Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 891 Transaction

Su Yuan looked at Bai Ze Bifang's expression and knew that the two of them did not appear here by chance, but were waiting for him here.

Su Yuan smiled and asked, "I wonder why you two came to see me?"

Bai Ze calmed down and said seriously: "I do have something I want to see you for, and it's not a trivial matter."

With that said, Bai Ze glanced at Mu Kexian next to him.

Su Yuan understood and nodded immediately: "Let's go over there and talk."

"Okay." Su Yuan and Bai Ze went to the front.

On the same spot, Bi Fang looked at the slim and graceful Mu Kexian next to him. He seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Bai Ze, I don't know what's going on?" Su Yuan asked.

Bai Ze raised his hand and opened a layer of water cloud barrier to block the exploration, and said straight to the point: "I want to fight for a dragon vein, and I would like to ask Su Yuan to protect the law for me."

"Huh?" Su Yuan was surprised, "Are you going to fight for the dragon vein of the southern continent?"

"That's right."

Seemingly aware of Su Yuan's surprise, Bai Ze immediately explained to Su Yuan.

It turns out that Kong Zheng was originally a powerful demon in the Western Continent.

After wandering around in the Southern Continent for a long time, he finally went to the Eastern Continent and lived in the ancient forbidden territory.

Until later, the Ancient Forbidden Territory made an agreement with Dayan, and Kong Zheng went to the Demon City as the King of Ming.

Thousands of years ago, Kong Zheng was extremely famous in the southern continent.

However, as Kong Zheng left the Southern Continent, most of the rumors about him disappeared over the countless years, leaving only some sporadic stories and fragments.

Except for some great king-level demons, the powerful men who rose up later...especially the powerful human beings didn't know much about this demon king.

Whether it is Bai Ze, Bifang or Qiongqi, they are all seedlings that Kong Zheng took away when he returned to the Southern Continent thousands of years ago and have been cultivating them to this day.

Although Zhuoyang's lifespan is only nearly a thousand years, many monsters have innate lifespans longer than humans.

Therefore, the three of Bai Ze are considered to be in their prime at the moment.

According to Bai Ze, the monster beasts in the southern continent today are not a group. Generally speaking, they are divided into the radical ferocious beast sect, and the gentle beast sect that communicates and cooperates with humans.

Moreover, both factions have the Demon King as their support.

Originally, it was the Spiritual Beast Sect that had always been stronger.

Under the constraints of the Spiritual Beast Sect, for thousands of years, there have been few conflicts between great demons and strong men of the sect.

But recently, the great demons from various ancient times have recovered, and the situation has changed.

In ancient times, monsters despised and hated humans.

Naturally, many of the resurrected ancient demons chose to join the Ferocious Beast Faction among the Ferocious and Spirit Factions.

Just like Jiu Ying and Xiang Liu who were killed by Su Yuan.

The strength of the Fierce Beast Sect has increased rapidly, and there are even signs of surpassing the Spiritual Beast Sect in terms of mid- and high-level combat power.

Now that two calamities have occurred simultaneously, the Ferocious Beast Sect has taken frequent actions, causing many conflicts with humans and even the Star Beast Sect!

But no matter what, the evil spirit and the spirit are both monsters.

When faced with the Earth Tribulation Dragon Vein, several demon kings of ferocious beasts and spiritual beasts also united.

Monsters are themselves a part of the disaster, and the ten major sects cannot avoid them, otherwise they will only suffer greater backlash in the future.

So the monsters entered the game, and the current situation resulted.

Under this premise, Bai Ze was originally a star beast in the Southern Continent. Now, through Kong Zheng's arrangement, he can join the battle for dragon veins in the Southern Continent through the spirit beast lineage.

After Su Yuan heard this, he also had a deeper understanding of the situation in the southern continent.

After pondering for a while, Su Yuan asked: "I heard what you said, there are some spiritual beasts that help you become king, do you still need me to protect you?"

Bai Ze said seriously: "Just relying on the assistance of spiritual beasts may not be enough.

First of all, the situation in the Southern Continent is now in chaos, and we, the outsiders, will not be able to cope with any changes.

Secondly, although I was born in the Southern Continent, I had already gone to the Eastern Continent with Lord Ming Wang when I was a star, and I actually didn’t have much contact with the spiritual beasts of the Southern Continent.

Although those great spiritual beasts will help me following the orders of the Demon King, it is completely unclear whether they are trustworthy. "

"Is this so..."

Su Yuan looked thoughtful. Su Yuan naturally understood Bai Ze's concerns.

If it had been before, maybe he would have agreed directly, and would even actively seek this cooperation opportunity in order to break through the Three Yang Realm.

But now that he has been promoted to Sanyang, there is no need for this.

If it was an ordinary matter, the Su Yuan Gang would help.

But fighting for the dragon veins is not trivial, it is not a trivial matter, and it is still in the Southern Continent. This matter is quite risky for me.

His relationship with Bai Ze and others was not enough to take such a risk.

Furthermore, the tasks within the department have been completed, and the Dragon Veins of the Eastern Continent is about to be born. It is really not appropriate for me to delay in the Southern Continent for any longer.

To help him, Bai Ze would have to pay a considerable amount of money.

Bai Ze was naturally not unprepared, and immediately took out a three-foot-long dark red shuttle.

It was surrounded by black electricity and runes all over it. Just looking at it, Su Yuan felt a sharp and dazzling feeling. It was definitely not ordinary.

After that, Bai Ze thought for a moment and took out another Ruyi with flowing water and changing shapes.

Bai Ze said seriously: "As long as you agree, Su Yuan, these two pseudo-sacred weapons will be considered as your reward.

Among them, I will give you the Guan Mosuo directly. I will use Shui Tian Ruyi for the time being, and I will give it to you no matter whether it succeeds or not in the end! "

Not far away, Bi Fang could feel the powerful fluctuations of the two star weapons even through the water cloud barrier, and couldn't help but freeze in his eyes.

"Forget about the Demon-piercing shuttle, have you even taken out the Shuitian Ruyi that you have used for so many years?

It seems that Lao Bai's expectations for Su Yuan are higher than I expected..."

"You know him very well?" Mu Kexian couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

"Understand?" Bi Fang looked Mu Kexian up and down, "It's not that I understand, but I understand quite a bit."

"Then...can you talk to me?"


Bi Fang decisively refused, but he snorted secretly in his heart. He didn't expect Su Yuan to have such a beautiful fairy companion in the Southern Continent.

On the other side, Su Yuan glanced at the two star weapons, but quickly shook his head.

"Bai Ze, I really don't have much demand for star tools at the moment.

If it were a normal matter, I would help you directly, but fighting for dragon veins in the Southern Continent also involves the confrontation between humans and demons... This matter is not a small matter.

In addition, the storm is coming in the Eastern Continent, so I have to go back as soon as possible. Sorry, I can't participate in this matter. "

Bai Ze's eyes fell on the two long swords on Su Yuan's waist, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, knowing that his two pseudo-sacred weapons might not have any appeal to Su Yuan.

Before, it was just divination, but now that he saw Su Yuan again, as a spiritual beast that knew the yin and yang and judged good and bad, Bai Ze could feel more and more clearly that Su Yuan would play a key role in his journey to becoming a king.

Bai Ze's mind was racing, and he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, Su Yuan, how is your teacher Yang Yifeng doing now? Do you still need king-level origin?"

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and he immediately raised his head to look at Bai Ze: "Do you have a way to replenish the king-level source?"

In the past ten years, Su Yuan has searched everywhere for ways to replenish his king-level origin, but he has never gained anything.

Unless a strong king-level person can sacrifice his vitality and willingly transfer his essence to Yang Yifeng, Su Yuan doesn't know any other way.

Could it be that Bai Ze actually has a way to replenish his origin?

Bai Ze pondered for a moment and said in a serious voice: "To be honest, I don't have it, but Mr. Ming Wang does. The next words involve Mr. Ming Wang, so please keep it a secret, Su Yuan."

When he heard that it really had its origin, Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "But it doesn't matter, I will never reveal anything!"

Bai Ze nodded and said slowly: "In the early years, King Ming killed some kings and refined part of the origin and sealed it in the five-color true light fan.

If you, Su Yuan, can support me to break through to the king level, I can ask King Ming to provide these sources to restore your master's injuries. "

Su Yuan was delighted at first, and then stared at Bai Ze, thinking rapidly in his mind.

I don’t know if Bai Ze deliberately deceived this matter in order to let him take action.

Although with Bai Ze's character, he shouldn't be able to deceive others.

But first of all, there are too few things like the king-level source and it is difficult to preserve them, and most king-level ones can be improved through this, so there are very few in stock.

Secondly, the temptation of becoming a king is too great. In order to become a king, Bai Ze has no idea what he can do, and he must be on guard against others.

Seemingly aware of Su Yuan's doubts, Bai Ze said: "Master Ming Wang is not here at the moment, and I can't prove it, but I can swear it on my soul!"

"That's not necessary." Su Yuan just pondered for a moment, then looked at Bai Ze and nodded in agreement, "Yes, I will do my best to protect you as king, but after that, you need to return to the Eastern Continent as soon as possible to ask King Ming to save my teacher!"

Regardless of whether what Bai Ze said was true or false, Su Yuan had to believe it.

When he left the Western Desert, Yang Yifeng's health was already deteriorating.

When Li Su came to the imperial capital from Qingming Palace before, he also mentioned that Yang Yifeng was becoming increasingly depressed.

Su Yuan originally thought that if he allowed the Phoenix Veins to grow to the dragon level, he might be able to help Yang Yifeng.

But not to mention that from today's perspective, it is probably difficult to repair the lost source of the dragon-level phoenix veins, and can only extend its life by treating the symptoms rather than the local problem.

Therefore, if we want to solve it fundamentally, we still have to supplement the teacher's king-level origin.

Now, since this is a possibility, we must seize it!

"Okay!" Bai Ze's eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his hands and said with a smile, "Thank you very much!"

Now that the decision has been made, there is no need to think too much.

Su Yuan asked: "So, what preparations do you have here?"

Bai Ze said solemnly: "That's it, I'm ready..."

Su Yuan and Bai Ze had another detailed exchange.

After a while, the two flew back together.

"Have you discussed it yet?" Bi Fanlian asked.

Bai Ze smiled and said: "Su Yuan agreed, but he needs the origin of the treasure fan."

Bi Fang smacked his lips: "Baize, you are really brave. You can even take charge of Lord Ming Wang's treasures, right?"

Bai Ze calmed down, shook his head and said, "Of course I don't dare to overstep my bounds, but before setting off, Prince Ming had some teachings.

Since you want to fight, then fight with all your strength. The road to becoming the king has only two outcomes: 'success' and 'failure'! "

Hearing this, Bi Fang nodded: "There is progress."

Of course, there is another reason for this.

If Bai Ze could really become a king, his role would be much more important to Kong Zheng than some king-level origins.

Su Yuan looked at Mu Kexian and said, "Fellow Taoist Mu, I have important matters in the Southern Continent. From now on, girl, you can do whatever you want."

Mu Kexian shook his head and said, "You promised before that you would be 'over here', and I can follow you."

Su Yuan hesitated, thinking he was about to leave, but he didn't expect to encounter Bai Ze again.

Looking at Mu Kexian and the other party's Miaoman body, Su Yuan couldn't help but think of what happened before, and felt a little guilty.

"This... okay then." Su Yuan nodded slightly.

Mu Kexian's eyes lit up, and his gloomy pupils suddenly became bright again, and a joyful smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

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