Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 894 Arrive together

"Bai Ze, do you really want to make this decision?" Wang Hu stood up on the spot and asked sternly, "Let one person be in charge of the secret formation?"

Luo Jin also said solemnly: "Whether the dark formation can be defended or not is related to the safety of the entire formation. One person is really worrying."

Mr. Sang thought for a while and then said: "The dragon vein has not yet been formed. We may discuss the manpower of the secret door and add one or two more men at that time."

The three-headed demon repeatedly questioned. Although Bai Ze was quite confident in his divination, the divination result was indeed counterintuitive.

At this time, Bi Fang walked up to Bai Ze and said, "Why are there so many concerns, Lao Bai, what do you think Mr. Ming Wang would do?"

Bai Ze looked at Bi Fang, his eyes condensed, and after a brief thought, he said to Luo Jin and the others:

"If the dark formation is really going to be broken, you can leave on your own without helping me seize the pulse. I will immediately use up Shuitian Ruyi's energy to self-destruct the formation to delay time for you."


Luo Jin, Wang Hu, Sang Lao and many other demonic beasts all had slightly surprised expressions on their faces.

When Kong Zheng was wandering around in the Southern Continent, he was very kind to the demon kings such as King Peng and King Ma.

So now after Bai Ze takes out the golden feather, the three kings will fully assist Bai Ze.

The three kings all sent out their capable masters and issued orders to assist at all costs, just to take this opportunity to return Kong Xuan's favor.

Otherwise, when the disaster escalates later and even the king level may not be able to protect itself... then it will be difficult to repay the favor owed!

And if what Bai Ze said is true, it would be a good thing for Luo Jin, Wang Hu and other monsters. At worst, they would run away as soon as the formation was broken and there would be no need to fight desperately.

Because of this, Luo Jin and others were even more surprised.

Not only was he surprised that Bai Ze was so optimistic about Su Yuan, but he was also surprised by Bai Ze's own decisiveness.

The reason why Bai Ze was so sure was because of Bi Fang's suggestion.

If it were Lord Mingwang, he would definitely do this.

King Ming has no doubts about the people he employs and the people he doubts about, and he has no doubts about his abilities!

Since both divination points pointed to Su Yuan, there was no need to hesitate.

Luo Jin immediately agreed: "Okay! Since you said so, Bai Ze, then we have no objection."

Wang Hu and Sang Lao also nodded.

Bai Ze looked at Su Yuan and asked, "Su Yuan, do you have any other requests?"

Su Yuan said: "No."

"Okay, then let's wait for the dragon veins to gather!"

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

On a certain peak, Su Yuan raised his head and looked at the star power that continued to surge in from a distance.

"It seems like Dragon Veins could be born at any time."

Behind him, Mu Kexian said: "Two days ago, it seems that people from Yixian Dao also came."

"Is it Yixian Dao..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. People of Yixian Dao were good at formations. They hoped that nothing unexpected would happen to the Yin Yang Tian Shui formation.

After Su Yuan thought for a while, he turned around and said with a smile: "Fortunately, none of you are too good."

Mu Kexian raised his head slightly and met Su Yuan's gaze: "No matter who it is, I will only help you."

Facing Mu Kexian's sincere words, Su Yuan also sighed secretly and did not answer.

At this moment, a dark light flashed next to him, and a transformed monster beast with a beard on his face walked over.

"Master Su, Boss Tiger, please come over."

The transformed monster spoke respectfully, with a hint of awe in its eyes.

Su Yuan laughed out loud: "Why, are you feeling better so soon? Wang Hu's physique is really amazing..."

In these days, Wang Hu has already discussed with Su Yuan, and they have done so twice!

Although both sides did not use their full strength, the swords had no eyes. After each fight, Wang Hu's body was covered with sword wounds, which was shocking to see.

It is also because of this that many monsters and beasts respect Su Yuan even more.

Monsters are like this, as long as the two sides are not completely hostile, then the big fist is the last word!

I just didn't expect that after being beaten twice in a row, Wang Hu recovered again today. His physique and toughness are truly amazing.

Su Yuan nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Su Yuan used the remaining star dust to improve the Shangqing Sword Control Technique to a perfect level. It has endless magical uses and needs more sharpening of the sword.

Just when Su Yuan and Mu Kexian were about to follow the bearded man, they suddenly felt something.

Su Yuan immediately stopped, turned around, spread out his heart and looked into the distance.

But on the boundless wasteland as far as the eye could see, thousands of invisible earth energy rose up and gathered towards the depths of the Great Wilderness Ridge.

Then, the sticky star power swept away more and more violently in all directions like a tsunami!

"The dragon veins are about to be formed." Su Yuan's eyes condensed slightly.

At this time, there was a flash of red light, and another Chuyang monster beast under Luo Jin's command rushed over.

"Master Su, Master Luo and Master Bai Ze please come over."

Su Yuan nodded and immediately flew back to the valley with Mu Kexian.

Sure enough, Bai Ze, Luo Jin and others had also noticed that the dragon vein was about to be completed and gathered together one after another.

Bai Ze gave some careful instructions, and finally said seriously: "Then I'll leave it to you all. If this trip is successful, I will not forget your help!"

Luo Jin, Wang Hu and others stood up and said: "Since we obey the king's orders, we should do our best!"

Afterwards, Su Yuan put on his mask, gathered his breath and rushed away with everyone...

Deep in the Great Wilderness Ridge, in front of the cliff, the crazy surge of dragon vein earth energy has entered the final stage.

In all directions, sects, casual cultivators, organizations... masters from all sides have appeared one after another, with the Zhenyang Sect and Five Directions Guan being the most popular!

Because in the Zhenyang faction's camp, there is Hua Tiandu, one of the ten heroes, and Jianyang chief Xu He and Qiyang chief Yang Xiaodong are also here.

In the Wufangguan team, there is also Nalanying, who is known as the Colorful Son among the ten yings.

"I haven't seen Senior Brother Hua for a long time. It seems that his cultivation is about to improve a little bit." Nalan Ying said with a smile from a distance.

"Nalanying, there is no need to talk nonsense between you and me." Hua Tiandu glanced at him lightly, and then his eyes fell on his side, "I didn't expect that you also invited Taoist Brother Ge Yun from Yixian Dao here. .”

I saw two other people next to Nalan Ying.

One of them is a thin old man with a long black beard, who is Ge Yun of Yixian Dao.

The other person was a man with black hair mixed with a few strands of white hair.

Hua Tiandu's eyes fell on this man and he raised his eyebrows slightly. He felt a bit erratic about him, and even he couldn't see through it.

If Su Yuan were here, he would immediately recognize that this person is Wen Renfeng!

Nalan Ying chuckled and said, "I can't invite Senior Brother Ge Yun. I met them on the road, so we came together."

Ge Yun also smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Hua, don't think too much. I just came here to see the condition of the dragon vein. I have no intention of fighting for it."

Hua Tian was about to say something more when he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, only to see a group of people coming from a distance.

Whether it was Hua Tiandu or Nalan Ying, everyone's eyes froze when they saw this group of people.

Among the crowd, a tall man laughed and said, "Brother Hua, Taoist Nalan, and Ge Yun, I didn't expect this place to be so lively!"

This man is also one of the ten heroes, Shi Li of the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect.

Hua Tiandu frowned: "Shi Li, why don't you go to Jinzhong Valley, which is closest to the Hidden Dragon Mountain Range, and why do you come all the way to this Great Wilderness Ridge?"

Shi Li laughed and said, "Senior Brother Hua thinks highly of me. It's too difficult to fight over here in Jinzhong Valley. I can't get much benefit from the tit-for-tat confrontation by the Demonic Palace Master. I have no choice but to come here."

As soon as these words were said, everyone in the True Sun Sect and the audience from all five directions frowned slightly.

It means, we are easy to deal with, right?

Although Taishangmen and Demonic Heavenly Palace are indeed stronger, your Beast Controlling Heavenly Sect is really a little too arrogant when you speak like this!

Since the Beast Tribulation Week, in addition to joining the Demon Emperor's command, some of the resurrected ancient monsters have also become contract... partners with the Beast Controlling Heavenly Sect.

Therefore, in recent years, the strength of the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect has greatly increased!

Hua Tiandu said softly: "I have long heard that you contracted with the colorful jade unicorn, one of the three sacred beasts of Penglai Island in ancient times. Now you have become much tougher in your words."

Shi Li smiled as usual: "It's just good luck, Senior Brother Hua said it."

Hua Tiandu snorted, and his eyes fell on a thin and cold young man next to Shi Li: "I think this is the new star Song Tianduo who is contracted with the Warcraft Zhu Yan?"

After everyone heard this, they all looked towards this cold and stern young man.

Song Tianduo was the dark horse of the Beast Control Sect who rose to fame half a year ago. Half a year ago in the secret realm of mountains and seas with countless rare treasures, this man actually summoned the ancient ferocious beast Zhu Yan, and killed eight Burning Sun masters by himself!

Shi Li smiled and said: "Yes, it is my Junior Brother Song."

And Song Tianduo also bowed his hands to everyone: "Song Tianduo, the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect, is honored to meet all of you Taoist brothers."

Hua Tiandu glanced at Song Tianduo and sneered in his heart.

Nalan Ying looked at Song Tianduo carefully and frowned.

Compared with other sects, the Beast Control Heavenly Sect is the only sect that has benefited from the beast tribulation, so there is now quite a gap between it and other sects.

At this moment, with the arrival of everyone from the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect, there was a hint of tension in the scene.

But Hua Tiandu, Nalan Ying and others did not move, because everyone knew that there was still a force in the wilderness...

Although he used the formation to hide his whereabouts, since he came here, he had already been detected by everyone.

"Here he comes." Shi Li from the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect was the first to sense it. He raised his head and looked at the mountain ahead, smiling, "It seems that the monster beasts also want a share of the pie..."

Everyone looked up.

I saw a flash of spiritual light, and Bai Ze, Luo Jin and other transformed monsters flew together and stopped in front of the mountain.


Next to Ge Yun, Wen Renfeng's eyes moved slightly, and his gaze fell on a silver-haired middle-aged man with an ordinary face next to Bai Ze.

At this time, the silver-haired middle-aged man actually looked over and the two of them looked at each other.

"I didn't expect that Wen Ren's second seat would be here..." The silver-haired middle-aged man's eyes moved slightly.

This silver-haired middle-aged man is naturally Su Yuan, who used the fake mask to change his face.

Next to him, Mu Kexian also covered his appearance with a star weapon veil.

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