Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 905 Sky God Jade

"This snake-headed monster is really terrifying! It can actually survive this blow!" Wang Hu exclaimed in shock.

Luo Jin said in a condensing voice: "I heard that Jiuying Xiangliu is a nine-headed serpent. Both of them have the ability to avoid danger by using clones. This technique should be even more powerful after they are combined.

Just now, he should have used his clone to avoid the shocking impact of the falling meteorite. After waiting for the meteorite to release its force, it exploded a second time to prop it up.

Even so... this kind of physical body is also terrifying, worthy of being the combined ancient evil! "

But at this moment, Bai Ze, who was next to him, suddenly raised his head, his pupils narrowed: "It's not over yet!"


Everyone followed and saw a large black shadow covering the water clouds.

The next moment, an equally huge meteorite broke through the clouds again!

Everyone was shocked: "What?!"

And Shi Li clasped his hands tightly, and the earth star power outside his body surged violently: "Double Star!"

In the midst of everyone's shocked gaze, the second meteorite instantly pressed on top of the first meteorite...


The ground shook violently, and the snake-headed demon who had just stood up was shaken. His whole body burst with water and fire, and he was instantly crushed deeper into the ground!

Even if he is not crushed into a pulp, it will be difficult to come out from below without the help of others or someone who is proficient in advanced earth escape techniques.

Not far away, the spiritual light was brilliant, and the seven-colored mysterious light bound the priestess tightly like a huge rainbow ribbon, with large runes on it flickering.

The priestess struggled with all her strength, but all the spell power was broken down by Nalan Ying just as it landed on the seven-colored mysterious light.

This is Nalan Ying's true form of liberation, the transformation of energy to its ultimate state.

It can easily decompose, transform, and combine various energies to create stronger moves, and can even disintegrate other people's energy!

Nalan Ying raised her hand to form a seal, and waves of sealing power were exerted directly on the priestess through the colorful mysterious light.

"Colorful Fengjue!"

The whole body of the priestess suddenly lit up with brilliant seven-color light, and then seven sealed spiritual pillars of different colors penetrated her body.

Then, Nalan Ying raised her hand to put away the colorful mysterious light, while the priestess was frozen in place by the colorful sealing technique, unable to move!

At the same time, there was a flash of fire in the air, and five True Yang Swords flew in all directions!

But he saw a layer of light suddenly glowing on Hua Tiandu's skinny and charred body. It was the god descending to earth!

With a domineering attitude, he smashed through five giant True Yang Swords and stabbed the chest of the Yan Lord transformed by Xu He with one sword, immediately causing his huge body several stories high to stagnate.

However, just in the blink of an eye, Yan Jun started to move again.

After all, it is already a huge energy body at this moment. The charred black sword that Hua Tiandu stabbed into Yan Jun's body was only more than three feet, and it didn't hurt at all.

Yan Jun ignored the five True Yang Swords that were sent flying, and directly raised his flaming hand to grab Hua Tiandu on his chest.

But Hua Tiandu looked as usual, gripped the hilt of his sword and spoke in a deep voice:

"Junior Brother Xu, since you are dead, I can only protect you from being controlled by the demon... So, let's end it here!"

"Jinran·Hei Wu!"

The temperature rose sharply, and a fire suddenly appeared on the charred sword and then went out, as if nothing happened.

The next moment, Xu He's huge Yanjun body trembled, and immediately, the space with a diameter of dozens of meters centered on his chest suddenly turned into a pitch-black void!

In an instant, most of Xu He's body, including his head, was completely wiped out, leaving only two incomplete flaming hams falling downwards.

"not good!"

The expressions of the demons in the Tianshui Formation were slightly gloomy. They did not expect that the situation would change so quickly.

In just a moment, one of Su Yuan's three powerful puppets was suppressed, one was sealed, and one was killed!

Hua Tiandu looked at Xu He's remnant body with a little sigh in his eyes.

But just in the blink of an eye, Hua Tiandu's expression suddenly turned cold and he turned to look at Su Yuan.

Nalan Ying and Shi Li's eyes also fell on Su Yuan, or in other words, on the silver ball of light in Su Yuan's hand.

Although I don't know how powerful this small silver ball of light is.

But everyone can clearly feel that the star power fluctuations on Su Yuan's body are much weaker than they were just now!

You don’t have to think about it, you know it’s for this technique!

"Deal with him quickly!"

Hua Tiandu shouted loudly, and the three of them rushed out.

"As expected of Shi Ying... he solved Tian Qing's refining so quickly."

Su Yuan's right hand still condensed the silver ball of light. He raised his left hand and an infinite barrier suddenly appeared in front of him.

Hua Tiandu's sword struck directly at the immeasurable force and cut it open easily.

"Is it the power of the True Yang Sword?" Su Yuan also understood.

Each True Yang Sword will have different effects depending on the materials used for its forging, its master, and its cultivation methods.

This ability to go beyond the physical appearance and directly hit the essence is a powerful characteristic born of the Huatiandu Pseudo-Saint level True Yang Sword.

The true form of liberation with terrifying lethality, combined with the characteristics of the magic sword, there is almost nothing that cannot be cut!

As Su Yuan thought, the four swords of Yaodao and Tianqing flew out and slashed at the three of them.

When Nalanying raised his hand, seven-colored mysterious light rushed out, causing the four demon swords to stagnate.

Afterwards, Hua Tiandu slashed at him with his sword, and all four swords flew away on the spot.

At this time, Xuxie Xiansheng beside Su Yuan immediately rushed out and slashed down with Black Amaterasu and Hongyueqie.

Shi Li formed a seal with his hands, and suddenly a pool of water shrouded the body of Xu Xie Xian Sheng, causing his figure to slow down suddenly.

Hua Tiandu clenched his long sword and dodged under the two swords, directly cutting off Xu Xian Sheng's head, and was about to kill Su Yuan in the blink of an eye!

"That's almost it..."

Su Yuan felt the power in the silver ball of light and withdrew the power of space.

The more compressed the high-density energy, the greater the power when it explodes.

But the compression of energy usually has limits.

But using immeasurable power, you can use another method to condense terrifying energy into an extremely limited space!

Su Yuan called it...

"The Sky God Jade!"

Su Yuan's eyes condensed, the divine lines between his eyebrows lit up, and he once again launched the gift of relief.

Then, Su Yuan threw the silver ball of light with the gift rune in his hand towards the approaching Hua Tiandu!

Even though the gods descended to the earth, Hua Tiandu looked at the slowly flying silver ball of light, and a strong warning signal suddenly appeared in his heart!

Sword cultivators, especially pure fire sword cultivators, usually do not have many means of defense.

The ultimate offense is defense!

At the critical moment, Hua Tiandu's eyes flashed sharply, and he slashed at the silver ball of light with his sword.

"Hei Wu!"

The sword fell, and the fire flashed and submerged the silver ball of light.

However, the next moment, the silver ball of light was not completely wiped out as expected.

Hua Tiandu's pupils shrank slightly. With this sword blow, he immediately understood how much space power there was in this silver ball of light!


The extremely compressed space power suddenly exploded, and in an instant, everyone's vision was filled with extremely bright silver light!

The power of space roared crazily, and it was hard to imagine what the scene was like inside.

"Senior Brother Hua!"

"Senior Brother Nalan?!"


The people from the three sects in the distance all exclaimed in surprise. Including Shi Li and Nalan Ying behind them, the three of them were enveloped in the silver light that swept in all directions.

In just a few breaths, the silver light gradually dissipated.

Up and down in all directions, wherever the silver light touched, it was instantly annihilated into nothingness by the power of space.

In the field, Shi Li's face turned pale, large crack-like scars appeared on his colorful jade body, and his eyes were filled with fear.

It's not that Shi Li didn't use the technique of controlling beasts to replace his life... but that he had already used the technique of replacing his life not long after the terrifying energy of the silver ball of light exploded.

And this was another injury suffered after the substitution surgery!

Nalan Ying was surrounded by colorful mysterious lights. Apart from her complexion being slightly pale, she was not seriously injured.

As for Hua Tiandu...

Everyone looked down, and at this moment, Hua Tiandu fell into the huge pit exploded by the Sky God Jade.

His body was covered in blood and blood, and he was barely standing up with his left arm supporting the ground.

And his right arm... has suddenly completely disappeared!

Even the gods descending to earth were penetrated by this blow!

Facts have proved that Hua Tiandu’s final choice was no problem.

If Hei Wuyi's sword hadn't caused considerable damage to the Sky God Jade, then probably not only the right hand would have been blown away at this moment!

Hua Tiandu took a few breaths and stood up, raising his head to look at the pale Su Yuan in mid-air.

"Such a terrifying and consuming move, then... what will you do next?"

Hua Tiandu made a move with his left hand, and the True Yang Magic Sword fell into the palm of his hand. With a staggering step, he suddenly picked up the sword again and charged at Su Yuan!

At this moment, both mental and star power were greatly consumed. Although Su Yuan was not injured, his condition was not much better than Hua Tiandu and others.

And the reason for doing this is naturally to restore mental and star power with the help of time travel!

Although now in the Three Yang Realm, epic quality time travel cannot 100% restore the state as comprehensively as before.

But it is not difficult to just restore the mental power and star power to 7788.

"Back in time!"

The golden shadow on Su Yuan's body floated, and he was about to return to before the war started.

However, at this moment, Nalan Ying suddenly made a move.

I saw the seven-color core of Nalanying's chest turning around, and suddenly the seven colors merged into pure white!

"All changes are permanent!"

Everything in the world changes but remains constant.

A ray of white light instantly shone on Su Yuan from the core of Nalan Ying's chest, and instantly turned into a white halo surrounding Su Yuan.

A strange force fell, and Su Yuan suddenly felt that his body's condition, including star power, injuries, mental power, breathing energy, etc., were all locked in an instant!

Even though the power of turning back time has fallen on me, nothing has changed at all!


Su Yuan's pupils shrank, never expecting Nalan Ying to have this trick.

"I knew that after using such an exaggerated move, you would definitely try to replenish your star power." Nalan Ying spoke slowly.

Hua Tiandu was quite familiar with Nalan Ying, so he had already expected it at this moment, so he grinned and rushed to Su Yuan.

Seeing that the opponent was about to rush in front of him, Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and put his backhand on the demon knife.

Just at this moment, Su Yuan suddenly noticed something and was slightly startled.

Immediately, a sharp sword light suddenly shot out, and the man and sword merged directly to meet Hua Tiandu!

With a "dang" sound, Hua Tiandu was immediately pushed back two steps, and Jian Guang even retreated for dozens of meters before he stabilized his figure and revealed a graceful figure.

It’s Mu Kexian!

Seeing that Su Yuan seemed to be in danger, Mu Kexian rushed out without thinking too much when facing three of the ten heroes.

At this moment, Mu Kexian's whole body was covered with golden sand, and his whole aura suddenly rushed to the Three Yang Realm!

However, although Hua Tiandu was seriously injured, he was still in a tyrannical state of liberating his true form and descending from the gods. Mu Kexian could not stop him when he faced him.


Mu Kexian groaned, raised his hand to seal the secret, and was about to rush out again.

But at this time, Su Yuan reached out with his left hand, grabbed her jade-like arm and pulled her back.

"Stop, I'm not in the habit of hiding behind women."

Mu Kexian was startled and allowed Su Yuan to pull him behind him.

When Hua Tiandu saw this, he grinned: "Such love, then I will send you both to the west with one sword!"

With a flash of flame, Hua Tiandu rushed to Su Yuan with a sword in his left hand!

Mu Kexian stayed behind Su Yuan, looking at the sword light in front of him that wiped out everything without any panic in his eyes.

One is to believe that since Su Yuan has done this, nothing will happen to him.

two is……

"If I could die with him like this, it seems... not bad?" Mu Kexian's eyes were filled with confusion.

Seeing that Hua Tiandu was about to rush forward, Su Yuan withdrew the demon sword in his right hand and the light on it shone brightly.

At the critical moment, a flash of red light suddenly flew out and rushed towards Hua Tiandu!


There was a crisp sound of swords clashing, and Hua Tiandu's pupils shrank, but he was struck and flew dozens of meters away on the spot!

But at the same place, there was a man with blood eyes holding a long knife and having the aura of the gods coming down from the gods flowing all over his body.

"Oh, it turns out I was besieged by Xiao Xiao..."

Yao Po held a knife in front of Su Yuan and looked at Hua Tiandu and others in front with a grin.

"Next, leave it to me!"

I've been in a bad state lately, so I'm updating late. I'm sorry.

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