Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 887 Three Yangs

"Hahaha, Brother Su, you don't have to be so polite!"

Fu Chaosheng laughed loudly, looked at Su Yuan in front of him, and said sincerely:

"Today I am able to achieve the king level, and most of the credit is due to Brother Su. I am older. Brother Su can just call me 'Brother Fu' from now on."

"Okay, Brother Fu."

Su Yuan nodded secretly. It seemed that Fu Chaosheng was not such an ungrateful person.

Fu Chaosheng nodded happily and said, "Then let's help Brother Su refine the remaining dragon vein essence first!"

With that said, Fu Chaosheng waved his hand, and a huge and unpredictable force enveloped Su Yuan.

Su Yuan did not resist, and the world was spinning before his eyes as Fu Chaosheng had already taken him to the center of the Dragon Vein.

For a moment, Su Yuan felt the surging dragon vein essence rushing towards him, and he suddenly felt what it was like to feel comfortable!

Under the remnants of the dragon veins, there seems to be no obstacle to the rapid increase in cultivation. Combined with the terrifying concentration of star power around...

The rapid growth of cultivation is like riding on a rocket, and you can feel the huge increase in cultivation every minute and second!

"Such an improvement speed...!"

Su Yuan's eyes were filled with surprise and joy. Without any hesitation, he immediately fell into concentration and absorbed it with all his strength...

Fu Chaosheng looked at Su Yuan who fell into trance for an instant, nodded secretly, and then flew to Dugu Jiu.

"Congratulations, senior brother, for reaching the king level." Dugujiu bowed, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

Fu Chaosheng smiled and said: "Junior brother, there is no need to be envious. The catastrophe has just begun. With such an amazing talent, junior brother will definitely become a king!"

Dugujiu nodded slightly, and with a thought in his mind, he blocked out the sound and asked, "Senior brother, does this fellow Daoist Su have the Golden Sword Token of our Shen Sect on his body?"

Fu Chaosheng glanced at Mu Kexian, who was not far away, and lowered his voice: "Fellow Daoist Su, is the master of the Ninth Sword Intention of the Sword Enlightenment Pagoda, and is also the elder guest appointed by Emperor Ye."

"Oh? It's actually like this!"

Dugujiu's eyes froze, and he immediately turned to look at Su Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged in the depths, and couldn't help but be very curious.

Fu Chaosheng continued: "Thank you, junior brother, for coming all the way to protect me, but now, junior brother can go to other dragon veins on his own. When Su Daoyou breaks through, I may have to go back to the sect with him."

Dugujiu naturally understood what Fu Chaosheng meant.

Now that Fu Chaosheng has become the first new king of Earth Tribulation, it is not only a matter for Fu Chaosheng himself, but also a great joy for the Wanjian Divine Sect!

What's more, Su Yuan himself is a guest elder of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect. Now that he has made great achievements, it is conceivable that the sect will definitely give him a treasure!

Dugujiu nodded: "Okay, I'll leave first."

With a "Zheng" sound, the sword light suddenly rose into the sky, and Dugu Jiu flew away neatly.

Fu Chaosheng looked at Mu Kexian next to him.

"Since she is Brother Su's female companion..."

Fu Chaosheng pondered for a moment, and with a thought, some traces of dragon veins shrouded his body.

Mu Kexian's eyes brightened slightly as he looked at the dragon vein essence flowing around him.

But when he looked at Su Yuan in the distance, Mu Kexian didn't make any move.

Fu Chaosheng was surprised, and after a little thought, he vaguely understood, and couldn't help but smile.

"Shepherd girl, don't worry too much. The remaining dragon veins are more than enough and will not affect Brother Su's breakthrough to the Three Yangs."

When Mu Kexian heard the words, he pondered for a moment and then nodded and said, "Well, thank you Fu Lingzun."

Later, Mu Kexian also started practicing...

Fu Chaosheng nodded slightly, then looked outside.

When everyone around saw Fu Chaosheng's gaze, they all bowed and then dispersed.

Xu He also sighed: "The first new king of Earth Tribulation has been born. I wonder if the remaining dragon veins will have a place for me..."

After saying that, Xu He bowed his hands to Fu Chaosheng and flew away with others...

Just a few days later.

Outside Su Yuan in the dragon vein, three yang shadows suddenly rose up.

After a moment, Su Yuan opened his eyes, and a powerful aura burst out that was far more powerful than before.

"Three Yang Realm!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, the three yangs in the star sea were powerful, and his star power was much more powerful than before!

The gap in realm is the most basic gap.

As soon as the realm rises, whether it is soul power, skills, divine fire and wind, star weapons and treasures... all means will increase!

In the past, because of his Chongyang Realm cultivation, he always suffered a lot when facing top experts.

But now, this biggest shortcoming has been filled!

The power of the soul was first understood, and the realm was followed by a breakthrough. In addition to the liberation of the true form, the strength suddenly increased a lot.

"Below the king level, you can fight!"

Su Yuan's eyes were bright, and for a moment, a strong belief filled his heart.

"Congratulations to Brother Su for being promoted to Sanyang." Fu Chaosheng said.

Su Yuan stood up, looked at Fu Chaosheng who had a somewhat aloof temperament in front of him, raised his hands and said: "Congratulations, brother Fu, for ascending to the king level and becoming the first new king of Earth Tribulation!"

"Hahaha!" Fu Chaosheng laughed cheerfully, "Thanks to Brother Su."

In fact, after being promoted to the King level, one has reached the sky in one step, and is on the same level as the Zhuoyang level.

But first of all, Fu Chaosheng himself is quite free and easy;

Secondly, it was only through Su Yuan that he ascended to the throne.

Therefore, although Fu Chaosheng has achieved the king level at this moment, he still has no airs about Su Yuan.

At this moment, another strong wave of star power came from not far away.

Su Yuan turned his head and looked around, only to see Mu Kexian opening his eyes. The spiritual light was flowing outside his body, and he had actually broken through to the Double Ninth Realm.

Mu Kexian stood up, glanced at Su Yuan first, and then said to Chaosheng, "Thank you Fu Lingzun."

Fu Chaosheng smiled and looked at the two people in front of him, and laughed: "The amazing genius and the beautiful fairy, Brother Su and the shepherd girl are really a perfect match~"

Su Yuan's expression froze, while Mu Kexian next to him seemed to be trembling.

Su Yuan looked at Fu Chaosheng in astonishment, shook his head and said with a smile, "Brother Fu, Taoist friend Mu and I are not what you think."

Although Brother Fu is very powerful, he doesn't seem to be very good at observing words and expressions... Su Yuan shook his head secretly in his heart.

"Ah..." Fu Chaosheng seemed to understand, and laughed and said, "I made a mistake, please don't mind."

"It doesn't matter..." Su Yuan smiled and waved his hand.

Mu Kexian next to him did not speak, his eyes were shining brightly, and he seemed to be a little absent-minded...

Fu Chaosheng asked: "Brother Su, can you still absorb these dragon vein remnants now?"

Su Yuan said: "Thank you, Brother Fu. Now that we have broken through to the Three Yang Realm, the sea of ​​stars is temporarily saturated."

Fu Chaosheng nodded, raised his hand and sucked the remaining dragon vein essence into his body.

After a while, Fu Chaosheng finished refining all the remaining essence, and his eyes became a little brighter.

Fu Chaosheng said: "Brother Su, now that I am lucky enough to step into the king level, I must first return to the sect to report.

Brother Su has done me such a great favor, and I also asked Brother Su to go back to Shenzong with me. "

Su Yuan understood that there was a benefit waiting for him, so how could he refuse? He immediately smiled and said, "No problem!"

Fu Chaosheng looked at Mu Kexian: "That shepherd girl..."

"I want to go together." Mu Kexian looked at Su Yuan steadily, "It's just 'here', let me follow you... okay?"

Su Yuan naturally understood what Mu Kexian meant, "this way" to the Guide Continent, which meant that Mu Kexian wanted to follow him until he left.

Su Yuan wanted to refuse, but when he saw the other party's beautiful eyes full of true love and implicit expectation, he was unable to say the word "no" for a moment.

During this trip to the Southern Continent, I observed the birth of Dragon Veins and looked for opportunities to step into Sanyang.

I originally thought that the latter would not be that simple, but due to the appearance of Jiuying and other great demons and the arrival of Fu Chaosheng, it was unexpectedly completed.

If nothing else goes wrong, he should return directly after following Fu Chaosheng's trip to Wanjian Shenzong.

From this point of view, it seems that there is not much time.

After Su Yuan's thoughts changed, he looked at Mu Kexian in front of him: "Okay, let's go together."

As if the ice and snow suddenly disappeared, a smile appeared on Mu Kexian's always cold and beautiful face for the first time.

"Yeah!" Mu Kexian nodded happily and smiled.

A beautiful smile and beautiful eyes.

Not to mention Su Yuan, even Fu Chaosheng next to him was slightly stunned!

"Ahem..." Fu Chaosheng coughed dryly, "In that case, let's go, Brother Su and Miss Mu~"

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