Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 886 The New King

Time passed, and it was a lot of time in the blink of an eye.

Even if one has reached the three yang pole, it cannot be completed in a few days to understand the origin of the birth of the law.

As the first dragon vein in the Earthly Tribulation, Qixia Mountain naturally attracted much attention.

This battle for the dragon veins of Qixia Mountain can be said to be dangerous but exciting.

Many people thought that the first king of earthly tribulation must come from Dongfang Yi of the Supreme Sect and Hong Zhong of the Demonic Heaven Palace.

But I didn't expect that there would be so many changes later...

Taishangmen fights three demon sects alone;

The ferocious beasts arrived, Dongfang Yi failed to break through, and all the Taoist demon sects were suppressed;

The mysterious Chongyang realm master and Fu Chaosheng appeared one after another, killing the murderer and taking over the dragon vein.

This series of news was quickly spread by many monks in Qixia Mountain.

And inside and outside Qixia Mountain, more and more monks are coming from all over.

It's not that they want to fight for this dragon vein, but that they are the number one king of Earth Tribulation, and everyone wants to see it.

"Is that the mysterious Chongyang realm master over there?" In the distance, a yellow-haired monk looked at Su Yuan in front of the dragon vein.

A person next to him said: "That's right, he killed Jiuying, Shanzhu and Xiangliu one after another!"

The yellow-haired monk was amazed: "It's really hard to imagine how it was done."

"That one also has two extremely powerful puppets, but they have been put away now."


Not only the casual cultivators who were talking secretly, but also some sects and gangs, including people from Qiankun Sect, Wufangguan and other sects, had also rushed over.

At this time, accompanied by a burst of scorching and dazzling light from the sun, several more people came from a distance.

This group of people were wearing robes of the Great Sun, and they were clearly members of the True Sun Sect.

The leader is none other than Xu He, the chief of the Jianyang lineage of the Zhenyang sect.

Xu He carried a sword box behind him, and inside it were five magic swords of different shapes. Just looking at them gave people a burning feeling.

"Xu He is here too. Xu He from the True Sun Sect possesses the Sunset Ember Fire, which ranks twenty-fifth among the thirty-six types of divine fire!"

Everyone couldn't help but look over. Normally, it was rare to see such an expert.

Xu He's strength is indeed extraordinary, and he can be regarded as a master in the first echelon under ten heroes.

At this moment, Xu He looked beyond the crowd and looked directly at Fu Chaosheng, who was completely hidden in the raging dragon veins.

"I can't even feel a breath when I'm wrapped in dragon veins. It seems that Fu Chaosheng may achieve the king level at any time!"

There was a strong sense of envy in Xu He's eyes. After all, this was becoming a king, an opportunity that countless monks dreamed of.

"Huh?" Qiu Yeqing, who was beside Xu He, let out a sigh, "Is that that person?"

Xu He asked: "Junior Brother Qiu, who are you talking about?"

Qiu Yeqing gestured to Su Yuan, who was protecting the law in front of Dragon Vein, and said: "I took my junior brothers and sisters to hunt down the evil one before, and I met him halfway."

Qiu Yeqing frowned slightly, the rumored mysterious master was actually this person.

Could it be that the evil man who haunted the border before had been killed by him?

No wonder there has been no massacre since then!

Xu He's eyes fell on Su Yuan, and he nodded slightly: "It is indeed the Double Ninth Realm, perfect breathing, but other than that, I don't see any other abilities."

Qiu Yeqing reminded: "Senior Brother Xu, please do not underestimate this person. According to the intelligence collected previously, this person not only has divine fire, but also has two powerful puppets that have mastered the liberation of the true form."

Xu He said lightly: "The divine fire also depends on who is wielding it, and a puppet is still a puppet after all. Even if it masters true form liberation, it is still inferior to a living person!"

Xu He's tone was rather arrogant, firstly because the upper limit of a puppet's strength is usually not as good as his own.

The second is... not long ago, Xu He realized true form liberation and became the second Burning Sun master of the True Sun Sect to master true form liberation!

I just made a breakthrough, so naturally I feel arrogant!

Next to him, another Burning Sun master from the True Sun Sect smiled and said, "Senior Brother Xu can realize the true form of liberation, and he is almost as good as Senior Brother Hua."

When Xu He heard this, he was noncommittal: "Senior Brother Hua is very strong, but I'm looking forward to competing with him in swordsmanship again!"

Qiu Yeqing also knew that Senior Brother Xu had the best reputation, so he secretly shook his head and said with a smile: "Of all the people here at the moment, when it comes to swordsmanship, no one can be your opponent, Senior Brother Xu."

"Well..." Xu He nodded slightly and was about to say something else.

Just at this moment, a brilliant aura suddenly lit up from the horizon, and nine rays of sword light came interlaced with electricity!


One after another sword light flew closer, falling straight down like a stream of stars, and finally converged into a dazzling sword light, revealing a cold and stern young man with sword-browed eyebrows and starry eyes.

Outside of it, there is a golden long sword surrounded by dragon souls. There seems to be dragon balls rotating in the spherical sword pavilion, and the sound of dragon roars is constant!

Although his aura was restrained, a murderous aura suddenly came from his body!

"Dugu Jiu is here!" Everyone was shocked.

When Xu He saw Dugu Jiu, his words seemed to be stuck.

The best swordsman in the Southern Continent, a super master of the sword-forming lineage of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect. His sword skills can reach the gods. With a single thought, Ten Thousand Swords, Dugu Jiu, the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect!

The swordsmanship of the Zhenyang Sect focuses on great power. No matter how conceited Xu He is, he cannot discuss swordsmanship with this super master of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect.

So Qiu Yeqing's flattery was a bit embarrassing...

Before the Dragon Vein, Su Yuan saw Dugujiu walking directly in front of him, his expression became slightly condensed, and he secretly became vigilant.

However, Dugu Jiu had already spoken first: "I, Dugu Jiu of the Wanjian Shenzong, heard that Senior Brother Fu was enthroned here and came here specially. I have been a favor to fellow Taoist monks before."

Although he has a cold temper, his words are quite polite.

"Su Yuan." Su Yuan returned the salute and nodded, "Fellow Daoist Fu should be able to successfully break through in a few days."

Dugujiu looked at Su Yuan, his eyes fell on the two pseudo-legendary swords on Su Yuan's waist, and said: "Fellow Daoist Su, is he also a sword wielder?"

Su Yuan nodded, turned his hand, and a golden token flashed in his hand under the cover of his big sleeves.

Dugu Jiu was so close that he could see clearly. His eyes condensed and he nodded slightly. His eyes suddenly lost a lot of vigilance.

After Dugujiu glanced at Mu Kexian next to Su Yuan again, he held his sword and waited under the tree next to him.

Seeing Dugu Jiu, Su Yuan's heart trembled slightly and he felt quite a bit of pressure!

According to the information he collected when he arrived, this person became famous a hundred years ago when his sword suppressed the "Seven Ghosts of Heavenly Evil", which were all composed of evil cultivators in the Three Yang Realm.

Until he took action again in the past ten years, his swordsmanship has broken through the realm of ghosts and gods. In five days, he killed 100,000 monsters in the Yinming Demon Cave suppressed by the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, and wiped out the demon cave in one fell swoop!

At this moment, the presence of Dugu Jiu immediately shocked everyone outside.

Su Yuan also relaxed and wanted to continue waiting with his legs crossed.

At this moment, Su Yuan seemed to feel something and couldn't help but smile.

"Did you break through, Ruanruan?"

With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan took out the soft and put it on his shoulder.

"Pfft!" Ruanruan was so excited that she kept rubbing Su Yuan's face.

With the star core of Shanyan, Ruanruan successfully broke through to the Double Ninth Realm.

"Even Ruanruan has broken through. Next, it's my turn..."

Su Yuan's eyes were bright, and there was a hint of expectation in his heart.

Just two days later, Su Yuan, Mu Kexian and Dugu Jiu, who were sitting quietly with their eyes closed, suddenly opened their eyes and turned around to look into the dragon veins.


Suddenly, bursts of dragon roars were heard, and thousands of wisps of yellow earth energy roared and surged around the center.

In just a short moment, the colorful clouds in the sky were like skies, and a mighty beam of light surrounded by divine patterns suddenly descended!

Thousands of extremely dazzling beams of light scattered in all directions, piercing people so hard that they couldn't even open their eyes.

Su Yuan, Mu Kexian, Dugu Jiu, Xu He and many other Burning Sun masters looked at the center of the dragon vein without blinking.

After a few breaths, the beam of light dissipated.

There was only a figure in green robe left in the air.

His big sleeves were fluttering, and fresh air surrounded his body. A majestic and majestic aura suddenly spread out that was irresistible!

"King level!"

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened, staring closely at Fu Chaosheng who had ascended to the throne of the Dragon Vein.

The next moment, Fu Chaosheng opened his eyes, his eyes were shining brightly, and the patterns of the Great Law were added to his body.

"Once you hear the Tao, you can travel freely in the world!"

Fu Chaosheng looked around and laughed heartily. His figure blurred and suddenly turned into a flash of green rainbow sword light that shot out.


The Five Directions View, the True Yang Sect... everyone could feel that Fu Chaosheng seemed to be passing by in front of them, but they couldn't react at all!

Until the end, a green rainbow flashed in front of Su Yuan, and Fu Chaosheng's figure reappeared.

"Congratulations to Fu Lingzun for ascending to the king level!" Su Yuan bowed his hand.

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