned and took half a step back.

Hong Zhong, on the other hand, was astonished and flew backwards for dozens of meters. A large amount of blood dripped down his right arm, which was almost crippled!

Then, facing the Yin and Yang Liuguang Shears that were attacking each other, Dongfang Yi took out a pocket with his left sleeve, and instantly covered the sky with his sleeves and robe, and directly absorbed the menacing Yin and Yang Liuguang Shears.

"Damn it!"

"The universe is in your sleeves!"

The expressions on the faces of Hong Zhong and the Zuo sisters suddenly turned extremely ugly.

With one force capable of defeating all kinds of magic, Dongfang Yi's strength is now several times that of Hong Zhong and others, and is enough to easily defeat all the tricks of the two!


Hong Zhong and the sister named Zuo looked at each other gloomily, with unwillingness in their eyes.

This Dongfang Yi is truly a super master who has reached the three-yang pole so quickly.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate!"

Dongfang Yi sneered, and when he raised his hand, a shocking and powerful star power surged out, and more than a dozen black and yellow dragon-capturing hands, which were a hundred feet long, smashed towards the two people and many people from the Demon Sect!

Many Demon Sect masters were horrified and retreated one after another!

However, in just a blink of an eye, five or six people were swatted away by big hands, and either died or were injured on contact!

"Quickly retreat!"

Hong Zhong shouted loudly, his right hand was temporarily disabled, and he could only wave his left hand to continuously exert vibrating force to stop the opponent.

The Zuo sisters, on the other hand, used all their strength to activate the Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissors, trying to snatch it back from Dongfang Yi's sleeves.

But at this moment, Dongfang Yi's every move and gesture has such great power that it is difficult to contend with!

"The worm shakes the tree!"

Dongfang Yi sneered, raised his hands, and dozens of black and yellow dragon-capturing hands shot up from behind.

Then, the black and yellow energy surged from many big hands and suddenly gathered in one place. In two breaths, a big black and yellow hand that covered the sky and the sun, like the hand of an ancient saint, was formed, and it smashed down directly towards Hong Zhong and the Zuo sisters. !

The faces of Hong and Zhong changed drastically, and they wanted to disperse and run away.

But Dongfang Yi sneered, and Kuxiazhen swung away. With the support of terrifying star power, Hong Zhong and the Zuo sisters were unable to move even an inch!

"not good!"

The two of them, Hong Zhong, didn't care about so many trump cards and immediately launched their trump cards. The Heavenly Demon Divine Art and the Sun and Moon Statues were deployed in an instant to resist this big hand!


The big hand slapped down, and the whole void shook slightly.

The next moment, Hong Zhong and the Zuo sisters vomited blood and flew back, their bodies cracked and turned into two bloody people!

"Senior Brother Dongfang is mighty!"

When everyone in the Supreme Sect saw this scene, they were shocked and overjoyed!

And Dongfang Yi came to Hong Zhong and sneered:

"Now you and I are... no longer on the same level!"

Hong Zhong and the Zuo sisters looked at Dongfang Yi in front of them, their hearts trembling, and they were truly aware of the horror of the three Yang poles.

Dongfang Yi raised the corner of his mouth and raised his right hand again, and the big black and yellow hand that covered the sky and the sun was about to fall.

But at this moment, Dongfang Yi's movements stagnated, and then his expression changed, and his whole body began to twitch!

The big Xuanhuang hand exploded in mid-air, and Hong Zhong and the Zuo sisters took the opportunity to distance themselves again and looked at Dongfang Yi in surprise.

"What's happening here!"

The next moment, green flames and dark blue water suddenly lit up in Dongfang Yi's right eye, intertwined and rushed out to cover his whole body!

In an instant, Dongfang Yi's own cultivation level that reached the "Three Yang Pole" began to fluctuate again, breaking the balance in an instant, and his star power was constantly being absorbed crazily by the water and fire in his body.

"Senior Brother Dongfang?!"

Everyone at Taishangmen was even more shocked, wondering what happened to Dongfang Yi.

But Zhuge Xin thought of something: "This gloomy force... No, it's Jiu Ying and Xiang Liu!"

Zhuge Xin's expression changed, and he immediately flew forward to check the situation for Dongfang Yi.

But the power of water and fire directly swept away the approaching Zhuge Xin!

Zhuge Xin did not dare to make any random moves for fear of disturbing Dongfang Yi. He was blocked by water and fire for a while and was helpless.

However, the eyes of Hong Zhong, the Zuo sisters and other members of the Demon Sect flickered, something unexpected happened, and it seemed that there was no need to leave in a hurry.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, for my Demon Sect, the situation can't get worse.

After a while, Dongfang Yi's aura plummeted to the level before he could absorb the power of Dragon Vein Star!

At the same time, with a strong wave, intertwined blue water and green fire rose up from the east, turning into two beasts with nine snake heads above their heads!

The beast's elephant quickly solidified, and Dongfang Yi fell directly to the ground with a pale face.

"Senior Brother Dongfang!"

Everyone from the Taishangmen flew out to block Dongfang Yishen.

In the blink of an eye, the two ferocious beasts above their heads solidified into a tall, thin man and a seven or eight-year-old child.

The child smiled and said: "Ha... Not only did it make up for the missing clone in one go, but it even improved a lot in one go!"

The tall and thin man raised his eyes and looked at the embarrassed people of good and evil all around, and said coldly: "In this situation, it seems that we came at the right time."


Suddenly, everyone looked ugly.

That's right, the two people here are none other than Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying!

Jiuying glanced at the crowd and licked his lips: "Hahaha, so many human masters, so many delicious souls...huh?!"

Suddenly, Jiuying suddenly noticed something, and suddenly raised his head to look somewhere in the distance, a burst of anger and coldness suddenly appeared in his eyes!

"Oh? It's you!"

The cold voice penetrated the crowd and fell directly into the ears of a young man with an ordinary face in the distance.

Seeing the somewhat familiar face and familiar aura, Su Yuan immediately recognized that this was Jiu Ying.

Su Yuan frowned slightly, but he didn't expect to meet Jiu Ying here, nor did he expect that the other party would immediately notice him from the crowd.

But soon, Su Yuan narrowed his eyes.

At this time, it would be fine if you didn’t come to the door, if you really want to cause trouble...

Then I can only kill you with the sword!

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