Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 880 Fight against evil

While Su Yuan and Fu Chaosheng were discussing quickly, Lord Dafeng also flew down, raised his hand and waved his folding fan to help the willow fan fly away from the chariot.

"Fu Chaosheng of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect and the person from the Chongyang Realm seem to be joining forces." Lord Da Feng came to Xiang Liu and said.

Xiang Liu said in a deep voice: "These two people killed Zhu Huai and Jiu Ying. They must be killed today!"

Mr. Gale frowned slightly, with thunder and lightning surging in his eyes. He turned his head and sensed the situation in the distance. It seemed that the mountain pig chasing after him had not yet completely captured the Taishangmen.

"Xiang Liu, it's best to deal with the people who come to your door now!"

Although Mr. Dafeng also wants this dragon vein, this operation is to kill as many human masters as possible, especially Tai Kami.

Demon Sect Hong Zhong and others are numerous, and Hong Zhong and the Sun and Moon Twins still have the power to fight back. It is difficult to stop them from retreating at this moment.

And all the Taishangmen were seriously injured and consumed a lot. It is rare for a master like Dongfang Yi to be so weak. The most important thing is to solve them first!

Xiang Liu said coldly: "Even if we are willing to retreat, haven't you seen that they still look like they want to kill us!"

Mr. Gale said: "They definitely want the dragon vein. As long as we are willing to retreat, they can't pursue them too far."

Xiang Liu pondered for a moment, then looked at Lord Dafeng: "Jiu Ying is dead, I can't just let it go!"

Mr. Dafeng frowned, Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying revived at the same time. The two were close friends of the same clan and had a deep relationship.

Now, since Xiang Liu refuses to leave, he can only try the other party's methods again...

At this moment, the most confused person in the room was the confused Jiang Lan.

"What kind of plane are you doing..."

Even with Jiang Lan's status and accomplishments, she couldn't help but whisper a curse word.

With limited information, Jiang Lan racked her brains and couldn't figure out what the situation was.

It seemed that Su Yuan was still discussing something with Fu Chaosheng of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect. Why did he feel like he was getting deeper and deeper into troubled waters?

Suddenly, the isolation barrier dissipated, and with a flash of silver light in front of Jiang Lan, Su Yuan teleported over.

"Su Yuan, what exactly is going on?" Jiang Lan asked with a frown.

Su Yuan said quickly: "The last time I came to the Southern Continent, I obtained a skill from the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect and was involved in it.

Now, I want to help Fu Chaosheng of the Wanjian Divine Sect to obtain the dragon vein here, and take this opportunity to absorb the remaining essence of the dragon vein to break through the three Yangs.

This matter is my personal behavior and has nothing to do with you, Jiang Cixi. Now that the observation of the dragon veins has been completed, Cixi can leave first to join the other envoys. "

"Huh?" Jiang Lan was also stunned, and then her eyes widened, "Seize the dragon's veins?!"

From watching on the sidelines, to being targeted by Jiuying, to joining the battle inexplicably, to taking action to stop Xiang Liu...

Why are you still fighting for the Dragon Vein for the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect now?

But Su Yuan didn't wait for her to think too much, he held his hand in front of her and jumped out.

"Okay, I want to see how you fight for this dragon vein!" Jiang Lan crossed her arms and snorted, then flew away.

At the same time, in a corner in the mountains not far away, Ma Liang had been observing the situation.

"Is Fu Chaosheng of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect going to fight for this dragon vein...

And that master of the Chongyang Realm, who killed Jiuying with his sword and defeated Xiangliu with his strength, was he also a master of the Shenzong?

It's a pity. If possible, I still hope that this dragon vein falls into the hands of my colleagues from the Demon Sect...

Speaking of which, my colleagues from the Demon Sect left in a hurry, but I didn't even have a proper chat with them. "

Ma Liang raised his head and looked in the direction where the Demon Sect people were retreating, with a strange smile on his lips. The water from the underworld surged up to his body and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

"A sudden appearance!"

Fu Chaosheng merged his sword with his sword, turned into a light sword light, and struck at Lord Gale first!

"They are coming!" Mr. Gale shouted in a solemn voice, and immediately waved his wind and thunder folding fan to greet them, "Wind and Thunder Flash!"

The swords and fans clashed, the mighty sword intent intertwined with the wind and thunder on the fans, and the green and black auras flew and exploded, causing chaos in all directions!

Lord Gale said: "Fu Chaosheng, a lot of monsters and beasts have died under your hands."

"You are so tyrannical and killing people, so you should be executed!"

Lord Gale sneered: "For the sake of your own cultivation, you and other humans have killed hundreds of millions of star beasts. How can you say that we are waiting for you!"

Fu Chaosheng said: "You and I are of different races, so why bother to say more, not to mention that other star beasts are not of the same kind as you, so you don't need to pretend to be others here!"

The two of them stand on different positions, so naturally they can't make sense. They can only see the truth behind the scenes!

The sword intention and the power of wind and thunder were torn apart, and the two men fought fiercely in an instant.

Next to him, Xiang Liu looked at the lingering chariot rushing towards him again like a dog-skin plaster, and then looked at Su Yuan who killed Jiu Ying in the distance, and the star power in his body suddenly surged.

"Damn humans, puppets looking for death! Then kill you all... Lord of the Sea!"

Xiang Liu raised his right hand, and suddenly the water glowed brightly, and the dark blue waterspout suddenly shot up to a height of a hundred feet!

Then the tornado dissipated, but turned into a long dark blue stick entwined with nine snakes, which was held in Xiang Liu's hand.

The surface space of the stick body where the water was flowing was slightly crushed, and it seemed that it could not bear the terrifying pressure of the deep sea on the stick!


Xiang Liu flew up and hit the chariot with his stick!

Chariot sensed the crisis and immediately crossed his arms in front of him.


With a muffled sound, the chariot flew backwards as if it had been hit hard, and continued to hit Su Yuan behind!

Su Yuan raised his left hand to catch the chariot with immeasurable force, but saw that the muscles of the chariot's arms collapsed, the flesh and blood burst, and it fell down.

The powerful defense was unable to withstand even one blow under the huge power of the Hai Underlord in Xiang Liu's hand, and was destroyed on the spot!

"Awesome, the power of a weapon-shaped soul..."

Su Yuan secretly praised him, and at the same time, he drew out his glazed azure sword and struck it on the chariot's arms.

The blood-soaked arms of the chariot suddenly jumped with green flowers. The arms that had been almost chopped off just now were fully restored in the blink of an eye under the strong vitality.

"That sword has such a strong healing effect!"

Xiang Liu frowned, and immediately waved the Sea Underlord and jumped to kill him again.

Su Yuan took back the glazed azure, glanced up at Xiang Liu, and said, "Deal with him, Chariot."

Green light flashed in Chariot's eyes, he bent slightly, the cross mark on his left hand lit up and he suddenly slapped his chest, and a dazzling holy light suddenly burst out from its center!

Xiang Liu's eyes were shocked: "This is true liberation...!"

The next moment, a figure full of metallic luster was seen rushing out of the holy light.

"court death!"

Xiang Liu's expression darkened. He would not be timid in a head-on confrontation. He swung the Sea Underlord and smashed it down.

But the next moment, Xiang Liu's expression suddenly changed, and he felt a powerful and unstoppable terrifying force coming!


Xiang Liu was knocked away on the spot, and blood mist exploded all over his body. He almost couldn't even hold the Underlord of the Sea!

"What kind of power is this!!"

Xiang Liu's expression changed drastically, and he looked in disbelief at the indestructible chariot in front of him, shrouded in a layer of silver brilliance.

In my own Sea Underlord state, I can borrow the endless pressure of the underworld sea with every blow, but I am actually knocked back by the opponent at once?

It didn't even hurt the opponent at all!

Fu Chaosheng next to him saw that the "puppet" summoned by Su Yuan could actually use Zhenxing Liberation, and its strength was so terrifying. He was frightened and inexplicably cheered up!

Could it be that... there is really hope this time!

Thinking like this, the sword intention on Fu Chaosheng's sword couldn't help but become a little more fierce.

But after Su Yuan left the chariot to deal with Xiang Liu, his omniscient vision unfolded, and he looked towards Tai Shangmen.

Taishangmen has been chased by the pig demon for quite a distance now. One-third of the people in the team have died. Even the burly, shirtless man among the eight masters of Sanyang has died!

Now, Hao Lingyun and several others escorted Dongfang Yi away first.

Ye Shuying led Nie Wu, Taoist Chimei and others to fight and retreat.

Su Yuan didn't care about the life and death of everyone in the Supreme Sect, but the ferocious wild boar had to be dealt with.

Su Yuan raised his hand to open the door of space, and stepped in with the priestess.

far away.


Blood flowed in Shan Zhi's palm, and he grabbed Taoist Red Eyebrow's black and red sword. Then he turned around and threw the long sword and Taoist Red Eyebrow together on the mountain next to him.

The next moment, in the sky above his head, Nie Wu, who was powerful as the sky and the earth, raised a huge thunder pestle and smashed it down.

"Thunder Fury Breaks Barrier!"

A red light flashed in the mountain pig's big eyes, and it nimbly turned into a streak of blood and moved sideways to avoid the thunderbolt, and then suddenly accelerated and collided with Nie Wu head-on.

There was a "bang" sound, which directly pushed Nie Wu's huge body back several steps, and the ground shook!

Zhuge Xin formed seals with his left and right hands at the same time, and Juxiazhuang rushed out to cover his body, and then the black and yellow dragon-capturing hand came down boldly.

However, Shanzhu raised his hand and punched several times to smash Xuanhuang's dragon-capturing hand, and then the blood surged outside his body and directly dispersed Kuxiazhuang.

There is already a gap in strength between the two sides, not to mention that Zhuge Xin and others are already almost exhausted of their star power!

"If you really want to be so persistent, then keep them all!" Shanfu laughed ferociously, turned around and rushed towards Zhuge Xin, "Seventh-level formation master, your life is much more valuable than others!"

Behind the crowd, Mu Kexian has deployed the three pure clones and the Taoist method of heaven and humanity, and is doing his best to treat Ye Shuying's injuries and restore his vitality.

Seeing Zhuge Xin in crisis, Ye Shuying, who had not yet recovered, could not care so much and immediately flew up to block the mountain pigeon.


Ye Shuying and Shan Hu collided, and they both took a few steps back.

"You go!" Ye Shuying, whose face turned pale, stabilized her figure and shouted in a deep voice.

A female Chongyang cultivator exclaimed: "Sister?"

Ye Shuying said expressionlessly: "Let's go, I'll stop it!"

Nie Wu, Taoist Chimei and others were silent. Everyone knew that only Ye Shuying could stop the mountain pig at this moment.


Ye Shuying shouted again and rushed towards the mountain pig with his fist.

Upon seeing this, everyone in the Supreme Sect flew up one after another.

"Junior sister, let's go!"

Nie Wu immediately came to Mu Kexian's side and greeted him.

However, Mu Kexian looked forward in the air and said: "Maybe, there is no need to leave."

Under the spiritual inspiration of Taishang Wangqingjue, Mu Kexian had vaguely sensed something, and there were waves of expectation in his eyes.

Nie Wu looked confused and looked in the air ahead, but there was nothing.

"Let's go..." But just when Nie Wu was about to look away and try to persuade Mu Kexian again, silver light lit up in the air and quickly turned into a space door.

Then, a silver-haired young man wearing a black robe walked out with an old woman shrouded in a robe.

Mu Kexian stared closely at the young man in black robe in mid-air, clenching his fists, and his beautiful eyes suddenly lit up with bright brilliance.

"he came……!"

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