Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 885 Obtaining the Treasure


There was an explosion, and Ma Liang exploded on the spot, but it was just a piece of water.

"Are they all clones?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and his gaze fell on the swirling water of the underworld, "But having this thing is enough."

With a burst of spiritual light, the priestess beside Su Yuan also launched her true form liberation again, flying forward and grabbing the underworld water...

Not far away, somewhere in the mountains.

"The puppet's weak point is its back?"

Ma Liang looked at the turbulent underworld water in the distance, and through the controlled clone, he finally saw the underworld dead soldier injuring the chariot from behind.

"Although this kind of unparalleled frontal collision is indeed very powerful, if I can master the weak points, it is not difficult for me to deal with it..."

When Ma Liang's thoughts move, he must take action.

But suddenly, there was a mysterious space fluctuation in front of him, and the next moment, a palm full of wind and fire and full of runes suddenly hit him!


Feeling the astonishing power in his palm, Ma Liang's head trembled and he quickly stepped back and used his skills to deal with it.

But at this time, I found that my body was not only weak, but also extremely sluggish. I don't know when the four-color black, red, yellow and green curse marks appeared on my body!

"What's this?!"

Ma Liang looked at the big hand of wind and fire in front of him. He clearly wanted to move, but due to weakness and slowness, it was delayed...

In the blink of an eye, the palm of wind and fire fell on him.

Ma Liang's pupils shrank suddenly, and the next moment, he felt that all the skills on his body had gone silent.


Before Ma Liang could react, the space in front of him changed, and Su Yuan, who was far away just now, suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Evil Xiu Ma Liang..."

Su Yuan looked at Ma Liang, who had the Divine Forbidden Seal and the Quadruple Curse Seal on his body. No matter how expert he was, it was difficult to move at this moment.

Su Yuan stepped forward, and the Taixu sword aura lit up on the demon sword and slashed it down.

Not to mention that Ma Liang doesn't seem to be very good at the physical body and his defense is not strong.

Even if its defense is comparable to that of a chariot, it has been greatly weakened by the "fragile" curse seal, making it difficult to block Su Yuan's close sword!


The long sword fell, blood surged, and Ma Liang was cut in half on the spot and fell to the ground!


Su Yuan looked at Ma Liang's body and raised his eyebrows slightly.

And soon, Su Yuan suddenly felt something. He turned around and saw the underworld water sweeping in from the distance.

Su Yuan immediately remembered something and immediately unfolded his mind.

Sure enough, Ma Liang's soul flew up from the mutilated corpse and headed towards the underworld.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, the black light on the sword flowed, and directly used the spiritual power that had just recovered a little to unfold the divine sword light.

When the underworld water was about to sweep away Ma Liang's soul, Su Yuan swung his sword and slashed out. The sword light crossed the distance and instantly fell on Ma Liang's soul, killing it with one sword!

Afterwards, the underworld water seemed to have lost its target. It turned from reality to emptiness, rolled and flowed, escaped into the void and disappeared...

In the southern continent, there is a dark forest and the center of a temple surrounded by demon statues.

A figure wearing a yellow robe and sitting upright with his eyes closed suddenly groaned and suddenly opened his eyes.

"The curse of space, and the sealing technique of sealing skills. A Chongyang realm, not only has a puppet who can master true form liberation, but also has such techniques!"

Judging from his face, this person is clearly Ma Liang.

At this moment, Ma Liang's face turned gloomy. He didn't expect to suffer such a big loss.

“But it seems like they were able to defeat those big villains before.

With that man and his two puppets, it wouldn't be difficult to guard Fu Chaosheng until he reached the three-yang peak.

From this point of view, the first king-level king in this earthly calamity is probably going to fall on the head of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect. "

Ma Liang thought for a while, raised his left hand, and a vortex suddenly opened between the spiritual light in front of him.

Then, not long after, the torrential water of the underworld flew through it and surrounded Ma Liang.

Ma Liang raised his eyebrows and felt a pity: "Except for the soul of the incarnation, the other souls have been taken back, but it is a pity that the Yin and Yang stream...

Forget it, the star weapon is a foreign object after all. This time, the harvest is huge. First, cultivate the Six Paths of Hell to the pinnacle in one fell swoop! "

As soon as Ma Liang's thoughts moved, many souls were thrown out as the underworld was cleansed.

The souls of Taishangmen masters, Demon Sect masters, Jiuying and even the Sun and Moon Twins appeared on the scene and were tied by the water of the underworld.

All the souls seemed to have regained some of their sanity at this moment. They all looked at Ma Liang in shock and shouted silently.

And Ma Liang sneered, raised his hand to form a seal, and the eyes of the six-path demon statue around him lit up with scarlet light, and he actually came to life, opened his big mouth and sucked all the souls into his mouth!

In an instant, a powerful and demonic wave swayed from the field...

Qixia Mountain.

Su Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, looked away and looked at Ma Liang's body lying on the ground.

"So, is this just a more powerful incarnation?"

Since Huang Quan is still controlled by others, Ma Liang must not be dead yet.

What died was just an incarnation of a living soul that was created by relying on the power of the Soul Living Divine Water and the Underworld Sect to be comparable to a real person!

It’s just that its intensity, freedom, and degree of authenticity are almost indistinguishable!

Su Yuan thought for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, turned over his hand and took out Ma Liang's ring.

After this inspection, Su Yuan couldn't help but feel happy.

"Ha... Ma Liang actually brought me such a good thing!"

Su Yuan looked at the two pseudo-sacred weapons of Yin and Yang Liuguang that fell into the ring. He couldn't help but smile a little, and his unhappiness at being escaped by the other party immediately disappeared.

"The soul of a Jiuying is not lost at all in exchange for this treasure."

Pseudo-sacred artifacts are treasures made of fifth-level materials that contain certain rules or great power.

The sealed holy weapon is a treasure that seals the real legendary holy weapon and gives it to Zhuoyang for use.

Because of the scorching sun, it is difficult to fully exert the power of the holy weapon. You may accidentally be backlashed or drained by the holy weapon, so its power must be limited.

Therefore, there are very few things like sealed holy artifacts. After all, holy artifacts are extremely precious to kings, and they are usually not specially sealed for others to use.

For the Burning Sun level, in terms of power, the upper limit of sealed holy weapons is definitely higher than that of pseudo-holy weapons.

In terms of practicality, it’s hard to say who is higher and who is lower.

However, since the sealed holy weapon is a king-level holy weapon, then... it is a hot potato in the hand, and the king-level will definitely try to recover it.

But as for the fake holy weapon, if he hadn't taken the initiative to bump into it, he wouldn't have been hunted down by the king.

Su Yuan took another careful look in the ring and fully understood what Ma Liang had done before he left.

"This Ma Liang is indeed an evil cultivator who killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. He is so ruthless that he actually killed all the members of the Wuji Demon Sect..."

Su Yuan put away the ring after checking his mental strength. There were still people peeping around, so Su Yuan did not take out the Yin Yang Streamer.

With a flash of silver light on his body, Su Yuan returned to the dragon vein first.

Both the chariot and the priestess put away their true form of liberation, but the aura on both of them was much weaker at this moment.

The load of using True Form Liberation is not small. If True Form Liberation is activated twice in a row, even the chariot and the priestess can't bear it.

"However, as expected of the Knight of Truth, these two azure refining forms are extremely powerful against a single master when combined."

Su Yuan pulled out the glazed azure and slashed the chariot with his sword. Life surged and quickly healed the chariot's wounds from the dead soldiers of Huangquan.

Afterwards, Su Yuan sat down cross-legged again and looked at Mu Kexian not far away.

"Fellow Pastor, thank you very much."

Su Yuan thanked him. After all, it was the other party's kindness that reminded Ma Liang to approach.

Otherwise, he would not be able to discover it in time and catch Ma Liang off guard.

Mu Kexian just shook his head slightly and looked at Su Yuan quietly without saying anything else.

But unlike the calmness on the surface, the unabashedly scorching gaze was too much for Su Yuan to bear, so he had no choice but to look back.

At the same time, Su Yuan also felt some kind of hidden but hostile gaze from a distance.

Su Yuan had already seen that the person hiding in the secret was none other than Nie Wu, who was at the gate.

"Fellow Daoist Mu, your senior brother seems to be still waiting for you over there." Su Yuan said.

Mu Kexian said: "He is him, and I am me. I can't control what he wants, but I can't be interfered by others."


Time continues to pass, and after a long time.

Su Yuan could feel that the domineering aura constantly exuding from Fu Chaosheng's body had gradually reached a new limit.

But at this moment, there was a shock in the dragon's veins, and the tyrannical aura suddenly converged.

"It seems that the three yangs are at their peak!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately turned his head and looked into the dragon's veins.

The three positive poles mean that the most dangerous stage has passed.

This time, the guardianship was easier than I expected. Except for Daji at the beginning and Ma Liang later, there were no other opponents.

Suddenly, Fu Chaosheng's voice sounded in Su Yuan's ears.

"Fellow Daoist Su, the three yang poles have been reached. Thank you so much, fellow daoist, for protecting me!

Next, I will continue to cultivate the source of life, and I also ask fellow Taoists to continue to protect me for a while.

Once I succeed, I will gather the remaining essence of the dragon veins and do my best to help fellow Taoists advance into the Three Yangs. "

Su Yuan nodded towards Dragon Vein from afar, expressing his understanding.

Soon, there was silence in Dragon Vein again.

Su Yuan turned around, glanced at Jiang Lan who was resting alone in the distance, took one step forward, the space shrank, and he was already in front of him.

Before Su Yuan could speak, Jiang Lan curled her lips and said, "Three seats are accompanied by beauties even stationed at Dragon Vein. How happy it is~"

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled: "Stop teasing me, that fairy is not easy to deal with."

Jiang Lan glanced at Mu Kexian, and then secretly sighed at the other party's beauty. Then she looked at the dragon veins in the distance and her expression calmed down.

"It seems that Fu Chaosheng of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect has reached the three-yang extreme?"

Su Yuan nodded and said: "Next, the three Yangs will flourish, the origin will be born, the laws will be understood, and the law will be broken through to the king level. I don't know how long it will take. You should leave first."

Jiang Lan nodded: "Okay, if there is no time, I will leave first and explain your situation to the 'family'."

Su Yuan said: "Well, be careful on the road. If you encounter danger, use the talisman to notify you and I will find a way."

"You should guard this young man first."

Jiang Lan waved her hand, then flew up and flew towards the horizon.

Su Yuan watched her leave, then returned to the original place, took a look at the dragon veins, and then continued to wait...

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