Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 911 Escape

Su Yuan looked at Nie Wu with a cold light in his eyes.

When he left Qixia Mountain, he felt extremely strong hostility from Nie Wu.

But I didn't take action at that time. I didn't expect that it would cause such a disaster now.

Sure enough, anyone who has ill intentions towards you should get rid of them as soon as possible!

Su Yuan sensed that even in the north of the mainland, he could be teleported to Yuantong Island through the positioning of Qingming Realm.

But now that I am in the Southern Continent, it is too far away from Yuantong Island.

If you want to teleport back to the Blue Underworld, I'm afraid you have to go to the eastern sea.

"Nie Wu, what are you doing!" Mu Kexian was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

When the ancient fragments were created, Mu Kexian was already at the scene. He was as smart as she was, but he still didn't know what was happening at this moment.

But Nie Wu's eyes showed concern: "Junior sister, this man killed my disciple before and is now in league with monsters. You are still staying with him. I am saving you!"

Mu Kexian stared at Nie Wu closely, and an extremely cold murderous intention suddenly burst out in his eyes!

"You...damn it!"

Nie Wu clearly felt the killing intent in Mu Kexian's eyes. After an unspeakable pain in his chest, he suddenly sneered.

"Junior sister, you have indeed fallen into the evil path and still persist in your obsession! It doesn't matter. Once the Cursed King kills this person, I will take you back to the sect to wake up!"

Mu Kexian's face became colder and colder.

At this time, Bi Fang gritted his teeth and flew up, bowed to the Curse King and said: "Senior, as a king-level venerable, you are not afraid of breaking the rules when you take action rashly in the dragon vein dispute?"

"Little Zhuoyang, you want to teach me how to do things?"

Wen Yun's eyes turned cold. He raised his hand and suddenly swung out his palm. With a flash of inspiration, Bifang flew away and hit the mountain wall not far away with a "bang".

Bi Fang groaned, and blood suddenly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Wen Yun swept across the field and said in a cold voice: "I'm not here for the Dragon Vein. I just want to kill him. Don't mess with me!"

Luo Jin, Wang Hu and others nearby were all frightened, and they immediately did not dare to make any move!

This is the deterrence from the king level!

In the records, there is no example of Zhuoyang defeating the king level.

The gap between this... is really huge!

However, Su Yuan certainly would not sit still and wait for death.

"A pure heart!"

Su Yuan thought, and his eyes suddenly turned pure white.

With a single heart, he can prevent his movements from being distorted by the pressure of the king-level aura, and his thinking will not be delayed by the impact of the king-level!

Facing the king level, if you are not careful, you will die.

Su Yuan raised his hand to make a seal, and a circle of silver space power suddenly spread out outside him. It was the transmission command of the space gate!

Since Wen Renfeng had given the warning, how could Su Yuan not be prepared? He had already buried the teleportation command far away in advance just in case.

I never thought that just in case, the one who came was actually a king-level one!

"Want to run away?" The Cursed King raised his hand and a ball of sticky green energy shot out, "Kill Jiuhua, and you will pay with your life!"

Su Yuan raised his left hand and used all his strength to swing the immeasurable force in front of him!

The immeasurable power that was originally so tyrannical due to Su Yuan's promotion to Sanyang could only be slightly slowed down by the attack of the Curse King.

But that's enough.

Seeing that the green energy was about to penetrate to Su Yuan, Su Yuan's transmission order was ready.

"Take me with you!" Upon seeing this, Mu Kexian quickly grabbed the corner of Su Yuan's clothes.

The Curse King is here for him. Of course Su Yuan will not involve Mu Kexian again. This is no joke!


Su Yuan glanced sideways at Mu Kexian, then disappeared in a flash of silver light.

Mu Kexian's eyes were somewhat absent-minded and dazed.

"The power of space...hum!"

The Curse King snorted coldly, but he didn't expect Su Yuan to run away.

However, the Curse King raised his hand to form a seal, and after some changes in the spiritual light in his palm, it turned into a scarlet mark - the Blood Hunting Curse!

The blood on the cursed seal flows, pointing in a certain direction like a compass.

"Run... do you still want to run away?" The Curse King snorted coldly, "This time, you will die!"

The figure of the Curse King swayed, and immediately turned into a green cloud and headed towards the direction guided by the Soul Hunting Curse.

But at this moment, a mysterious wave suddenly spread out in the dragon's veins surging with yellow energy.

In an instant, the figure that the Cursed King had just charged up slowed down strangely and quickly, until finally it almost became still!

This appearance is quite similar to Su Yuan's Wuliang.

"Rule of speed and speed?" King Curse suddenly frowned and turned to look, only to see Bai Ze flying out from the yellow energy of the dragon vein.

At this moment, Bai Ze's body was filled with light blue aura, and his eyes flickered with infinite mystery, giving people a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Bai Ze said: "Please Wang Zun stay."

"Did Bai Ze break through!" Bi Fang, Luo Jin and others were all overjoyed.

Facing a king level, or a tricky king level like the Curse King, no one has much courage to stop the opponent.

But if Bai Ze becomes King, he might be able to stop the Curse King!

However, the Cursed King sneered and said, "That's all if you become the king. Now that you've blocked me like this, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to take the last step?"

Everyone's hearts sank slightly, and then they realized that Bai Ze hadn't broken through yet.

Bai Ze said solemnly: "He helped me become the king, but he was in danger in front of me. If I don't help, I won't be able to think clearly, then I really can't take this step!"

The Curse King sneered: "Since you took the initiative, you can't blame me!"

In an instant, the colorful spell power swayed away from the Curse King and met the light blue water of Bai Ze.

The tyrannical star power instantly filled all directions, gradually submerging the two figures.

There was no fierce collision or fight. After a while, the spiritual light dissipated, and a handful of green clouds shot out and flew toward the sky.

Bai Ze stood there, his face pale, and a wisp of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Bai Ze, how are you?" Bi Fang hurried over and asked.

Bai Ze shook his head: "I'm fine... He didn't cast any spell to damage my foundation, but used powerful star power to break through the blockade of my speed and slowness."

Bai Ze knew that this was because the Cursed King did not dare to break the rules of the Southern Continent.

Bai Ze's face darkened: "It's a pity that I couldn't stop him for too long. Su Yuan... I don't know if he can survive this disaster!"

It's a pity that he hasn't taken the last step yet. The strength gap between him and the Curse King is not small, and he can't really stop him at this moment!

Not far away, Mu Kexian was unfolding the Art of Forgetting Love with all his strength in his eyes.

Soon, as if he noticed something, Mu Kexian's eyes lit up, and he immediately flew up and flew straight into the sky.

"Junior sister?!"

Nie Wu exclaimed and immediately chased after him.

Luo Jin, Wang Hu and others haven't understood what these people are doing, but Bi Fang has roughly understood.

"Why don't you keep him!" Looking at Nie Wu flying into the sky, Bi Fang's eyes turned cold and he wanted to fly into the sky.

If I can't stop the king level, I can't deal with you, Sanyang!

However, Bai Ze raised his hand to block her.

"It's just a villain. It's better to leave this person to solve their own problems.

What's more important is whether Su Yuan can escape from that king-level man..."

Bai Ze looked towards the horizon and frowned.

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