Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 907 Beheading

"Senior Brother Nalan!"

Seeing Nalanying being killed with one sword, the Five Directions Masters were all horrified!

"Nalan Ying... was actually beheaded!" Ge Yun's pupils trembled slightly. This was Shi Ying.

The Ten Heroes are not just one or two selected by each of the ten major sects, but the reputation he has gained by relying on his strong strength and tyrannical achievements in incidents since the disaster!

This almost represents the top level of the Southern Continent!

Looking at Nalan Ying from the Five Directions, the seven-colored mysterious light has endless magical effects and is invincible to all kinds of magic. It has killed countless evil spirits. But at this moment, he is dying here? !

But before Ge Yun was too frightened, Wen Renfeng looked at Su Yuan, who was bathing in the divine wind of Guixu, and said in a solemn voice: "It's not over yet..."

"Okay! I actually killed Nalan Ying!" In the Tianshui formation, Wang Hu and others were surprised and happy.

Even Bai Ze's face showed a hint of joy, and he was about to say something else.

At this moment, the formation water light wrapped around everyone suddenly penetrated into the bodies of the demons and disappeared.

Immediately, a powerful recovery effect surged into the body, and all the monsters in the field felt refreshed. Their injuries were gone and their star power was full!

"Here we go, a stick of incense!" Mr. Sang shouted.

The eyes of all the monsters lit up, because the battle situation changed so fast, and the time for burning incense had arrived before they knew it!

"Bai Ze, you can change the formation!" Wang Hu said excitedly. After watching it for so long, his hands were already itchy.

Bai Ze looked at the battlefield and shook his head slightly.

"The initiative to transform the dark formation is in Su Yuan's hands. Although I can use Shuitian Ruyi to force the exchange, it seems... Su Yuan has no intention of stopping."

When all the demons heard this, their expressions condensed, and their eyes fell on Su Yuan, who was surrounded by the golden wind in the formation and made another move.

"Could it be that... he wants to kill everyone directly?"

In the field, Su Yuan took one step forward and appeared in front of Baizhang Shui Xuanwu.

If it were said before, Su Yuan only wanted to delay enough time and give the three sects some consumption, and maximize the power of Baize's formation to deal with the three sects.

But at this moment, since even trump cards such as the Promise of Return to Ruins have been unfolded, we must try our best to kill them all!

Among the Jade Qilin's Five Elements Magical Powers, there is naturally no defensive magical power. This Baizhang Water Xuanwu is a powerful water-type defensive magical power!

The sword intent surged on Su Yuan's Demon Sword, and he raised his hand and slashed it down with one sword.

But just a little bit deeper, Su Yuan suddenly felt a strong water pressure rebounding towards him, and couldn't help but take two steps back.

And in the blink of an eye, the gap made by the sword healed itself under the fluctuating water light.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Rebound water pressure and self-healing..."

In other words, even if the light of the Divine Broken Sword can break through the Water Xuanwu, whether it can be cut down with one sword is still a question.


As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, the divine wind of Guixu surged out from outside his body, swirling and roaring around Baizhang Water Xuanwu.

In an instant, Shui Xuanwu, who was originally brilliant, suddenly dimmed, disintegrated, and shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"What's going on? Why did Senior Brother Shi's Water Xuanwu blow apart?" The people of the three sects were shocked and confused.

However, Bai Ze, Wen Renfeng and other experts' eyes narrowed, and they quickly saw the key.

"What an amazing power of time!" Bai Ze exclaimed.

In just a short moment, Shui Xuanwu had become extremely dim and incomplete.

At this time, Shi Li's pupils shook, and there were already signs of breaking free.

Seeing this, Su Yuan held the long sword in his hand, and the light of the divine broken sword suddenly rose.

After a few breaths, Shi Li broke away and focused his eyes for a moment, but what caught his eye was the light of Su Yuan's divine sword that struck him head-on!

Shi Li: "Huh?!!"

The long sword slashed down, and the sword light flashed, directly splitting Shi Li and Shui Xuanwu in half!

Suddenly, two groups of spiritual light decomposed from Shi Li's body, directly transforming into Shi Li himself and the colorful jade unicorn who died tragically.

"Damn it!"

Shi Li's face was full of shock, and he didn't have the slightest intention to resist. The lightning surge on his body suddenly turned into a ball of thunder and lightning and fled.

"It turns out that after merging, can you abandon the beast and survive alone when you are about to die?" Su Yuan suddenly understood.

Looking at Shi Li running away in the distance, Su Yuan's eyes flashed coldly, and he raised his hand and struck out with several swords.

"By constantly abandoning the beast control to survive, Shi Li, as a pure beast control master, seems to only use the beast control as a tool, but that's it..."

As he spoke, Su Yuan stopped swinging his sword.

And high in the distance, the fleeing Shi Li turned into several corpses entangled with lightning and fell from the mid-air!


The people of the three sects were shocked and stunned for a moment.

Su Yuan actually killed Shi Li from the air at such a distance!

"Senior Brother Shi from the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect is also dead!"

"Hurry up and leave!"


The masters of Wufangguan and Beast Control Tianzong scattered and retreated. Even their chief master was dead, so how could they fight for dragon veins!

But Su Yuan didn't pay attention to them, but turned around and looked not far away.

Hua Tiandu has also woken up!

After the demon soul broke free from the illusion, he swayed and came to Su Yuan's side.

Seeing Su Yuan kill Nalan Ying and Shi Li, Hua Tian couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Hua Tiandu really did not expect that such a situation would occur.

He joined forces with Nalan Ying and Shi Li, but they were killed one after another by the people in front of them...

The battle for dragon veins has just begun, and top masters have fallen one after another...

And this is only one of the three calamities.

Hua Tiandu realized that disasters, disasters, disasters, these three disasters were far more bloody than he expected!

"You are very strong." Hua Tiandu looked up at Su Yuan and spoke slowly.

Su Yuan said seriously: "You are also very strong."

Even among the opponents he has played against, Hua Tiandu can definitely be ranked in the top two!

There is another person...Su Yuan is not sure now.

It was the legendary dragon clan that he met in the gray world when he was in the Chuyang Realm.

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes danced, the power of space gathered rapidly, and in an instant Wuliang was ready again.

Hua Tiandu looked slightly stunned. He didn't expect Su Yuan to be able to use such a terrifying move!

But just in the blink of an eye, Hua Tiandu's eyes froze, and he clenched the blackened sword in his hand again, and a powerful aura swayed from his body.

Su Yuan asked: "Aren't you going to try to escape?"

"Facing a space sword cultivator like you, can you escape?" Hua Tiandu snorted coldly, and a powerful aura spread out from his body, "No need to say more, come on!"

Hua Tian knew very well that facing Su Yuan who had that kind of spatial ability, he, a fire sword cultivator, would never be able to escape!

Since he started practicing Taoism, Hua Tiandu has never escaped from any battle unless it was a battle of leapfrog or a few against many!

Either kill the enemy or drive them away!

And when he was chased to death while running away in a hurry with luck... Hua Tiandu would never allow such an ugly thing to happen to him.

Even if it means death!

Looking at Hua Tiandu, whose right arm was broken and his body was seriously injured, but his eyes were still filled with murderous intent, Su Yuan pondered for a moment, but the silver light in his eyes dissipated.

The next moment, Su Yuan waved the demon sword, and the astonishing Taixu sword intent suddenly rose up!

"Oh?" Hua Tiandu grinned unexpectedly when he saw this, "It seems that you are looking for death!"

Hua Tiandu smiled sincerely.

At this moment, the duel between monks turned into a duel between sword cultivators!

And Su Yuan clenched the demon sword and unfolded the sword-drawing posture, his eyes condensed: "Come on!"

Hua Tiandu suppressed his smile, red flames flowed in his eyes, and he once again grasped the blackened True Yang Sword.

The two people's eyes met, and in an instant, a powerful force of energy spread from the two of them.

No one can avoid this sword. Anyone who wants to retreat will be defeated!


Hua Tiandu held the magic sword and shouted loudly.

And Su Yuan also condensed his eyes, and his sword intent soared into the sky.

The light of the divine sword and the true form of the burning sword are both swords that cut off everything!

The two of them jumped out at the same time, their black and red swords blazing brightly, flashing across each other, and then suddenly stopped.

People from the three sects exclaimed: "Senior Brother Hua!"

"Su Yuan!" Mu Kexian's heart trembled.

Outside, Ge Yun was also staring at the field intently: "Fellow Taoist Wenren, what do you think of the result?!"

Wen Renfeng next to him had a normal expression.

In Wen Renfeng's view, the outcome of this sword was already determined when it was struck.

How could Hua Tiandu, who was seriously injured and consumed a lot, compare with Su Yuan, who had recovered and had a surge in star power?

"Hua Tian has been defeated." Wen Renfeng said softly.

In fact, Hua Tiandu himself also knew that this would be the case.

At this moment, Wen Renfeng looked at the two people in the field, with a burst of appreciation in his eyes.

I appreciate that Hua Tiandu maintained his dignity as a super master even when he knew he had no other choice.

I also appreciate that Su Yuan finally gave up on using his mindless power to overwhelm his opponent, and instead gave Hua Tiandu the dignity of a swordsman.

In the field.

Hua Tiandu was shaken all over, a large amount of blood spurted out from his chest, and the charred True Yang Sword suddenly fell into two pieces.

Su Yuan took back the demon sword and turned around to look at Hua Tiandu.

"Please let the junior brothers go." The red light in Hua Tiandu's eyes quickly dimmed, but he suddenly said.

Su Yuan said: "If they didn't stop me, I wouldn't have done more killing."

"Thank you." Hua Tiandu looked at the dragon veins in the distance, his eyes still a little absent-minded, "Unfortunately, as soon as the disaster started, I, Hua Tiandu... was about to perish, and I couldn't look more... for a moment... .”

Before he finished speaking, Hua Tiandu's eyes darkened and he suddenly fell towards the ground.

"Senior Brother Hua!"

The masters of the three sects who had not yet left all exclaimed in surprise.

Su Yuan looked up and saw that the people of the three sects were so horrified that they did not dare to stay for a moment, and they all flew up and quickly left the field.

At this point, all three heroes have been killed and all three sects have retreated!

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