Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 904 Fighting against Sanying (2)

As soon as the Yan Lord transformed by Xu He raised his hand, the sword box of the pseudo-holy weapon suddenly enlarged and fell behind him, and the five True Yang Swords on it also grew huge as the flames rose.

Xiang Liu's physical body is powerful, while Jiu Ying is proficient in the soul. The two merge and complement each other to form a more perfect individual. Even the stick of the Sea Underlord has the power to shake the soul.

The priestess's curse body has a ferocious and strange appearance, and its four red, black, yellow and green arms are emitting evil waves.

The three of them stood in front of Su Yuan, and an astonishing and tyrannical aura shot into the sky.

"Then... come on!"

Su Yuan shouted low, and the Yanjun transformed by Xu He went straight to Hua Tiandu. Wherever he passed, flames shot out like a humanoid natural disaster.

Compared with Hua Tiandu, Xu He's true form liberation is pure violence, which enhances power by increasing energy.

At this moment, Xu He's body size is almost the same as the priestess's large curse body. It can be imagined how terrifying the fire star power in his body has exploded.

The five True Yang Magic Swords, which were giant-sized simultaneously with the body, flew out from the sword box first. The fire was so dazzling that they crashed into Hua Tiandu like comets!

The five swords slashed in a row, which was so overwhelming that even Hua Tian dodged.

After all, even if there is Jin Ran, it seems that it is not easy to cut through these five True Yang Swords at once...

Beside Su Yuan, the priestess moved closely.

The spiritual light lit up on the four big curse hands, and they grabbed several whirling ancient trees, and the power of the curse suddenly spread out in the air.

For the priestess, these are living targets!

"Huh? This is..." Shi Li frowned slightly, and then he quickly noticed something, and his expression changed, "No, break it!"

With a thought in his mind, Shi Li immediately disconnected some of the ancient trees held by the priestess.

However, at this time, there was already a large amount of red, black, yellow and green four-color curse power, which fell on Shi Li in the distance through the star power of the whirling ancient tree, and each of them converged to try to form a curse seal.

Shi Li suddenly felt weak outside his body. Fortunately, the jade light was flowing around his body. With the auspicious jade body of the five-colored jade unicorn, he had quite strong resistance to evil spirits.

But what we are facing now is not an ordinary negative effect, but the terrifying curse of the liberation of the priestess' true form. The power of the curse continues to gather and penetrate, and a four-color curse seal will be formed in the blink of an eye.

Once the curse seal is completed, it will be difficult to get rid of it!

However, since it is a fusion, there is not only the colorful jade unicorn, but also Shi Li himself, the top beast master of the Beast Control Heavenly Sect!

The reason why this fusion technique is so powerful is that in addition to being able to superimpose the strengths of the master and the beast master, all the beast master's beast master skills can also be used on the merged self!

Shi Li raised his hand to form a seal: "Purify the spirit!"

In an instant, a strong purifying light descended from Shi Li's body. It was the same move that Song Tianduo had used to purify Zhu Yan.

The auspicious jade body, coupled with the powerful beast-control purification technique, forcibly dispersed the four-color curse power gathered on the body in two or three breaths.

"The ability to cast spells out of thin air..."

Although the curse seal was dispelled, Shi Li was not at ease.

This kind of curse mark looks extremely evil at first glance. Once it is hit, it is hard to imagine what effect it will have.

Although I had heard about the previous battle at Qixia Mountain, I knew that the Wuming Sword Cultivator had a true form of liberation puppet.

But after all, Shi Li didn't personally participate, and he didn't know its specific strength.

Seeing the priestess's big hands with four curse seals continue to grab the other Brahma trees, Shi Li's heart trembled, and without hesitation, he directly formed the seals to unlock the world of the Brahma tree!

Su Yuan nodded secretly. With this tree world around, all actions would be interfered with.

Now using the power of the curse to push back Shi Li's domain skills, things suddenly became clear.

At this moment, the tree world was untied, and the four arms of the cursed body were thrown out, and they stretched weirdly like noodles and went straight to grab the stone in the air.

Shi Li's expression was slightly condensed, and while he stepped back, he raised his hand to form a seal and was about to make some move.

But at this moment, a colorful mysterious light suddenly fell in front of them like a sky barrier, directly blocking the four cursed arms.

Shi Li looked up and saw Nalan Ying falling in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Shi, this person has weird abilities, I will deal with it." Nalan Ying said.

As he spoke, four cursed hands grasped the seven-colored mysterious light. Like pollution, the four-colored curse power in the palms continued to spread toward the mysterious light.

However, the brilliance flowing above the mysterious light directly dissipated most of the curse's power.

When the remaining curse power fell on Nalan Ying out of thin air, it was directly absorbed by the colorful core on Nalan Ying's chest without any control.

Seeing this scene, Shi Li's eyes moved slightly. He had also heard about Nalan Ying's ability, so it was perfect to deal with this person.

"Okay, please!" Shi Li agreed immediately.

Nalan Ying nodded slightly, and the seven-colored mysterious light in front of her shone brightly, and the powerful mysterious light directly drove away the four cursed hands.

Shi Li, on the other hand, flew up, forming seals with his hands, and a sense of killing suddenly arose.

"Golden Wheel of Ten Thousand Swords!"

The sound of golden swords rises, and the golden wind kills!

Countless golden air currents gathered around Shi Li. Along with the strong and fierce fluctuations of star power, a circular sword wheel with a diameter of more than ten feet quickly unfolded on its own!


Shi Li shouted low, and the sword wheel behind him suddenly started to rotate, and as it rotated, countless sharp swords like golden beams flew out and slashed at Su Yuan and the snake-headed demon in the distance.

The big snake-headed demon immediately jumped forward, without dodge or avoidance, and waved the Sea Underlord to greet him.

"Dang Dang Dang...chi!"

There are so many golden swords and they are so fast that even if the snake-headed demon has superb skills, it is difficult to catch them all.

And his terrifying body, which was the fusion of Nine Infants and Willows, was actually scratched with many serious wounds by golden swords.

Shi Li was not just satisfied with injuring the big snake-headed demon. He raised his hand and pointed, and more golden swords suddenly turned into a torrent and headed towards Su Yuan behind him!

"The magic-level golden sword spell is indeed extremely powerful, but..."

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the glazed azure and the imperial demon sword on his waist flew up at the same time.

After that, Yin and Yang flashed and turned into two long swords falling beside him.

These two swords do not need to exert their yin and yang characteristics, they only need their powerful properties as pseudo-sacred weapons.


Su Yuan shouted softly, and the four swords immediately circled around him, and the lightning shot flew out and slashed towards the golden sword!

The sound of "Dang, Dang, Dang..." kept ringing, and the sky was filled with golden shards exploding. The four swords of Yao Dao and Tian Qing moved freely, slashing and blasting many golden swords flying towards them!

Even if the Golden Wheel of Ten Thousand Swords is a magical power, in terms of the quality of a single sword and the golden sword that takes the form of energy, how can it compare to the pseudo-sacred weapon + the four sword BUFFs of the Shangqing Sword True Art + the four swords of the demon sword that are passively strengthened by Taixu Sword Intent? ?

The four swords passed by were devastating, and none of them could break through the blockade and hurt Su Yuan!

Su Yuan looked up and saw that Sanying was temporarily restrained.

"A lot of mental energy has been consumed before, so..."

Su Yuan recalled Xu Xie Xian Sheng in the distance, then opened his right hand, and after a burst of space fluctuations in his palm, a silver light ball the size of a fist suddenly appeared.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, a surge of immeasurable power suddenly surged crazily in the silver ball of light!

"Huh? Is he using some momentum-building moves?" Following Su Yuan's movements, everyone saw the silver ball of light flowing.

Although Shi Li and others have seen a lot of magic-level moves, it is obviously not a wise move to allow the enemy to use charging spells.

For a moment, Hua Tiandu and the three of them felt a sense of urgency in their hearts.

Under Su Yuan's control, the three major refining forms all tried their best to block.

Xiang Liu shouted low, and directly activated the energy of the body of water and fire. After greatly weakening the damage of the golden sword, he swung the Sea Underlord against the torrent of the golden sword to kill Shi Li behind him.

"It's really difficult..."

Shi Li's eyes froze, then he clasped his hands together, and the unicorn horn on his head glowed with a bright yellow light.

For a moment, extremely powerful earth star power surged from outside the body, and the entire ground shook violently, as if something big was about to happen.

"Earth magical power!"

Even the members of the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect who had retreated early were still looking closely at the mighty earth element outside Senior Brother Shi Li.

I don’t know what the earth magic power of the colorful jade unicorn is, but it actually has such vast and terrifying energy!

And in the Tianshui formation.

Wang Hu looked around and raised his brows: "There is heavy thunder and little rain? Why is it that the ground keeps shaking but there is no reaction?"

Bi Fang and others were also quite surprised, but at this moment, Bai Ze discovered something and looked up at the sky covered with water clouds.

"No, it's up there!"

The demons followed and looked closely, only to see a huge black shadow suddenly appear above the water clouds above their heads, as if there was something huge behind it.

And the next moment, in everyone's astonished eyes, a small meteorite that covered the sky broke through the water clouds and appeared in everyone's field of vision!

"Huh? What!"

Wang Hu stood up in shock.

"A star is coming from the sky!"

Shi Li shouted loudly, and the meteor suddenly fell towards the snake-headed demon below!

The snake-headed demon sensed the shocking crisis and immediately retreated in an attempt to dodge.

But magical powers, especially such large magical powers, are not so easy to avoid.

In an instant, a strong gravitational force acted on the snake-headed demon, making it impossible for it to dodge!


The snake-headed monster opened its eight arms, and its entire body grew larger together with the Sea Underlord, and suddenly hit the meteor with a stick.

The terrifying power of the Sea Underlord caused the falling meteor to pause, and then its speed dropped sharply.

But it was just a big drop in speed. The meteorite still fell, slowly pressing the snake-headed demon bound by gravity to the surface and into the ground!


The ground cracked, smoke and dust rose, and then everything calmed down for a moment.

"Zhen killed... right?" Everyone was a little surprised when they saw this.

Su Yuan held the silver ball of light and looked under the meteor, his eyes moving slightly.

The next moment, the meteorite that hit the ground moved slightly, and actually slowly lifted up a bit.

"Huh? What's going on!"

Everyone was shocked, and then they saw the light of water and fire rising from under the meteor.

I saw eight snakes of water and fire swimming around the big snake-headed demon. Its body expanded, and it gradually lifted the meteor!

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