Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 906 Killing the Heroes

"The incarnation of a god descending to earth?!"

The sudden appearance of the monster immediately changed the expressions of Hua Tiandu and others.

Illusions, clones, incarnations...

Even incarnations outside the body have strengths and weaknesses.

The incarnation of the blood pupil in front of me not only has an extremely powerful aura, but can also use the gods to descend to earth?

There is no doubt that it is an extremely top-notch incarnation!

Beside Su Yuan, Mu Kexian looked at the monster in front of him: "Qin Lianyun, indeed he summoned him."

At this moment, Hua Tiandu's eyes froze, and he immediately turned around to kill the demon again.

The monster didn't shy away and rushed forward in a flash.


But the bloody and red figures collided violently, and in the blink of an eye there were more than ten fights!

Hua Tiandu was seriously injured, and after his right arm was shattered, his left-hand sword strength seemed to be slightly lacking.

At this moment, in a fight with the monster, he was actually at a slight disadvantage.


There was another exchange of blows, and Hua Tiandu was immediately knocked back more than a dozen steps.

Although the monster did not take two steps back, one of its arms was cut off!

The shoulders covered by the spiritual light of the deity descended from the mortal hegemony were cut off by Hua Tiandu Jiran's sword.

"It's really powerful..." The demon soul's expression condensed, and his eyes fell on the charred long sword in Hua Tiandu's hand, "Even the deity's hegemonic body can't guard against it. This true form is liberated, so amazingly lethal!"

But the next moment, Yao Po had a thought in his mind, red light surged around his body, and his broken left arm returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

"The incarnation of an energy body that can repair itself?"

Hua Tiandu frowned slightly. Although Jinran could erase everything, it had no "forbidden treatment" effect.

Facing this kind of energy body, if it cannot hit the core, or it can be completely obliterated, it can continue to recover.

This ability is somewhat restrained for Hua Tiandu.

At this time, when Nalanying raised his hand, colorful mysterious light flew out.

And Shi Li forms a seal again, the space shakes, and the Brahma Tree Realm is about to come again!

"The action is magical. With such an opponent, no wonder he can force his body into such a state..."

Yao Po's eyes narrowed, then he grinned.


In an instant, large curse marks appeared on the bodies of the demon soul and Su Yuan.

A blurry shadow suddenly fell on Yao Po. Upon closer inspection, the shadow looked very similar to Su Yuan.

Then, Yao Po opened his eyes, and his temperament seemed to have changed a bit!

Seeing Hua Tiandu slashing at him with his sword, colorful mysterious light suddenly arrived, and the whirling ancient trees penetrated this world...

Suddenly, an extremely strong silver light lit up in the demon soul's eyes!

"Huh? Could it be...this is the same trick as before?!"

For a moment, the expressions of everyone around him changed drastically.

The masters of the three sects, who had distanced themselves early due to their limited strength, all saw shadows and horror in their eyes, and they all retreated again and even left the formation directly!

And the pupils of the three Hua Tiandu people in the battlefield shrank suddenly!

This move killed more than twenty Burning Suns before, but now this incarnation can actually use it? !

The seal in Shi Li's hand changed, directly interrupting the realm of the Brahma tree and turning it into a water magical power.

The mighty water element swung away from itself, and instantly transformed into a huge black turtle that was a hundred feet high!

And Nalan Ying raised her hand and made a move, without hesitation, she once again withdrew the colorful mysterious light to cover her body.

Hua Tiandu's expression became even more serious. He stopped and raised his hand to point at the embers. The runes on the charred sword flickered as if it came to life.

"Infinite moment!"

The demon grinned, and the silver field expanded instantly. The three people in front of Hua Tiandu suddenly fell into confusion!

Seeing Hua Tiandu and others unable to move, not to mention the people of the three sects, even Luo Jin and other big demons in the Tianshui formation were shocked.

"It's really this trick again!" Outside, Ge Yun looked at this scene with the same shock and confusion, "The incarnation can actually use this technique!"

Up to this moment, Ge Yun had already felt the huge impact.

Su Yuan killed more than twenty people with his sword, shocking the masters of the three sects and causing the three heroes to attack with all their strength.

Then there was a fight, with frequent tactics, one against three, and they were able to suppress the three heroes with full firepower.

At the critical moment, Nalan Ying's Zhuyi Changchang technique seemed to invalidate the opponent's key skills.

At this moment, Su Yuan's mental and star power were at their lowest. He thought that Hua Tiandu and others would win in one fell swoop, but then there appeared such a tyrannical incarnation who mastered special skills and magical powers?

The god came down to the earth to repel Hua Tiandu, and with a move of spiritual power, the three of them were forced to defend again!

Next to him, Wen Renfeng also looked slightly condensed. He easily found the source through cause and effect, and his eyes fell on the demon knife on Su Yuan.

"The top fake holy weapon, the top master." Wen Renfeng's eyes narrowed and he looked at Hua Tiandu and the others, "Shi Ying... I'm afraid someone will die now."


At this moment, Wen Renfeng turned to look at the horizon and suddenly frowned.

Vaguely, I seemed to sense something...

In the field, the demon soul looked at Hua Tiandu who was under control, and the spiritual light burst out from his body and he was about to kill him with a sword!

However, the charred black sword flew out on its own to face the demon.

After several "clang clang clang" sounds, it was difficult for the demon to break through.

The demon soul's eyes slightly condensed, and after a sudden thought, he immediately withdrew and did not fight with the charred sword.

At this moment, Yao Po knew exactly what he wanted to do.

Killing Hua Tiandu is not that important. The most important thing is to help the main body recover first!

And the key to this is...

The demon soul looked at Nalan Ying in the distance, and rushed to her in a flash.

Outside Nalan Ying's body, the colorful mysterious light turned into a barrier and guarded the outside.

The demon soul waved the demon sword, and with a thought, the astonishing Taixu Sword Intent suddenly rose from the transformed demon sword!

And this is not over yet, the mark between the demon soul's eyebrows lights up, and a large rune shines on the demon sword!

"It's the sword that killed Xu He before! He can do it too!"

"Not only that, but there is also a gift of liberation!"

"Not good...Senior Brother Nalan!"

Accompanied by the exclamations of people from the three sects, the demon soul raised its demon sword and slashed it down suddenly!

"God's End!"

The sword light flashed, and the demon sword suddenly landed on the colorful mysterious light.

The colorful mysterious light is not a purely defensive magical power. Under the light of the Divine Broken Sword that grants relief, it only flickered briefly and was cut off on the spot!

But at this time, as if something was touched, the entire colorful dazzling light exploded directly.

The next moment, Nalan Ying groaned, blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and she suddenly opened her eyes!

In an instant, Nalan Ying knew that the colorful mysterious light could not guard against her opponent after all.

Seeing that the demon sword was about to fall to the top of her head, Nalan Ying thought, and the pure white core on her chest suddenly flashed.

"All changes are permanent!"

In an instant, a pure white light wheel unfolded from outside Nalan Ying's body.

The demon soul slashed down with one sword, but it didn't leave any injuries on Nalan Ying's body!

Zhuyi Changchang can stabilize the enemy's state and prohibit any positive strengthening and recovery.

And for myself, it is able to avoid all negative losses including injuries, which can be called an "absolute golden body"!

Then, with a thought in Nalan Ying's mind, all the auras of various colors after the seven-color mysterious light exploded around her body gathered together, turning into a mist of colorful light that enveloped the monster.

"Colorful sky!"

Faced with the demon soul unfolding its deity's hegemonic body, general frontal restriction and control spells are useless. Only this kind of psychedelic spell can drag it on for a while.

But at this moment, there was a wave of fluctuation coming from Su Yuan's side.

Zhu Yi often needs Nalan Ying's pure white core and cannot reflect both of them at the same time.

Although Nalan Ying used Zhu Yi Hengshu to avoid the demon's attack, the constant state imposed on Su Yuan also disappeared.

Nalan Ying naturally knew that this would happen, but she had no choice. If she didn't do this, she would be killed by the demon with a sword!

Moreover, in Nalan Ying's view, Su Yuan's critical time recovery skill has also been blocked by himself...

But at this moment, Su Yuan took out a six-pointed star crystal...

It is the top epic star weapon-the Miracle Crystal obtained from Chief Moon Knight Layton!

All along, Su Yuan has stored a time travel as a trump card.

Now is the time to use it!

"Back in time!"

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the golden light on the Miracle Crystal flourished, and a golden shadow suddenly erupted and enveloped the whole body.

However, the star power in Su Yuan's body that was almost drained by the Sky God Jade is currently being restored under the law of time.

But in the blink of an eye, he has recovered to the fullest.

"This guy...!" Nalan Ying's pupils shrank.

And this hadn't stopped yet. Along with the even more astonishing power of time, the golden divine wind outside Su Yuan suddenly surged.

"Promise to return to the ruins!"

The golden divine wind rose around him, and the already extremely powerful star power increased again. In the blink of an eye, it surpassed Shi Li, Nalan Ying and even Hua Tiandu, reaching an extremely astonishing level!

"Is this? The magical power of time?!"

Looking at the wind of time washing away Su Yuan's body, Nalan Ying's expression changed.

After glancing at Shi Li and the seriously injured Hua Tiandu, he couldn't help but hesitate after originally planning to contain them for a while.

Just in the blink of an eye, Nalan Ying's body flashed with colorful light, and immediately turned into a flash of light and quickly retreated towards the outside of the formation!

"Want to leave at this time?"

An indifferent voice came from behind, and then there was a huge substantial silver ring blocking the front...

It's exactly like drawing the ground as a prison!

Nalan Ying's complexion changed, and the surging seven-color mana on her body blasted towards the silver ring with both hands, dissolving the power of the earth in front of her at a speed visible to the naked eye!

He was about to break through the obstacle, but the space behind him seemed to be distorted, and suddenly a big palm of wind and fire was printed from behind!

"Forbidden by God!"

The big palm fell, and the wind and fire shackles shot out and rushed towards Nalan Ying's body!

"No! It's magical power again!"

Nalan Ying's heart skipped a beat, and she instantly felt a strong life-and-death crisis rushing into her heart.

"Mana Tide!"

The vast star power was like an abyss. Nalan Ying's whole body suddenly became as transparent as an energy body. The infinite seven-color mana rushed up to her body to dissolve the power of the wind and fire shackles!

In the past, the divine ban often did not have an absolute suppressive effect because Su Yuan was only in the Chongyang realm.

At this moment, Su Yuan not only reached the Three Yang Realm, but also made a promise to return to the ruins. The wind and fire energy he used was even more divine wind and divine fire!

For star card masters, “quality” is far stronger than “quantity”!

In an instant, the shackles of wind and fire broke through the crazy surge of colorful power, and in the blink of an eye they were about to cover Nalan Ying's body.

At the critical moment, Nalanying once again launched Zhu Yi Hengchang, and the light on his chest turned white, trying to seal off the time for himself to withstand this seal.

However, the divine shackles spread, and in an instant, the white light above Nalan Ying's core dimmed!

"Huh?!" Nalan Ying's pupils shrank suddenly, "What!!"

There was a flash of silver light in front of him, and Su Yuan had already arrived in one step, holding the demon sword high and slashing it down with no expression on his face.


With a flash of sword light, Nalanying was cut in half including the core of her chest, and she died suddenly on the spot!

In terms of magic, Nalan Ying was very strong, but in terms of physical defense... she was not even as good as Xu He.

As for the Divine Forbidden, as long as it can hit, it is the most powerful against a person with mystical powers like Na Lanying!

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