Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 884 Ma Liang

Yixian Road, at the gate of the mountain.

A man with black hair with a few strands of white hair came here.

It was none other than Wen Renfeng, who came to the Southern Continent together.

The Shining Star disciple who led the team to guard the mountain gate could not discern the slightest aura on the person coming, so he immediately asked politely:

"Fellow Taoist, this is Yixian Dao. I don't know who you are. What are you doing here?"

Wen Renfeng took out a golden plum petal with his backhand and said: "I'm looking for plum blossoms in the snow. I'm here in the Mo Mei Valley. I'm here to pick up something from the Yixian Dao. I'd like to ask Tongzhuan Tianyan Spirit Master."

"Tianyan Spirit Master?"

The expressions of many gatekeeper disciples changed. Although they had never heard of "Mo Mei Valley", this person was actually looking for Tianyan Spirit Master!

The leading Yaoxing star took a closer look at the golden plum in Wen Renfeng's hand, and saw that Wen Renfeng was not simple and should not be fooling others.

"Senior, wait a minute, I'll pass the message up right now."

The star-level disciple greeted him politely, then took out the communication talisman and passed the matter to the boss Zhuoyang above.

But at this moment, a mysterious golden plum blossom flew out from the Yixian Dao Sect, and flew in front of Wen Renfeng as if it were a guide.

At the same time, the golden plum blossom on Wen Renfeng's hand also resonated and emitted the same brilliance.

It can be seen that these golden plum blossoms all come from the same source.


The disciples guarding the gate had never seen such a formation before, and their eyes widened.

But when he heard that Renfeng's eyes moved slightly, he immediately looked for Mei and flew into the depths of Yixian Dao.

In Qixia Mountain, Su Yuan is in charge of Dragon Vein.

There were many casual cultivators peeking outside, but no one took action.

Su Yuan's sword was about to kill three ferocious beasts right in front of him. Even though his condition was somewhat lacking after several battles at this moment, no one dared to step forward to provoke them.

As for the other sects and sects...it was already too late to send experts over at this time.

Su Yuan, on the other hand, was happy and relaxed, trying out the power he had just realized while recovering his condition.

The power of the space at the fingertips is constantly flashing, and the space within it is either expanding or contracting...

"Unlimited expansion, unlimited contraction..."

Su Yuan raised his eyes to look at the many trees thousands of meters away, and slashed them away with his sword.

In an instant, the demon sword seemed to cross a thousand meters distance and slashed at the big tree.

After several consecutive slashes with the sword, the trees fell down one after another.

Soon, Su Yuan put away the long knife and nodded with joy and satisfaction in his eyes.

"Sure enough, although it is important to practice hard in seclusion, you still have to compete with the masters."

Su Yuan had been intentionally improving his soul power before, but there had been no obvious progress.

But today, after continuous accumulation and high-intensity fighting, I finally gained some clarity and understood the power of "shrinkage" in one fell swoop.

"Moreover, such an ability is not just for attacking..." Su Yuan's eyes flashed.

Shrinking space can basically replace teleportation, and is even as good as the epic skill of shrinking the ground to an inch.

And compared to frontal combat, using this move to make a surprise attack is even more difficult to guard against.

For example, you may be able to place the Divine Barrier on the enemy before he can react.

"However, the farther the distance, the greater the extra consumption of star power, and it is easier to detect."

Su Yuan became familiar with it again, and then turned to look at the softness on his shoulder.

In order to replenish herself with star power, Ruanruan was so tired that she lay on her shoulders.

There was no way, no matter how much star power Luan Rouan had, the gap in star power intensity between Luan Rouan and Su Yuan was still very obvious.

Fortunately, at this moment, Su Yuan's star power has finally been replenished.

Su Yuan put Ruanruan on his shoulder, turned over his hand and took out a blood-red star core, which was obtained from Shan Hu's corpse.

"Ruanruan, swallow it, you should be promoted to Chongyang."

At this moment, Ruanruan itself has reached the limit of Chuyang, and there is such a legendary star core in the Three Yang realm as the "introduction" to break through.

Not only can Ruanruan successfully break through to the Double Ninth Festival, but it is also possible to save a lot of accumulation and raise the cultivation level to a considerable extent in one fell swoop!

"Pfft!" Luanruan took the star core with gleaming eyes, and then rubbed it in Su Yuan's arms, "Thank you, master!"

"Go back to the beast control space."


Ruanruan responded, and then returned to the beast control space first.

Su Yuan glanced at Fu Chaosheng in Dragon Vein and closed his eyes again.

Not long after, Mu Kexian flew over and landed next to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan opened his eyes and turned to look: "Fellow Taoist Shepherd?"

"Su Yuan, someone is coming." Mu Kexian reminded.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately opened his omniscient vision and looked into the distance.

But for a while, nothing was discovered.

Just when Su Yuan was confused, he suddenly felt something.

I saw a layer of transparent invisible water slowly flying towards this side.

"Ma Liang?" Su Yuan glanced at it and then looked away calmly, "I didn't find you, so you came to the door yourself..."

However, Su Yuan turned around and looked at Mu Kexian in surprise. He didn't expect that the other person's senses were stronger than his own.

As if he understood what Su Yuan was thinking, Mu Kexian said calmly: "I feel everything related to you."

When you fall in love with the person in front of you, your perception of the other person's things is even more sensitive than your own perception!

Su Yuan didn't know what to say when he heard this, but now that Ma Liang is here, he will naturally solve it.

Su Yuan's eyes flashed with silver light, and with a thought, the power of his own space gathered in his palm.

"Okay, let's give it a try."

Su Yuan raised his hand and grabbed it directly forward. The space fluctuated slightly, and Ma Liang, who was still far away, was immediately caught in front of him!

"Huh?" Ma Liang appeared out of nowhere and looked at Su Yuan in front of him in surprise, "What!"

Before Ma Liang could be surprised, the priestess on the left raised her hand and grabbed Ma Liang with a large illusory hand.

Ma Liang shook his sleeves, and the turbulent underworld swung outwards and swept away many illusory hands.

On the right side, the chariot crashed into the water and punched out, hitting Ma Liang hard, sending him flying and collapsing onto the mountain wall on the spot.


Ma Liang hit the mountain wall and quickly stabilized his body.

"Damn it!"

Ma Liang's expression darkened, he raised his hands, and suddenly there was a mighty underworld water swaying towards Su Yuan and the others.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the immortal evil fire surged out from the sky, directly blocking the torrent of water.

Water and fire are incompatible, and the terrifying energy of divine water and divine fire collides suddenly, directly dyeing the left and right black and yellow.

"It is indeed a divine fire..."

Ma Liang looked at Su Yuan from a distance. He had seen Su Yuan use fire to resist Jiu Ying's baby fire before, but now he could block his own soul-creating divine water.

"However, it is not so easy for the Chongyang Realm to block my Huangquan that is fused with the Soul-Life Divine Water!"

As soon as Ma Liang thought, the more turbulent underworld water continued to surge out, visibly pressing towards Su Yuan's immortal evil fire.

After all, the advantage in realm cannot be ignored. In this kind of wrestling, Ma Liang still has the advantage.

Su Yuan raised his right hand, placed it on the chariot and pushed it gently.

With some spatial fluctuations, the chariot suddenly appeared above Ma Liang's head!


Ma Liang's pupils shrank and he quickly crossed his arms to block his head.

The next moment, the chariot struck down with a fist.


With a muffled sound, Ma Liang was knocked out of the underworld water, and his arms were covered in some cracked blood.

"court death!"

Ma Liang quickly stabilized his body, a stern look flashed in his eyes, he raised his hand and clenched it, and the water from the underworld combined with the divine water of life and soul immediately crushed the chariot inside.

The chariot's expression was slightly stagnant, but the next moment, it swung down again and rushed to Ma Liang.

Ma Liang's pupils shrank, and then his face darkened: "It's a soulless puppet!"

With one punch, the air exploded, and Ma Liang was immediately knocked into the ground, causing large cracks to open!

Su Yuan took one step forward and was already close. He raised his hand and held the demon sword behind his back, then dropped it and pierced it through with his sword!

Ma Liang looked shocked, as if he didn't expect to be killed by Su Yuan so quickly.

But the next moment, the water on Ma Liang's body flashed and turned into a large area of ​​underworld water and exploded.

"Is it a clone..."

Su Yuan pulled out the demon sword, turned around and looked in the air, and another Ma Liang appeared on the water of Huangquan.

"Your Majesty, you are really good at it... I didn't expect that you and the swordsman drove away those big villains. It's amazing. It's amazing."

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Your Excellency is not simple either. The Supreme Sect, the three demon sects, and the Nine Infants that I killed... the souls of so many masters were swallowed up by Your Excellency."


Hearing this, Ma Liang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"What? That man said that Ma Liang swallowed the souls of those masters!"

"This...is this true or false?"

"I don't know if it's true or not, but when Ma Liang broke through the Eight Doors Vajra before, it seemed that he could absorb the separated souls with the underworld."


The monks looking around all started talking in surprise, not expecting such a thing to happen.

But Ma Liang quickly regained his composure. After snorting coldly, dozens or hundreds of Ma Liang's clones emerged from the underworld water and flew towards Su Yuan across the fighting water and fire!

Su Yuan's expression remained normal and he ordered: "Go chariot and smash them."

The holy cross on the left hand of the chariot lit up, and along with a burst of strong holy light, it once again launched its true form of liberation and directly hit the many clones of Ma Liang that were coming from the front.

Wherever it passed, the water exploded, and all Ma Liang's clones exploded one after another unstoppably...

There is no need to distinguish the true from the false, just crush them all!

"It's actually a puppet that can truly liberate itself. No wonder it's able to drive back those evil forces. It's such a powerful force."

Ma Liang frowned slightly, seeing that all the clones were about to dissipate, he formed a seal with his hands, and suddenly a hundred-foot long underworld water dragon poked its head out of the surging underworld water and rushed towards the chariot.

However, the chariot did not dodge or dodge and rammed head-on. After a brief stalemate, it knocked the huge underworld water dragon to pieces!

"Sure enough, it contains rules!" Ma Liang narrowed his eyes and understood immediately. After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand to form a seal, "Dead soldiers in the underworld!"

The underworld water around the chariot suddenly surged violently, and countless soldiers of the dead exuding a chilling spirit emerged from it and shot towards the chariot from all directions!

In an instant, blood burst out from behind the chariot.

However, the chariot had also smashed all the clones, and it rushed to the last Ma Liang and bumped into him!

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