Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 908 Reminder

In mid-air, Ge Yun said: "Fellow Taoist Wenren, let's go too."

I had made suggestions to Hua Tiandu and others before. Although it had no effect in the end, I participated in breaking the formation after all.

If the person in the formation were to settle the score, with his own strength... he would definitely not be his opponent!

Hearing this, Wen Ren glanced at Su Yuan in the formation, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

Wen Renfeng did not recognize Su Yuan. Now that Su Yuan had defeated the masters of the three sects, there was no need to take any action.

Wen Renfeng swayed and flew away with Ge Yun.

Su Yuan withdrew his gaze, knowing that Wen Renfeng nodded to him in the end.

Although I don’t know why Wen Renfeng is with the people from Yixian Dao, it seems that the other party has no intention of fighting for the dragon vein from the beginning.

"Then...it's time to clean up the site and take stock of the harvest."

Su Yuan looked at the corpses and treasures on the ground and put them away in a flash.

These are all experts of the Burning Sun. After all, killing people and buying goods is the fastest way to make a fortune.

Su Yuan was not polite to the enemies who died under his own hands, so he searched them one by one.

In addition, Su Yuan's eyes fell on the bodies of Hua Tiandu and Nalan Ying, and he also put them away.

Nowadays, there are several Azure Refined Forms, Xu He was burned by Hua Tiandu, and the priestess who received the seven-color seal was directly annihilated by the Sky God Jade. These two Azure Refined Forms have been completely consumed.

The chariot that was cut in half at the beginning was put away by Su Yuan early. As for the big snake-headed demon that was fused with the Nine Infants and Willows, it was pressed into the ground by the twin stars, thus avoiding the destruction of the Sky God Jade.

These three bodies were still usable after repair, and they were all taken back to Tianqing Refining by Su Yuan for repair.

Later, the Beast Controlling Heavenly Sect also provided him with the corpses of two legendary holy beasts.

That's all for Zhu Yan, but the corpse and star core of the colorful jade unicorn may have an effect on Mo Fei, who is also a legendary unicorn...

Su Yuan looked around, then temporarily put away the demon soul and released the promise to return to the ruins.

This time, the promise to return to the ruins was not used for too long.

Although the improvement is large, it is still within the three yangs, and the side effects are not too strong.

Mu Kexian immediately came over and circled Su Yuan like a white cat to take a closer look.

Seeing that Su Yuan was fine, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yuan looked at her: "You dared to confront Hua Tiandu and the others before, and risked your life?"

"Because I have to help you." Mu Kexian was expressionless and just looked at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan shook his head, but his eyes fell on the small hourglass hanging on Mu Kexian's wrist.

"Time star device..."

Mu Kexian nodded and said: "This thing is called Xuyu Shileu. It belongs to my master and is made from the sacred soil of Xuyu."

"Xu Mo Shen Tu, no wonder..." Su Yuan's eyes were slightly startled, and he couldn't help but look at it carefully.

Su Yuan has a deep sense of how strong the power of time is.

After all, he has a promise to turn back time and return to the ruins, which are both his trump cards.

In addition, Luo Bingtong's frozen time is even more terrifying!

"Do you want it?" Mu Kexian looked at Su Yuan and asked.

"Who doesn't want the Sacred Artifact of Time?" Su Yuan smacked his lips, "But if I take this thing, your master will probably come over and kill me."

A sacred weapon like this, even if it is a king-level or emperor-level seal and is used by the people below, if it is lost, it will definitely be recovered.

"That's right, so I can't give it to you." Mu Kexian rubbed the golden hourglass and whispered, "I can give you everything else."

When Su Yuan heard this, his expression suddenly became sluggish, and he looked up at the beautiful Mu Kexian in front of him.

What are you thinking about...

Su Yuan quickly shook his head to calm down his inexplicably distorted thoughts.

At this moment, the thousands of miles of water light dissipated, and the Yin Yang Tianshui formation suddenly dispersed.

Soon, Bai Ze, Bi Fang and others flew over and all came to Su Yuan.

"Su Yuan! It's so amazing!" Wang Hu laughed.

Luo Jin and Sang Lao were also amazed and said: "One man killed three heroes and forced three sects back!"

Everyone was amazed and felt a bit ridiculous.

In the Yin-Yang Tianshui Formation, the Ming Formation of himself and others was originally the main force, but Hua Tiandu ended it hastily with a sword.

But Su Yuan, who was sitting in the dark formation to delay, actually directly killed three heroes and forced three sects back?


This kind of fighting power is simply terrifying. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be difficult for the monsters to believe that someone could do it!

Bai Ze walked up to Su Yuan, took a deep breath, cupped his hands and said, "Su Yuan, thank you!"

Su Yuan shook his head slightly and said: "You and I have an agreement, and I will take action with all my strength. If the powerful enemy is gone for now, it will be a long night and many dreams, so go quickly."

Bi Fang, who was next to him, looked even more excited than Bai Ze, and also said: "Go, Bai Ze!"


Bai Ze turned around and looked at the dragon vein not far away. Feeling excited, he cupped his hands towards Su Yuan and others, and then flew over in a flash.

After a while, the earth's energy surged violently, and Bai Ze began to refine.

The formation disk and Shuitian Ruyi were given to Bi Fang, so he could set up the formation again if necessary.

But now the three sects are retreating, and the remaining people are retreating one after another when they see the monsters occupying the dragon vein in Dahuang Ridge, for fear that these big monsters will attack.

In addition, "the unknown sword cultivator from Qixia Mountain appeared again, killed three heroes in a row, and protected the monster beasts to occupy the royal vein of Dahuang Ridge". This matter is not trivial, it is a huge talking point!

Everyone dispersed to tell each other, and for a while, there were not many monks in the Great Wilderness Ridge.

Su Yuan also knew that it was not easy to kill Hua Tiandu and others, but since he was not from the Southern Continent, he left it up to them, as long as he did not implicate the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect.

Now, when Bai Ze's breakthrough is over, he can leave this place, return to the Eastern Continent with Bai Ze, and ask King Kong Ming to treat the teacher!

Thinking of this, Su Yuan couldn't help but feel a little hopeful.

In addition to becoming stronger, the teacher's matter has been weighing on my mind for so many years.

Now, there is finally a turning point!

At this moment, Su Yuan suddenly noticed something. He turned over his hand and took out a golden talisman. After checking it for a moment, his eyes moved slightly, and then he stood up.

Mu Kexian next to him saw this and asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Yuan said: "I'll go away for a moment."

"Yes." Mu Kexian responded, and did not ask any more questions sensibly.

Su Yuan took one step forward and disappeared.

The surrounding demons such as Luo Jin and Sang Lao glanced at it and quickly withdrew their gaze.

After a while, Su Yuan came to a hilltop.

Ahead, a man with a handsome face was waiting for him, it was Wen Renfeng who had left earlier.

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes floated, and it was not difficult to see that Wen Renfeng was not the real body, but a shadow of the soul similar to a clone.

"Wenren's second seat."

Wen Renfeng also cupped her hands: "Su Sanxi, the previous battle was unparalleled, it was an eye-opener for me."

"Second seat, I'm honored." Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, then asked, "Second seat, do you still have contact with Yixian Dao?"

Wen Renfeng said: "In ancient times, we, Momei Valley, had a relationship with Yixian Dao. This time I came to the Southern Continent. In addition to the Yanting mission, I mainly went to Yixian Dao to retrieve something as agreed."

"Oh? I wonder what it is?" Su Yuan was quite curious and actually went across the continent to get it.

Wen Renfeng did not cover it up. With a flash of his hand, a slender plum branch about three feet long fell into his hand.

There are spiritual lights flowing on it and golden plum blossoms growing on it. Just looking at it gives you a mysterious and unpredictable feeling. It is not an ordinary thing at first glance!

"Sealed Sacred Artifact!"

Su Yuan's pupils shrank. He held several pseudo-sacred artifacts. When he saw this plum branch at close range, he immediately felt the essential difference between it and it was definitely a sacred artifact!

Unexpectedly, Wen Renfeng took such a treasure from Yixian Dao!

"Congratulations on getting such a treasure!"

Su Yuan had just seen Mu Kexian's hair, and now he saw this plum branch again, and couldn't help but feel envious.

Wen Renfeng nodded slightly: "This treasure is called Yiming Xuanzhi, and the master has indeed given it to me temporarily."

Wen Renfeng took back this life-changing Xuanzang from Yixian Dao with his own ability. At present, Momei Valley was temporarily handed over to Wen Renfeng to cope with the earthly calamity.

Wait until the disaster deepens and then return it to the master.

After all, in the catastrophe that will follow, the legendary holy weapon must be given to the king level to fully exert its power.

Of course...if he could become a king in a disaster, then Wen Renfeng would naturally be qualified to hold this treasure forever.

After the two had a brief exchange, Su Yuan asked in a solemn voice: "So, why did you come here specially after the second chair left?"

Wen Renfeng looked at Su Yuan, then picked a golden plum from the Yi Ming Xuan branch and placed it in front of Su Yuan.

Immediately, the golden light above the golden plum blossoms swayed, and a mysterious and invisible force suddenly enveloped Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, but he did not dodge. It seemed that Wen Renfeng was using this sealed sacred weapon to perform some kind of trick.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and the golden plum blossoms turned black.

Su Yuan grabbed the slowly falling black plum blossoms and asked, "Wenren took second place, what does this mean?"

"I only had a vague feeling before, but now it seems true." Wen Renfeng looked at the black plum in Su Yuan's palm and said slowly, "Su Sanxi, you may be attacked again in the near future."

"Recent attacks?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly and asked, "Do you have more detailed information?"

Wen Renfeng shook his head: "The evolution of cause and effect only takes the beginning and end, without looking at the process. It can be as small as an unknown person, as big as ten yings, or even worse.

Because there is not much cause and effect between me and you, Sanxi, so I cannot calculate for you how dangerous it will be, but there is a high probability that there will be an attack. "

"Is it……"

Su Yuan frowned slightly. Although the art of divination and deduction may not be completely reliable, the deduction carried out with the help of the sealed sacred weapon cannot be ignored.

"Then please be careful, you three, I'll go first." Wen Renfeng put away the Yiming Xuanzhi.

Su Yuan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for reminding me."

Wen Renfeng didn't have any friendship with him, so it was quite good that the other party came over to remind him.

You must know that Qilin Yu has just been established, and these sect masters do not have the same sense of belonging to the Tiantian Division as Jiang Lan and others do.

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