Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 881 Overwhelm the Great Evil

As Su Yuan came out of the space door, everyone in the scene, including Shan Zhi and Ye Shuying, were greatly surprised.

In an instant, Shan Zhi and Ye Shuying retreated, warily looking at Su Yuan and the priestess one step behind.

"Boy, who are you!" Shan Zhi narrowed his eyes and asked.

Because of the pursuit, Shan Zhi didn't know at this moment that the situation in Qixia Mountain had changed drastically.

Su Yuan didn't talk nonsense, his eyes flashed with silver light, and he chuckled: "Kill your man!"

Shan Zhi was startled, and then the fierceness in his big eyes suddenly surged: "You are looking for death...!"

But before he finished speaking, Shan Zhi felt a heart-shaking power of space and spirit from Su Yuan's eyes.

"Mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!" Shan Zhi's heart was filled with fear, and he immediately turned around and released a sea of ​​blood.

However it was already a bit late.

"Infinite moment!"

Silver light suddenly appeared in Su Yuan's eyes, and the boundless space rushed into the eyes of the mountain squirrel. The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​​​blood stopped just after it rushed out less than a hundred meters.

Su Yuan had used Divine Break many times in previous battles, and Su Yuan had left the last bit of mental power for Momo Momentum!

"Get away!" Ye Shuying shouted.

Without Ye Shuying saying anything, Nie Wu and others had already pulled away and distanced themselves.

Everyone watched in great surprise as the mountain pig stopped in place, motionless!

The next moment, Su Yuan waved the demon sword, raised his hand, and a ray of Taixu sword energy tore through the sea of ​​blood and struck the mountain pig.

With a "chi" sound, a ball of blood suddenly burst out from Shan Zhi's body, and a long, medium-deep wound opened.

"The body is quite strong...huh? It can also use the sea of ​​blood to regenerate at high speed. No wonder this move is used in times of crisis."

I saw the essence from the surrounding sea of ​​blood surging into the mountain pig's wound, and it quickly began to repair its body.

As Su Yuan thought, the priestess next to him opened his hands, and countless illusory hands quickly came out to wrap up the pig demon.

Black represents the death curse, red represents weakness, green represents slowness, and the yellow that failed to show its power when facing Su Yuan last time... represents "fragility"!

The mountain pig was controlled by Wuliang for an instant, and the four-color mantra spread all over his body in an instant without any hindrance.

With a flash of silver light on Su Yuan's body, he teleported in front of the mountain pig, raised his demon sword and struck it down with one strike.


The long sword penetrated the flesh, and pig blood shot out.

Under the influence of the yellow "fragile" spell, Su Yuan cut half of Shan Hu's body open with a single sword strike!

However, at this time, the essence of the surrounding blood sea flowed onto the pig demon's body, and the huge wound was repaired in the blink of an eye in a few breaths.

"If the sea of ​​blood is there, then people are here? These legendary monsters who have lived for so long are not weak in their ability to save lives..."

Although the opponent seemed to have the ability to heal himself from the sea of ​​blood, Su Yuan still looked calm and swung his sword to strike down again.

"Chi chi chi..."

Su Yuan slashed out with his sword, and large amounts of blood kept rising from the body of the mountain pig, and the essence of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood kept repairing its injuries.


Not long after, Su Yuan slashed out with his sword again, and then stopped.

This time, no more essence from the sea of ​​blood surged up to repair Shan Hu's body.

Because the sea of ​​blood outside his body... has been completely exhausted!

"It's very useful to catch the curse in an instant..." Su Yuan held up the demon knife, and the head of the mountain pig in front of him slipped from his neck. "There is no need to go back in time to restore mental strength."

"Hiss...!" Suddenly, a gasping sound came from behind.

"This...killing now?!"

Many of the masters at Taishangmen were stunned. The mountain pig that almost forced him and others into a desperate situation was killed by the opponent like this while standing here without any resistance? !

Except for Mu Kexian, everyone in Taishangmen was so shocked that they once again distanced themselves slightly and became more vigilant.

Su Yuan raised his hand and put away Shan Zhi's body.

Su Yuan didn't know this big monster, but it seemed to be a star beast that favored "strength" and "physique", and his mental power was not strong.

Moreover, the priestess's "slowness" spell also greatly deepened the effect of the infinite space, so the opponent did not wake up from the impact of infinite space information until he was hacked to death...

"Thank you for your help." Ye Shuying looked at Su Yuan and immediately thanked him.

"You're welcome," Su Yuan turned to look at everyone and tightened the demon knife in his hand slightly, "I see that you are in a bad state and this place is dangerous. It's best to leave as soon as possible."

Ye Shuying's heart trembled, and she faintly heard a hint of warning from Su Yuan's mouth.

Obviously, the seemingly young master in front of him was not a good person even though he killed the murderer and saved himself and others.

But at this time, Nie Wu, who was looking at Su Yuan, suddenly thought about it.

Isn't this person in black robe the same person that the pastor sister was looking at from a distance?

Although her face has changed, there is no mistaking this outfit!

Thinking of this, Nie Wu quickly turned around and saw Mu Kexian next to him staring at him almost unblinkingly.

A feeling of irritation suddenly arose in Nie Wu's heart. He stepped forward and stood in front of Mu Kexian, saying, "Your Majesty, Nie Wu, may I ask who you are?"

Su Yuan looked at Nie Wu, and then his eyes fell on Mu Kexian behind Nie Wu.

"There's one person at the bottom."

After Su Yuan finished speaking, he took the priestess and flew back directly.

"This...?" Nie Wu frowned suddenly.

Nie Wu could feel that the other party didn't seem to take him seriously at all, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

Looking down, Mu Kexian was still looking at the other person's back.

Although Chi Meizi, Zhuge Xin and others next to him were still looking at each other, Nie Wu could clearly feel that the way Mu Kexian looked at Su Yuan was completely different from the others!

"This man is really powerful. He killed the mountain pig so easily. It is unimaginable that he only has the cultivation level of the Double Ninth Realm." Zhuge Xin was amazed.

The red-browed Taoist also nodded solemnly: "Moreover, the old woman following him seems to have extremely weird abilities!"

"Okay, let's go!" Ye Shuying greeted immediately.

Ye Shuying was secretly glad in her heart. Fortunately, the person just now did not attack her and others, otherwise it would be hard to say...

Everyone was still frightened and immediately flew up to set off again.

But at this time, Mu Kexian said: "Senior Sister Ye, I have something else to do, so go ahead."

"Priest sister?" Ye Shuying was quite confused.

However, Mu Kexian didn't explain much. He cupped his hands slightly and flew away alone.

Nie Wu looked at Mu Kexian's back, vaguely guessing, frowned, and said thoughtfully: "Senior sister, I will also go over and look after the priest sister."

Ye Shuying and others naturally knew what Nie Wu was thinking, so they didn't say much and nodded: "That's fine."

Now that the mountain pig is dead, there should be no danger. If anything happens to Mu Kexian, Nie Wu might as well take care of him.

Nie Wu followed and flew away, while Ye Shuying and others rushed towards the sect together.

At Qixia Mountain, the two beasts were still fighting fiercely.

Xiang Liu is worthy of being a great demon with great fighting talent and experience. At this moment, he has discovered the weakness of the chariot's true form liberation.

Xiang Liu opened up an abyss-like seawater realm around the chariot. Not only could he retreat into the seawater to cover his body at any time, but he could also attack the side of the chariot and even behind it from all directions!

At this moment, Xiang Liu had gradually suppressed the chariot.

However, this does not come without a cost.

At this moment, Xiang Liu's aura was obviously much weaker than before, and his two clones had been destroyed by the chariot!

"What's going on? The aura of the mountain pig seems to have disappeared!"

Lord Dafeng, who was fighting with Fu Chaosheng, suddenly noticed something keenly, and Xiang Liu's expression also changed.

At this moment, a space door lit up beside everyone, and Su Yuan walked out with the priestess.

"What did you do to the mountain pig?" Xiang Liu asked in a deep voice immediately.

Su Yuan sneered: "What else can I do? Of course I'll kill him!"


Not to mention Xiang Liu, even Lord Da Feng's pupils trembled.

How could it be possible to kill the mountain pig so quickly?

Shan Zhi has amazing regenerative abilities. In terms of life-saving ability, even Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying may not be able to match him.

Regardless of his surprise, Su Yuan ordered the priestess: "Let's solve it as soon as possible!"

Su Yuan was also spending a lot of money at the moment, and he could take a break after dealing with these ferocious beasts.

Upon hearing Su Yuan's instructions, a burst of holy light appeared outside the priestess' body, and then the four-color curse power suddenly swayed away, instantly transforming into a curse body with four arms: red, green, yellow, and black.

"True form liberation again!"

Not to mention Da Fengjun and Xiang Liu, even Fu Chaosheng was shocked.

These two puppets will actually be liberated?

When did True Form Liberation become so cheap!

For a moment, everyone was shocked by the technology from Qiguang in the Eastern Continent.

The priestess had already taken action, waving out all four arms without hitting anyone. She just caught on the sea water surrounding the chariot.

In an instant, Xiang Liu felt a strong crisis approaching.


Xiang Liu's pupils shrank suddenly. There was no doubt that his opponent was using some kind of magic to attack him out of thin air.

Xiang Liu knew something was wrong, so he rushed towards the priestess with a flash of water outside his body.

But at this moment, Su Yuan next to the priestess, and at the foot of the chariot in the sea, there were silver horses rising at the same time.

Su Yuan's eyes flashed with silver: "Transform and change places!"

In the blink of an eye, Chariot exchanged places with Su Yuan, appeared next to the priestess, and bumped into Xiang Liu who had just rushed towards him!

Xiang Liu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly transformed his body into a water energy body and blocked the Sea Underlord in front of him.


With a muffled sound, Xiang Liu was still knocked out and flew out. Blood and water burst out from his body, and he was seriously injured on the spot!

"Damn it!" Xiang Liu shouted angrily in a deep voice. He already understood that the true liberation of the chariot was not a simple increase in power, but a power that contained "rules" and could not be stopped at all.

And this wasn't over yet, but seeing the priestess forming seals with her hands, the uneasy feeling in Xiang Liu's heart became even stronger.

Xiang Liu thought about it and wanted to put away the sea water, but it was already too late.

The seals on the four arms of the priestess lit up, and four marks suddenly appeared on Xiang Liu's body.

Weakness, dullness, death, fragility!

Under the four negative effects, Xiang Liu suddenly became extremely depressed and could only stand still!

"It's a spell...!" Xiang Liu was shocked.

At this moment, the metallic luster on the chariot's body lit up and it rushed towards him.



With a muffled sound, Xiang Liu, who was cursed with vulnerability, was directly smashed into pieces. He avoided falling on the spot with the help of an exploding clone!

However, the chariot did not stop, made a U-turn, then turned around and hit him again!

Not to mention that Xiang Liu was too weak to resist at the moment, and even his nerves were under the slowness curse and had not yet reacted.


Another collision, and another clone exploded from Xiang Liu's body.

Seeing that the chariot turned around and was about to hit him again, Xiang Liu's slow thinking finally realized that something was wrong, and his heart was filled with shock and water surged all over his body.

The four red, yellow, black and green curse marks on his body surged with water, and a snake head flew out from each of them.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After four consecutive explosions, "cutting off the four tails to survive", Xiang Liu almost committed suicide to remove the curse seal.

But he could no longer hesitate, because at this moment, there was only one clone left.

If it were a little later, even this "tail-cutting to survive" method wouldn't be possible!

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