Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 877 Killing Nine Infants

Su Yuan's eyes shone brightly. After a moment of gathering force, he drew his sword and slashed out. Taixu Sword Qi surged and slashed towards Jiuying.

Different from the previous sword energy, there are countless mysterious and bright runes on the Taixu sword energy at this moment!

In an instant, Taixu sword energy cut through the fusion of the five snakes, the Nine Nether explosion, and suddenly struck the Jiuying behind.

The sword intent surged, and Jiu Ying was knocked away on the spot, leaving a deep sword mark on his mental body!


Jiuying stabilized his body and suddenly stared at Su Yuan with wide eyes in front of him, whose body was filled with light.

"Gift relief? It's actually gift relief!"

Jiuying's expression changed drastically, and now he was completely panicked!

As early as in ancient times, Jiuying had seen strong human beings who had mastered this unique skill. They were basically ruthless characters who were extremely good at killing and fighting.

Before, the opponent had to use the magical power of swordsmanship that could even cut off the spiritual body to hurt him who had developed the Nine Ghost Soul Transformation.

But at this moment, as his own strength declined, the other party launched a gift of relief again, and the ebb and flow of it could actually hurt his mental body.

If this continues, I am afraid that I will really perish here!

Jiuying was horrified, and with a sudden thought, he immediately flew up, trying to escape to Xiang Liu and Lord Dafeng.

"Want to leave?"

Su Yuan's fingertips moved with immeasurable power, and he raised his hand to draw. Suddenly, a circle of substantial silver light surrounded Jiu Ying.

It's exactly like drawing the ground as a prison!

"It's that kind of space power!"

Jiuying found that he could not break through, and he was shocked and quickly spread the baby fire to try to burn the silver circle.

However, in the blink of an eye, Su Yuan came over again with a sword.

Use the immortal evil fire to burn Jiuying's flame with soul power, use the gift of liberation and Taixu sword energy to cut open its spiritual body...

Su Yuan held the sword to kill the demon, the sword energy soared into the sky, killing Jiu Ying like a god, causing Jiu Ying to run away with his head in the prison of the painted earth!


Not long after, another clone exploded, and Jiuying's aura suddenly became weaker.

"Xiang Liu!!"

Jiu Ying was horrified and exclaimed!

In the distance, Xiang Liu and Lord Da Feng were still fighting fiercely with the three demon sects.

Hong Zhong and the sisters surnamed Zuo had been seriously injured by Dongfang Yi before. Now they were almost at their limit. Whether it was true liberation or integration, they could no longer hold up.

As for Hou Hai, Liu Heng and others, they had spent a lot of effort breaking the formation before, and the consumption at this moment was equally huge.

Looking carefully, everyone in the Demon Sect already had a lot of injuries, ranging from minor to serious.

Not only because of the continuous battles, but Lord Gale’s strength is also beyond everyone’s expectations!

The wind and thunder roared, and the tsunami surged!

Lord Dafeng and Xiang Liu joined forces, but it made Hong Zhong and others even more uncomfortable.

At this moment, one of Xiang Liu's nine snake heads knocked away Liu Heng, who was attacking with a sword. When he was about to pursue again, he was suddenly stopped.

Xiang Liu's eyes were filled with water, and he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance.

"Nine babies!"

Xiang Liu's expression darkened, and he immediately realized that Jiu Ying had been forced into a desperate situation!

Lord Gale was also aware of it and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Even if two clones were destroyed in advance, Jiuying couldn't take down a Chongyang realm?

"Dale, leave these people to you!"

Xiang Liu shouted loudly, and without waiting for Mr. Gale's reply, the star power surged all over his body, and the terrifying power of the sea suddenly swayed away and scattered the Demon Sect masters around him.

Then, Xiang Liu suddenly shrank and turned into a human form, and rushed out directly past many Demon Sect masters.

Hong Zhong and others naturally would not stand in the way, but their eyes lit up when they realized something was going on at Jiu Ying's side.

Xiang Liu flew straight out of the Demon Sect's battle circle, and within a moment, he was about to hit the silver circle drawn on the ground as a prison.

Just at this moment, another figure with a halo of water suddenly turned from virtual to real, rushed out from the side and struck Xiang Liu with a knife. It was Jiang Lan!

Blood splashed, and a bloody scar was suddenly torn open on Xiang Liu's body.

Jiang Lan's expression also changed slightly, and she was knocked back several steps by Xiang Liu's terrifying power on the spot!

"Human, you are seeking death!" Xiang Liu shouted in a deep voice.

Now that the situation was urgent, Xiang Liu didn't waste any time talking to Jiang Lan. He stepped out and punched Jiang Lan who was blocking him in front.

Jiang Lan's expression was solemn, and she knew that Xiang Liu's strength was terrifying, but she didn't want to defeat him right now, she just wanted to hold him back.

With a thought in Jiang Lan's mind, the water was as bright as lightning, and a dreamlike field of water and light suddenly spread out from itself, including Xiang Liu, and the two of them disappeared at the same time...

"Has the second seat taken action..."

In the silver circle drawn on the ground as a prison, Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and the Azure Refining Form that was about to be released also temporarily stopped.

"Then let's deal with the Nine Infants in front of us as soon as possible."

Su Yuan looked at Jiu Ying in front of him, whose breath was weak and his body was mutilated again. He took out the glazed azure and killed him with two swords in his hands!

The sword energy was flowing horizontally and the spiritual light exploded. At this moment, Jiuying was completely unable to resist Su Yuan's offensive.

The clones were constantly being consumed to avoid fatal damage, but in just a short moment, the illusory snake outside Jiuying's body only had a snake head left...

In other words, it only has the last clone left at this moment!

Jiuying's fear reached the extreme. Seeing Su Yuan approaching again, his childlike face was full of horror!

"No...stop! Even if you kill me, you won't be able to escape! Xiang Liu and the others will kill you for me!"

"Then kill him all together!"

Su Yuan sneered, and the two swords were filled with wind and fire, and they slashed at Jiu Ying without any hesitation!

“First class in two days!”

"No, no, no...ah!"

Jiuying screamed, with a strong look of resentment on his face.

But the dazzling auras of wind and fire rose together, and the screams soon stopped abruptly.

In the blink of an eye, Jiuying's entire body had been torn into several pieces!

The evil nine infants died without a complete body!

Seeing Jiuying's body about to fall, Su Yuan raised his hand and put it into the space first.

"It can be regarded as solving a hidden danger." Su Yuan raised his head and looked at Jiang Lan's unfolded water field in front of him, his eyes slightly cold, "However, there is another hidden danger... huh?"

Suddenly, Su Yuan faintly noticed something and raised his eyebrows.

As soon as the eyes are closed and opened, the omniscient vision and the pure mind have been revealed!

Suddenly, things that were previously invisible can now be gradually seen.

But in the sky above his head, Jiu Ying's soul was pulled by a thin stream that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, slowly moving towards the distance.

And he followed the trickle away into the distance, and finally landed on a yellow-faced young man with the underworld water surging around him...

It's Ma Liang!

And it's not just Jiuying's soul, there are also several powerful souls in the underworld water outside his body, and they are the disciples of the Taishangmen and the Demon Sect who have been killed!


Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although Jiuying is his enemy, his soul is of no use to him.

But the enemy he spent a lot of time to kill had his soul taken away by others for nothing...

This is not a pleasant thing!

Su Yuan swung the demon sword to cut off the thin stream connecting Jiuying's soul.

But suddenly, the shimmering water field in front suddenly shook, and then collapsed directly.


Jiang Lan flew out backwards, but it was Xiang Liu who flew out.

Su Yuan raised his hand, and immeasurable force spread behind him to help Jiang Lan quickly stabilize her figure.

Xiang Liu turned to look at the field, slightly startled.

Immediately, with his face suddenly sinking to the extreme, a terrifying wave that caused the surrounding mountains to collapse suddenly swayed from his body!

"Nine babies!!"

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