The expressions of Hong Zhong, Hou Hai and other Demon Sect masters darkened.

Now, as for the monster beasts, the situation is getting worse and worse for the three fierce beasts. We must deal with them as soon as possible while they are still in some condition!

Thinking of this, Hong Zhong took action decisively.

Raising his left hand, three golden circles lit up and he punched Xiang Liu out of thin air!

Although Hong Zhong had been seriously injured, Xiang Liu was still extremely wary of him. Seeing that his punch was empty, he immediately exploded with star power to try to resist it.

The next moment, Xiang Liu only felt a powerful shock force coming, and his whole body was suddenly chapped with large bloody cracks, and he was instantly knocked back dozens of steps!

"Xiang Liu!"

Jiuying's eyes were shocked. He didn't expect that Hong Zhong, with his severely injured body, still wounded the physically powerful Xiang Liu with one blow!

But Jiuying didn't have time to think too much, because the Zuo sisters had already taken action.

"Yin Yang streamer scissors!"

The sisters of the Zuo family thought, and the two streams of gold and silver outside their bodies once again intertwined and turned into yin and yang scissors to cut towards the Jiuying in front!

Jiuying sneered: "Grudge!"

Jiuying slapped his hands down on his body, and suddenly countless green flames on the ground seemed to rush up from under Jiuyou. With a push of Jiuying's hands, they burned towards the Yin-Yang Streaming Scissors!

According to Jiuying's expectation, such fierce flames were enough to send the star weapon in front of him flying.

However, in the blink of an eye, the golden and silver stream of light easily cut through the resentful flames and rushed forward in an instant!

"What!" Jiuying's expression suddenly changed.

The yin and yang lights crisscrossed past each other, and Jiuying was cut into two halves on the spot!

But the next moment, Jiuying's severed body did not fall. After a blur, it quickly returned to its original state.

"Damn it! What kind of star weapon is this? It actually destroyed another of my clones!"

Jiuying's breath was a little weaker than before, and his eyes were filled with shock and anger, but also a bit of horror.

Just now, all the clones were restored through the soul-transforming technique, but at this moment, another one was directly destroyed!

But at this moment, without stopping in the hands of the Zuo sisters, the yin and yang streamer scissors suddenly flew back and cut towards them again.

"Xiang Liu, help me!"

Jiuying spread out the green flames with his hands and shouted loudly at the same time.

Behind him, Xiang Liu, who had just stabilized his body, quickly raised his hand when he heard this, and immediately deep blue water flowed out of his hand and merged into the flames in front of Jiu Ying.

In an instant, water and fire joined forces, and the power surged, spinning towards the yin and yang streamers.

But even so, he could barely hold on for two breaths. With a flash of light, the yin and yang light scissors cut through Jiu Ying's body again!

Jiuying's whole body was shaken, and his body blurred for a while, and then his breath suddenly dropped a bit.


Jiuying was frightened and angry, and looked up at the Zuo sisters.

The Zuo sisters were also secretly shocked. They didn't expect that this monster was so tricky and could actually block the Yin and Yang streamer scissors one after another!

The Zuo sisters wanted to activate the Yin-Yang Scissors again, but the Yin-Yang Scissors split into two after a brief flash of gold and silver spiritual light, but the energy was exhausted and they could barely hold on.

After all, he had attacked many times before and was taken away by Xiuli Qiankun.

"Oh? I can't use it anymore!"

When Jiuying saw this, he grinned ferociously, and immediately killed the Zuo sisters and other members of the Demon Sect.

At the same time, Xiang Liu flew in again with blood all over his body.

"Seeking death!" Hong Zhong waved his left hand and hit it again!

However, Xiang Liu's eyes flickered as if he had some understanding. The azure hydra phantom flashed outside him, and in a flash of water, his entire body turned into a deep blue water energy body.

The terrifying power of shock fell on him, and the water on Xiang Liu's body shook, removing most of his strength!


Xiang Liu grunted again with a slightly pale face, but he actually accepted Hong Zhong's true liberating blow.

"Well, using water to relieve force? That's quite smart!" Hong Zhong raised his eyebrows, and the fourth circle of golden light on his left arm lit up and directly turned on the fourth gear and hit Xiang Liu, "But... how can you answer it like this!"

As Hong Zhong raised his hand, Xiang Liu felt an extremely strong crisis coming, and he immediately let out a low shout and transformed into his body several stories high, with blue water all over his body surging at high speed and turning into energy with all his strength!

Hong Zhong punched down, and in an instant, Xiang Liu's entire huge body shook violently, and the water was surging!


After holding on for just two breaths, Xiang Liu's body suddenly exploded like a water balloon!

But just as it splashed away, all the splashing water suddenly retracted and turned into Xiang Liu's body again, and all the vibration force on his body was resolved after the explosion!

It is better to block than to open up. Xiang Liu apparently used the change and toughness of the water energy body to remove most of the vibration force after exploding half of it, and then restored it to its original state.

"This monster..."

Hong Zhong frowned. Not only was Xiang Liu slightly less capable than him, but he also had a very high fighting talent!


Xiang Liu let out a sharp roar, and the nine snake heads opened. In front of each snake mouth, dark blue water balls continued to gather and compress.

In an instant, a vast and powerful wave of star power swayed from his body!

Hong Zhong's pupils shrank. In his current state, he actually felt a little bit irresistible!


Hong Zhong shouted lowly, and Gui Lao, Liu Heng, Hou Hai...all the people from the Demon Sect dispersed.

Nine water jets shot out, causing mountains to collapse and the ground to crack.

Two Demon Sect masters reacted half a beat too late, and were directly blasted by water jets on the spot!

Where is this water column? This is simply a Tianshui cannon!

Hong Zhong, Hou Hai and others immediately took action to stop Xiang Liu.

But Xiang Liu suddenly stopped, and Jiu Ying, who was entangled with the Zuo sisters and other members of the Wuji Demon Sect in front, also stopped. He seemed to have noticed something and looked up at the western sky.

"Oh? We're finally here!" Jiuying grinned.

When Hong Zhong, Hou Hai and others saw this, their hearts twitched. Could it be that...

Soon, a panicked sound suddenly sounded from the west side of Qixia Mountain.

"what is that!"

"Get out of the way!"

"No, don't come over...ah!"

I saw that the clear sky in the west suddenly darkened, the black wind roared, and the white electricity neighed, but a big bird with big black and white wings came from a distance carrying the wind and electricity.

Along the way, countless people were torn apart by the strong wind and shattered by lightning. In an instant, a large number of upper-level and third-level monks who were watching from a distance died!

But in just a few breaths, the big black and white bird had already flown over the crowd, and in a flash of light, it transformed into a handsome young man holding a black and white folding fan and with sharp eyes.

"It's Mr. Gale, and indeed he has helpers!"

Hong Zhong and others recognized him immediately, their eyes sinking slightly.

Unlike the revived ancient monsters such as Jiuying and Xiangliu, Lord Da Feng was originally a vicious monster with a reputation for evil in the Southern Continent!

As a result, there are already four ferocious monsters in the field!

At this moment, Xiang Liu looked up at Lord Da Feng and asked: "Da Feng, Zhu Huai came before you, why haven't you arrived yet?"

Mr. Gale flew down and said in a cold voice: "Maybe I encountered some interesting prey on the road, so I was delayed a little."

Jiu Ying also withdrew from the Demon Sect and said with a ferocious smile: "Then leave him alone! With the current state of the humans on the battlefield, we can definitely win!"

Lord Gale glanced at the ugly-looking Demon Sect and others in front of him, with evil intentions in his eyes, and said: "Hong Zhong of the Demon Heaven Palace, and the Sun and Moon Twins... things will change late, so deal with them quickly!"

Jiuying nodded, but suddenly thought of something, his eyes suddenly looked somewhere in the distance, and a violent murderous intention rose in his eyes.

"Since the strong wind is coming, I will take care of that Chongyang Realm guy first, lest he escape later."

When Xiang Liu heard this, he also looked towards the distance. The nine snakeheads' eyes turned cold and said: "Okay! Kill him!"

In fact, when they ambush Dongfang Yi before, with the strength of Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying, even if they were defeated, they would not be beaten so badly. A total of ten heads were exploded!

The key reason why this happened was that Jiu Ying lost one of his souls, which resulted in the lack of power when he first used the water and fire combination to attack, which made Dongfang Yi recover quickly!

If it weren't for Su Yuan, the two of them wouldn't be in such a state of embarrassment.

"Then, let's do it!"

Lord Gale opened his folding fan, and the black wind and white lightning flickered on the six fan bones. He waved forward and several thunder and wind tornadoes that swept the sky and the earth rushed out.

And Xiang Liu's nine snake heads opened again, and the vast abyss of water star power surged out, creating a tsunami from the sky and rolling towards the Demon Sect!

As for Jiuying, he passed over the crowd and turned into a ball of green flames and rushed directly towards Su Yuan in the distance.

"Huh? Why did the big demon come here suddenly!"

"No, run!"

Su Yuan and Jiang Lan watched Jiu Ying turn into a ball of ghostly fire, and many of the monks watching the battle immediately fled away.

"He's here!" Jiang Lan's eyes narrowed, and she turned to look at Su Yuan and said, "Do you need help?"

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, "I can handle it myself. Just bother the next one to wait aside to hold the battle for me."

"Okay." Jiang Lan was now very clear about Su Yuan's strength, but she still reminded her in a solemn voice, "Be careful. If there is an accident, I will take action immediately."

Su Yuan nodded slightly: "Okay."

Between the two of them speaking a few words, Jiu Ying turned into a ball of rapid fireballs and crashed towards him!

However, Su Yuan's expression remained as usual, and as soon as he thought, an invisible barrier appeared in front of him.

In an instant, the originally menacing Jiuying stopped strangely in front of Su Yuan!

"Huh? The power of space?" Jiuying let out a little surprise, then raised his hand to form a seal, "Heaven cries!"

A ghastly wave of energy swayed from Jiu Ying's body, and above his head were nine snakes... The phantoms of the seven snakes appeared, and they all looked up to the sky and roared.

In an instant, green clouds surged high in the sky, and countless green flames fell from the high altitude like heavy rain and hit Su Yuan.

Su Yuan looked up and saw that all the sky fires were temporarily stopped by the immeasurable force.

However, not only is the intensity of the green flames astonishing, but the amount is too great. If it continues to accumulate outside, sooner or later the immeasurable power will not be able to withstand it.

Jiuying grinned: "Now, are you planning to wait for death inside... hmm?"

Before Jiu Ying finished speaking, he saw a large piece of evil flame as black as ink rising up outside Su Yuan's body, surging layer by layer directly towards the green flame in the sky.

The two flames collided in an instant, and suddenly erupted with terrifying high temperature and heat, burning each other crazily!

That green flame is the natal flame refined by Jiu Ying, and its power is terrifying.

But no matter how terrifying it is, under the perverted immortality and corruption of the immortal evil fire, it will only end up being burned to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, no matter how high the green flames fell like rain, they still could not break through the black flame sky cover formed by the immortal evil fire!

Not only that, the immortal evil fire spread out in all directions and forced Jiu Ying back.

"The divine the immortal evil fire!"

As an ancient fire-type monster, Jiuying recognized it immediately, with a bit of surprise flashing in his eyes.

"There is actually immortal evil fire? No wonder it can kill my clone. You do have two brushes!"

Su Yuan pulled out the demon sword from his waist. Red light was already dancing on the blade, and he seemed extremely excited!

Looking up at Jiuying who was retreating, Su Yuan said calmly: "Before, it was just a clone. Next, I will kill you together with your body."


When Jiu Ying heard this, the smile that had always been on his face suddenly stopped, and then suddenly sank.

"Really... It's just you? It's just Double Ninth Festival!!"

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