Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 889 Immortal Brew

"The Immortal Killing Sword Formation?!"

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, this seemed to be a corner of the legendary ancient killing array and the Immortal Killing Sword Formation!

Records of ancient events are vague and lasted for tens of millions of years.

But the evil reputation of the Zhuxian Sword Formation has been passed down from ancient times to the present, and its power is unimaginable!

Now it seems that it is one of the four incomplete formation diagrams!

The value of this item is of no use to ordinary monks, but it is simply unimaginable to the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect, and it is not even worth a sacred weapon!

However, Ye Huang was calm and calm, and said slowly: "This is one of the four corners of the Zhuxian formation. Although it is only one corner, you can also rely on the formation and swords to set up the remaining formation.

Although the power is not as good as before, even if a pseudo-holy sword is used in combination with this diagram to lay out the remaining formation, among the seven-level formations, no other formation can match it in terms of killing power! "

When Su Yuan heard this, he was secretly speechless.

After seeing the power of the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation, Su Yuan had already wanted to improve the realm of the formation, and tried to refining the formation flag of the Pseudo Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation to raise it to the seventh level.

Now, he suddenly obtained the Zhuxian residual formation. In this case, the improvement of the formation realm is imminent.

Ye Huang continued: "If you want to completely control this formation, it is best for the person in charge of the formation to have considerable attainments in the formation.

We have also heard about the ancient fragments appearing overseas before.

Since you have a master-level formation level, this item is most suitable for you. "

Su Yuan's pupils shrank and he immediately raised his head to look at Ye Huang.

Speaking of the ancient fragments, Su Yuan already understood that Emperor Ye already knew his true identity.

However, Ye Huang didn't seem to care, and just continued in an understatement:

"According to records, the ancestor of our sect is very good at formations, but now the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect focuses on swords, and even among the king level, there is only one seventh-level formation master.

Although it can exert the power of this incomplete formation, it is quite useless for the king level unless a second incomplete formation can be found. "

Su Yuan's thoughts flashed in his mind. Now that he knew his identity and had given him such a great gift including a diagram of the Zhu Xian's remnant formation, Su Yuan probably understood Ye Huang's attitude.

In this case, there is no need to think too much.

As for the diagram of the remaining Zhuxian Formation in his hand, Su Yuan really couldn't put it down.

After Su Yuan thought quickly, he immediately bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you Emperor Ye for giving such a sacred object!"

Linghu Yao felt a little hasty and wanted to say something, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw Ye Huang tapping the armrest and thought for a moment before saying anything more.

Ye Feihong smiled and said: "Okay, I'll give you the thing. I hope this treasure can shine again in your hands."

Su Yuan responded respectfully: "Thank you Emperor Ye, I will not let this formation be covered in dust!"

Ye Feihong nodded: "Then, let's do this for today."

As expected of the King of Swords, Su Yuan likes this very much. He is quick to talk, quick to talk, and clean when he has something to say.

Ye Feihong looked at Fu Chaosheng and said, "Chaosheng, you can go too, your Moyunfeng still needs to make some purchases."

"Yes, Ye Huang!"

After Fu Chaosheng responded, he left the main peak hall with Su Yuan.

After Su Yuan and Fu Chaosheng left, only Ye Huang and Linghu Yao were left in the palace.

Linghu Yao asked in confusion: "Emperor Ye, why did you hand over the fragments of the Zhuxian Sword Formation to a Zhuoyang level?"

Ye Feihong said: "As mentioned before, this object has limited power for the king level, and the conditions for use are quite harsh, so it is just right for him."

Linghu Yao frowned slightly: "But this thing is an ancient thing left by the founder of the sect, and it is of great significance to our sect..."

“Things that are not used, no matter how meaningful they are, can only gather dust.

Since he has made great achievements, this thing is so suitable for him, as if it has its own destiny. "

Linghu Yao pondered for a moment and said: "Emperor Ye, although Su Yuan is a genius... he is still from the Eastern Continent."

Ye Feihong said instead: "It's just the cultivation of the Chongyang realm, just the awareness of Fu Chaosheng coming...

So he took action decisively and joined forces with Fu Chaosheng to fight for Chaosheng's chance to become king from the hands of Taishangmen, Demon Sect, and Fierce Beasts, so that he could break through the Three Yangs.

With such character, strength and courage, coupled with such terrifying talent... this little guy is quite extraordinary!

Even though his roots are in the Eastern Continent, he is now a genuine elder of the Purple Gold Sword Order of our Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect.

And it is precisely because he is in the Eastern Continent that we should win over him.

An extremely talented person should be given more extraordinary treasures. When he goes further, some things may not be appreciated. "

After hearing this, Linghu Yao couldn't help but nodded after thinking for a while: "That's what Ye Huang said."

And Ye Feihong raised his head and looked to the east, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void.

"Moreover, the fragments of the other corner of the array are in the hands of that person..."

Su Yuan and Fu Chaosheng fell back to Moyun Peak.

Moyun Peak, beside the stone table in front of the palace.

Mu Kexian stood tall and graceful, looking at the sky in the distance from time to time.

Seeing the two figures returning from the distance, Mu Kexian's eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately hurried forward to meet them.

"You're back."

Su Yuan and Fu Chaosheng landed together. At this moment, they had gained a lot and were in a good mood. They nodded and said with a smile: "Yes."

Mu Kexian said: "Go back to the room and talk, I have already made tea."

"Okay, I'm done." Su Yuan looked at Fu Chaosheng, "Brother Fu, let's talk inside."


"Brother Su, what are your plans next?" Fu Chaosheng drank the tea made by Mu Kexian and asked, "I heard from Emperor Ye that you only came to Wanjian Shenzong once, and now that you are here How about staying a few more days?"

When Mu Kexian next to him heard this, he couldn't help but slapped his hands and quickly pricked up his ears.

Su Yuan shook his head: "I spent a lot of time on Qixia Mountain. Now that this has happened, I have to leave as soon as possible."

In fact, Fu Chaosheng had already learned from Emperor Ye that Su Yuan was not from the Southern Continent. He nodded after hearing this but did not explain it clearly.

When Mu Kexian heard this, his eyes couldn't help but dim a bit.

"That's good. Brother Su, you are the person who will achieve great things. Now that the disaster has begun and the dragon vein has appeared, you must be a part of the new king in the disaster."

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Brother Fu said it."

The two communicated with each other again, and Fu Chaosheng also shared some experiences of breaking through in the dragon vein with Su Yuan and Mu Kexian.

After a while, Fu Chaosheng raised his hand to form a seal, and a small green sword with alternating white and solid colors suddenly appeared in his hand.

"This is the magical power that I created when I became a king, which combines the law, the will of the sword, and a trace of my origin.

It can compete with the king level for a moment. If you encounter a life or death situation, Brother Su must remember to use it. "

Su Yuan was slightly shocked, it was such a treasure!

"Brother Fu, this thing is so precious! Emperor Ye has given me enough treasures."

Fu Chaosheng laughed and said: "What Ye Huang and the others gave is on behalf of the sect. Since you helped me become king, I should naturally show my greatest expression, so accept it."

Su Yuan looked at the inconspicuous small green sword in Fu Chaosheng's palm, thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Hahaha, okay!" Fu Chaosheng smiled, and immediately raised his hand to drive the small green sword into Su Yuan's left arm, leaving a mark, "When Brother Su uses it, he only needs to use star power to move it. "

Su Yuan understood it as soon as he felt it: "Thank you, Brother Fu."

"You and I don't need to say thank you!" Fu Chaosheng waved his hand, then turned to look at the sunset outside.

Fu Chaosheng said: "It's getting late, since Brother Su won't stay for a few more days, why don't we wait until tomorrow before setting off?

Last time we had a quick drink at the teahouse but we were not satisfied. Today you and I have a good drink. I have collected a lot of good wine in the mountain gate! "

It can be seen from the fact that he carries a wine gourd with him that Fu Chaosheng is a very good drinker.

Both of them had just made breakthroughs, and Su Yuan was also in high spirits, so naturally he would not disturb Fu Chaosheng's elegance.

"Okay, then I'll accompany Brother Fu today. I won't come back until I'm drunk!"

Fu Chaosheng smiled and said, "Okay!"

Under the moonlight, in front of the stone table in front of the palace, Su Yuan and Fu Chaosheng were admiring the moon and eating wine.

If it were ordinary wine, Su Yuan would not get drunk no matter how much he drank.

It’s just Fu Chaosheng’s “Drunk Immortal Brew” and “Three Cups of Arhat Pour”…

These wines are not simple at all. There are even spiritual wines made from the fifth-level spiritual fruit Dragon Tiger Fierce Yang Fruit. The wine is so strong that even the Burning Sun Beast cannot hold two cups.

However, it was a rare time in life for them to achieve such breakthroughs in cultivation and drink with heroes. Neither Su Yuan nor Fu Chaosheng deliberately forced themselves to drink.

The two of them were going back and forth, and as the cups and cups clashed, Su Yuan's consciousness became increasingly blurred.

"In terms of drinking capacity, Brother Su, you're still not good, hahaha." Fu Chaosheng laughed with a red face.

"Of course, it can't be compared to...Brother Fu..."

After several kinds of spiritual wine hit his brain, Su Yuan became dizzy and his consciousness was quite blurred.

Mu Kexian, who was sitting next to him and poured wine for the two of them, frowned slightly: "Fu Jianzun has reached the king level, so Su Yuan is naturally not as good as him. He is almost drunk now."

"Hahaha!" Fu Chaosheng smiled heartily and looked up at the moonlight, "Brother Su, if this is the case, then let's do this for today. Today is really fun and fun!"

Su Yuan also stood up, his consciousness was groggy, he staggered and almost fell.

Mu Kexian quickly stood up and supported Su Yuan.

"Okay...Brother Fu, goodbye..." Su Yuan said.

Fu Chaosheng nodded and said to Mu Kexian: "Fellow Taoist Mu, please keep an eye on Brother Su."

Mu Kexian nodded and said, "Yes."

Fu Chaosheng patted Su Yuan's shoulder again, and flew away with a somewhat happy drunkenness.

"That's right!" In the blink of an eye, Fu Chaosheng suddenly left and came back again, "Fellow Taoist Mu, there was Dragon Tiger Fierce Yang Fruit in the wine just now, which is good for consolidating the realm. You must not use star power to do it. He cures his hangover.”

Mu Kexian responded: "Yes, I understand."

Fu Chaosheng glanced at Su Yuan and saw that Su Yuan could no longer open his eyelids. He whispered to Mu Kexian to keep an eye on Su Yuan and left again.

Mu Kexian supported Su Yuan, who was swaying, and whispered: "Let's go, be careful, slow down..."

Su Yuan raised his head and clearly saw Mu Kexian's beautiful face close at hand, shook his head, and became slightly more awake.

"Fellow Mu, help me...sleep."


Mu Kexian didn't say much and immediately helped Su Yuan into the room.

"Many...thank you."

Su Yuan was lying on the bed, and before he could say a few words, he was completely drunk.

Seeing this, Mu Kexian wanted to use the Taoism of Heaven and Humanity to relieve Su Yuan's hangover, but he remembered what Fu Chaosheng had just told him and decided not to do so.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Mu Kexian quietly looked at the sleeping person on the bed, and inexplicably felt an indescribable and unprecedented joy and satisfaction in his heart.

"Is this happiness...?"

Mu Kexian murmured, as if as long as he looked at the person in front of him like this, he could live like this for the rest of his life.

At the same time, Taishang Wangqingjue, which has always been difficult to develop, continues to grow like rain after a long drought...

The sky is always hard to see when the night is long.

Su Yuan has never been so drunk since he started practicing.

In the dream, under the influence of alcohol, Su Yuan felt extremely hot and wanted to twist his body from time to time.

Suddenly, something rather cold seemed to cautiously come over and touch his hand.

Su Yuan looked up and saw that it was a handful of clear spring water in the desert. It felt cold to the touch and made Su Yuan feel very comfortable.

However, Su Yuan's whole body was hot and he was not satisfied with the coolness in his palm. He subconsciously grabbed the clear spring and hugged it whole.

This clear spring was quite strange. It seemed to be twisting in a bit of panic, but there was not much resistance, and it quickly stopped moving.

Su Yuan hugged this clear spring tightly, it was cold, delicate and soft, and Su Yuan couldn't help but stroke it.

Until a certain moment, Su Yuan's hand that reached into the clear spring seemed to catch a large handful of particularly warm and soft water waves.

The next moment, the clear spring water trembled violently, and then completely softened...

The night outside the hall is like water, and the moon is always bright.

On the old branch next to the stone table, there are two yellow birds sleeping next to each other...

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