Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 890 Fellow Countryman

The night passed.

When Su Yuan woke up, it was already noon the next day.

"I actually slept for so long..."

As the sun shone into the room, Su Yuan slowly opened his eyes and sat up.

The black robe on his body was a little damp with sweat. Even when he woke up now, Su Yuan could still recall the hot drinking experience yesterday.

"Although Brother Fu's wine is quite strong, its medicinal effect is indeed amazing..."

Su Yuan looked inside and saw the three yangs in the sea of ​​​​stars, and the realm they had just broken through seemed to be a little more stable.

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, knowing that the wine yesterday was definitely a good wine that was pushed to the bottom of the box.

Suddenly, Su Yuan's nose twitched slightly, and he vaguely felt the faint scent of narcissus.

"This seems to be... the smell of Mu Kexian's body?"

After Su Yuan thought for a while, he vaguely recalled that it seemed that Mu Kexian was the one who helped him back from outside the palace yesterday.

Feeling the lingering fragrance and thinking about it for a moment, Su Yuan couldn't help but think of the strange dream yesterday.

In the dream, there seemed to be a pool of cool spring water, which held me cool and comfortable.

Speaking of this... Su Yuan raised his right hand, squeezed it twice, and was slightly stunned.

"what is that?"

Su Yuan's eyes showed that he was thinking, but he slept too deeply yesterday and tried hard to think about it but couldn't remember it.

Shaking his head, Su Yuan's star power rushed away, and he dried all the water vapor on his body and walked outside.

As soon as I walked out, I smelled a strong aroma of rice porridge.

Su Yuan looked up and saw that Mu Kexian seemed to be...making porridge?

Mu Kexian's movements were a little jerky. When he noticed someone approaching, he immediately picked up his black hair and turned around to look.

"you're awake?"

"Well, I slept too much yesterday, I just woke up."

Su Yuan looked at Mu Kexian, but when he saw that the other party had changed into a simple yet slightly exquisite golden chrysanthemum dress, he couldn't help but smile and praise:

"What you're wearing looks much better than the clothes you wear."

"Really?" Mu Kexian's eyes lit up slightly, and he was about to say something else.

At this time, there was some burning smell coming from the side.

Mu Kexian immediately thought of something. He opened it and saw that the porridge was a little mushy!

"..." Mu Kexian was stunned, and then a trace of redness appeared on his face, "I will do it again."

"No, it's not like I can't eat it." Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, then sat on the edge of the stone table and filled a bowl for himself.

"How is it?" Mu Kexian asked.

Su Yuan took two bites, nodded and said: "Not bad, thank you very much."

Although it tastes a bit mushy, it is mild and soft, and it is quite comfortable to take a bite after sobering up.

To show respect, Su Yuan ate two more bowls.

"How did you sleep last night?" Su Yuan asked casually.

"Huh?... Not bad."

Mu Kexian's figure sluggished slightly. He didn't know what he thought of. There was a bit of blush on his face, and there was something strange in his eyes when he looked at Su Yuan.

"That's good……"

Su Yuan finished the porridge in two mouthfuls, put down his bowl and chopsticks, and raised his head to meet Mu Kexian's gaze.

Their eyes were facing each other awkwardly. Su Yuan looked away, but accidentally landed on his tall and straight peaks.

Su Yuan suddenly seemed to realize something.

"Could it be..."

When Mu Kexian saw Su Yuan's expression change, a bit of nervousness and panic flashed in his eyes.

"I... will take care of it."

Mu Kexian immediately stood up, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and went to the nearby pool to wash them.

Su Yuan watched Mu Kexian walk away, and immediately thought about it, secretly communicating with the softness in the beast-controlling space.

"Puff! Master!"

"Ruanruan, did anything happen last night?"

"Last night? No, don't worry, Master, everything is safe with Ruanruan!"

"Then Mu Kexian...she..."

"Humph! Ruanruan has been watching. Although she has been leaning against her master all night, she has not had any murderous intentions or made any threatening moves towards her master! It is all the master's doing!"


Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he took a deep breath, still not understanding what was going on.

That Qingquan... is Mu Kexian?

"Then why didn't you stop it?" Su Yuan's tone was a bit stern.

"Stop...?" Ruanruan was a little confused and a little aggrieved, "But the master seems to be more comfortable. I...why should I stop it?"


Su Yuan's speech was stagnant, Ruan Ruan was still young, could it be that he really didn't understand these things well?

"Brother Fu, Brother Fu, you have tricked me..."

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled. At this moment, he still didn't understand that Fu Chaosheng was not good at observing words and expressions. Perhaps he was the smartest one.

Looking at Mu Kexian washing dishes in front of him, Su Yuan collected his thoughts and walked up, taking over the bowl that was almost bald from her washing.

"Huh?" Mu Kexian came back to his senses and looked at Su Yuan at a loss.

"You were like an iceberg before, but now you are more like a 'human being'."

Su Yuan spoke softly while wiping the dishes and chopsticks.

“Apart from our status as practitioners, we are first and foremost human beings, and emotions are the most basic thing in human beings.

No matter whether you are old or young, male or female, healthy or injured, rich or poor... as long as you are a human being, you have emotions.

If you don't have emotions, you may be able to transcend human beings... but then you are no longer human. "

Mu Kexian listened quietly, and the slight panic he felt just now gradually disappeared.

Su Yuan looked at Mu Kexian and said with a smile: "You are doing well the way you are now."

Afterwards, Su Yuan put down the bowls and chopsticks and walked to the stone table to tidy up again.

After all, it is someone else's place, so it is necessary to clean it up simply.

Mu Kexian, on the other hand, stood quietly, thoughtfully.

"In that case, let's go down the mountain?" After a while, Su Yuan said.


Mu Kexian came back to his senses and responded in a low voice, then took a closer look at the surroundings and the hall, as if he wanted to keep it in his heart.

Afterwards, Su Yuan and Mu Kexian went to Moyun Palace to say goodbye to Fu Chaosheng...

Among the mountains, a cloud of water flew quickly, and finally stopped at the top of a certain mountain, revealing the figures of the two people.

One of them is a gentle and elegant middle-aged man;

The other person is a capable woman wearing a martial arts robe and a high ponytail.

These two people were Bai Ze and Bifang who came from the Eastern Continent.

"Old Bai, the preparations over there haven't been completed yet, why do you still come here?" Bi Fang followed Bai Ze and asked with some confusion.

Bai Ze said: "I came here to find a key trump card."

As he spoke, Bai Ze took out a black turtle shell with a slight luster, and put a little seal on it with his hand.

But I saw runes flashing on the black turtle shell, and a "clang, clang, clang, clang" sound came from inside.

After a moment, Bai Ze slowly opened it, and there were six small tortoise shells facing up inside.

Bai Ze's eyes lit up: "The hexagram indicates good luck. It seems that this is the right place!"

Bi Fang was not a slow-tempered person. He curled his lips and said, "What do you mean? Please explain clearly!"

Bai Ze laughed, pondered for a moment and then slowly explained:

"Although I borrowed manpower from those demon kings with Lord Ming's golden feathers and prepared formations, the success rate still does not exceed 50%.

Because, whether it is humans or monsters in the Southern Continent, they are the inherent pattern of the Southern Continent. We borrow the power of the spiritual beasts, but we are also limited by them.

If you want to break the balance and increase your chances of winning, you may have to add a variable, a variable outside of the Southern Continent.

Through my calculations and divination, this variable may be encountered here. "


Bifang looked up and frowned.

"Old Bai, further ahead is the mountain gate of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect. How come there are variables outside the Southern Continent?

Stay here, don’t let a powerful swordsman come out later and kill you and me here indiscriminately..."

Before Bi Fang finished speaking, he saw the sword intent breaking through the clouds in the sky, a thousand miles of blue rainbow, and a mighty green rainbow sword light suddenly came from the direction of Wanjian Divine Sect, and stopped somewhere in front in the blink of an eye!

"Such movement, it's Sword Master!" Bi Fang's expression changed.

Bai Ze was also stunned. Looking at Bi Fang, he couldn't help but admire:

"What you say is what you say, it's awesome."

Bi Fang snorted lightly, and then the two of them calmed down and looked into the distance.

Fortunately, after the sword light paused for a moment, it made a slight circle and flew towards the direction of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect.

"Brother Fu, it's just a matter of friendship that you still have to send it so far."

Su Yuan watched the sword light disappear into the sky, shook his head, and took Mu Kexian forward with him.

"However, Brother Fu asked me to pay attention to the front..."

Before Su Yuan thought much, he saw the two people on the hilltop in the distance.

"Hmm? Bai Ze and Bifang, are they coming to the Southern Continent too?"

Su Yuan was greatly surprised, and after thinking for a moment, he immediately flew forward.

"Two seniors." Su Yuan stepped forward and bowed.

These two people are both fellow villagers of Demon City, and both of them have been slightly benevolent to themselves.

Bai Ze protected him from the Snow Burial Mountains back to the Demon City, and Bi Fang was even more grateful to him.

Su Yuan had a good impression of the two great demons under Prince Ming.

"Su Yuan, it's you!"

Bai Ze and Bi Fang were also very surprised when they saw Su Yuan.

Bai Ze waved his hand and said: "We judge seniority based on cultivation level. With your current cultivation level, why should you call me senior by name?"

As he said that, Bai Ze and Bi Fang glanced at Mu Kexian next to Su Yuan, and then looked up and down at Su Yuan, whom they hadn't seen for a long time.

After a brief look, the two of them were even more surprised.

"Are you already in the Three Yang Realm?!"

Because he had just broken through Sanyang not long ago, Su Yuan's aura had not yet completely calmed down, but Bai Ze and the others were immediately aware of it.

As masters of the Great Flame Demon Du Ming Palace, Bai Ze and Bi Fang had inside information and were quite aware of Su Yuan's strength.

You know, before the two of them set off, Su Yuan was the first master of the Tianxian Division to kill the knights of the Secret Society of Enlightenment after the Earth Tribulation, and he killed two of them at once!

And now, Su Yuan has been promoted to Sanyang, which is definitely a comprehensive improvement in personal strength.

"Su Yuan, it seems you are right." Bai Ze's eyes lit up.

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