Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 882 Infinite Reversal

"Damn it! Gale, take me away!"

When his life was at the end of the road, Xiang Liu screamed out in shock and despair.

Lord Dafeng had also noticed Xiang Liu's situation, his expression darkened, and he immediately shook his sleeves.

The turbulent black wind roared out and enveloped Xiang Liu, who was left with only the last clone. He transformed into wind and thunder and was about to take it forward and shoot forward.

Naturally, Su Yuan would not watch the two beasts escape like this. He raised his hand and made a virtual drawing, and immediately spread out the drawing to block them in front of them.

Lord Gale has seen this move before. At this moment, the aura in his eyes was strong. The wind and clouds in the sky suddenly changed with a loud cry, and the black and white lights were clearly distinct.


But seeing the black wind and white thunder descending on Lord Gale, Lord Gale instantly transformed into a bird-faced humanoid beast with eight black and white wind and thunder wings!


Led by the eight wings, the wind and thunder are extremely terrifying!

Lord Da Feng used the wind and thunder as a net to drag Xiang Liu into the silver ring that was a prison on the ground. He instantly smashed it into pieces and flew out.

"True liberation!"

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, this Lord Gale was indeed much stronger than Jiuying and other demons!

Su Yuan locked on Xiang Liu and tried to use Displacement, but the opponent was trapped by the wind power of Lord Gale, and the blue skill of Displacement had no effect at all.

Mr. Dafeng is the second best. Could it be that he just let go of this scourge like Xiang Liu...

Su Yuan held the demon sword, the divine light floating around him, and the silver light flowing in his eyes, looking at Lord Gale who was about to fly away in the blink of an eye.

If this sword is swung, it can span the distance between the two as if teleporting, or shorten the distance between the two infinitely...

Then he can cross the space and directly kill Xiang Liu!

Suddenly, a strong desire arose in Su Yuan's heart, as if the distance between the two was infinitely shortening, shortening, and shortening in his field of vision!

Infinite power circulated around him, and Su Yuan could only see Xiang Liu in the distance, holding the long sword tightly and drawing it to kill!


Fu Chaosheng, who was holding sword skills with his hand next to him, was about to use some sword skills. His eyes moved slightly and he looked at Su Yuan next to him in surprise.

"Huh? You actually have some understanding at this time?"

In the blink of an eye, the silver light in Su Yuan's eyes shone to the extreme, and tiny runes lit up on the sword.

"Gift of liberation...kill!"

When the sword was swung out, the space seemed to collapse, and the upper half of the demon sword disappeared directly into place.

At the same time, a bright red sword light seemed to light up from a distance, and a strong feeling of astonishment and loss suddenly appeared on Xiang Liu's face.

The next moment, blood burst out, and Xiang Liu's last clone was split in half by a sword!


Lord Dafeng's pupils suddenly shrank, he looked back at Xiang Liu's body that was broken into two parts, and then at Su Yuan who was slashed in the distance with his sword, his expression turned extremely ugly.

"Damn it!"

Lord Dafeng didn't expect that the other party could actually kill Xiang Liu in this way!

Seeing Xiang Liu's broken body falling to the ground, Lord Gale's expression darkened, and he didn't care much. He flapped his eight wings and turned into a black and white aurora and flew towards the sky.

Lord Dafeng controlled the power of wind and thunder, and it unfolded its true form to liberate it, and it was difficult for Fu Chaosheng to stop it.

But what surprised Fu Chaosheng even more was Su Yuan at this moment!

Fu Chaosheng looked back and saw that Su Yuan's eyes were closed and he was motionless. He had not put away the long sword in his hand even after cutting it off.

"What a high level of understanding!"

Fu Chaosheng could see that there was no doubt that Su Yuan seemed to have a lot of understanding when he killed Xiang Liu with one sword from the air.

At this time, it is best not to be disturbed.

Fu Chaosheng's heart condensed, and he immediately looked around and became vigilant. As a fellow disciple, of course he had to protect him.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew over and landed next to him, holding a long sword and looking at Fu Chaosheng warily.

"Are you... Taoist friend Mu Kexian from Taishou?" Fu Chaosheng couldn't help but be startled when he saw the person in front of him.

Although the opponent's cultivation level is only Chuyang, he is extremely talented and famous, and he has heard of it.

"Fellow Taoist, please step back a little."

Mu Kexian's voice was slightly cold, and the golden sand on the fingertips of his left hand slowly flowed out like a ribbon, and the strength of the Three Yang Realm could explode at any time.

Fu Chaosheng also frowned. It seemed that the iceberg fairy who came to visit had some trouble with his fellow elder?

But the other party is someone who comes to visit too often, and it’s hard to say whether there is really a relationship...

Just as Fu Chaosheng was thinking, there was a flash of light, and another figure appeared in the field...it was Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan stared at Su Yuan with his eyes closed, with shock still in his eyes!

At first, Su Yuan said that he would fight for the Dragon Vein for Fu Chaosheng. Even though Jiang Lan knew Su Yuan's strength, she still felt that it was a bit too exaggerated.

Not to mention anything else, there were three big demons with astonishing strength just standing in the way.

However, at this moment, not even long had passed before several big monsters were dead and only one was left.

If we include the previous Jiu Ying, there are three murderers who died at the hands of Su Yuan this time!

Jiang Lan gathered her thoughts, glanced at Fu Chaosheng and Mu Kexian, and finally landed on Mu Kexian.

That's all, Fu Chaosheng, Su Yuan has already said that he has something to do with Wanjian Tianzong.

What is the situation with this female cultivator who is wearing Taishou costume? She looks like she is only in the Chuyang realm... although she looks, well... quite good-looking.

Mu Kexian had noticed Jiang Lan standing next to Su Yuan before, and was looking at him curiously.

Only Fu Chaosheng looked at Mu Kexian and then at Jiang Lan, not knowing what was going on.

Fortunately, the three of them stood in a corner and were wary of each other, but they didn't make any big moves even if they disagreed.

Not long after, Su Yuan opened his eyes.

The dazzling silver light in his eyes kept spinning. In just a short moment, countless insights came to his mind.

This is a direction completely opposite to the immeasurable power that he usually exerts.

If the ordinary immeasurable is the expansion of space without an upper limit, then the immeasurable just now is the contraction without a lower limit!

The sword strike just now did not fold the space to cross the distance, but shortened the distance between him and Xiang Liu at the moment of swinging the sword, so that he could strike the opponent through the air with one sword.

Ability reversal!


Su Yuan was extremely happy, and after experiencing it carefully, he completely came back to his senses.

Looking up at Jiang Lan and the other three people around him, Su Yuan couldn't help but smile.

Fellow students, colleagues and... friends?

Although the three of them are unfamiliar with each other and are wary of each other, their purpose is the same.

At critical moments, someone will take the initiative to protect you, which feels good.

Su Yuan said: "Thank you all."

Fu Chaosheng cupped his hands, but Mu Kexian said nothing.

Jiang Lan asked: "Su Yuan, how do you feel?"

"It's nothing major, except that it consumes a lot of money." Su Yuan unlocked the gift of liberation again and said to Jiang Lan, "Jiang...Lan, we have to fight for the dragon vein next, you..."

Jiang Lan waved her hand and said, "I'm not in a hurry. I'll at least wait until your side stabilizes."

Su Yuan nodded: "That's good."

Although this person seems to have a bad temper, he is also cold-hearted and warm-hearted. As a colleague, he is still very loyal.

Then Su Yuan looked at Mu Kexian: "Didn't you leave? Why did you come back?"

"The great mountain pig demon has been killed by you. Senior brothers and sisters return to the mountain gate, and I will leave on my own first."

Looking at Mu Kexian's beautiful face, Su Yuan suddenly felt a little troubled.

For those who want to kill you, the best solution is to kill the other person.

But whether it was the ancient fragment last time or now, Mu Kexian always wanted to come and help...

Jiang Lan looked back and forth between Su Yuan and Mu Kexian, and she immediately saw that Mu Kexian seemed to be a little unusual towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan sighed secretly and said nothing more, turning to look at Fu Chaosheng.

"Fellow Taoist Fu, three of the great evils are dead and one is retreating. The nights are long and there are many dreams. Friend Daoist, go and seize the dragon's veins now!"

Fu Chaosheng looked at the sky filled with energy and the looming yellow dragon veins not far away. His originally calm mind suddenly shook violently in his chest!

Taking a deep breath, Fu Chaosheng saluted Su Yuan solemnly and said, "Then, I'll leave it to you, Fellow Daoist Su!"

Su Yuan responded with a salute: "You should try your best."

Afterwards, Fu Chaosheng jumped out and ran directly into the surging dragon veins of yellow energy.

In an instant, a strong wave of waves spread out, the shackles of the scorching sun disappeared, and Fu Chaosheng entered a state of meditation in the blink of an eye.

Su Yuan said to Jiang Lan and Mu Kexian: "I'm going to guard the pulse, you two please help yourself."

"Yes." Jiang Lan landed somewhere in the mountains on her own. Mu Kexian glanced at Su Yuan and picked a place not far from the dragon vein.

Su Yuan flew forward first and put away Xiang Liu's body.

Although like Jiuying, it may be difficult to recover after losing the clone, the star core left behind is a good thing.

Then Su Yuan brought two Azure Refined Forms to the Dragon Vein, and summoned Ruanruan from the spiritual space and placed them on his shoulders.

As soon as Ruanruan came out, she quickly asked: "Master, did you kill that Jiu Ying?"


"Master Niu Niu!"

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Ruanruan, please restore your star power quickly, things are not over here yet."

"Good master!"

Ruanruan also noticed that Su Yuan was in extremely poor condition. Not only was his complexion pale due to heavy mental consumption, but his star power was almost at its bottom.

He immediately deployed the Devouring Law and transferred all his star power to Su Yuan in the opposite direction.

And Su Yuan's eyes were filled with silver light, his omniscient vision swept across all directions, and he began to think secretly.

The Supreme Sect and the Demon Sect retreated, and now they are indeed gone.

And unless the people of the two sects can recover, they are not afraid.

In addition, some masters of casual cultivation are still paying attention to the situation here.

But they just joined in the fun. If they really dared to come up, the priestess could turn them into zombies and control them.

And the rest...right.

Su Yuan glanced around, but raised his eyebrows.

"Is that evil cultivator named Ma Liang missing?"

After Su Yuan checked carefully, he found no trace of the evil cultivator who had absorbed the soul previously.

Unfolding his mind without dust, Su Yuan scanned the scene carefully and found some traces.

"Oh?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he followed the traces and looked into the distance, "This direction... seems to be the direction where the demon cultivators retreated earlier."

Thanks to [Reincarnation Herrscher·Stem Knight·Wing] for the 15,000 reading coin reward, thank you for your support

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