Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 898 Yuanyang Sword

In the Yin Yang Tian Shui formation.

As Xu He and other masters from both sides deployed their firepower, the battle situation escalated dramatically.

Spiritual light splashed, swords roared, and fierce and fierce fighting sounds could be heard from everywhere in the formation.

Although the Tianshui Armor can greatly increase the strength of monsters, the number of monsters is still very small.

As one after another the monsters were seriously injured and disappeared by the water light, the monsters' disadvantage became even greater!

As for several sects, Hua Tiandu and Shiying have not taken any action yet.

However, with such masters raiding the formation, although the number of injured people in several cases continued to increase, there were few deaths.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before this formation is broken.

However, Hua Tian, ​​who had never made a move, didn't seem to want to wait any longer, and suddenly stepped forward.

"Let's solve it quickly."

Hua Tiandu raised his hand to perform a sword technique, and two different marks gradually appeared in his eyes, which were the double marks of "sword" and "qi".

At the same time, Hua Tiandu spoke.

Xu He and Yang Xiaodong, who were fighting with Bi Fang and Luo Jin in front, suddenly changed their expressions.

The two men immediately controlled the Five Dragons Transformation and Shenwu True Spirit to push back their opponents, and covered the disciples of the True Sun Sect to quickly retreat.

Not far away, Nalan Ying and Shi Li looked at Hua Tiandu's actions, vaguely aware of something, their expressions changed, and they each sent messages to their fellow masters to withdraw from the chaotic battle with the monsters.

"Why did you retreat?"

Wang Hu was fighting vigorously when he saw Zhu Yan suddenly let go and withdrew.

At this moment, Wang Hu already had large areas of blurry flesh and blood and many claw marks on his body. However, with Wang Hu's physique and the healing effect of Tianshui Armor, these injuries were recovering at a speed comparable to epic-quality healing techniques!

Zhu Yan in front also had a lot of injuries. He was glaring angrily and his eyes were scarlet. He seemed to be fighting Wang Hu to death, but Song Tianduo forcibly called him back.

Looking in the direction of Five Directions, Nalan Ying also raised her hand and released a colorful mysterious light that shook Mr. Sang away.

But in the blink of an eye, all three sects launched their defenses.

Naturally, Bai Ze, Luo Jin and others noticed this abnormality immediately. They also stopped their hands and came back vigilantly. They gathered together to launch defense and looked at the people of several sects.

"Bai Ze, Luo Jin, what's going on?" Wang Hu asked in confusion.

Luo Jin frowned slightly and said, "It seems that Hua Tian is about to take action."

Mr. Sang frowned: "But, I didn't feel much energy fluctuations from him. Could it be an invisible attack?"

Seeing that the Five Directions Temple and the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect were both so solemn, the demons naturally did not dare to be careless.

Bi Fang frowned and said, "Maybe there is something we didn't notice."

Everyone opened their spiritual senses and looked around, but found nothing for a while.

Bai Ze's eyes flashed with brilliance, and his hands continued to deduce the formula at high speed.

Soon, Bai Ze seemed to notice something and suddenly raised his head and looked above his head.


Bai Ze, who had been elegant and easy-going these days, suddenly shouted loudly, causing the hearts of all the demons to jump suddenly.

The demons looked up and saw that there seemed to be a dazzling red light in the sun above their heads, which was much higher than the Tianshui formation.

If you look closely, you will see that it is a True Yang Sword with sun patterns all over it. The sword is used as a carrier and Qi is used as a guide, continuously pulling the fire of the sun towards it!

Because this sword is under the extremely high sun, not only does it cover up the light, but it also covers up its terrifying fluctuations.

If it weren't for Hua Tiandu's urging at this moment, no one would have noticed at all!

Looking at the True Yang Sword under the bright sun, all the monsters' scalps were numb and their souls were running away in all directions.

And the next moment, like the light of annihilating the world, the red True Yang Sword flashed high in the sky and suddenly plummeted down!


Bai Ze raised his hand to summon Shuitian Ruyi and held it in his hand. The formation was operating at full strength, and the infinite Tianshui intertwined and converged into the Tianshui Dragon King, rising thousands of feet high to face the red sword!


The huge Tianshui Dragon King roared, and the waves surged into the sky with astonishing power.

However, how does the water of Tianchi compare with the fire of the sun?

In just a blink of an eye, the magic sword wrapped around the power of the sun and fell like red lightning. It penetrated directly through the head of Tianshui Dragon King and fell among the fleeing monsters in an instant!


With a loud noise, light and fire suddenly filled everyone's sight, and the extreme high temperature exploded with the dazzling light of flames!

Looking from outside the formation, accompanied by the dazzling red light, the Tianshui formation swept thousands of miles away, and nearly a quarter of the spherical volume had been completely evaporated inside!

After more than ten seconds, the terrifying sun fire gradually dissipated.

And on the spot, only a True Yang Sword with red light flowing out was left!


With a flash of green flames, Bifang transformed back into his true form and flew into the air. There were no injuries on his body, and he avoided the direct impact with his astonishing speed.

In the field, Sang Lao, as a hibiscus tree that is almost immune to fire attacks, still has some burns on his body at this moment, looking slightly embarrassed.

Bai Ze was surrounded by three yuan of heavy water, and his face turned a little pale, as if he had used some kind of high-cost life-saving skill.

Wang Hu's entire shoulder, including his left arm, was burned, and his whole body was covered in a burnt red color. He was already seriously injured.

As for Luo Jin, who had previously behaved extremely tyrannically, he received the "care" of Hua Tiandu, and he was the central target of the True Yang Magic Sword!

Fire overcomes metal. At this moment, Luo Jin's entire metallic body melted from the outside in, and the water on his body was directly transferred out by the formation!

The water in the field flickered one after another, but a large number of monsters that suffered fatal blows were rescued by the water escape of the large formation and disappeared from the field.

Even... several Burning Sun monsters that were close to the magic sword were evaporated together with the Tianshui armor in an instant, and even the Tianshui formation couldn't save them!

For a time, out of the twenty or so Burning Sun Demonic Beasts, only a few were left including Bai Ze, Wang Hu and others under this sword attack.

This kind of power is simply shocking.

And this is the top fire sword cultivator!

"Hua Tiandu!"

In an instant, everyone couldn't help but look at Hua Tiandu.

Under this sword, the monsters suffered heavy casualties, and Bi Fang, Wang Hu and others were all frightened!

Not only the monsters, but also many masters from the Beast Controlling Heavenly Sect and Five Directions Temple, some of whom were slower in movement were seriously injured by the aftermath of this sword.

Everyone was inexplicably horrified and frightened by this sword strike!

If Shi Li and Nalan Ying had not recalled many of their masters in advance, not many of them would have been able to escape from this sword.

"I have long heard about Hua Tiandu's Yuanyang Divine Sword that can destroy the world and destroy the world. When I saw it today, it really destroyed the world and destroyed the world..."

Nalan Ying's face was awe-inspiring. She didn't expect that Hua Tian wouldn't even make a move, but when he did, he would show such magical swordsmanship!

The top offensive magical power of Zhenyang Sect Sword and Qi and Yang Combination - such as the Japanese Yuanyang Divine Sword!

Thinking about it now, I'm afraid Hua Tiandu's True Yang Sword has been hidden under the sun from the beginning.

If it weren't for these monsters, maybe he and the members of the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect would have been struck by this sword!

At this moment, Hua Tiandu raised his hand, and the True Yang Magic Sword shot up, once again sank into the sky and disappeared under the sun.

Bai Ze and others looked up at the sky, frowning, feeling like a sword hanging from a beam, and they didn't know when they would strike again to destroy the world.

Hua Tiandu said calmly: "Then the rest will be left to Fellow Daoist Shi and Fellow Daoist Nalan."

Nalan Ying and Shi Li looked at the few big monsters left in the field, nodded and said, "That's fine."

Song Tianduo thought, and the fierce-looking Zhu Yan immediately fought with the injured Wang Hu again.

Shi Li also moved, and with a thought, a jade unicorn with five colors of precious light flowing all over its body also appeared beside him.

Jade Qilin raised its front hoof and stepped on it, causing a large number of vines to surge out from the ground and wrap around Wang Hu.

Wang Hu, who had only one hand left, immediately swung the nine-ring sword and slashed at the vines.

However, unexpectedly, these vines were extremely tough. Although some were cut off, they were still entangled by the remaining vines.


Zhu Yan's eyes turned red, and he flew up and hit Wang Hu, hitting the flesh with his fists, which made Wang Hu, who was already seriously injured, tremble all over.

Wang Hu was pressed and beaten like this, his eyes widened suddenly, and he was so angry that he was about to explode again.

But feeling the injuries all over his body, Wang Hu's eyes definitely showed no movement as his mind whirled.

Zhu Yan and the five-colored jade unicorn were approaching and far away, and with the assistance of many other Burning Sun beastmasters, it didn't take long for the injured Wang Hu to be unable to resist, and he turned into a handful of water and escaped.

Elsewhere, Xu He teamed up with Yang Xiaodong, and the Five Dragons of Divine Fire cooperated with the True Spirit of Divine Crow to surround and kill Bi Fang.

After Bi Fang fought with the trapped beast, he actively activated the talisman and turned into water and disappeared.

Nalan Ying took action to deal with Sang Lao. Wherever the colorful mysterious light passed, Fusang's fire could not withstand it at all and was completely resolved.

Not long after, Sang Lao was also defeated.

And Bai Ze looked at this scene and knew that "this round" was over.

Originally, although there was an intention to test and consume, Bai Ze and the other demons did not want to end this round so hastily.

And all this is because of Hua Tiandu's terrifying sword that destroyed the world!

"As expected of a super master whose reputation is comparable to that of Dugu Jiu and Dongfang Yi, Zhenyang Sect Hua Tiandu is truly extremely powerful."

Bai Ze sighed secretly, and then glanced at everyone in the field.

The short and capable Zhu Yan, the Jade Qilin who controls the five elements of magic, Xu He surrounded by five dragons, Nalan Ying with colorful mysterious light, and the overbearing and powerful Hua Tiandu...

"A stick of incense..."

Although he explored many methods, Bai Ze was not sure whether Su Yuan could delay enough time.

But this is the most important thing. As long as Su Yuan can hold it off, he and others will come back in full glory.

When the enemy is exhausted and I am exhausted, catching the opponent off guard is the moment when victory is established in one fell swoop.

While Bai Ze was thinking, Xu He, Yang Xiaodong, Zhu Yan, Yu Qilin, Na Lanying... everyone was already surrounding him.

Hua Tiandu flew over and looked at Bai Ze: "At this level, it would be too naive for you and the monsters to fight for the dragon's veins?"

"Really..." Bai Ze smiled, and suddenly there was a surge of water outside him, "Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

"Huh?" Hua Tiandu narrowed his eyes slightly.

When Bai Ze pressed the Seal Technique with his hand, the water on his entire body twisted crazily like an abyss whirlpool, emitting majestic fluctuations.

"Do you think you are the only one who can prepare such a powerful move?" Bai Ze's voice sounded again.

Hua Tiandu's pupils shrank suddenly.

Nalan Ying shouted loudly: "Disperse!"

The next moment, the corner of Bai Ze's mouth curled up, but he saw the third level of heavenly water falling from the sky, turning into three clones of Bai Ze outside Hua Tiandu and others, and the water light on their bodies also twisted crazily!

"The art of bringing in new energy from the sea - Counter!"

The blue water light swayed in the formation, and in an instant, four unimaginably vast masses of water light exploded from the formation!

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