Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 893 Array of Light and Darkness

Star card masters are always respected for their strength, and monsters are even more so.

The blond man looked at Su Yuan in front of him. After pondering for a moment, he announced his identity and said: "Shiwandashan, Luo Jin, under the command of King Peng."

The white-bearded old man behind also stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Huashen Ridge, under the command of King Bai Ling, has a single name with the word 'mulberry'."

The dark-faced man looked at Su Yuan, his expression changed, and he said in a low voice: "Kongtong Mountain, King Ma's subordinate, King Hu!"

Su Yuan was quite surprised. He thought that the big black man might get angry and take action, but he didn't expect that the other party would admit it like this. He could still afford to lose.

As soon as his mind moved, the murderous intention and sword intent disappeared from his body, Su Yuan raised his hand and hugged the monsters.

"I'm Su Yuan, I've met you all."

"Everyone is like this, so we don't know each other without fighting." Bai Ze walked between the two parties at the right time and said with a smile, "And as you can see, Fellow Daoist Su is definitely worth my trip."

Bai Ze was very satisfied. First, his divination was correct.

It was all hearsay before, but now I can see with my own eyes that Su Yuan's current strength is really extraordinary!

Second, as Su Yuan showed his strength, he not only blocked the dissatisfaction of Luo Jin and others, but he and Bifang, who were weak, could also rely on Su Yuan to take more initiative.

Luo Jin, Wang Hu and others saw this and said nothing.

The fight for dragon veins is of great importance. If he is a mediocre person, he will definitely not look good.

But if he is a truly capable master, then he is indeed a strong support that is much needed.

Although Wang Hu was reckless, he had some rough edges. He just made a move to test Su Yuan's reality for the demons.

At this moment, all the demons recognized Su Yuan.

Later, under the introduction of Bai Ze and Bi Fang, Su Yuan roughly understood the identities of the demons.

Luo Jin's true form is indeed the legendary dragon clan, Kang Jin Dragon!

The body of Wang Hu is the sacred beast Xuanming Demon Tiger;

The body of Mulberry is a rare plant star beast - Fusang.

The three big demons come from three places, and the remaining Burning Sun monsters are also headed by these three big demons.

Among them, the Demon Emperor is located deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains where Kang Jinlong is located. Coupled with his tyrannical strength, the demons are vaguely headed by him.

Wang Hu said in a sullen voice: "Fellow Daoist Su, I don't accept this one, and I will have to compete with you after I come down!"

Su Yuan chuckled and said, "Okay, I'll be with you anytime."

After a few words, Su Yuan also realized that although Wang Hu was arrogant and cruel, he was also a demon with temperament.

Compared to the kind that stabs someone in the back, this kind is easier to deal with... just beat him until he is convinced.

He had just made a breakthrough. He had not been able to hit Mu Kexian hard before, but he just needed someone to practice with!

Bai Ze looked at Mr. Sang: "Sang Lao, how is the situation in Dahuang Ridge during this period?"

Mr. Sang touched his white beard and said: "As of now, in addition to the ordinary sect gangs, masters from Zhenyang Sect and Five Directions Temple have appeared one after another in these days, as well as some masters of casual cultivators...

In addition, although he has not appeared yet, it is said that Pang Ming, the ‘Earth Evil’ among the Six Demonic Heroes, has also appeared nearby recently. "

"Earth Evil Pang Ming..."

Upon hearing this, Bai Ze and Bifang frowned.

The reason why the Six Heroes of Moxie are "Moxie" is because there are also evil cultivators among them.

The three evils of ghosts, earth, and Buddhas are the evil cultivators that have risen rapidly during the earthly calamity. Both the decent disciples and the demon sect disciples have died at the hands of these three people.

Di Xie Pang Ming was originally a master of overseas islands.

It is said that a few years ago, Pang Ming killed half of the monks on the island, and finally escaped from the king's hands with serious injuries and returned to the interior of the southern continent.

But within a year, Pang Ming had already recovered from his injury.

Guixie is Yuxiu, the boss of the "Five Ghosts of Mohe". He cruelly absorbed the cultivation of the other four ghosts who were like relatives, and suddenly rose to prominence.

Yu Xiu killed a large number of monks and fought against Hua Tian among the ten heroes, but the outcome is unknown.

Foxie, from the Rakshasa Sea on the west coast of the southern continent, is a master who has mastered some Buddhist magical powers.

Although his reputation is not as vicious as the other two, his behavior is strange and mysterious. Many senior monks have fallen into madness wherever he went, and committed horrific acts such as mass murder and even suicide.

The evil cultivators have no one to back them up. In addition to their strength, the three evil cultivators also act cautiously and have their own life-saving methods. They are extremely difficult to deal with!

After hearing what Mr. Sang said about the current situation in Dahuang Ridge, Su Yuan turned to ask: "Bai Ze, besides that, there is also your formation..."

Bai Ze nodded, turned over his hand and took out a pitch black formation disk.

"I will expand this formation to a minimum first."

Bai Ze raised his hand to form a seal, and the light on the formation plate flickered, turning into a sheet of water and surging in all directions.

Then, Bai Ze took out Shuitian Ruyi, and the spiritual light on it turned into a piece of blue light and disappeared into the formation.

In an instant, the water in the sky was upside down, and the waves were turbulent. All directions reached by the formation turned into a layer of blue water!

Then, Bai Ze handed over several talismans to Su Yuan and others.

"This formation is the Yin-Yang Tianshui Formation. Being in the formation, you can control the water of Tianchi.

This water has great power and infinite uses. Not only can it directly bombard opponents, but it can also form a Tianchi battle armor.

Tianchi War Armor can restore star power, heal injuries, resist damage, and strengthen attacks...

In addition, when being seriously injured, the Tianchi Divine Armor will explode on its own and use water to escape to save those in the formation! "

Su Yuan took the talisman given by Bai Ze, and with a thought, the water from the sky fell down and wrapped around his body, quickly transforming into a set of personal water armor.

Just now, it is comparable to a powerful epic star weapon. If it is fully deployed with the help of the Dragon Vein Star Power, it may be close to a pseudo-sacred weapon!

Not only can it comprehensively improve combat power, but it can also explode on its own in the end to save seriously injured people, which is really powerful.

Seeing this, Luo Jin and many other monsters started trying it out. Their eyes lit up when they felt the power of the Tianchi armor.

After Su Yuan checked it for a while, he asked: "I don't know, what is yin and yang for this formation?"

Although this formation can both attack and assist, Su Yuan had only seen the seventh-level Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation before, and Su Yuan knew that the seventh-level formation was by no means that simple.

Bai Ze also knew that Su Yuan was a sixth-level formation master, so he explained with a smile:

"This formation has two layers, light and dark. If everyone in the bright formation is defeated and their armor is broken, the dark formation can be called out.

And it only takes a stick of incense for the Tianchi battle armor of everyone in the Ming formation to be restored again!

Moreover, all injuries and star power consumed in the formation will be recovered at a high speed dozens of times before. As long as you are not dead, even severed limbs can be regenerated! "

At that time, the yin and yang will reverse again, and those in the bright formation will be able to face the enemy again with almost full strength. "

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up!

Even Su Yuan's heart was slightly moved. The seventh-level formation was not weak!

Even if this formation is inferior to the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation, it won't be too far behind.

"Now that this has happened, we must improve our formation skills as soon as possible." Su Yuan looked thoughtful.

The experience value of being promoted to the seventh-level formation master is not much, but it requires a lot of accumulated knowledge.

However, if combined with Guixu Shenfeng, it can be promoted to the seventh-level formation master as quickly as possible.

Mr. Sang looked at Bai Ze and said thoughtfully: "So now, we have to consider the manpower allocation between the light and dark formations?"

Everyone also reacted and looked at Bai Ze.

Bai Ze nodded and said: "That's right, both the open formation must have enough manpower to defend against the enemy, and the people guarding the dark formation must be able to resist for enough time.

Although a stick of incense does not last long, because all the power of the formation is used to repair the Tianchi armor of everyone in the bright formation, the people in charge of the dark formation do not have the blessing of the Tianchi armor. "

Luo Jin frowned and said, "This will make it even more harsh."

The open formation is the main battle, and the dark formation is defensive.

Under the premise that the dark formation can be defended, the more people in the open formation, the better, so that the power of this formation can be maximized.

But how to ensure that "the dark formation can be defended" is hard to say.

Luo Jin said: "Wang Hu and I will lead people to guard the bright formation. Bi Fang, Sang Lao's people... and fellow Taoist Su will guard the dark formation together. If Bai Ze is there, you can also add to the bright formation."

Black Tiger grinned, nodded and said: "Very good, this formation has a restorative effect, I like it best if I can fight to my heart's content!"

"This is very safe." Bi Fang also nodded and turned to look at Bai Ze, "Bai Ze, what do you say."

After Bai Ze thought for a moment, he glanced at everyone, then turned his hand and took out the dark blue tortoise shell.

"Don't be in a hurry, let me do another divination."

Bai Ze let go of his hand, and the tortoise shell automatically flew into the middle of everyone.

Then Bai Ze closed his eyes tightly and raised his hand to create countless seals.

The spiritual light was flowing on the turtle shell, and it suddenly started spinning on the spot, and there was a constant "gurgling" sound inside.

Regarding Bai Ze's divination, Luo Jin was noncommittal. Although he had a correct enough strategy, he still believed in this mysterious and mysterious divination.

Even if Luo Jin is like this, Wang Hu and even the many monsters behind him are quite disdainful.

Among the monsters in the field, except for Bifang, only Sang Lao stared at the high-speed rotating turtle shell seriously.

"The law of heaven has evolved greatly, and all calamities have returned to unity; all the Yuan Dynasties are in power, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune!"

Bai Ze formed seals with his hands at high speed, and with the last finger he pointed at the center of his eyebrows, a drop of blood immediately flew out and disappeared into the tortoise shell!

In an instant, Bai Ze's face turned slightly pale, and his breath dropped a bit.

Then, I saw the turtle shell spinning in mid-air falling straight down and suddenly stopping on the ground!


Bai Ze opened his eyes, raised his fingers, and raised his hand, the top of the turtle shell flew up.

Later, the inner Liujia appeared in everyone's eyes.


Upon seeing this hexagram, everyone including Bai Ze was shocked, and then they all looked at the silver-haired young man beside them.

I saw within the turtle shell, six armors, five positives and one negative.

The five righteous directions are directed towards Baize, Bifang, Sang and Luo Jin respectively, but the opposite direction...

It's Su Yuan!

"I knew this kind of thing was useless." Wang Hu looked back and curled his lips with a disdainful smile.

Although he lost to Su Yuan in the mental battle, Wang Hu didn't think that Su Yuan would be much better than him in the actual battle!

Luo Jin also shook his head. Although he knew that Su Yuan should be a master, it would be a bit impossible to guard the dark formation alone.

Mr. Sang frowned secretly and looked up at Bai Ze. It seemed that this divination technique was not very good...

Even Bi Fang, who was familiar with Bai Ze, was surprised and a little confused.

There are ten major sects, as well as various masters of casual cultivators and even evil cultivators... How can one person guard it?

At this time, Su Yuan stepped out and suddenly appeared in front of the tortoise shell. He leaned over and picked up the overturned tortoise shell.

"Since I said I will help you with all my strength, then let me guard this dark formation."

Su Yuan stroked the tortoise shell, then raised his head and threw the tortoise shell to Bai Ze, who was also a little surprised.

Bai Ze grabbed the tortoise shell and immediately came to his senses.

Facing Su Yuan's plain gaze, I remembered the two hexagrams again...

In a flash of thought, Bai Ze seemed to have made a decision.

Holding the flipped tortoise shell tightly, Bai Ze suddenly looked solemn and solemnly bowed his fist to Su Yuan:

"In that case, please!"

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