Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 913 The first confrontation with the king level

"Hehehe..." A cruel smile appeared on the dark face of the Curse King, "Now, let me see how you are going to run away!"

Su Yuan's expression darkened, and he turned his head and glanced around. Ruanruan had already used all his strength to swallow the bloody curse seal for himself, and it would take some time.

"If you blindly think about avoiding, you will expose many flaws. Now that you are trapped, you can only fight head-on..."

Su Yuan's mind turned and he realized that he still had a powerful killing move under his hand, and that was the sword left by Fu Chaosheng.

However, if this bloody curse seal is not removed, it will not solve the fundamental problem. Sooner or later, the opponent will catch up...

While Su Yuan was thinking, the Curse King had already taken action, black energy circulated outside his body, and the faint shadow of a poisonous scorpion appeared outside his body.

The black needle at the tip of the scorpion's tail gave off a cold light. As the Curse King raised his hand, he suddenly took off his tail and flew towards Su Yuan!

Su Yuan raised his hand and immeasurable force blocked him in front of him.

The dark magic power flows on the black needles. The immeasurable power that could have some effect before seems to have no effect at this moment, and it breaks like paper with just one poke.

Su Yuan's pupils shrank: "Banxuxie!"


At the critical moment, the terrifying half of the demon god suddenly unfolded from the rising black flames, blocking the blow for Su Yuan.

The black needles were nailed on Xu Xiansheng, and the curse power surged, turning into a large shadow-like curse and quickly rushing towards Xu Xiansheng's body.

The immortal energy and corrupt energy of the immortal evil fire tried to fight against it, but the difference in intensity between the two was too great. It was crushed and disintegrated by the power of the curse... crushed by pure strength!

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. It seemed that the Curse King could materialize the abstract curse laws into snakes, scorpions, toads and other poisonous and strange things, and attached them with corresponding characteristics.

And this scorpion sting is so strong in its "piercing" that it can't even withstand even the most powerful force!

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, and he teleported away before Xu Xie Xian Sheng was melted by the power of the spell.

But the next moment, Su Yuan raised his head, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

However, he saw that the black scorpion outside the Curse King was becoming more and more solid, and as the curse power surged, dozens of black needles were ready to prick him!

"Ten times faster!"

As soon as Su Yuan thought, the divine storm surged, and he immediately accelerated tenfold. While flying to dodge, he swung the demon sword and slashed with Liuli Tianqing.

"Clang, clang, clang..." the sound kept ringing.

Terrifying black needles pierced the ground, and Su Yuan reluctantly stepped back amid the rain of needles.

And this wasn't over yet, a large number of densely packed pustules quickly formed on the flesh wall behind Su Yuan.

In the blink of an eye, "Puff, puff, puff..." the ground exploded, turning into a waterfall of cursed pus that spewed out without any blind spots!

Su Yuan held the long sword in his hand and his eyes focused: "God's Cut!"

With a flash of sword light, Su Yuan cut a gap in the waterfall of pus and stepped out.

Before Su Yuan could breathe a sigh of relief, auras of light gathered in the distance, and a burst of terrifying yellow light lit up.

But he saw the Curse King's left hand raised, and the yellow light surged into a big toad's mouth. In his mouth, an astonishing curse cannon was almost ready!

Su Yuan was about to dodge immediately, but at this moment, the bloody curse mark on his body was consumed again, and it became brighter as if guiding the direction.

With the experience of being swallowed by the toad's shadow just now, Su Yuan instantly understood that the shot ahead was unavoidable, and he wanted to kill him on the spot!

At the critical moment, Su Yuan released Nalan Ying again, summoned the colorful mysterious light to block the front, and immediately launched the true form of liberation.


In the blink of an eye, the mantra cannon hit the seven-colored mysterious light, and the runes flashed randomly. In just two breaths, the powerful seven-colored mysterious light was directly dissolved!

By this time, Nalanying had completed her liberation.

Accompanied by the mysterious light wheel that turned from seven colors to white, Nalan Ying stood in front of Su Yuan and unfolded Zhu Yi Hengchang.


A large amount of spell power broke through the colorful mysterious light and immediately hit Nalan Ying's body.

Zhu Yi Hengchang is indeed mysterious and unusual, and he is not afraid of all kinds of strange energies, but his king-level star power is too strong.

I saw the core of Nalan Ying's chest rotating rapidly. After persisting for a moment, the spell power slowly invaded her body, and her aura suddenly became sluggish.

Finally, the yellow light dissipated, and Nalan Ying finally took the blow for Su Yuan.

"Has Nalan Ying from the Five Directions Temple been turned into a puppet by you?" King Curse raised his eyebrows.

Along the way, the Curse King hurried over with Nie Wu, and the two of them had not yet understood the specific situation of the dragon vein dispute in Qixia Mountain.

Because in the eyes of Curse King and Nie Wu, no matter what the situation is, it's just a matter of dealing with a burning sun, and it won't take any effort at all.

But he didn't expect that Su Yuan would come up with endless tricks. Time and again, he would block the magical attacks that could kill him on the spot with just one blow.

But after Su Yuan released Na Lanying, he didn't stop at all.

The power of space gathered at a high speed, and a silver ball of light landed on his left hand and became brighter and brighter. It was the Sky God Jade.

At the same time, Su Yuan waved his hand to release the demon soul and gave him the divine wind and fire.

In an instant, surrounded by divine winds and entangled in black flames, the demon soul used the gods and two rare treasures from heaven and earth to simultaneously launch a promise to return to the ruins and be haunted by evil spirits. An extremely powerful aura swayed from its body!

Although it had only accumulated more than ten days of ruin time, the promise of returning to the ruins still raised the level of the monster.

And that's not all. On the monster's body, the god's hegemonic body and the aura of grace appeared at the same time.

As soon as the surging yellow curse power was blocked by Nalan Ying, she immediately flew towards the Curse King!

"Seeking death!" The curse king's face darkened, and he raised his hand to hit the monster.

But at this time, Su Yuan was busy fighting with each other, and the silver light in his eyes suddenly became extremely bright.

"Infinite moment!"

Looking at each other for a moment, the Curse King's pupils shrank, and he immediately felt the surging power of space turning into infinite information and crazily pouring into his mind, and his body couldn't help but stagnate.

The next moment, the demon had already slashed at the Curse King's neck with his sword.

"God's End!"

A king-level body is already an extraordinary body, beyond imagination.

But under the multiple enhancements, the sword of God's Broken Sword Light + Gift of Liberation was simply terrifying, and it still cut into the Curse King's neck inch by inch.

Not only the demon soul, but also Su Yuan behind him also stared at the Curse King closely.


Soon, the monster roared loudly, and then the Curse King's head flew up!

Both Su Yuan and Yao Po's eyes lit up. Could it be that...

But at this moment, the headless Curse King suddenly raised his right hand.

"Huh?!" Yao Po's pupils shrank suddenly and he immediately stepped away without hesitation.

The power of the curse surged wildly, and the Curse King's right hand turned into a yellow-green python and quickly stretched out, and swallowed the monster in one bite as soon as the snake's mouth opened and closed!

"No, it's the origin!" Su Yuan's expression suddenly darkened.

This is also the first time for me to fight against a king-level master, and one of the main differences between the king-level and the upper three levels... is the origin!

Every living thing has weaknesses.

As for the king level, the origin has been born, and the mortal body has faded away to form a spiritual body.

The physical body is just a shell that carries the essence. The origin is the foundation.

As long as the origin is immortal, there will be no physical death!

At this time, the shadow of the gecko, one of the five poisons, suddenly appeared outside the Curse King.

A large number of curse runes were accumulated on the severed part of the neck, but with a wave of his hand, the severed head grew back again!

"You can actually chop off my head!"

The Cursed King was shocked and angry, and his expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

A mere scorching sun actually cut off his own head?

Not to mention how much energy this sword consumes, for a king, being beheaded by Zhuoyang is simply a great shame and humiliation!

The Curse King raised his left hand and pointed it at Su Yuan. The spiritual light surged and transformed into the shape of a toad. When he opened his mouth, a yellow cannon of curse power formed again.

Even with Zhu Yi Changchang, Nalan Ying was already eroded by the curse at this moment, and the seven colors in the core of her chest were trying their best to dissolve the curse.

Su Yuan himself has always used offense instead of defense, but he does not have such strong defensive skills.

Su Yuan looked shocked and immediately pulled away and tried to dodge.

The Curse King sneered: "There is a blood hunting curse, can you avoid it!"

In an instant, Su Yuan felt that the bloody curse seal on his body was once again consumed.

"Toad Tu Ling!"

The power of the curse surges and is about to be launched in an instant.

But at this moment, the Curse King's right arm, which was still digesting, suddenly started to tremble violently!

Accompanied by a burst of high temperature, the Divine Broken Sword flashed, and the demon came out, covered in black flames, and split open the yellow-green python on its right arm.

And the wind and fire flowed in the palm of his left hand, and he unfolded the divine restraint and pressed it on the toad on the Curse King's left hand.

In an instant, the shackles of the God of Wind and Fire quickly crawled out, covering Toad's left hand first, and the spiritual light trembled, forcibly interrupting his spell.

Then it surged wildly, heading towards half of his body.

"Sealing technique?" The Curse King's expression changed slightly, and he was very surprised when he saw that almost the whole body had turned into a ball of black flames. "You are not dead!"


Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, this was the "immortal body" of the supernatural power realm Xu Xie manifested his sage!

Seeing the Curse King using his tyrannical star power to suppress the shackles of the Divine Forbidden City, he unfolded his immortal demon spirit, and continued to attack without fear of death!

At this moment, the Sky God Jade stored in Su Yuan's left hand was already extremely bright.

Su Yuan looked inside and saw that because he once again tricked the Curse King into using the Blood Hunting Curse, the seal was already extremely thin...

"The Sky God Jade!"

Su Yuan was certain in his eyes, and immediately unfolded the gift of relief, and activated the Sky God Jade in his palm!

When the Curse King, who was entangled by the demon, saw this, he was slightly surprised that Su Yuan could deliver such a blow, but at the same time, there was a bit of a sneer in his eyes.

"With strong star power, this move is indeed not weak, but...do you want to kill me with this attack?"

The Curse King's skills were only temporarily suppressed by the Divine Restriction. He could withstand everything with his terrifying star power that far surpassed the scorching sun.

Su Yuan looked calm, and with a wave of his hand, he threw the Sky God Jade, which had taken away 70 to 80% of his star power... towards the flesh wall next to him!

The terrifying power of space suddenly exploded, and the bright Sky God Jade was like a millstone, grinding layer by layer towards the flesh wall in front.

At this moment, the Curse King was suppressed by the gods and monsters, and it was difficult for him to control the blood realm.

But seeing flesh and blood splattering, pus overflowing, in two breaths, the Sky God Jade, which was freed by the gift of grace, crushed out a passage to the outside!

Su Yuan's body swayed and immediately flew out with the Sky God Jade.

"Want to run!"

The Cursed King suddenly came to his senses. Su Yuan was not so swollen that he wanted to fight him to the death, but he still wanted to escape.

After all, it is just a three-yang realm, how can you really want to compete with yourself?

For a moment, the Curse King didn't care about the demon incarnation in front of him. He shouldered two swords and flew towards Su Yuan.

But just as he stepped into the flesh-and-blood passage opened by the Sky God Jade, the Curse King discovered that there was a small blue sword in front of him.

"Huh? This is..." The Curse King was startled, and then his expression changed, "A king-level sword that contains the origin?!"

In an instant, an astonishing sword intent of slaying demons and righteousness suddenly emerged from the small green sword.

The next moment, the Qinghua skyrocketed, and a powerful sword suddenly struck the Cursed King like a glimmer of light!

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