Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 876 Killing the Snake Body Continuously

"Look, that Chongyang actually blocked that big monster!"

"If you read it correctly, it should be some kind of divine fire, right? In the midst of the catastrophe, I really don't know where such a master appeared from."

"It is indeed powerful, but this is just the beginning. I don't know how long he can block it. After all, such great evils are the top beings in the Three Yang Realm!"

Inside and outside Qixia Mountain, many monks were shocked to see Su Yuan use immortal evil fire to resolve Jiu Ying's attack.

At this moment, after Jiuying shouted angrily, seven green snake phantoms flew out from both sides and turned into seven clones, surrounding Su Yuan.

The seven clones quickly formed seals, and each had a green beam of strange runes flashing towards Su Yuan in the center!

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, some undead evil fire surrounded him and blocked it.

"Think this can stop you? You are young!"

Jiu Ying sneered, with a chill in his eyes.

He raised his hand to make a secret and then held it empty, using the green fire beam emitted by the seventh-level clone as a medium to directly activate the power of the Nine Netherworld to strengthen the infant fire!

"Nine Nether God Refiners!"

In an instant, a mass of virtual and real Nine Nether Fire Lotus gradually bloomed under Su Yuan's feet, and the power of terrifying flames suddenly surged up to wrap Su Yuan in it from bottom to top.

Seeing this, more undead evil fires turned into the sky canopy from high altitude and hurriedly fell from high altitude to burn the Nine Nether Fire Lotus to save Su Yuan.

Jiuying's star power qualification is A, and his mental power qualification is A+, and what he is good at is the combined attack of energy and soul!

At this moment, the infant fire blessed by the power of the Nine Netherworld has been transformed from pure energy into a half-energy and half-spiritual state, which greatly enhances the energy resistance. Even the immortal evil fire cannot break through it for a while.

“The way of the soul is the most dangerous, I can’t even remember how many people died under this technique back then.

You still dare to say that you will kill me on the Double Ninth Festival. It is an honor for you to be buried in this technique. "

Jiuying smiled sinisterly, although the Chongyang realm in front of him did have some abilities.

But no matter how capable he is, he is only in the Double Ninth Realm. In Jiuying's eyes, he is just a stronger ant.

Without legendary quality spiritual attack and defense, even the Three Yang Realm cannot break through the Infant Fire Refining God, let alone the Double Ninth Festival?


At this moment, there was a sword intent rising into the sky!

There seemed to be a black light shining in the blazing green fire lotus, and then the sword light flashed, and a black line suddenly appeared on the surface of the fire lotus, which suddenly split into two and exploded on the spot!

Jiuying's expression changed slightly: "Huh? You actually broke my Jiuyouying Fire Lotus!"

"You are too happy too soon." Su Yuan walked out of the green flames with the demon knife and chuckled, "You have lived for so many years and you are still so impatient?"

When Jiu Ying heard this, his expression suddenly darkened: "You brat, you have a sharp mouth..."

However, before he finished speaking, a silver light flashed in front of him, and Su Yuan suddenly teleported and slashed down with his sword.

Jiuying quickly pulled away and jumped back. When he looked down, he saw that a section of his clothes had been cut off!

"Damn it!"

Seeing Su Yuan coming forward with a sword again, Jiuying's face darkened, his sleeves shook, and large green flame snakes intertwined and surrounded Su Yuan in front.

Although Jiuying lost two clones, Su Yuan only had Chongyang after all.

In terms of cultivation, he is still far behind the top San Yang like Jiu Ying.

But when it comes to the means at your disposal... there are too many!

Su Yuan thought, and the black flames in his eyes suddenly started beating.

"Haunted by evil spirits!"

Suddenly, black flames filled the sky, and the terrifying evil power condensed outside Su Yuan's body and turned into a black cloak, and a powerful and unparalleled aura suddenly spread out.

Looking at the raging green flame snake in front of him, Su Yuan sneered and ran directly into it!

"Bang bang bang...!"

The many green snakes couldn't stop Su Yuan at all. They were either cut off or crushed into pieces, and in the blink of an eye they turned into large green flames and exploded.

"Huh? What an amazing enhanced magical power!" Jiuying frowned.

In the exploding green flames, Su Yuan was already in front of Jiuying again in the blink of an eye, slashing him with his sword!

Jiuying couldn't dodge and could only wave his arms to resist.

The terrifying black sword energy slashed through, directly smashing Jiuying into the mountain below, shattering countless rocks and dust!

Blood sprinkled down, and a young arm flew up, shockingly cutting off Jiu Ying's arm.

The next moment, among the rocks, green flames like the sea surged out layer by layer!

Jiuying stood up with a look of violence in his eyes. A faint light surged above his right hand, and his soul reflected on his body. He quickly repaired his broken right hand.


Jiuying didn't expect that his arm would be chopped off by a Chongyang realm human. It was extremely humiliating, and he immediately let out a loud shout and was about to rise into the sky again.

But before he could move, there was a flash of silver light in front of him, and Su Yuan had already teleported to Jiu Ying one step ahead.

A cloak of black flames surrounds the body, undead evil fire surrounds the body, and the rushing green sea of ​​fire is completely excluded and unable to cross!

Just as it was difficult for the immortal evil fire to quickly break through the Nine Nether Fire Lotus before, now even if there are a large number of these green fires, it is difficult to extinguish the immortal evil fire in an instant.

This is also the reason why Su Yuan used Xuxie to manifest his sainthood instead of choosing the gods to descend to earth.

Facing Jiu Ying's infant fire, there is no need for strong defense, as long as the flame is isolated to prevent the soul impact contained within it.

Jiuying's expression was sluggish. He had never imagined that someone would break into the sea of ​​infant fire to kill him!

In a hurry, Jiuying gathered the sea of ​​infant fire and raised his arms again to block him.

"God's fault."

Su Yuan raised the demon sword high and slashed it down suddenly.

There was a flash of black light, and this time, Jiuying's entire body, including the resisting arms, was instantly cut in half with one sword from top to bottom!

Realizing that the surging soul power in the green sea of ​​fire was about to gradually erode the black flame cloak, Su Yuan flashed back decisively.

In the sea of ​​fire, Jiu Ying's body felt blurry and seemed to be about to heal.

But under the power of the divine "forbidden", it seems difficult for the two bodies to come together.

After a moment of stalemate, Jiu Ying's body suddenly exploded into six divided souls, which then came together and re-condensed into Jiu Ying itself.

But at this moment, Jiu Ying's face turned pale and his expression became much gloomier.

Because this time of condensation not only consumes a clone again, but also consumes a lot of star power because it cannot directly gather the body!

"Sure enough, we can still avoid fatal attacks..." Su Yuan looked at Jiu Ying in mid-air.

Su Yuan naturally saw the situation in which Jiuying escaped with his life twice in a row during the Yin and Yang streamer.

But now it seems that every time a clone is consumed, a fatal attack can be avoided, and not even the divine sword light can completely cut off the opponent's rebirth.

"As expected of an ancient great demon, it is really powerful. However, it is not without cost..."

Su Yuan's eyes were filled with silver light as he looked at Jiu Ying carefully. At this moment, the aura on Jiu Ying's body was visibly weaker.

Losing three clones in a row almost made Jiuying fall to the level of a fierce demon.

Being able to withstand fatal attacks seems to be an extremely powerful ability indeed.

But in fact, Jiu Ying's method of avoiding death is not profound. He simply sacrifices his clones in order to avoid disaster.

In this way, as the clone weakens, his own strength will naturally become weaker.

It's fine against ordinary opponents, but if you face the same top players...

One step is bad, every step is bad!

Su Yuan held the demon knife tightly, his eyes lit up, and the divine wind flowed outside him and he instantly killed Jiu Ying!

Jiuying's expression changed, and he raised his hand to form a seal: "Nine Nether Souls have changed!"

A large green flame ignited outside the body, and with the power of the infant fire to communicate with the Nine Netherworlds, he instantly transformed into a Nether Flame Holy Fire Infant.

The aura that had slipped away due to the destruction of the clone was suddenly strengthened at this moment, even much stronger than the Seven Snakes state at the beginning!

Immune to physical + mana enhancement!

This move can also be regarded as Jiuying's trump card.

After the transformation was completed, Jiuying was determined. He immediately pulled away and flew back to widen the distance between him and Su Yuan. At the same time, he raised his hand to form a seal and was about to release his spell to bombard Su Yuan again.

However, the golden wind in front was bright, and in a moment, Su Yuan was chasing after him again, swinging the demon sword with Taixu's sword intent and slashing it down with one strike!


Jiuyou's pupils shrank, and then he felt pain on his body and was cut in half again!

The crimson light on the demon sword was constantly shining, and when meeting such an ancient demon, it seemed that it was getting more and more exciting.

"Didn't you realize that this was the move that split your green fire lotus just now?"

Su Yuan held the demon sword, stopped and looked at Jiu Ying, whose body was blurred and about to re-consolidate in front of him.

"Has your recovery from the long years made you dull? Not just your movements, but also your thinking..."

Jiuying looked at Su Yuan who looked indifferent in front of him with some confusion, and felt a sense of panic in his heart for no reason.

In this Chongyang realm... I really want to kill myself, and I can kill myself!

Immortal evil fire, enhanced supernatural powers, star power far beyond the ordinary Double Ninth Realm, terrifying swordsmanship that can cut off one's own soul...

When did the Southern Continent have such a person!


Five green snakes flew out from outside Jiuying and gathered together again. The panic on his face turned into a deeper look of resentment.

"Your mental power has been greatly reduced. I don't believe that you can still use such sword moves!"

Jiuying shouted angrily and formed a seal with his hands, and suddenly there were five phantoms of snake heads outside him forming a seal together.

"Nine Infants Explosion!"

In an instant, five groups of baby fires gathered into a dark green fireball, with five snakes surrounding it and heading towards Su Yuan.

Indeed, after mobilizing the divine sword light three times in a row in order to cut off the Jiuyou Fire Lotus and Jiuying's bodies, Su Yuan's face turned pale at this moment, and his energy was greatly consumed.

But the reason why Su Yuan was so decisive was naturally because he had some considerations...

Because at this moment, Jiuying has lost four clones, and his strength has officially dropped to the level of great evil.

At this time, as long as he steps forward, he can use his star power to cut through the opponent's spiritual body. Naturally, he no longer needs to rely on the light of the Divine Sword!

Seeing the fireball flying towards him, a mysterious mark suddenly lit up between Su Yuan's eyebrows, and a large area of ​​fine glow surrounded his body.

"Gift of liberation...kill!"

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