Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 897 Fierce Battle

"Five swords open the sun, Lord Wu is at the pass!"

Xu He pressed the sword seal with his hand, and the five swords in the box suddenly shot out at the same time, killing the group of monsters.

An iron bear monster in the Double Ninth Realm was startled and immediately opened a giant iron ball to defend itself.

In just two breaths, Xu He's Five True Yang Swords were like extremely sharp lines of fire, easily tearing open the huge iron ball.


The Iron Bear Monster looked at these five True Sun Swords with infinite power attached to the afterglow of the setting sun in horror, feeling that they could not resist them!

Seeing that the five swords were about to continue to strangle, the Iron Bear Demon immediately activated the formation talisman given by Bai Ze.

The Tianshui armor on his body suddenly started to flow and quickly turned into a ball of water to cover the iron bear.

Then, Shuiguang and Tiexiong nimbly escaped from the gap blocked by the five swords, and disappeared deep into the formation in a blink of an eye!


Xu He narrowed his eyes slightly, then snorted coldly, and immediately controlled the Five True Yang Swords to kill the demon behind him.

The Five True Sun Swords blessed by the remaining fire of the setting sun were extremely terrifying, but in the blink of an eye, they forced the two Burning Sun monsters to turn into water and escape into the depths of the formation.

If Xu He is allowed to kill so wantonly, except for Bai Ze, Luo Jin and others, the other monsters in the field will not be able to resist for long!

But at this moment, the green flames flashed, and a group of extremely fast green figures suddenly rushed out, intending to kill Xu He first while the five magical swords were outside.

It's Bifang, it's Yidian!

"So fast!"

Xu He's eyes froze, and the sword box behind him blocked Bi Fang's flash like a peacock spreading its tail.

As soon as Bi Fang missed the hit, he wanted to retreat, but Xu He's lips curled up into a sneer.

"Return to the sword!"

The fire above the sword box surged, and the five True Yang Swords that were originally outside shot back at ten times the speed when they flew out. In just a blink of an eye, they penetrated Bifang's body and were inserted into the sword box.

A bit of surprise flashed in Bi Fang's eyes, and then it turned into a handful of flames and exploded.


Xu He frowned slightly, and the next moment, he saw another flash of blue flame transformed by Bi Fang coming from the right.

Xu He raised his hand and pointed, and immediately a True Yang Magic Sword flew from the sword box and shot through Bi Fang.

At this time, another figure of Bi Fang came from the left and attacked.

In the blink of an eye, numerous Bi Fang figures flashed out and shot out from all directions with unparalleled speed!

This is a skill that Bi Fang sublimated and comprehended in a flash, a hundred flashes in an instant!

A large green flame flashed like lightning, making it dizzying to see, let alone resist.

After a while, two "chi chi" sounds were heard, and two blood marks were cut out on Xu He's body!

At this time, Xu He's body suddenly ignited with dark red flames like the afterglow of the setting sun. It was the divine fire - the afterglow of the setting sun!

"Five dragons are destroyed!"

Divine fire danced in Xu He's eyes, and along with the sky-wide fire that shot up like magma, the five true dragon magic swords suddenly turned into five intertwined divine fire dragons and roared out!

Bi Fang's Shuang Hua Hundred Flashes had not even been completed before he was smashed by five divine fire dragons.

A ray of green flame shot out backwards, reappearing Bifang's figure.

The sleeve of his right hand has been burned away, and there are still some burning red scars on his arm!

Bi Fang looked up and saw five flame dragons behind Xu He circling around like flame wheels. The terrifying flames directly ignited the entire void... just like Yan Jun!

Bi Fang's expression condensed: "Sacred Fire Technique!"

"The legendary divine fire skill, Xu He, the chief of Jianyang of Zhenyang Sect, is really powerful..."

Outside, Ge Yun sighed with his eyes open, and then looked at Wen Renfeng next to him.

"Brother Wenren, what do you think?"

Wen Renfeng nodded slightly: "He has some strength."

Ge Yun was startled, then shook his head and said with a smile: "Do you just have 'some strength'?"

Wen Renfeng said: "This divine fire skill can be regarded as a trump card if it reaches the supernatural level, but from what I can see, he should only be a proficient one now.

To ordinary people, it may be quite powerful, but to us... it's a bit unsatisfactory. "

"Really..." Ge Yun looked at Wen Renfeng in front of him and sighed bitterly, "It's you who can comment so highly on Chief Jianyang's divine fire skills."

If someone had said such words to him a few months ago, Ge Yun would have definitely spit in his mouth.

However, he saw with his own eyes that the person in front of him broke through the ten levels of Merlin that no one in the door had been able to pass for so many years, and took away the sacred object with his own hands.

The strength is no less than that of Shiying!

Ge Yun added: "However, Xu He also realized true liberation not long ago."

Wen Renfeng's face was calm: "True form liberation also has strengths and weaknesses, so you have to wait until he uses it to find out."

"Then how long do you think those monsters can last?"

Wen Renfeng glanced across the field and said, "Shiying hasn't taken any action yet. If they get serious, these monsters won't be able to hold on for long."

Ge Yun nodded: "Most of the people from the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect are in the beast control, and I'm not very familiar with them.

However, Hua Tiandu and Nalan Ying were both extremely powerful.

Especially Hua Tiandu... Although the ten heroes have never fought against each other, this person can definitely be ranked among the top three among the ten heroes! "

Wen Renfeng's eyes fell on Hua Tiandu, the plum blossoms in his eyes turned, and he faintly felt something, and couldn't help but raise his head and glance high in the sky.

"Well, it's indeed amazing." Wen Renfeng nodded slightly and asked, "So, Fellow Daoist Ge, can you tell what's going on in this formation?"

Ge Yun nodded slightly: "Look there."

Wen Renfeng followed what Ge Yun was pointing and saw that there happened to be a monster trapped by Yang Xiaodong's flaming sun energy and was about to be burned to death.

But the sky water armor on the monster beast swayed with water, and it led him out of the package of flaming sun energy and escaped deep into the formation.

Ge Yun asked instead: "Another person was rescued by the large formation of water. Fellow Taoist Wenren, what do you think?"

Wen Renfeng thought for a while and said: "This formation can drag away the seriously injured star beast. It seems that it should have a stronger healing and recovery effect.

Now that the seriously injured monster is being treated in the formation, it should break out of the formation quickly, otherwise it may recover after a while. "

"Yes, normally speaking, I usually think so." Ge Yun smiled.

Wen Renfeng turned around and asked, "Could it be that there are other changes to this formation?"

"That's right."

Ge Yun stroked his beard, but did not show off and explained to Wen Renfeng.

"If I'm not mistaken, this formation is a two-dimensional formation, with yin and yang reversed and light and darkness isolated.

In addition to the current apparent combat power, there may also be hidden troops.

However, many monsters seemed to be here before, and I didn't see who was missing. Maybe it was someone who had been hidden in the formation beforehand. "

Wen Renfeng's face remained calm, but a silver-haired figure immediately appeared in his mind...

Ge Yun continued: "In addition, according to my observation, all the power of this formation is still concentrated on the people fighting in the formation, and has not been distributed to other places.

This means that so far, this formation has not provided additional treatment or recovery to the person who was just taken away by the water light.

Therefore, in my opinion, the speed of breaking the formation is not critical at the moment, because more changes in this formation are related to the dark formation! "


Hearing this, Wen Renfeng couldn't help but expect a flash of expectation in her eyes.

However, what Wen Renfeng was looking forward to was not the changes in the Tianshui Formation, but...

The one who killed Suzaku Sanchi of the Knight of Truth before him!

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