Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 888 The Sword Emperor bestows a treasure

"Wait a moment!"

Su Yuan and the other three were about to set off, when a figure quickly flew over from the mountains. It was Nie Wu!

"Sure enough, he's here." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly and he looked up.

Nie Wu flew up to the three of them and saluted Fu Chaosheng first: "Congratulations to Fu Dao... Fu Jianzun, for stepping into the realm of king level."

Fu Chaosheng nodded slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Nie, what do you want?"

"I'm here to see Priest Sister." Nie Wu turned to look at Mu Kexian and stepped forward, "Junior Sister, thanks to Jianzun Fu, you were able to break through the Chongyang Festival. However, it's been so long, and now it's time to return to the sect with me. Alright?"

Mu Kexian said calmly: "Senior Brother Nie, whether I can return to the sect or where I am going has nothing to do with you. Please get out of our way and don't block our way."

Nie Wu felt anxious and wanted to persuade again: "Junior sister..."

"Get out of the way!" Mu Kexian's tone was cold, and he suddenly raised the sword in his hand.

Nie Wu quickly took two steps back, his face suddenly filled with shock and disbelief.

"Junior sister, I am your senior brother Nie!"

There was a hint of murderous intent in Mu Kexian's eyes: "I tell you to get out of the way, otherwise, you will no longer be my senior brother."

Forget it normally, at this moment, in Mu Kexian's eyes, what Nie Wu did was to prevent him from being with Su Yuan.

It was obvious that Su Yuan finally agreed!

Nie Wu noticed the murderous intent in Mu Kexian's eyes, and his face turned pale, and his heart was as sharp as a knife!

Immediately, Nie Wu's expression suddenly darkened, and he turned to look at Su Yuan next to him: "Is it because of him, junior sister, could it be that you have fallen in love with this boy!"

Su Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, did it involve him?

The next moment, Mu Kexian spoke calmly and firmly:


Nie Wu looked stunned. He never expected that Mu Kexian would actually speak without hesitation.

When Su Yuan saw Mu Kexian's straightforward and firm words, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

There was a slight silence in the field for a moment.

Immediately, Nie Wu stared at Su Yuan closely, with large bloodshot eyes visible to the naked eye.

The priest girl that I have been pursuing for so long, the priest girl who has never smiled and rejected people thousands of miles away, actually fell in love with this strange boy in front of me?

Nie Wuru was hit hard, and his heart suddenly hurt beyond words. Jealousy, anger, resentment... various expressions appeared in his eyes uncontrollably!


At this time, Fu Chaosheng shouted in a low voice, and the king-level pressure immediately pulled Nie Wu back from his gaffe, but his eyes were still a little distracted.

Fu Chaosheng frowned and said, "Nie Wu, if you have nothing else to do, we will still be on our way."

Nie Wu looked at Fu Chaosheng with some confusion, and finally his eyes fell on Mu Kexian.

"Junior sister..."

However, as soon as the figure flashed, Mu Kexian had already flown out first without even looking at him.

When Su Yuan and Fu Chaosheng saw this, they immediately flew after him.

Looking back at Nie Wu, Su Yuan felt the hostility of the other party, and a dangerous look flashed in his eyes.

But at this moment, it was not easy to act in front of Fu Chaosheng and Mu Kexian.

After pondering for a moment, Su Yuan shook his head and looked back...

Many days later, the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect.

The sect has already received the news of King Fu Chaosheng's return, so naturally there are a lot of matters to deal with.

But this has nothing to do with Su Yuan.

Moyun Peak, in a certain side hall.

The sword light flashed, and Su Yuan and Mu Kexian were fighting with swordsmanship.

Since he brought Mu Kexian with him, Su Yuan did not deliberately ignore him.

It just so happened that the two of them had both achieved breakthroughs and could have a good exchange of ideas on spiritual practice.


There was another sound of long swords clashing. Mu Kexian blocked the demon knife that Su Yuan slashed out of thin air with immeasurable power, and was knocked back several steps.

"So, it's not difficult to defend yourself against an opponent with stronger perception if you're careful." Su Yuan looked thoughtful.

Of course, the Infinite Sword Slash and the surprise attack are incidental functions. The most important thing is to hit any place with the attack at will!

Seeing Mu Kexian unleashing his Qi Transformation Sanqing again to kill with his sword, Su Yuan pulled out the Glazed Azure with his left hand.

Just standing there and waving both swords, sword light kept falling in front of Mu Kexian and Sanqing's clones, making it difficult for them to get close!

After a fierce exchange between the two sides, Su Yuan slashed through Sanqing's clone, and then crossed his swords and slashed Mu Kexian back!

Su Yuan's state of the Three Yang Realm, perfect breathing, and A-level strength qualification... his strength is naturally much higher than that of Mu Kexian.


Mu Kexian groaned, blood rising in his chest.

"Are you okay?" Su Yuan stopped his offensive and asked.


Mu Kexian stretched out his hand to ease his chest, and quickly suppressed the surging blood.

But at this time, a spiritual light flew from outside the door, and it was a Huiyue-level elder with a thin face who came to the door.

The thin-faced elder looked at Su Yuan and said, "Senior Su, please follow me to the main peak. Master Fu Jian has invited you."

In the cultivation world of the Southern Continent, seniority is judged by cultivation.

Although Su Yuan looks extremely young, the thin-faced elder still looks like a senior.

Su Yuan nodded slightly: "It seems that Brother Fu has finished handling the matter."

Su Yuan turned to look at Mu Kexian next to him: "Fellow Taoist Mu, then you should stay here first."

"Yes." Mu Kexian put away her sword and crossed her hands in front of her, "I'll wait for you here."

Su Yuan nodded, and then said to the thin-faced elder: "Your Excellency, please lead the way."

So, the thin-faced elder took Su Yuan and flew towards the main peak.

Mu Kexian, on the other hand, stood tall and graceful, watching the figure disappear in the sky, and then he closed his eyes.

The main peak of Wanjian Shen Sect is in front of a main hall.

"Senior Su, I will lead the way here. Master Fu Jianzun is inside." The thin-faced elder said respectfully.

"Okay, I'm done."

Su Yuan responded and then stepped into the hall.

There were three people in the hall. In addition to Fu Chaosheng, there was also Linghu Yao Sword Master who was from when Su Yuan came to Wanjian Tianzong, and...

"Ye Huang!"

Looking at Ye Feihong sitting in the main seat, Su Yuan's eyes narrowed, and he immediately stepped forward and saluted: "I have met Ye Huang!"

Unexpectedly, Emperor Ye actually came over in person.

The Emperor level is already the pinnacle of Blue Sea Star. Such masters usually do not show up in front of others easily.

You know, Su Yuan has been in Xuntian Division for so long, and he only met the Spirit Emperor once because of Hongmeng Realm.

No matter the number of times I've seen him or the words he's spoken to, he's not as many as Ye Huang.

Ye Feihong smiled and said: "Little guy, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that you would give such a big gift to my Shenzong when you come here!"

Su Yuan said respectfully: "Ye Huang said seriously, I also want to be promoted to Sanyang."

Linghu Yao, who was standing next to him, looked at Su Yuan and sighed: "The last time I saw you, you were still a shining star. In just ten years, you have already broken through to Sanyang. This speed of cultivation is really shocking!"

Speaking of this, Fu Chaosheng was also amazed: "Brother Su, I didn't expect you to practice so fast. I couldn't believe it when Emperor Ye just told me about it!"

It was also before Su Yuan came over, when Ye Huang and the other three were chatting, that Fu Chaosheng learned the whole story of Su Yuan's joining the Wanjian Divine Sect, and... Su Yuan's terrifying cultivation speed!

"Thank you, seniors." Su Yuan said politely.

Ye Feihong got straight to the point and said: "I won't say any more nonsense, Su Yuan, you are also the guest elder of my Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect.

Now he is assisting Chaosheng in refining the first dragon vein of the Earth Tribulation, and has entered the king level. After making such a great contribution, naturally he will be rewarded.

I have a reward ready for you. "

Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he secretly said.

As Ye Feihong flipped his hands, a purple box appeared on the table.

"Come on, everything for you is in there."


Su Yuan's heart moved slightly, it seemed that there was more than one treasure.

He stepped forward and took the box with both hands. As soon as he opened it, he saw a purple gold token, next to it was a golden star card, and at the bottom... there was a rather simple formation diagram.

"Huh?" Su Yuan was quite surprised.

The first two things were fine, but the final formation diagram was a bit beyond Su Yuan's expectations.

Su Yuan picked up the token. This token was very similar to the Golden Sword Token, but more noble.

Ye Feihong didn't need to speak, Fu Chaosheng looked at the token in surprise and explained to Su Yuan:

“This is the Purple Gold Sword Order, which is the highest status below the king level of our Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect, and is also a candidate for the king level.

Holding this token, you can mobilize the disciples of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect like the Sword Master, and enjoy treatment, authority, etc. second only to the Sword Master.

Currently, only Junior Brother Dugu holds this card..."

King-level candidate sequence.

This means that if there is a vacancy in the throne of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect, then the opportunity to be promoted to the king level will be given priority.

Of course, generally speaking, king-level candidates do not have much effect, because king-level candidates can live for three to four thousand years, and their lifespans far exceed that of Zhuoyang.

But now, in the midst of disasters, dragon veins are appearing frequently... which is quite useful.

Although Su Yuan is about to return to the Eastern Continent, this token is still a guarantee for Su Yuan.

Not to mention the identity and honor it represents, after all, even Fu Chaosheng has not obtained the Purple Gold Sword Order!

Ye Huang said: "There is no need to take blood essence anymore, you just need to touch it with the original Golden Sword Token."

Su Yuan responded, took out the golden sword and touched it, and saw the purple gold light flowing, completely activating it.

Su Yuan put away the Purple Gold Sword Token, put down the dim Golden Sword Token, and then took out the legendary star card to check it out.

But when he saw it, Su Yuan was quite surprised.

"The true secret of sword control?"

This star card is called [Shangqing Sword Controlling True Technique]. You can handle swords like a god, and you can control multiple swords, and each sword can greatly increase its power.

Su Yuan took a quick look and knew that this was the complete version of Taishangmen's five core skills [Shangqing Sword Technique]!

Hao Lingyun, who had come to the door before, had used this sword technique to kill the masters of the three major demon sects.

However, Hao Lingyun has not yet mastered this technique to a very advanced level, but it is still a little short of the mark.

As one of Taishangmen's five core techniques, this technique is extremely powerful and there is no doubt about its strength.

However, Su Yuan was quite puzzled. The Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect had three branches: the Solitary Sword, the Intention Sword, and the Transformed Sword.

But he didn't expect that he would eventually be given the core skill of Taishou?

As if aware of Su Yuan's doubts, Ye Feihong said slowly: "Actually, my Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect and the Supreme Sect are quite related.

[Shangqing Sword Controlling Technique] was originally the skill of our ancestor, but later it was handed over to the Supreme Master for some reasons.

In order to open up more possibilities and limits in the way of swordsmanship, I sent my ancestor to establish the three branches of solo sword, mind sword and transformed sword.

[The True Secret of Sword Controlling in the Shangqing Dynasty] It is easy to learn but difficult to master. I have only a handful of preserved rubbings, so I will hand them over to you today. "

Su Yuan thought for a moment and then suppressed his thoughts. This kind of matter involving the founder of the sect in ancient times was too far away from him, and it was useless to think about it.

However, [Shangqing Sword Controlling True Technique], the Four Swords of the Supreme Envoy, I already have two pseudo-sacred weapons, and I just happened to get the yin and yang flow, which is quite suitable.

Even if there is no flow of yin and yang, Xuxie can still transform into a pair of black and red swords, which can also be used.

"Thank you Huang Huang for clarifying my doubts."

Su Yuan responded respectfully, and finally picked up the formation diagram below and started reading it.

As Su Yuan picked up the formation chart, Linghu Yao next to him suddenly opened his eyes slightly.

"Ye Huang actually gave him this picture!" Linghu Yao's heart froze.

Su Yuan picked up the ancient formation diagram and looked into it...

[Fragment of the Immortal-Zhu Xian Sword Formation Part 3]

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