Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 892: Intimidating the Demons

After a long time.

In the endless barren wasteland, a group of four people flew over from a distance. They were Su Yuan, Bai Ze and the others.

"Is this the Great Wilderness Ridge?" Su Yuan looked at a large expanse of rugged, barren land ahead.

After Qixia Mountain, the three dragon veins that have gradually appeared in the world are Jinzhong Valley, Houao Island, and the Great Wild Ridge!

Bai Ze nodded: "Yes, it is said that this place used to have beautiful mountains and clear waters, and green grass all over the sky.

However, thousands of years ago, the Emperor of the Zhenyang Sect and another Emperor of the Demon Sect fought here.

After the first battle, all living things in the red land of Dahuang Ridge were annihilated as if purified by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

For countless years, no grass has grown, and even the star power has been completely cut off due to the damage to the earth's energy.

Unexpectedly, now a dragon vein is born here, and the star power is revived, which can be regarded as a recovery from the ashes. "

"The power of the emperor can really destroy the world..."

Su Yuan sighed in his heart, whether it was this piece of red land or the line of sky filled with sword intent in the ancient forbidden area of ​​the Eastern Continent, the remaining traces of the emperor-level powerhouse were shocking.

But now that he hasn't even touched the king level, he doesn't need to think too much.

Su Yuan gathered his thoughts and opened his spiritual senses to feel carefully.

"Here, we can indeed feel a considerable concentration of star power. It is much higher than where we came just now. It is certain that there are high-level star veins formed."

Bai Ze nodded and smiled, and said: "Our people are just ahead, let's continue on our way."


The four of them walked forward for a while, and quite unexpectedly, a "barren ridge oasis" appeared in front of them with thick trees and gurgling waterfalls.

This is the strong vitality brought by the strong and surging earth energy when the star veins are formed.

Su Yuan had seen similar scenes before when Dog Pulse and Wolf Pulse were born, but it was nowhere near as exaggerated as this!

In this "oasis", Su Yuan opened his omniscient vision to explore and could already see some monks.

Bai Ze led Su Yuan and others through the dense forest and came to a woodland.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he faintly noticed that there seemed to be a formation covering this place.

Sure enough, as Su Yuan stepped in, many figures with powerful auras suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Bai Ze, you are back."

Accompanied by a cold, sharp and somewhat metallic voice, a tall and thin blond man stood in front.

Monster beasts are not like humans. Although they have restrained themselves, some of their auras are more or less escaping.

And from the blond man in front of him, Su Yuan felt an astonishing dragon power...

"Real dragon!"

At this time, a black-faced man walked up to him angrily.

"Bai Ze! We are here to fight for the dragon veins for you, but you yourself have been slow to come back!"

Behind them, other transformed monsters of different shapes didn't say anything, but they looked quite dissatisfied.

Bai Ze apologized and said with a smile: "Excuse me, I also invited two friends, maybe we can share the pressure."


When the spirit beasts saw Su Yuan and Mu Kexian, they immediately raised their eyebrows.

Originally, Bai Ze's leaving midway had already made many spiritual beasts quite unhappy.

As a result, two humans were invited? One of them is still in the Chongyang realm?

How do you satisfy so many monsters?

The dark-faced man's eyes fell on Su Yuan and the two of them, and he snorted heavily:

"The person who can make Bai Ze leave us and invite you in person must be a master!"

An old man with white hair and beard behind said: "Wang Hu, be polite."

However, the black-faced man didn't seem to hear anything, and there was a ferocious look in his eyes. He took three or two steps and walked one step in front of Su Yuan. The two-meter-tall tall figure almost blocked most of Su Yuan's sight!

Su Yuan seemed to feel something, and immediately pulled Mu Kexian beside him behind him.

The black-faced man stood condescendingly, grinned and shouted suddenly:

"Hey, humans...kind!!"

Like a golden bell exploding, substantial golden sound waves suddenly impacted.

There was no movement on the ground under Su Yuan's feet, but a large area of ​​the ground behind him and even the mountain wall hundreds of meters high were torn apart and shattered in the blink of an eye!

The black-faced man's eyes widened in anger, his black hair danced wildly, and along with the roar-like shout, it brought a terrifying mental shock!

One of Wang Hu's signature skills, Tiger Roaring in the Mountain Forest!

Under this sudden drink, if it were an ordinary Zhuoyang, he would probably not be able to exert half of his strength in fear.

Those who are even more unbearable may even lose their mind and become unable to control themselves within a short period of time and lose the ability to resist!

However, contrary to the expectations of the demons, Su Yuan in front of him only raised his head slightly and looked at Wang Hu calmly, without any change in his expression.

"Trying to scare me?"

Su Yuan's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light, and the next moment, an extremely viscous killing intent and a fierce sword intent intertwined and exploded!


In an instant, it seemed that even the space was shaking.

The face of the dark-faced man who was so close changed, and he felt a sense of suffocation, and his dark pupils couldn't stop trembling violently!

"This is……?!"

All the spiritual beasts behind looked over, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Bai Ze, Bifang and the blond man nearby all had their eyes fixed, and they concentrated on resisting the aftermath.


After just a few breaths, the black-faced man groaned and took a few steps back with his face turning pale!

Seeing that the black-faced man was about to sit down on the ground, he was supported by the white-bearded old man behind him.


Many big demons in the field looked at Su Yuan, who was standing there with a normal expression, and then at the black-faced man who was sweating profusely and looking horrified, and they were all shocked.

Unexpectedly, Wang Hu was forced back by the opponent's counterattack!

Although it was just a confrontation of mental ideas and not an actual fight, it was by no means easy to make Wang Hu so embarrassed.

The white-bearded old man supported Wang Hu and looked at Su Yuan with serious eyes: "Your Excellency is really powerful, with such amazing killing intent and sword intent!"

The blond man in front of him was also worried, and he looked at the silver-haired young man who couldn't see through his breath again.

Such sticky killing intent meant that the other party had killed too many creatures, not much less than he and the others.

Such terrifying sword intent shows that the other party's swordsmanship is magical and he has extremely terrifying swordsmanship.

And the most important thing... is the strong confidence that is ready to emerge under the plainness in the other person's eyes!

The blond man stared closely at Su Yuan's dazzling eyes. This kind of confidence cannot be obtained by blind self-recognition...

That is the unparalleled confidence in oneself that has been built up step by step after defeating countless powerful enemies and experiencing countless life and death crises!

There are many masters in the Southern Continent, and even I have never had such strong self-confidence.


The blond man immediately realized that the young human in front of him, whom he had never heard of before, was definitely a master.

Thanks to Guang Yuebai for the 6 pence reward of 16,600 points. Thank you for your support.

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