It is in Kongtong Mountain, which is relatively close to Dahuangling.

In a large hall somewhere, there were singing and dancing, and many beauties in sexy clothes were dancing below.

And above, there are two extremely extraordinary people.

Among them, there is a person sitting in the chair on the left side. He has a longer face but a handsome appearance. He is enjoying the service of two beautiful maids beside him.

It is the Demon King of Kongtong Mountain - King Ma.

And the other person in the guest seat, with a golden crown and golden eyebrows, a square face, heroic but a bit cold, not angry and proud, is the Dapeng King of the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

King Peng said slowly: "The new dragon vein is indeed mysterious and unusual, and it will almost definitely reach the king level. Now that Bai Ze has the dragon vein alone, it won't take long for Bai Ze to become a king if this continues."

King Ma also smacked his lips and sighed: "I didn't expect that Bai Ze could find such a master of Dao protection to kill Hua Tiandu and others from the Zhenyang Sect."

Although the Horse King is also king-level, before he becomes a king, his combat power may not necessarily be stronger than that of Hua Tiandu and others.

Those dragon-level spiritual lands that have been born for a long time have deep and scattered veins. Everyone has a chance to break through to the king level. It depends on who can break through first, such as Qin Xiangyang in the Black Wind Territory.

And these new dragon veins in the Earth Tribulation have just been formed and exposed. As long as they have enough talent and meet the conditions, they can basically become kings, so the competition is extremely fierce!

King Peng said slowly: "I have never heard of that sword cultivator before. I think he is from the Eastern Continent like Bai Ze. But no matter what, it is a good thing for us."

King Ma nodded: "Not only did I repay Kong Zheng's favor, but I also forged some favors with Bai Ze, and the ten sects also lost many masters.

But from this point of view...the ten major sects were really too eager. When the dragon veins first appeared, many masters from each sect were already killed or injured. "

King Peng said: "After all, opportunities are limited. One less dragon vein means one less opportunity... huh?"

Suddenly, King Peng seemed to notice something, and his golden eyes seemed to be able to penetrate obstacles and look far away.

"What's wrong?" King Ma asked.

King Peng raised his eyebrows: "It seems that someone is not following the rules!"

King Ma's expression moved slightly, and he immediately followed King Peng's gaze towards the distance, and soon felt something.

"This smell seems a bit familiar..." Ma Wang looked thoughtful.

King Peng's eyes flashed with golden light: "If I read it correctly, it's Wen Yun, the Curse King of Youqin Valley!"

"Is it him? His son is dead, and he doesn't have any Sanyang, so why would he come to fight for the Dragon Vein?" Ma Wang was puzzled.

King Peng unfolded his technique and looked carefully: "No, there is another person beside him... hmm? That seems to be a disciple of the Supreme Master?"

The horse king also frowned: "Should we go over? The king's fate is not in line with the rules. If he really wants to hinder Bai Zecheng from becoming king, we will have to deal with it!"

King Peng took another look and shook his head: "No matter how crazy Wen Yun is, he still knows that he cannot break the rules. Otherwise, as the person who broke the rules first and escalated the conflict in the Dragon Vein War, he will definitely die."

Having said this, King Peng looked a little solemn.

"Not to mention the masters of the ten major sects, if he harms King Bai Zecheng at this time, Kong Zheng will definitely come over in person... and kill him!"

When the horse king heard this, his heart trembled.

Kong Zhengke is by no means an easy person, he is extremely domineering and extremely powerful!

"So, what exactly is Wen Yun going to do?"

King Peng looked thoughtful, he and King Ma would never touch the people under him or King Ma.

After all, you are a protector of the law. If you take action, you will be breaking the rules.

Even if I have a grudge against someone, I can't go now.

But in the field, the only thing that is different is...

"Could it be that...we are going for that guy from the Eastern Continent?" King Peng thought thoughtfully.

In the great desert, the movement in Dragon Vein has become more restrained and stable.

Luo Jin, Wang Hu and other demons were all expecting that when Bai Ze broke through, the remaining dragon veins would escape.

By the time you reach the Three Yang Realm, the accumulation of star power has been quite slow. A few points of improvement can be worth several years of hard training!

Not far away, Su Yuan and Mu Kexian were also sitting cross-legged, consolidating their cultivation with the help of dragon veins.

At this time, Mu Kexian, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly woke up, clutched his chest and gasped violently.

"What's wrong!"

Su Yuan saw Mu Kexian's pretty face turning pale and sweating profusely, as if he had a nightmare.

Mu Kexian grabbed Su Yuan's arm, raised his head and looked forward, with a faint look of panic in his eyes.

"I don't know, it seems like something dangerous is approaching!"

Through the cool touch on his arm, Su Yuan could feel Mu Kexian's uneasiness.

"It seems that the 'attack' that Wen Renfeng mentioned has come, and it can actually cause Mu Kexian to have such a big reaction..." Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly and he stood up.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Jin, Wang Hu and others who were practicing next to them all opened their eyes and looked to the horizon in the distance.

I saw that the end of the sky suddenly became colorful like water contaminated by oil stains.

A strange green cloud inside it suddenly arrived at an alarming speed, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a skinny old man with a gloomy face and wrapped in a strange green robe in front of everyone.

Beside him, there was a young man, who was none other than Nie Wu from the Supreme Court!


As the skinny old man stepped on the ground, the ground cracked, the trees exploded, and a terrifying pressure suddenly spread from his body.

In an instant, Luo Jin, Wang Hu...all the big demons in the field felt a suffocating and terrifying pressure falling on them!

"King level?!"

Everyone looked at the gloomy old man in front of them in shock and confusion.

There is no doubt that such terrifying pressure is definitely king-level!

But in the battle of dragon veins, how could the king level suddenly end?

Nie Wu looked at Su Yuan in front of him and his eyes lit up: "He is the Curse King!"

This shadowy old man is none other than Wen Jiuhua's king-level father, the cursed king Wen Yun, who was killed by Su Yuan, Wang Yu and others on the ancient fragment.

Nie Wu didn't need to remind him. As soon as he came over, the dark old man's eyes had already fallen on Su Yuan.

Su Yuan suddenly felt as if his whole body was being stared at by an upright poisonous snake. A penetrating cold air filled every inch of his skin, as if he might be fatally attacked at any time!

"Hehehe..." Wen Yun looked at Su Yuan, with a strong and cold smile on his face, "Sure enough, you are one of the people who killed Jiuhua, even though the blood I planted in Jiuhua's body was wiped out. Hunting marks, but there are still traces, that’s right!”

Su Yuan looked ugly, looked at the Curse King, and then looked at Nie Wu next to him, and he understood everything in his mind.

"Did Nie Wu find out about the ancient fragments and find the Curse King..."

When the ancient fragments appeared, he killed many masters in order to absorb the tiger veins.

However, the people who participated in the fight at that time were at the Huiyue level, and he returned directly to the Eastern Continent afterwards.

Therefore, if he didn't have the intention, he wouldn't really find himself if he came to the door.

Now it seems that Nie Wu must have done some investigation and then found the Curse King.

In fact, Su Yuan's guess was almost correct.

Nie Wu originally cared deeply about Mu Kexian. After leaving Qixia Mountain and returning to Taishangmen last time, he felt jealous and resentful in his heart, so he specially investigated the matter about Su Yuan.

It would be better not to investigate. This investigation really found out a lot of things.

At that time, Su Yuan was absorbing the tiger veins in the ancient fragments, and not all the disciples of Taishangmen, Qiankun Sect, Wufangguan and other sects were killed.

Nie Wu investigated and even went to the Qiankun Sect to confirm, and found that Su Yuan was indeed the person in the ancient fragments!

But after reporting the matter to the sect, the Taishangmen did not react much. After all, Qixia Mountain Su Yuan had saved Dongfang Yi, Ye Shuying and others.

These are all battles for earthly calamity.

Nie Wu was quite depressed at first, but suddenly he discovered that there was a well-known and key figure here - Wen Jiuhua, the only son of the Curse King, who also died in the ancient fragments!

Nie Wu immediately set off for Youqin Valley and visited the Curse King!

Previously, because the original mark was erased by the Tianxuan Division, the Curse King was unable to target Su Yuan, Wang Yu and others.

I thought there was no hope of revenge, but when I heard Nie Wu said that the murderer was missing, I immediately followed Nie Wu.

As a result, there was the current scene.

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