Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 883 Underworld

After the people of the Demon Sect had withdrawn far away, Hong Zhong and the Zuo sisters had all released their true form liberation and integration.

Everyone's face turned pale, and they had all taken high-quality elixirs to restore their star power and injuries.

Zuo Xiaodan asked: "Hong Zhong, do you want to go back to Longmai to have a look?"

Hong Zhong shook his head: "The matter has come to this. In our current state, we can no longer control the dragon vein. If we are targeted by that evil again, it may not be easy for us to leave.

What's more, Fu Chaosheng is here now. For him, this is a good opportunity to 'eliminate demons'. "

Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian nodded, and the swordsman Fu Chaosheng said that in addition to "slaying demons", there is also "elimination of demons"!

Hou Hai said next to him: "In addition to the Chongyang Realm, Fu Chaosheng is also here now. I wonder if those big monsters can finally take over the dragon vein."

When Hong Zhong heard this, he immediately thought of the silver-haired young man in the Double Ninth Realm who killed Jiu Ying.

Although Jiu Ying had already had two of his clones cut off by the Yin Yang streamer at that time, the silver-haired young man was still able to block Xiang Liu. His strength was simply astonishing.

Hong Zhong shook his head and said: "The Supreme Master is being chased by mountain pigeons, and there must be heavy casualties. However, it is not appropriate for us to stay for a long time. We will say goodbye to a few fellow Taoists."

The Zuo sisters and Hou Hai both nodded.

Then the three demon sects parted ways, each heading back towards its own sect.

After a while, the space in the field was slightly distorted, and then, a transparent water light emerged from the field, gradually transforming into a yellow-faced young man.

"We're separated..."

Ma Liang took a look, glanced in three directions, and then landed in the direction of the Wuji Demon Sect. He twitched the corner of his mouth and hid his figure again to catch up.

"Sister, let's find a place to rest and recover first," Zuo Xiaoqian said.

Zuo Xiaodan looked around and nodded: "Okay, just on the big mountain in front."

Having flown so far, the ferocious beasts in Qixia Mountain were still rushing to fight for the dragon veins and could not care about themselves and the others.

Recover your strength as soon as possible so that you can easily deal with any situation later.

The Zuo sisters landed on the top of the mountain with some of the remaining Burning Sun masters. After separating out a few people to guard the surroundings, everyone quickly started repairing.

"Holy Maiden Dan, according to the agreement, the remaining disciples will be divided into several groups, led by the Yuan Yue class to return to the sect on their own." Next to Zuo Xiaodan, an elder from the Chongyang Realm came over and reported.


Zuo Xiaodan looked at the sun ring on his wrist, thinking.

Although there were many twists and turns due to the appearance of Jiuying Xiangliu and other ferocious beasts along the way.

But King Dongfang Yi ascended to the throne failed, and if nothing unexpected happened, one of Dongfang Yi and Ye Shuying would definitely die, or even both of them, and many masters from Taishangmen would also suffer heavy casualties!

The results were in line with expectations. Next, we have to deal with the successive dragon veins...

While Zuo Xiaodan was thinking, Zuo Xiaoqian, who was sitting next to her with her eyes closed, suddenly noticed something.

"Huh?!" Zuo Xiaoqian suddenly stood up and looked around cautiously.

"What's wrong, sister?" Zuo Xiaodan asked immediately in a serious voice.

"There seems to be something around..."


Suddenly, a little raindrops fell on the feet of the two girls.

"Tick, tick..." There are more and more raindrops.

In an instant, the pupils of the two women shrank suddenly, the sun and the moon lit up in their eyes, and they suddenly looked up.

At first glance, there seemed to be nothing, but now when I opened my pupil technique and took a closer look, I saw a vast ocean of invisible water, hanging high in the sky like a canopy!

The next moment, the water of the river came up from the sky, and the invisible water suddenly turned into a torrential yellow spring and crashed down!


"what happened!"

"There was an attack!"


Many masters of the Wuji Demon Sect were frightened when they saw the water of the underworld pouring down from the sky.

"Flash!!" Zuo Xiaodan shouted loudly.

But the water in the sky has become a canopy for hundreds of miles, and there is nowhere to hide!

In an instant, the underworld swept everyone into it.

Everyone unfolded their body-protecting auras and performed various spells.

But in the turbulent water of the underworld, all the spells were greatly reduced in power as if they were extinguished, and were easily crushed.

After many battles, many Burning Sun masters were as helpless as a drowned dog at this moment. They drowned in the water of the underworld one after another without any resistance at all, without making a sound.

Zuo Xiaodan felt the huge crisis and immediately shouted: "Sister, merge!"

"The sun and the moon shine together!"

The dim sunlight and moonlight on the two of them lit up respectively, and they were about to forcibly start the fusion technique again.

However, at this moment, the underworld water rushed forward, and their souls were shocked. They felt like they were out of control and out of control!

You must know that the most important thing in this fusion technique is the fusion between the soul and the body. Such a sway of the underworld water immediately makes the two souls unstable and difficult to fuse.

"You two witches should not even think about using this fusion technique."

The Zuo sisters looked up at the yellow-faced young man in the underworld in front of them, and their expressions suddenly darkened.

"As expected, it's you, Ma Liang, you're looking for death!"

As soon as their thoughts moved, the sun ring and moon pendant in their hands immediately flew up, intertwined into yin and yang streams, and flew out and cut past Ma Liang's body.

However, with a "pop" sound, Ma Liang's severed body suddenly turned into a ball of water and exploded.

Zuo Xiaoqian frowned: "Clone!"

Soon, another one... no, dozens or hundreds of Ma Liang appeared in the Huangquan River!

"The Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissors are truly unparalleled in power."

"I've seen it too."

"How can I let it attack me easily?"

"If we can find the true identity."

"Maybe you still have a chance to make a comeback."

One after another "Ma Liang" spoke one after another, each one was lifelike, and one could tell whether it was true or false!

However, the Zuo sisters possess powerful attack weapons such as the Yin-Yang Streamer Scissors. They have already seen opponents who are good at clones and have their own ways of dealing with them.

I saw the two of them picking at their own eyes, and immediately one of their eyeballs was taken out.

Two eyes flew between the two of them. In the light of the sun and moon, the two eyes merged into one, and their divine light explored the front.

This technique is called the Yin-Yang Divine Eye, which can see through transformation, star power and even the soul.

However, when the divine pupils shined upon them, the expressions of the two sisters became even more serious.

Until the end, all Ma Liang's clones in front not only had the same energy, but also had no difference in soul fluctuations!

"Damn it!"

Zuo Xiaodan covered his left eye and shouted angrily.

Both sisters felt their hearts sinking.

And all Ma Liang grinned and said at the same time:

"But if you can't find it, then..."

"Let's die together!"

In an instant, all Ma Liang came out together!


Looking from a distance, the yellow spring water falling from the sky swept across the mountains, surging non-stop!

There seems to be gold and silver flashing violently in the Huangquan River, and sometimes even the Huangquan River cuts a gap.

But the water from the underworld kept surging, and more waves surged in, blocking the gap in a blink of an eye.

Time passes little by little, and the fluctuations of star power in the Yellow Spring River become weaker and weaker...

Until the end, there was absolutely no movement!

The raging Yellow Spring water turned around and gathered somewhere in the mountains.

It turns out that Ma Liang's true body has been here all along!

"After I go back, after absorbing so many top souls, not only will my cultivation level be improved again, but I should be able to practice the Six Paths of Underworld to the magical level..."

The corners of Ma Liang's mouth curled up, and he kept putting the soul-enveloping Huangquan water in his sleeves, his eyes filled with joy.

When all the water from the underworld was collected, Ma Liang caught two handfuls of dim light in his hands.

"Yin and Yang flow!"

Ma Liang couldn't help but feel happy. This was a rare pseudo-sacred weapon that could be used together. The reason why he chose this place was because of this treasure.

"It's a pity that now I can only use Yin Liuguang. If I can manage to obtain the fire element treasure, I can recreate the power of this treasure!"

Ma Liang nodded with satisfaction and immediately put away the Yin and Yang streamer.

"Aren't you afraid that the Wuji Demon Sect will chase you if you do this?" At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Ma Liang.

But I saw a figure coming from behind, it was Hou Hai from the Blood Evil Sect!

Ma Liang seemed to have been aware of Hou Hai's existence for a long time. There was no surprise and he thought to himself:

"In disasters, life and death are determined by fate. If you are not as skilled as others, you will die, so why worry too much? It is better to improve your strength early to compete for the future, not to mention..."

Ma Liang turned around to look at Hou Hai and said with a smile: "What's more, with the things I've paid tribute to, it shouldn't be difficult for the Blood Evil Sect to protect me in a battle below the king's level, right?"

Hou Hai raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

In fact, the Blood Evil Sect has secrets that many people don't know about.

In addition to the Blood and Evil Meridians, the Blood Evil Sect has another branch, and it is a more core branch than the Blood and Evil Meridians - Huangquan!

In ancient times, the Blood Evil Sect was not called the Blood Evil Sect, but the Huangquan Sect.

At that time, Huangquan Sect was also a super sect comparable to Taishangmen, Motian Palace, etc.

However, later on, all the Huangquan lineage disappeared for unknown reasons, and even the remains were missing, and the Huangquan Sect also disappeared.

Only the blood and evil sects were passed down, and they rose again in the tens of thousands of years of modern times, becoming the current blood evil sect.

But now, Ma Liang has obtained part of the inheritance of the Huangquan lineage and is from the same origin as the Blood Evil Sect. He has already been "interviewed" by the leader of the Blood Evil Sect personally.

Ma Liang also saw the situation clearly and handed over some important things about Huangquan Sect.

However, what the Huangquan Demon Sect wanted more was books and other good things needed for personal practice, but the Blood Evil Sect did not take them by force.

After all, Ma Liang, as the only person who has inherited the Huangquan lineage for countless years, is also half a disciple of the Blood Evil Sect.

For example, the Soul-Reviving Divine Water, the Six Paths of the Underworld, such as...

"Then, are you going to return to the Blood Evil Sect?" Hou Hai looked at Ma Liang and continued to ask, "If you join the Blood Evil Sect, the sect will protect you and even recommend you as the first holy son!"

"Returning to the Blood Evil Sect, the Holy Son?" Ma Liang laughed, shook his head and said, "When the disaster occurs, it is when masters from all sides appear frequently. I don't want to be bound by the sect... and the sect can't help me much. .”

Hou Hai frowned. If he becomes the First Holy Son, the rest will be fine. If there is a vacancy in the dragon vein in the future, he will be given priority. How come he can't help much?

This Ma Liang is really unpredictable!

However, the other party's methods were really cruel, and both the Sun and Moon twins of the Wuji Demon Sect, who were the Demon Sect, died in his hands...

"Then you can take care of yourself!" Hou Hai flew up and left the venue without saying any more.

Ma Liang watched Hou Hai go away with his eyes full of thought.

“The Blood Evil Sect can still be relied upon at critical moments, so the next step is to refine these souls.

But over at Qixia Mountain, ferocious beasts appeared, Fu Chaosheng arrived, and the Chongyang realm where Jiuying was killed...

I don’t know what the situation is like with the dragon veins. Before practicing, I can go and take a look. "

Thinking like this, Ma Liang raised the corners of his mouth, and with a flash of water outside his body, he moved towards the distance...

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